My Angel

By ima_simp2382

24.4K 500 120

Izumi Midoriya was born a beautiful little girl. She had a perfect family and a childhood best friend. She ev... More

The Beginning of the End
The Accident
Their Savior
The first day
The Distraction
The Encounter
The test
Thank you🥳
The Date
Spilling the tea
Secret's Out
The question


2.1K 34 14
By ima_simp2382

I am going to try to make this my longest chapter. Hope you enjoy😁

~Morning 6:00~
Izumi POV
I wake up in a cold sweat thinking I was still in a cell, but then remember everything that happened yesterday, and smile knowing that we are free. I check the time to see that it's 6:00. It's early so I thought why not make breakfast. I go downstairs to the kitchen and start making pancakes, eggs, bacon, etc.

~2 hours later~
As I finish up cooking Shinso and Hizashi come downstairs. " Good morning Toshi and Hizashi" I say with a bright smile. Shinso looks at me confused then smiles.
" If you get to call me shin I'll call you Izu"
" Ok then shin" I agree
"You don't have to call me Hizashi call me papa and call Aizawa dad" he says smiling
"Ok then papa" I say smiling back
" Where's dad then?"
"Oh he's upstairs still asleep you can go wake him up and tell him the food is ready"
"Ok I'll get him and Eri too." I then skip upstairs to wake up Eri and dad after.
After bringing everybody downstairs we ate breakfast and made plans to go to the mall after to get me and Eri some clothes.

~At the Mall~
Toshi, Eri, dad, and me went to the mall while pap stayed behind to do some work. When we walked in Eri's eyes lit up and she immediately ran off to the first store, with everybody running after. We soon stopped at a bright link store everyone exhausted except Eri.
~About 4 hours later~
We were in our way out with many bags being carried by Toshi and dad
"Why are you guys walking so fast you know we have all the bags. At least walk slower"  Shin complained.
"Ok ok I'll help you" I say smirking
"Yes really" I walk over and grab the smallest bag on his arm and said " isn't that better
" That's just petty 😒"
While he was pouting Eri and dad were laughing. As we were walking a day a ash blond spiky haired boy with red eyes yelling it somebody. Our eyes met but then I look away thinking ' he looks familiar' I brushed it off and went back to the car. As we drove home I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew the boy.Toshi must have known I was thinking about something because he asked "Hey are you ok you're spacing out" he looked concerned so I replied back " Oh it's nothing I'm good" I smile back. " ok then" .
When we got home we walked in to the house to smell a delicious meal. We sat down and immediately started chowing down.
" guys must have been hungry" he looks at us laughing.
After we finish eating we all go to the family room to watch a movie. Eri and Toshi were leaning on me, and dad and papa were snuggling. We decided to turn on Mulan (A/N the carton one because Mushu is hilarious) during the movie every time a song came on Eri started singing. When she did we all laughed, and I couldn't stop thinking I like it here, I love my new family and I will protect them.

In a span of 4 years Izumi, Eri, and Shinso trained with their quirks at UA, because they have the best place to train. Izumi can now fly perfectly and has unlocked a part of her demon side. She has learned that she can turn into a full demon when she gets mad but has a hard time controlling it. She can use hellflame: the strongest fire there is and it's green, summon demons from Hell to work for her, and another ability which she has yet to unlock. With her angel powers when she uses them her devil horns go away and a halo spawns over her she can use the halo to heal people and make it big enough for a barrier. She can make a spear of light from her kinetic energy and other's attacks. She can also use her wings to block attacks. Izumi has become a little less innocent she doesn't curse, but she does stand up for herself, protects others, and her attitude is calm and nice but if you get on her bad side you will face Hell.
With Shinso he trained to be stronger. He works out with Aizawa and has also learned how to use the cloth Aizawa uses . He is very overprotective of his sisters and will hurt anybody that hurts them . He occasionally fights with them but not serious fights just playing around.
Eri is still learning her quirk, but for the most part she can control it. She also had a sassy attitude, but is still a sweetheart.
Shinso is 15 but a couple months older than Izumi. Izumi is 15 and Eri is 10.

(A/N I've been writing this all day in bits in pieces. It is now 3:51 am . Seems like the perfect time to write the rest. No Sleep gang even though I have school in a couple hours😙✌🏾)

~ The night before Ua entrance exams~
Izumi POV
It's midnight and I can't sleep I'm so excited I can't wait to go to UA again this time for the exams. Knowing me a won't get much sleep this excited. So I decide to go get a snack at some tea. I get up out of my bed and carefully walk down the stairs so I don't wake up anybody. To my surprise I see Shinso eating some snack while looking at his phone.
" What are you doing up so late Toshi"
" Just chilling I got bored...and hungry. What about you why are you down here?"
"I couldn't sleep I'm too excited aren't you?"
"I mean I guess not really😐"
"You're so boring😑 anyways I'm gonna take my snacks and tea and leave. Goodnight sleep well."
"Goodnight... huh....sleep....what is that again. Hey Siri...what is sleep?"
I leave and walk upstairs hearing Shinso confused about what sleep is. With that I drink some tea and after a few hours of watching Netflix shows fall asleep."

~The next morning~

Izumi wakes up not hearing her alarm she quickly shuts it off and look at the time. She stares at her phone looking at the time then realizes she has one hour to get ready. She immediately runs to her bathroom and takes a shower. Then runs to her closet to put on her uniform 'This skirt is kinda short' she thinks but brushes it off. She then zooms down the stairs to find everybody eating breakfast.
" Soooooooo nobody was gonna wake me up🙃"She glared at them which went shivers down their spine.
" You see I tried to but-"
" But what Toshi"
" I value my life"
" What do you mean"
" Wellll"

~Flashback to 30 minutes before Izumi woke up~
Shinso POV
After I showered and got dressed I went downstairs and noticed Izumi wasn't there "Hey where's Izumi?"
"Probably still asleep"dad said
" Oh I'll go wake her up" I walk upstairs to Izumi's room and knock on the door after I get no response I open it to see she was still asleep but her alarm clock was going off. I walk over to her and shake her shoulders. Her wakes up and when her eyes open I notice they are a shade of crimson red. Then I back up.
" I see you have chosen death" she says in a demonic voice
"No noooo I do not I just didn't want you to be late" I say scared still backing up
" Leave and let me sleep before I make you late" she says while giving me this look 🙂🔪"
I then sprint out the room like black people in a scary movie and eat breakfast silently. While everyone stares at me confused.
~Flashback over|
Back as Narrator
"Oh I did that sorry😓 Toshi "
" It's ok...I'm just never waking you up again"
Aizawa, Hizashi, and Eri start laughing. " You guys are laughing now, but if you were there you would have been traumatized"
After they finish eating it is time to go they first drop Eri off at school and then head to UA. Everybody gets out the car and Aizawa and Hizashi go to their places after waving goodbye to Izumi and Shinso.
~Izumi POV~
After we waved goodbye to dad and papa me and Toshi head inside the building.once inside we find our seats and talk until papa comes in and explains the rules. Toshi and I already knew them so we keep taking but quietly so nobody hears us. After the explanation of the whole thing everybody heads off into different groups, luckily me and Toshi are in the same one. As we go to the gates where the exam is I see a girl very nervous and looks as if she will pass out I quickly run over to her to calm her down." Hey are you ok"
" Yeah just a little nervous"
"I can tell, but you really need to calm down or you'll pass out. Just take some deep breathes and you'll be ok"
" Ok thank you very much I was really scared there."
" No problem" I say and smile then I walk back over to Toshi and get ready"
(A/N I am not very good at explaining this. I apologize in advance if it's hard to understand.)
As the gates fly open Izumi and Shinso run in along with everybody else. Izumi immediately brings out her wings and everybody except Shinso momentarily stops to look but then goes back to fighting robots. Izumi flies up and makes a spear of light and cuts off the robot's head which causes it to fall down. She does this with other robots too switching from the spear to her hellflame.
With Shinso he is on the ground taking out robots using his scarf to bring them down and breaking power panel on the robot's back ( A/N I-I don't know just go with it. It's 4:56 and this is what my brain comes up with) he does this with many robots.
Soon the zero robot comes out and everybody starts running away. Izumi was about to run when she heard somebody yelling for help, she soon locked eyes on the girl she met at the beginnging under a bunch of rubble and was determined to save her. First she grabs the girl from under the rubble the flies up to the robot and turns into a full demon knowing it's the only way to defeat it. She flies really fast up to it and punches it knocking it down. She then turns back into her normal self and goes over to the girls she saved. " Hey are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?"
" I'm fine I just injured my leg"
" Here I'll help" Izumi then expands her halo and a warm light shines down then it shrinks back to its normal size.
" Woah what was that? My leg is completely healed.
" It was nothing I just used my halo to heal you."
" Thank you so much"
" No problem" she smiles back almost blinding the girl.
'Too bright' she thought
Recovery girl soon walks over. "Are you guys ok do you need any help?"
"No not anymore"
" Ok then I'll be on my way"
~After the exams at the front gate cause I want to get at least an hour of sleep before school starts ~
" Izumi are you ok"
" I'm fine dad the exams weren't that bad"
" Weren't that bad? Weren't that bad? You went up against the biggest robot there and scared the hell out of me."
"Sorry dad I just wanted to save that girl"
"It's fine as long as you're safe. And never do that again I almost died"
" I won't. Now let's go get Eri and head home"
"Ok then"
They all head home after getting Eri, eat dinner and go to sleep.

That's the end of chapter 4
Sleep... I need that😱 O MY GOODNESS ITS 5:16 AND I HAVE CLASS AT 8😭 I gotta go hope you enjoyed the chapter.
I'm gonna enjoy my hopefully one hour of sleep good night or morning....I can't tell anymore. I think I see Shinso standing in my doorway. I don't know if that's a sign but I'm going to sleep.


2096 words YESH 🥳

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