My Little Dream (Luna Lovegoo...

Bởi FlyingEagle97

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As you can read in the title this is gonna be a Luna Lovegood x reader story. However just cause I write it f... Xem Thêm

Beginning Of A Story - The Hogwarts Express
The Sorting Ceremony
Making Memories
Visiting Tim & Arrival At Hogwarts
Fateful Meeting
Luna's Starting Problems
Many Tears
Mysterious Encounter
You can't be serious?
Pandora Lovegood Part 1
Update / Author's Note

Beginning In Hogwarts

357 12 8
Bởi FlyingEagle97

p.o.v. (Y/n)

I woke up the next morning and went to the common room to see many first years looking at our timetable. I walked towards a smiling Sarah. "What class do we have and with which house?" I asked her a bit tired

"We are having Potions with Ravenclaw and most of our classes are with them. That means we will be having classes with Tim quite alot" She said with visible excitment.

"I am really glad. I don't think Tim would survive Hogwarts without us" I said making us both laugh.


Timeskip to Potions class still same p.o.v.

"Hello there Tim" I said waving him over to me and Sarah's seats and he took the seat on my left while Sarah was on my right.

"Hey guys" he said with a small smile resting on his face.

A tall black haired man stomped into the classroom located in the dungeons and yelled "There will be no foolish wandwaving or silly incantations in this class" At that point I already lost interest in this class as I don't like very strict teachers.

Tim however seemed really interested as Snape talked about bewitching minds and ensnaring senses. I looked at him quite surprised as I never expected him to be so interested in such a boring class like this one.


Timeskip to History of Magic class same p.o.v.

We were in the classroom as a ghost flew through the wall, greeting the class and introduced himself as professor Binns. We had it with Ravenclaw and I sat on the far right of the room with my left hand supporting my head while I watch disinterested out of the window to my right meaning on my left was Sarah and on her left Tim.

"As some of you already know in the wizarding world are not only wizards and witches but also families who teach their members the art of sword fighting." Professor Binns explains that these kind of people can make a one-handed sword out of their wand or other magic items and are able to use magic but only to a limited and certain extend while in that state Professor Binns explained to the class. "Their duty is to protect what is right and important to them not to harm someone. They only attack you if you hurt what is important to them or are a danger to those important things. Those who have gone out of their way to harm or destroy something or someone is called a 'Rogue' and is looked down upon by every other 'Warrior'. The Warriors are very strict in their opinion so it doesn't matter if you killed a 'bad' person. To them it only matters if you have protected what is right to you. That is why most people hate Warriors. They are to most people monsters who just strive to kill other humans without any emotions. Furthermore you have to be registered in the Minestry of Magic aswell to be a legal 'Warrior'. "


Timeskip to lunch still (Y/n)'s p.o.v.

Sarah, Tim and I were having seats in between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw table so we could talk about stuff how for example we liked the first two lessons of our first day and to be honest I found Potions aswell as History of Magic really boring. "Potions class is so interesting I would love to make a polyjuice potion and turn into some other student so I don't have to go to History of Magic class. It is sooo boring" Tim said looking at both me and Sarah.

"Yes Potions is really interesting even though I don't really get the hang of it" Sarah said with a sheepish smile. "And History of Magic is really a bit boring. I wanna do something more active like charms and transfiguration. I look really forward to it" She said now with a wide grin on her face just thinking about these classes.

"So (Y/n) what class are looking forward to take part in?" Sarah asked me with a interested look on her face.

"I really looking forward to take part in Care of Magical Creatures but sadly I won't be able to take part in it until year 3 so two years without the most interesting class for me" I sighed disappointed.

"(Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. i turned to my side to see (C/n) glaring at me with a wide grin

"Yo (C/n)!" I said with a smiling face.

"Could I borrow my cousin real quick from you guys? By the way I'm (C/n) (L/n)" He asked Tim and Sarah with a smile on his face.

"I'm Sarah. Sarah Robinson" She said with glee written on her face all over it as she really loves to meet new people. "I'm Tim Davies" Tim introduced himself quite shyly with his eyes looking at his feet, as usual when meeting new people. "You can have him but only if you promise to return him. We need him you know as we are a golden trio and we really like him as a friend" She demanded nicely with a played glare.

"Of course I'll return him. As I would keep this annoying fella" He said with a mocking grin.

"Hey I heard that!" I exclaimed with an angry expression.

"Yes I know that's why I said it" (C/n) looked at me with his eyes closed and a wide mocking grin.

"Alright it's a deal then!" Sarah said happily having the same expression as (C/n) while Tim just looked at the three of us with his eyes closed and a nervous laugh (like the emoji with the teardrop on the head (I just hope you know what I mean)).

I stood up and started walking with (C/n) towards the Gryffindor table "Soooo (Y/n)?" "Yeah?" "Wouldn't you say Sarah is quite cute?" He said silently with a mocking grin on his face looking towards me.

"I guess so" Answering his question blantly. "I definitely would say that. Man she is a keeper. Or maybe... you are still living in the past?" (C/n) asked me "I'm not living in the past (C/n), besides I am eleven. I don't really care about girls right now" "Come on (Y/n) you have to live in the here and now or else everything zooms past you" He said while we were arriving at the Gryffindor table. "Come on don't be to shy take a seat" He insisted to me with a grin. "I want you to meet a certain someone"

I took a seat on the Gryffindor table with (C/n) sitting right next to me. "This is the legendary 'Harry Potter. The boy who lived'" He told me with visible excitment in his voice. "Harry this is my cousin (Y/n) (L/n)!"

"Hello Harry I'm (Y/n) (L/n) as my cousin already told you. Nice to meet you!" I said stretching out my hand to shake his. "I'm Harry Potter. Nice to meet you" He said a bit flustered and shaking.

"Oh you don't have to feel flustered. For me you are a fellow student and not a celebrity. After all you are still child just like everyone in our vintage." I said smilling at the flustered boy.

"Thank you for treating me like a normal human being and not some sort of celebrity. I am not really used to getting this much attention and-"

"Are you mad?!" A boy with red hair practically screamed at me and I recognized him as the boy who got roasted by Draco Malfoy yesterday. "Harry is such an exception and good wizard you should be going to Askaban for talking like that about Harry! I'm Ron Weasly and I will defend Harry with my life and-" "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT I UNDERSTAND! Geez you don't have to scream at me. I am directly in front of you" I interrupted him as he was getting a bit annoying for me.

"Have you maybe ever thought what harry wants to be treated like? He didn't ask for the fame. Maybe he doesn't even want it and just wants to be treated like a normal schoolboy?" I asked Ron. "Wow you seem like you consider others feelings quite a lot when talking to people. That is quite admirably I must say." "Oh no not her again" Exclaimed a visibly frustrated Ron.

I looked to the side to see a bushy brown haired girl looking a bit bossy at me. I recognized her as the girl who searched for this guys toad in the compartments and made Tim anxious because of her bossy tone. "I'm Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you" She said while sticking her hand out and sounding rather demanding than friendly. "(Y/n) (L/n) nice to meet you. Weren't you the girl that entered my compartment because you were searching someone's toad? And yes I do take feelings of others rather often into consideration while making choices as they are important to me and I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings"

"Well I take feelings into consideration however the truth should always be more important than someone's feelings. And yes I was the girl opening compartments for searching someone's toad. Why are you asking?" She talked to me still in her bossy tone.

I remembered the time she made Tim anxious and snickered. "What's so funny?" She asked me in a slightly annoyed tone probably because she thought I would be making fun of her. "Nothing. It's just that you made my friend quite anxious with your bossy tone" I told her still snickering.

"Oh yeah? And who would that be?" She asked in an annoyed and offended tone. 'Geez this girl changes her moods more often than I my opinions' I thought silently to myself. "It's that Ravenclaw boy with brown hair and glasses who is talking to the blonde Hufflepuff girl" I answered pointing out behind me at Sarah and Tim.

She looked in that direction seeing Sarah and Tim talking. 'She looks quite long in that direction' Is what I thought then I looked back and saw Tim starting to look in our direction. He got flustered as he saw us looking in his and blushed a bit and looking away as fast as he could. I turned around again and saw Hermione still looking in that direction. That's when I started talking to her again "What are you looking at?" I asked her with a confused look. "Oh nothing." She jumped a bit probably not expecting me to talk to her. I was confused as hell but eh what do I know about girls right?

I talked with all of them and having a good time until lunchbreak was over.


Timeskip to two weeks after the first day in the library still (Y/n)'s p.o.v.

Well two weeks have past since my start at Hogwarts and I can say I guess I've become a bit of the popular kid in our school. I always try to be nice to people expecting nothing in return so naturally no one really has a problem with me. However just because I am friendly with many people doesn't mean they are my closest friends. No offense I like meeting new people and making friends and I consider many of the others quite nice classmates but they aren't as close to me as Tim and Sarah. I just feel like we are having this special connection between us. And yes I really like Harry and Hermione, Ron is more of an acquaintance who can be a bit annoying I'd say but they are not as close to me as Tim and Sarah. Well as we were in the library studying, some people who are probably around 4th year sat at the other end of the table minding their own business. The one who stood out the most was a tall brown haired guy from my house Hufflepuff. However I started studying on my stuff again.

3rd p.o.v.

After a bit of time the tall Hufflepuff let out a frustrated sigh and started ranting silently to his friends "Ugh... History of Magic is such a pain. I just don't like it I mean look at this for example. 'Which Minister of Magic retired in 1752 and why? Who was his successor, how long was his time as the Minister of Magic and why did he resign? And who was his successor, what did he accomplish but what did he get criticized for?' As if anyone would know this!"

"Albert Boot did resign in 1752 as Minister of Magic because he mismanaged the goblin rebellion. His successor was Basil Flack who only lasted two months as the Minister of Magic and he ultimately resigned because goblins have allied with the werewolves. The next Minister of Magic was Hesphaestus Gore who successfully put down a number of revolts and he got criticized because he refused to contemplate for rehabilitation programmes for werewolves which let many historians to think of as a reason which led to more werewolve attacks" (Y/n) answered his questions while still reading his book not even lifting his head towards the tall Hufflepuff who looked at him agape.

Even (Y/n)'s friends Tim and Sarah looked in utter shock and open-mouthed as they lifted their heads up to look at him. "Why are you staring at me? Shouldn't you be learning by reading books. I remember this was both your idea to come to the library to learn" (Y/n) said to Sarah and Tim while still looking in his book not even lifting his head up.

"H-h-ho-how lik-like what??? Why do you know these things?!" Sarah asked still completely shocked as (Y/n) still kept his cool learning with his books "How can you keep your cool after something like that?!" Tim asked as he didn't know what to say except mentioning (Y/n)'s calmness.

"Something i just remember. It is not a big deal really. I don't even know why you are all so shocked." He said still keeping his cool and reading his book.

"What year are you in my Hufflepuff compatriot? And who are you exactly?" asked the tall brown haired Hufflepuff.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and a first year. Nice to meet you fellow Hufflepuff." Finally looking up to him.

"A first year?!" "PSHHHH!!" "Never in a million years are you a first year! You are only here since two weeks and you know stuff that is for 4th years. You are lying to me!" He said lowering his shocked voice after getting told to be more quiet.

"I'm not lying. Besides it's only History of Magic not charms or something like that so it is really not such an amazement. And who exactly are you if I am allowed to ask?" (Y/n) asked the tall Hufflepuff.

"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. I am Cedric Diggory and a 4th year student. Nice to meet you" Cedric said with amazement in his voice. "(Y/n)? Can I ask you of an favour? even though it is quite embarrassing to ask you this" He said getting a bit flustered.

"Of course. Go ahead." "Well I'm kinda terrible at History of Magic and I would like you to give me a bit of tutoring in that subject?" Cedric asked embarrassed scratching the back of his head while looking down on the table.

"Well of course I can. How could I say no to a new friend who gets even flustered for asking me this" (Y/n) laughed as he accepted Cedric's request.


A/n: Holy damn was that a long chapter in comparision to the first two and I am finishing Year 1 in the next two chapters even though I am cutting out a major part of the story of year 1 so we can get as fast as possible to year 2 because as from then Luna will be attending Hogwarts aswell as some interesting plots will be covered. So stay tuned my friends!

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