Longing Through The Silence [...

By johnnysratwig

471K 15.5K 15.8K

The demon clan, a clan thought to be extinct. The remaining survivor is a girl of 14, (Y/N) (L/N), a warm and... More

キャラクタープロフィール | Character Profile
ハンター試験パート一 | The Hunter Exam Part 1
ハンター試験パート二 | The Hunter Exam Part 2
ハンター試験パート三 | The Hunter Exam Part 3
ハンター試験パート四 | The Hunter Exam Part 4
ハンター試験パート五 | The Hunter Exam Part 5
ハンター試験パート六 | The Hunter Exam Part 6
ハンター試験パート七 | The Hunter Exam Part 7
ハンター試験パート八 | The Hunter Exam Part 8
ハンター試験パート九 | The Hunter Exam Part 9
ハンター試験パート十 | The Hunter Exam Part 10
ハンター試験パート十一 | The Hunter Exam Part 11
ハンター試験パート十二 | The Hunter Exam Part 12
ハンター試験パート十三 | The Hunter Exam Part 13
ハンター試験パート十四 | The Hunter Exam Part 14
ハンター試験パート十五 | The Hunter Exam Part 15
ハンター試験パート十六 | The Hunter Exam Part 16
ハンター試験パート十七 | The Hunter Exam Part 17
ハンター試験パート十八 | The Hunter Exam Part 18
ゾルディック家 パート一 | Zoldyck Family Part 1
ゾルディック家 パート二 | Zoldyck Family Part 2
ゾルディック家 パート三 | Zoldyck Family Part 3
天空闘技場パート一 | Heavens Arena Part 1
天空闘技場パート二 | Heavens Arena Part 2
天空闘技場パート三 | Heavens Arena Part 3
キャラクタープロフィール | Character Profile [UPDATED]
天空闘技場パート四 | Heavens Arena Part 4

天空闘技場パート五 | Heavens Arena Part 5

8.7K 304 128
By johnnysratwig

One month has passed since Gon was injured in his fight with Gido. (Y/N) and Killua excitedly walk to Gon's room with news.

"Hey Gon, I got someth-" Killua cuts himself off as the two see Gon doing one-handed hand push-ups.

"Oh, Killua! (Y/N)! What's up? I was just thinking about going out to look for you two!"

"Woah, you're better already?" Killua asks, closing the door as he looks at Gon's arm which was previously in a cast.

"Yeah!" Gon replies, walking forward a bit on his hands. He jumps up, doing a few flips in the air before landing softly in front of the two. "Check it out! I'm all good!"

"Yeah, okay, I get it. What is your body made of anyway?" Killua wonders, slightly surprised.

"I really don't know how to answer that."

"You're such a weirdo."

Gon pouts. "So...weren't you gonna say something earlier?"

"Oh, that's right." Killua pulls out three tickets.

"Tickets, huh?"

"But these aren't just any tickets." Killua smirks. "They're for Hisoka's fight."


"As a 200th floor level fighter, I got dibs on tickets," Killua explains as the three sit outside at a small cafe. "Hisoka's match is real popular. I even saw scalpers. So I've been trying to gather up information. Turn's out Hisoka's the real deal. He has an eight and three record with six KO's, all of which ended in death."

"Yeah, but he's lost three matches," Gon counters.

"His three losses were forfeits."

"Forfeits, really?"

"Well, he reached the registration deadline, so he signed up for a fight then didn't show."

"Okay, what does that mean?"

"That when Hisoka does compete, he never loses."

Gon nods. "Guess so."

"And out of all the times he's fought, he's only given up a total of four points. One of 'em was a knockdown and three were clean hits, which means he's gotta be as strong as any of the floor masters."

"Wow, that's pretty intimidating..." Gon trails off, trembling with excitement.

The three then leave, walking down the streets.

"So, his opponent is some guy named Kastro," Killua starts as they walk. "Two years ago, he managed to get the only knockdown ever against Hisoka. Of the four points Hisoka has ever given up to another fighter, this Kastro guy is responsible for three of them."

"Three points against Hisoka?" Gon repeats.

"Guess you could say they've got history. They both registered for the same day so they could fight each other."

Gon hums as the three get on to an escalator.

"This is your chance. You'll get to analyze Hisoka's fighting style. Maybe he'll even go all out!"

"Uh...are you sure this is okay? I made that promise to Mr. Wing..."

"Are you kidding? Of course it's okay! You're just gonna be watching a match," Killua reassures, only to be met with Wing and Zushi standing at the top of the escalator. The three gasp, looking surprised.

"Not okay," Wing says with a small tick mark. "Viewing a match counts as studying the use of nen."

"Uh, Mr. Wing!" Gon exclaims.

"C'mon, don't scare us like that!" Killua scolds, (Y/N) nodding in agreement.

Wing gasps slightly. "Gon, has your arm healed up already?"

"Uh, yes sir, it's all better now," Gon replies, stretching his arm a bit.

"Can't he watch the match since he recovered and everything?" Killua asks.

Wing turns away slightly. "Oh no. When I told Gon he had to wait two months, I meant two months."

Killua groans.

"Now Gon, you still have another month. You are to continue to practice ten and recover from your injuries."

"Um...right Mr. Wing, I understand."

"Well, that's all then."

"Osu! Take care," Zushi bids them farewell, walking away with Wing.

"Okay, well that's it. You'll just have to watch a recording. (Y/N) and I will go see it in person."

Gon nods.


"Hello! I'm your announcer Cocco! Today in Heavens Arena, we have Kastro versus Hisoka, the match you've all been waiting for! Just take a look at this crowd, folks! Isn't it amazing?! The match won't start for another hour, but the arena is already packed! Hisoka took home the win when they faced each other two years ago! The audience is obviously fired up to see this fated rematch unfold as Kastro looks to take his long awaited revenge! His record is eight wins and three losses, but only because he failed to show! Hisoka the magician is the grim reaper who's prone to taking days off! With nine wins after his loss to Hisoka for a nine-one record, only one win away from challenging the floor masters, is Kastro! He's vowed to get payback, but will he succeed?! Get ready for an epic battle between the two fighters closest to reaching the floor masters! Next up, we have an interview with Kastro from a few days ago!"

The interview plays on the screen.

"I wouldn't fight if I didn't expect to win. You'll see that in the last two years, I've become a different person," says Kastro.

"Hey, (Y/N). I'll be right back," Killua speaks, letting go of (Y/N)'s hand which he was previously holding. (Y/N) nods, letting the silver haired boy walk off.


"It's finally time! The long awaited rematch between Hisoka and Kastro has arrived!" Cocco announces.

"I'm grateful, Hisoka. If not for your initiation, chances are that I never would have gotten this strong," says Kastro.

Hisoka chuckles. "Who did you say got strong?"

"Just so you're aware, the nine matches that I've had since my loss to you, I've never once used my full power. Every one of them was a warm-up to defeating you."

"Begin!" The referee calls.

"Here I come!" Kastro shouts, charging at Hisoka. He jumps up, swiping at Hisoka, who ducks. Kastro smirks, punching Hisoka in the face and sending him sliding back.

"That was a clean hit! Kastro has landed the first strike of the match!"

Kastro points to himself, narrowing his eyes on Hisoka. "Get serious, Hisoka."

"Kastro has landed the first strike! Hisoka has surrendered the first point after failing to evade Kastro's light-speed chop!"

Hisoka wipes his mouth, grunting slightly.

"I'm not the person I was two years ago. I won't go so easily next time."

Hisoka smirks. "I think I'll decide when I get serious, if you don't mind."

"Then so be it. But I strongly recommend that you decide quickly." Kastro closes his eyes, and when he opens them, he's right in front of Hisoka, who jumps back. Kastro swipes, Hisoka ducking before he lands another hit on him the same way as before. The crowd gasps. Hisoka flips back as Kastro slams his hands down on the ground, narrowly missing Hisoka. He keeps swiping at the jester, who continues to dodge. "Are you just going to run?! Or are you going to fight me??"

Kastro kicks Hisoka, who blocks it with his arm, but in a flash, Kastro is behind Hisoka, kicking him in the face.

"That's a clean hit and a knockdown!" The referee speaks.

The crowd cheers.

"What a surprise folks! I can hardly believe it!" Cocco announces. "Kastro has been knocking his opponent around like a rag doll! The score is now 4-0, but, what did I just see? Was that my imagination?"

"So, you still won't change your mind? Is it really preferable to you to die in ignorance? Seems so," Kastro says.

"C-can you still fight?" The referee stutters.

Hisoka turns his head from the ground, smirking. He stands up, wiping some dust off of his knees. "Am I seeing things? Because it looked to me like you just vanished."

"That's right! That's what it was! He vanished!" Cocco commentates. "That's what I saw too!!

"No. 'Vanished' is close, but it's not quite the right word. You were right in front of me, preparing to deal a kick, and then suddenly, you were behind me. I'd have to say that comes the closest to describing what happened. But something still feels wrong...out of place. Yes. I can't help but feel as if I'm missing something very basic here," Hisoka ponders.

"This is futile," Kastro starts. "You can't solve anything if you keep running away from me. In any case, I'm done waiting. I'll take your arm with my next strike. If you insist on remaining pompous, be my guest." Kastro gets into a stance, nen flowing throughout his body. "I'm beginning to think that you weren't meant for anything more." Kastro growls as the crowd begins to cheer.

"That's The Tiger Bite Fist!" Someone cheers.

"Kastro's getting serious!"

Killua and (Y/N) share a look. 'Tiger Bite Fist?' They both think.

"Here I come!" Kastro yells, charging at Hisoka. But Hisoka gives a creepy smile, holding his arm out in a fist.

"Take it already."

Kastro scoffs. "Is this a trap or just foolish complacency? One way or the other, your arm is mine!" In a flash, Kastro is behind Hisoka. "This one, that is." And with one swipe. Hisoka's right arm is gone.

"Hisoka's right arm has been completely severed!" Coccoa shouts as the audience screams in horror.

"If you still think you can get your way, you are sorely mistaken," Kastro snarls.

Hisoka turns his head slightly. "This is all within expectations."

"The hell it is!" Kastro swipes at Hisoka, sending him back, but he slides to a stop, unscathed.

"Wow. Have we ever seen Hisoka in such a perilous situation before, folks?" Cocco asks the audience as Hisoka catches his severed arm. "He's taken on some serious damage!

Hisoka chuckles. "Yes, I see. Now I know exactly what your ability is. You can create...a double, right?"

"Very impressive. You finally got it."

"A double, what's he talking about?" Killua asks himself. (Y/N) tugs on his sleeve, pointing back at the fight. "Hm?" Killua looks back as Kastro creates his double. The crowd gasps in shock. "So it wasn't an optical illusion after all!"

"What in the world is going on here?! Am I seeing things? Or has Kastro really split in two?! Did he just clone himself? Kastro went from disappearing to multiplying! Did he have a twin all along??" Cocco questions.

"I wonder if this is what they call a doppelgänger," Hisoka speaks.

"Indeed it is," the two Kastros say in unison.

"I did as you advised, and observed you without trying to evade. And it turns out 'vanished' was the right word for what you've been doing all along. But then, why couldn't I shake the feeling that there was something missing before? You vanished, yes...but I still felt your presence by my side. In fact, just before you vanished, I felt even more of you. Before you disappear, you duplicate yourself," Hisoka explains.

The Kastro doubles chuckle. "I'm impressed that you managed to figure that out. Using nen, I was successfully able to create a double. And while my double goes on the attack for me, I lurk safely in the shadows. As soon as you react..." The doubles morph back into the original Kastro. "...I release my double, and attack myself. You see...my double is no mere illusion. It's real. Just as real as I am until I make it vanish. You must know this. You felt it strike against you. To put it simply, you're going to have to face two of me at once!" Kastro gets back into his stance. "Now behold the culmination of my mastery of nen. The True Tiger Bite Fist!!"

Hisoka smirks.

"Incredible! We have an upset in the making! Hisoka won two years ago, but now he's in big trouble! Is Kastro about to avenge his only previous defeat?!" Cocco shouts.

"And now I will sever your left arm, if only to see if you can maintain your appearance of disinterest."

Hisoka smirks again. "Well, let's find out..." He trails off, licking his lips. "Maybe I feel more up to it now."


I lived bitch

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