his sapphire • anthony bridge...

By laurenfrances

1.4M 31.7K 3.1K

extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world Nola Addington never reached for... More

one • the arrival
two • a mere sapphire
three • the gentlemen's agreement
four • in the pit of my stomach
five • unlikely circumstances
six • how could I ever know?
seven • think of me
eight • the proposal
nine • a new situation
eleven • lost in the darkness
twelve • the act of honesty
thirteen • underway
fourteen • i can hear the bells
fifteen • one life
sixteen • one of passion
seventeen • the union
eighteen • what a life
Nola Addington
nineteen • bloom
twenty • the pain i feel
twenty-one • unexpected
twenty- two • through the eyes...
authors note
twenty-three • to endure
twenty-four • within the gardens
twenty-five • doulas and godparents
twenty-six • the opera
twenty- seven • sienna rosso
twenty-eight • she cries
twenty-nine • her mothers daughter
thirty • i'll never let you go
thirty-one • till there was you
thirty-two • that would be enough
thirty-three • alverie's smile
hmm... authors note!
thirty-four • the joy of a child
thirty-five • apiphobia
thirty-six • silence
thirty-seven • the ghost of many years ago
thirty-eight • colin unhinged
thirty-nine • oh, lord
fourty • unruly circumstances
fourty-one • slow and steady
fourty-two • secrets
benedict story!!
fourty-three • a right, honorable lady
fourty-four • pall mall
fourty-five • sore loser
fourty-six • your eyes
fun facts
fourty-seven • unimaginable
fourty-eight • tightrope
publishing calendar
fourty-nine • her eyes
Prince Friedrich?
fifty • the vast eternal sky
authors note
authors note
fifty-one • epilogue
authors note

ten • splendid?

27.4K 700 41
By laurenfrances

"Hold my hand, and we're halfway there."

Grosvenor Square, 1813

Preparations for the union of Anthony Bridgerton and Nola Addington are well underway. Viscountess Bridgerton planning a wedding merely one week away.

"You mean to tell me you had promised Daphne's hand to Nigel Berbrooke?" Nola's eyes widened, acting as if bile was rising up through her pipes. "That man is truly... truly disgusting." She finished, looking at Anthony though narrowed eyes. "Daphne is the diamond of the season, my lord. She deserves the best. I can only imagine what I would have done if my dear cousin had done that to me."

A smile grew on Anthony's face, watching as his dear fiancé looked through his array of books, ordered on his shelf. "Well, then isn't it most fortunate you're stuck with me, then?" He questioned, her beautiful brown eyes meeting his. He stood from his fathers desk chair, pushing it back slightly as he met her near the wall. "Find anything you like?" He reached for her shoulder, pushing strands of hair back.

"Certainly! This book on the Spanish language. You know, Anthony. I've always wanted to learn Spanish. My father was born there, and while it was beautiful language, my Uncle forbid it from being taught in my house. What a crude man," her tone saddened, recalling Simon's terrible upbringing, reminding her why her and her sister were so close to him in the beginning. "My lord... our children..."
Anthony's eyes narrowed, nervous on what was to be asked. "My father was a very... free-willed man, compared to the late Duke. I can only beg that our children will never experience what my cousin had."

Anthony quickly nodded his head, "I know of Hastings childhood, Nola. I would never treat another person how he was treated, let alone our child," he grabbed her hands, "especially, not our child." She released a sigh of relief, wrapping her arms around the Viscount. His hand holding her head against him.

"It was terrible, Anthony. Truly. Simon never knew any better. He was never given a chance." She sounded as if she were about to sob. "How could someone treat their own son that way?"

"Shh, shh. It's alright, my dear." Anthony coo'ed, running his other hand up and down her back, attempting to soothe her. With the sound of a sudden knock on the door to the Viscount's office, Anthony pressed his lips to the girls forehead, returning to his chair and shouting, "come in!"

Behind the door stood Oliver, holding his own stack of papers. "Bridgerton." He nodded, finally spotting his sister in law. "Nola." A smile rest on his lips. "Is now an appropriate time to discuss financials, Bridgerton?" Nola took that as her cue to find Sloan, not truly invested, nor interested in what the men were to talk about.

Finding Sloan in the dining room, she quickly aided her in picking up a dropped clip, "please, sister. You must not in your condition." The smallest of bumps shown through Sloan's dress , Oliver asking her not to wear corsets around the house while she was pregnant, which she easily agreed to.

"My gosh, Nola. You're starting to sound like my husband!" Sloan groaned, grabbing the clips from her sisters grasp.

"A very smart man, indeed." Ginevra stated, unexpectedly entering the room. "Sloan, may I have a moment alone with your sister?" Sloan nodded, quickly exiting the room. "How could you not tell me about this?"

Nola's eyes narrowed in confusion, "what do you mean, Mama?"

"Your relationship with the Viscount? I must say, my child, I was not expecting the news announced at dinner two nights ago, and while I am... understanding of the match, I am worried, my sweet." Ginevra sighed, beginning to pace the floor. "Are you being forced into this by Simon?"

"Forced? Mama, no!" Nola shrieked, stopping her mother's walking; it had begun to panic her. "Mama, I do not know what it is I feel for Anthony, but I know it is a stronger connection than anyone else I know." Ginevra nodded.

"I know it comes to no shock, my dear. I know you girls had recognized that what your father and I had... was not love. I was forced into a marriage from my brother. I will never forget the fear I felt..." a tear slipped down her cheek, "I never would have wanted you, or Sloan to feel that way."

"Mama, no. I am very pleased to marry Lord Bridgerton. We can laugh together, converse easily... Mama, I feel as if he has been a... lifelong friend." Nola smiled, "I want to spend my life in his presence. Yes, Simon did force him to court me, but I know he feels the same."

Ginevra slowly nodded, "he was forced to propose?" She mumbled, elongating the question.

"Yes, mama?"

"Then how can you be so sure that he truly loves you? That he's truly faithful to you?"

"Mama, it almost sounds like you don't want this engagement to happen?"

"I do not."

Nola's eyes widened, surprised at her mother's sudden claim. "And why not?" Violet Bridgerton entered the room, hearing the commotion down the hall, after shunning Anthony back into the office, when he too planned to intervene. "Mother, even if what I have for Anthony right now is not love, I know it will come in time!" She argued, stepping away from her mother.

"There are many things you don't know about him, Nola. Many things!"

"Like what, mother?" Nola responded, sarcastically.

"Nola, what is going on? Are you alright?" Violet asked, rushing to the side of her future daughter in law.

In the hall, Anthony could no longer hold himself back. He had heard the shouts of his fiancé, he needed to aid her.

"Nola, he is using you to cover up a scandal. Is that what you want to be married to? It would be a life of infidelity, I promise you." Ginevra sighed, trying to walk up to her child,

"Now, Miss Addington. I do not know where you hear of this. My son is in no way," Violet was quickly cut off.

"Do not even try to lie for him, Violet. A mother does her digging, especially when the rest of her daughters life is in jeopardy. I will not let her suffer the way I did!" Ginevra walked up to Nola and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to pay attention. Anthony barged into the room, setting his eyes on the situation unfolding, and Violet quickly went to him, attempting to get him to back out.

"Let go, mother." He spat, hearing the words Ginevra had muttered before- he could not lose her.

"Anthony has a mistress." Nola's face dropped, but despite her daughters instant reaction, she continued, "I saw him leave, and go to her the night we first arrived, and I can only assume that's where I saw him head to last night after tea with his mother. I knew what Simon had planned for you, and it is going to lead to your destruction, my darling girl. Anthony is a rake!" A few tears had strolled down the young girls face, refusing to meet her mother's gaze.

"You are lying..." she secretly pleaded, "Anthony... would surely not. He wouldn't do that to me." She tried to pull away, but her mother's grip only tightened.

"Do not be a fool, Nolani," Nola's eyes widened in shock, her mother never used her full name, "you think this man would love you? You're nineteen years old, just off your lead, and not yet mature. He is after your appearance, my love..."

Anthony, broke out of Violets grip, yanking Nola out of her mother's grasp. "I will not let you fill her head with nonsense!" He spat, "I am in love with your daughter, whether you believe it or not. All of these allegations... merely painful to hear. You will not slander my name, especially against my fiancé!" He continued, pulling Nola behind him, who still was processing all that was said, till he felt her pull away.

"Anthony..." she whimpered. "Is she telling the truth?" She gazed directly into his eyes. "Do you have... a mistress?" She knew it was common for such occurrences, but for him to have left last night to see this woman? Anthony stuttered out a strand of nonsense, giving her his answer indirectly. The girl nearly choked back on her own tears, before fleeing the room, hearing Anthony's booming shouts for her to stop, and his footsteps chasing her to Daphne's room- who quickly embraced the girl as soon as her entrance was noted, not allowing Anthony inside.

"Daph... Daphne, please! Let me in!" The eldest Bridgerton shouted, pounding on the door. Nola's anxiety soon got the best of her, as she began dry heaving as she paced the floor.

How was Anthony ever to recover from this?

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