All Because of Willow | A Lum...


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Amity Blight, known as the top student at Hexside, finally works up the courage to ask out her human crush Lu... More

Chapter 1: Awkward
Chapter 2: Secrets
Chapter 3: Ready
Chapter 4: Game
Chapter 5: Plans
Chapter 6: Greenhouse
Chapter 7: Books
Chapter 8: Practice
Chapter 9: Lie
Chapter 10: Truth
Chapter 12: Tricks
Final Authors Note~

Chapter 11: Goodbye...

614 23 13

POV: Amity

"You ready?" I asked Luz, she nodded, smiling slightly, but I could tell it was forced. I quickly gave her a hug before putting the blindfold over her eyes, walking out of the woods outside the palace. I took a deep breath and got into character. I led her into the palace with her free hand, her other carrying her bag with her things. My plan was to "surprise" Luz by taking her home and then "kill her" once we get through.

My stomach felt tight as we passed by Kikimora, Mattholomule, Belos, and all the other coven members. What was really a five minute walk felt like an hour. Luz tried to lighten the mood by asking questions like where we were going, but I instictivly shut them down. I didn't mean to, but I did. I told her to cover her ears before we walked up to the portal as Emperor Belos came up to me.

"Smart plan miss Blight, now let's see if it works." He looked at the portal instead of me. I nodded my head before taking Luz's hand again, noting how soft it was. A feeling I wouldn't feel for a long time.

"Come on, Luz." I started to guide her up the stairs slowly. My stomach dropping slightly more with each step. When I was facing the portal, it started up, a yellow light in front of me. I took a deep breath before stepping inside. A shiver crawling down my spine as I went through. I closed my eyes when a bright light hit my face, but kept walking forward, gripping her hand tighter.

"We're here." She whispered. I opened my eyes to see her looking around. I nodded my head as my eyes adjusted. I reached into her bag and pulled out a bag of blood. I don't even want to know where Eda got it from. I pulled out my knife and dipped it into the bag of blood, then Luz screamed, "OH NO AMITY HOW COU-"

"They can't hear us, you know." I laughed a little bit as she stared at me like I was crazy.

"Haha knew that! Gotcha!" We laughed together this time as I placed the knifes on the ground. She then grabbed a red flower from a nearby bush, "To remember me." She smiled walking over to me and holding it out. I picked it up and felt a slight prick on my finger, "Oh sorry, thorns."

"It's okay." I smiled, more delicatly taking it from her before placing it behind my ear.

"You do have extra food, blankets, everything you need out here, right?" I asked her after we stopped giggling.

"Oh come on Am, you're not my mom." She rolled her eyes whining slightly.

"I'm serious. I don't want you dying out here."

"I'll be fine. If I run out of anything I'll go home. But only as a last resort."

"Good." We stood in slience, taking in each other's features. The last time I'll see her. For a while anyway.

"We need to talk about that note." She broke the silence as the wind blew behind her, her hair dancing on her head. I blushed a little before realizing what she wanted to talk about.

"I don't think we should, It'll be a bad way to-"

"Amity we need to talk about it." She was serious, worrying me a little bit.

"Yeah okay." I stood up and walked over to her.

"If I had known what Willow was doing I would have stopped it."

"Luz, It's really not yo-" She interupted me by placing her finger on my lips, I felt my face heat up.

"I should have known. There is nothing you can say to change that."

"I disagree, but I don't want to fight." Her hand cupped my cheek, my face probably on fire now. This was a goodbye, not a flirting thing... what is wrong with me?

"Am, if I could keep you here I would. Your parents are horrible."

"What." My face drained of color.

"I know they forced you to join, to end your friendship with Willow, to dye your hair. I know." She placed her forehead on mine, both of us closing our eyes, "You don't deserve this."

"Neither do you."

"I'm sorry." We both said at once, laughing slightly. I pulled away and looked at the portal before looking back at her. I placed the rose in my hair in my pocket and grabbed the bloody knife from the grass.

"Before I go, I know you don't feel the same, but I still love you." She froze when I said this, eyes widening slightly, "Goodbye Luz." I felt tears start to come but I held them back. They can't know I care.

"Goodbye Ami-" Before she could finish I was through the portal. I took a deep breath before stepping further in. She was gone.

When I was back in the Boiling Isles, I saw people cheering. I faked a smile and held the knife up, the cheering growing louder. Belos was even clapping. I stood in the "glory" for a second before I felt a hand pull my arm back, silence filling the room.

"Luz?" I whisper-gasped, "What are you doing?"

"Am, I love you to." She looked at me, I suddenly forgot about the situation I was in.


"I have to say it before you go. I love you Amity Blight." Before I knew it, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened before closing, kissing her back. She grabbed onto my hips as I cupped her face, smiling into the kiss. This is what I've been dreaming about. I heard a few gasps after a few seconds snapping me back into reality, she must have noticed too because pulled away.

"Wait. I didn't just... I ruined the plan."

"You have to go." I whispered.

"Amity I'm so sorry." She was crying franticly, the sight making me feel worse then not knowing what will come next.

"Luz it's okay. I love you. Always remember that. Okay?" She nodded a little.

"I love you too, but-" I heard a few coven member start to run up the steps to the portal.

"Goodbye." I pushed her in, before making a quick spell circle, pushing the guards back to give Luz more time to run.

"Get her!" Kikimora yelled from across the large room. I held my hand up in a circle, the signal for Matt to help destroy the portal. I can't risk Luz getting hurt.

Just as I was starting to make the circle motion, I felt someone grab my shoulders. It was some of the guards. They dragged me from the steps, making it difficult for me to use my wrist. Another one came over and placed chocker around my neck. It was tight, but not too tight to breathe. I suddenly got extremly tired. The guards started to hold onto me a litte more loosly.

What is happening to me?

My eyelids started to droop. This was my last chance to do the spell. My finger weakly made a circle motion towards the portal. Matt's spell started to fly towards the portal along with mine. I closed my eyes when I heard a crash. My limbs started to go numb, I couldn't move them. My head fell down as well. Suddenly the guards stopped moving. My eyes barely opened again as I saw Emperor Belos' cape. He lifted my head to look at him. I gave him no satisfication of seeing me upset.

"How... disappointing."



A/N: You probably didn't expect that but um... yeah. I'm not going to make any jokes to ruin the mood in case you are reading this when the fan fic is already finished. I just want to thank you all again :)

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