By myjflower_101

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"𝗜𝗳 𝗜 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗲, 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂... More

Chapter 1: Way out
Chapter 2: Donuts
Chapter 3: Slow Brandy Words
Chapter 4: Don't Believe Me
Chapter 5: You've Seen It
Chapter 6: Rich Cousin
Chapter 7: New Disaster
Chapter 8: First Blaze
Chapter 9: Second Blaze
Chapter 10: Memorandum
Chapter 11: Friends
Chapter 12: Library
Chapter 13: Cognize My Sadness
Chapter 14: Rising Restlessness
Chapter 15: We're Not in Love
Chapter 16: Beg No Avail
Chapter 17: Word Of Honor (Horror)
Chapter 19: Inner Clash
Chapter 20: Dangerous Throwback
Chapter 21: Enclose a Beginning
Chapter 22: Trapped bars and feelings
Chapter 23: Blague
Chapter 24: D.I.M 2
Chapter 25: Royal Scheme
Chapter 26: Traitor
Chapter 27: Micheal
Chapter 28: Divulge A Mystery
Chapter 29: Random Ransom
Chapter 30: Hope
Chapter 31: Piping Blather
Chapter 32: Exchange
Chapter 33: Depraved Affection
Chapter 34: The Wrong Heir to the Throne
Chapter 35: Insentient Love
Chapter 36: Pressurized Snow
Chapter 37: Haunting Progress
Chapter 38: Helpless
Chapter 39: Garden of Myths
Chapter 40: Lie to me
Chapter 41: Unruly Inferior
Chapter 42: A Year
Chapter 43: Traitor In a Dilemma
Chapter 44: World Disasters
Chapter 45: Killing Machine
Chapter 46: King of Veracity
Chapter 47: Progress
Chapter 48: One Team
Chapter 49: This Isn't You
Chapter 50: Rekindling Connections
Chapter 51: Buried Truths
Chapter 52: Verdict of Fury
Chapter 53: The Pendant
Chapter 54: Welcome Back Micheal
Chapter 55: My Name
Chapter 56: Risk
Character Q&A: Getting to Know the Cast
Character Q&A: Your Questions Answered
Chapter 57: Tension
Chapter 58: The Retrial
Chapter 59: Cutie
Chapter 60: Stirrings Of The Soul
Chapter 61: Sealed It
Chapter 62: Only You Babe
Chapter 63: Stay Away
Chapter 64: Deceptive Royal Guard

Chapter 18: False Incrimination

21 3 6
By myjflower_101

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

5:53 P.M


The wind blew more harshly than any other day of the last month of the year. There was no break to feel the new breeze hit you and make your body shiver in place, unable to move unless some warmth is emitted and given. It was really cold around only five in the afternoon and the sun has already set, the place darker than usual. The winter days had long nights and shortest days.

Outside, it was even colder than when you'd just open the window of any place in your house. Either on the top floor or the lowest, the cold would still reach you. A single piece of clothing was never enough to balance your body temperature.

To say Zen and Cicero regret coming outside was a huge understatement.

"Geez, why's it so damn cold?" Zen breathed and could see his breath in the dark night and the street lights making more visible, the cinnamon flavored coffee he drank still lingering on the back of his throat much to his dismay. When Cicero told him if he wanted to die, then they'll both die together and forced him to drink a cinnamon flavored coffee, which was the sweetest drink he's had in a while.


The red head had to brush his teeth three times roughly and that made his breath smell mintier than ever. He could still taste the sugar making him throw looks towards the green head every now and then.

"It's Deshemeber," Cicero said, his mouth stuffed with marshmallows he shoved inside before they left making Zen roll his eyes.

"The nearest police station is actually quite far," Zen stared at the GPS on his phone.

"Let's just take the bus," Cicero suggested. Zen nodded in silent agreement as they neared the bus stop.

The huge vehicle was coming from their left with a recognizable sound. On the side, there was a clothing shop, lighting up the park right in front of it. Children playing and friends having picnics could be seem from outside the gates. No cars were allowed to park forward of the gates because of the side road and there was no space, so they had to go behind the park where there's an actual parking lot.

Beyond the park, there was a huge forest and if you walked a good distance in it, you'll be able to find many houses and huge highway behind them. That's where Zen's house was, so it wasn't that far from Cicero's.

The bus stopped accelerating next to the sign. It would do so if there wasn't people too, but it had more of a reason to when Zen and Cicero were standing next to it. Cicero walked in first after the doors opened and placed the wanted amount of coins in the small box next to the diver as Zen followed behind him.

Cicero sat on the seat next to the window and Zen sat next to him. The red head looked to his right to find the seat belt which made Cicero silently snicker and pull on the back of his head band a good amount before letting go of it completely, causing it to snap back on in with force.

"Fuck!" Zen rubbed the back of his head and turned to frown at the green head, who was in a better mood than before. The taller couldn't surpress his small smile, seeing he had calmed down while letting go of the seat belt and straightening up.


"You can wait outside,"

Cicero nodded before leaving the place. Zen followed after him and saw him looking troubled. The police told them they're going to have to investigate and asked them a bunch of questions. Zen was looking  around place, trying to familiarize himself with the surroundings while Cicero drowned in his own thoughts. The red head thought it'll be better if he just stayed silent and didn't bother him.

A huge building with lights stronger and brighter than other houses caught Zen's eye. It was huge. A mansion of some sort. Zen thought it was a really pretty house.

He watched as some bad-mannered kids ridiculously played on the mansion's yard and jumped over cars that probably would cost millions. A family nearby parked their car in their garage after going shopping Zen presumed as they took their shopping bags up to their house, coming back to help each other. A light smoke was faintly covering the air above the place, nobody seemed to notice it. Not even it's smell.

A small figure could be seen making its way outside the mansion, dressed so casually and telling the guards to calm down and let the kids play. The person seemed nice as they managed to convince the guards that nothing was wrong and they're just kids.

That person was lucky.

Not just from the riches they own or the comfortable life they get to enjoy.

It's simply because they left the mansion.

Because in the next few seconds, just counting all your fingers, you would've been able to witness the huge and loud explosion of the mansion itself.

The orange and red blobs made its path all the way to the bottom of the building like it fell down with a huge, huge thud that was strong enough to blow the cars away, make them fly and crash into other unlucky places, such as, the road a few meters away from Zen and Cicero.

The familiar sight before Zen made him quickly duck and grab Cicero by his arm to pull him close. The strong blow from the impact made the wind that was peacefully chilling the place, become fierce and scorching, hurting your eyes or face if you weren't quick to cover them. Zen was safe on that side as he hid Cicero's face in chest and fell on his knees involuntarily.

Screams could be heard from the people and panic arose within the place.

"Another one?" Cicero mumbled, his voice overthrown by the loud voices all around them. Although, that question did not need to be answered. Zen lifted his head a little after the flames had less of a chance reaching them, his hair wind-tossed, watching the enormous amounts of smoke left behind and trees caught in fire.

Not again.

He wasn't going to stand by and watch the whole thing go down like last time. Last time, when he was held back by Omi, the latter could not believe that there was no hope or chance of helping these people. He still didn't.

Zen pulled Cicero away gently, the warmth still not leaving him as it hit him from all sides. Cicero looked up at him in confusion until realization hit him.

"Are you—" Cicero quickly grasped Zen's leg, using it as an aid to get up. Zen stared down at him until the green head was on his feet.

"You're not a firefighter, for gods sake!" Cicero told him, his distress not managing to get through Zen.

"I've got to help," Zen hurriedly replied.

"No! Wait—"

Cicero's green irises contracted suddenly when the taller infront of him ignored his calls and was out of his sight in a flash. The green head blinked before his head quickly turned to the right.


The said boy was on the other side of the road in an insant, Cicero was able to follow his location with only his eyes. The red head spotted the small figure from before and helped him get up. Cicero hoped that it was only to that extent.

"Come back! Quick!" Cicero shouted from the sideway to Zen after noticing that everyone was getting away. Zen looked up at him and that let Cicero know that he heard him. He gave him a small nod making Cicero sigh.

What he didn't notice through, was the old lady a good distance away from him. She was next to the police station, waiting for her turn and was able to witness the explosion as well. It was a horrible thing and made her sick to the gut. She didn't see it from the beginning, but watched as Cicero called for Zen to 'come back'.

Come back?

Why would he come back? That meant that the boy was over there and Cicero was on the other side, awaiting his arrival.

She glanced at the police station behind Cicero.

That looked like nice thinking, or rather, quite rebellious and a double-crossed move. Would help from the police station be of any help? Not really.

She chose to pick up her phone.

And dial the police.


"So you're Rehan's cousin?" Cicero asked and handed the blond a water bottle.

Jiryu nodded before taking it from him, "Thanks,"

"No big deal," Cicero smiled.

Jiryu poured the water over his face and on his eyes. His eyes burned from the smoke and mouth felt dry as he drank from its remaining water. He ran his hand through his damp hair a few times until the water cooled him down. He closed it after he was done and set down on the floor, blinking away the water from his eyes.

Jiryu coughed with a raspy voice and covered his mouth with the inside of his elbow. It was pretty bad and it looked like he was sensitive to smoke. Cicero lightly patted him on the back, his coughing lowering down as a loud siren was heard.

Zen squinted his eyes as bright red and blue colors came in into view from afar in the dark night. It was a police car. Cicero looked around when he heard a quiet gasp and stared at the old woman who was rushing behind them, his eyes followed her as she walked further to be closer to the coming vehicle.

The police car parked somewhere between the road and sidewalk before two policemen walked out of it. They greeted her and had a small talk which the three could not tune in to.

Zen's brows furrowed when one of the policemen motioned for them to come. They walked towards the members of the police force with confusion. Jiryu got up as well and followed behind them.

"What's your name?" The policeman asked whilst looking at red head with suspicion.

"Why do need to know that?" Zen asked timidly.

"Sir, we just need your name," The policeman answered.

"I'm not telling you," Zen frowned at him.

'Something is definitely up,' Zen throught, glancing between the old woman and the policemen. She looked a bit scared when his ruby-colored eyes, an unknown grave behind them, looked at her.

"Tell is your name!" The man lost his cool while going in to grab Zen, but Cicero stood closer and reached his arm out infront of the man, stopping him from touching his friend.

"Why are you retorting to violence?" Cicero shot him a raving look, his contrasting voice collected.

"Move or you're going to be under arrest," The man looked like he was reaching for the handcuffs located on his hip. Both Cicero and Zen tensed when they saw his action.

"Why are you arresting us?" Cicero made no effort to move an inch.

"Stop running your mouth!" The other policeman shouted before shoving Cicero away from Zen.

"What are you doing?!" Jiryu held Cicero so he wouldn't fall. The blond had an infuriated look on his face. Something you wouldn't normally be able to see.

The man ignored the angry teen before he tried to pull Zen against the car, the red head easily moving away.

He laughed quietly under his breath, getting a load of the old lady.

"You called them on me, right?" Sounding blood-curdling and making her remorse in a way, Zen bit his lip, trying not to smile.

"So what if I did?!" She admitted, making Cicero's eyes widen, grinding his teeth and not striving to keep his temper under control.

"We did nothing wrong!!" Cicero shouted, he almost lost his mind and tried to harm an old lady, Jiryu holding him back from doing so.

"Why would you call the police?! What did we do?" Cicero breathed as his voice lowered after getting tired of trying to get out of Jiryu's grip. He didn't want to just let Zen be arrested for doing absolutely nothing wrong. This was unfair!

The red head didn't try to resist the police any further. He knew that if he didn't make a point now, he'll be able to later on, after all, the police don't just get to arrest someone for no reason and get away with it.

Jiryu made a sound of annoyance and Cicero looked away when Zen was shoved onto the hard exterior of the police car irrationally. The red head had a smirk on his the whole time.

'Stuipd. You're getting arrested!' Cicero frowned when he glanced at his unbothered friend. Why did he look like he was enjoying this?

He probably was just exhilarated for the outcome and being able to prove these two bastards wrong. The old woman still had a scared look on her face. It soon fell from her face when the loud click of the handcuffs was heard and the policeman turned Zen around.

"Get in the car!"

"Stop fucking yelling, you sore loser," Zen mumbled with sass as he forcefully got into the back seat befre the two men nodded at the old lady befre going to the front seats and driving away.

Cicero watched in dismay as the car left the scene, Jiryu's grip on him loosing. The green head backed away from the blond slowly before he dashed to the old lady.

"You bitch!" Cicero shouted. He felt a weird aura radiate from her long ago and when she smiled when Zen was brutally treated, Cicero knew she was no ordinary old lady. He was mad.

Jiryu was shocked when Cicero punched her. A solid punch to the face until he heard something crack.

"I knew it!"

Cicero glared at the small crack in her face which showed no signs of wrinkles and much younger skin with a different skin tone. On taking a good look, he was able to see taunting yellow eyes stare back at him. The old lady smiled evilly once she saw Cicero scowl deepen.

"Cesal," The green head hurled.

The said boy's smile widened when he was recognized.

"That's me~"


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