Transformers ask or dare

By WhiteWolfNinja

79.3K 1.1K 442

I'm board as hell so i thought why not do an ask or dare while i come up with an idea to write the next chapt... More

Ask or Dare
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Dare #89

260 7 0
By WhiteWolfNinja

@LuminaPearl Galexia: Oh man that was sweet! Don't tell my parents it was it on Lumina*look left and right* She did it. You guys rock! Ooooh I had an idea Supercruncher my fave adoptive uncle~ Since you so good at ninja stealth I dare ya to challenge Prowl TFA since he's a ninja to a stealth competition. Whoever gets found out first has to do what my dear uncle Ratchet says for the whole day~. The competition is to disappear, you can be heard but not seen. Good luck ya guys, oh please don't tell Lumina I'm using her account*looks left and right* She will offline me if she did.

Supercruncher: *Currently in a heated argument with Miko about her staying off his wattpad account and it's safe to say it's not going anywhere so Supercruncher did the only logical thing he transformed his right servo into a blaster and shot at her making Miko scream bloody murder as she ran away while dodging blaster fire huffing Supercruncher transformed his blaster back into his servo and checked wattpad seeing a dare reading it then teleported to Detroit appearing behind prowl in his tree*

Supercruncher: *smirks* Hey Prowl it's been awhile hasn't it!

TFA Prowl: *looks at Supercruncher and smiles* Yes it has I haven't seen you since you left Cybertron after master Yoketron offlined!

Supercruncher: Yes I....needed to be alone Prowl you were aware I was not from this universe right!?

TFA Prowl: *nods helm* Yes!

Supercruncher: Well after we watched master Yoketron offline I went for a walk to....clear my processor!

TFA Prowl: Yes and you didn't come back!

Supercruncher: *looks at Prowl guilty* I was on my way back to you Prowl when I discovered I could teleport after I though of being back in my universe and then....I was now I have a sparkmate a little brother and an annoying older step-brother named Starscream!

TFA Prowl: *walks over to Supercruncher and places his servo on his shoulder-plate* It's alright Supercruncher all is forgiven you had finally found away to be with your family again and took it I am not mad that you did not return you will always be my first friend and ninja brother!

Supercruncher: I'm not a ninja! (then what was all that back story HUH!)

TFA Prowl: *sighs* I see you are still doing that!

Supercruncher: *acting innocent* I don't know what you mean! Anyway I have returned because I was dared by Galexia to challenge you to a stealth competition! We have to disappear we can be heard but not seen the first one of us to be found out has to do what Ratchet says for the whole day!

TFA Prowl: *smiles* Just like old times! 

Supercruncher: *smirks* Just like old times! 

TFA Prowl: You don't still cackle do you!?

Supercruncher: Pfft NO! Let's get started!

*Both Supercruncher and Prowl vanish into thin air as Supercruncher's cackling echo's around the base*

TFA Prowl: *from somewhere* I knew you still cackled!

Supercruncher: *from somewhere* Shut up Prowl!

1 Hour Later

*TFA Optimus was looking at something on a data-pad*

Supercruncher: *behind him in the shadows smirking then randomly starts singing in a creepy voice*                                                                                                                                                                                           "All around the dark carnival                                                                                                                                            Laughing Jack chased a child.                                                                                                                                          The little one thought they                                                                                                                                                were safe                                                                                                                                                                                    Pop! Jack went wild!"

TFA Optimus: *quickly looks behind him but doesn't see anything*

Supercruncher: *hiding in the vents and starts singing in a creep voice again and because he was now in the vents it echoed all over the base*                                                                                                "He stuffed                                                                                                                                                                              their face with many treats                                                                                                                                              he thought they were just dandy.                                                                                                                                But then they found out that                                                                                                                                            it-                                                                                                                                                                                                  was poisoned candy."                                                                                                   

TFA Optimus: *scared the pit out looking around franticly*               

Supercruncher: *cackles quietly before continuing singing*                                                                          "His work was done for the day                                                                                                                                      he had claimed a brand new                                                                                                                                          prize.                                                                                                                                                                                          He cackled then so evilly                                                                                                                                                    he loved their demise."

TFA Optimus: * starts breathing heavily*

Supercruncher: *continues singing*                                                                                                                            "'Round and 'round the cobbler's                                                                                                                                bench the monkey chased the weasel.                                                                                                                    The monkey thought twas all in fun                                                                                                                            Pop! Goes the weasel!"                       

TFA Optimus: *passes out from fright*

Supercruncher: *stares down at him pouting* Aww~ I didn't get to finish my song~

TFA Prowl: *from somewhere else in the vents* I knew you still liked creepy music!

Supercruncher: *growls* Shut up Prowl!

1 Hour Later

*TFA Bumblebee was playing a game with Sari*

TFA Prowl: *watching them from the ceiling before dropping down into the shadows behind them very slowly Prowl reaches one of his servos out and moves it over Bumblebee's back making him shiver*

TFA Bumblebee: *shivers feeling something on his back looking behind him he saw nothing so he went back to playing*

TFA Prowl: *behind Sari who was eating some chips when she was to busy looking at the TV Prowl with lightning fast speed snatched the packet of chips*

Sari: HEY!!! *glares into the shadows* I'LL GET YOU PROWL!!!!

TFA Prowl: *hanging on the ceil surprised as pit that he was already discovered*

Supercruncher: *appears next to him cackling his aft off* Yes this makes it a tie 50 to 50 can't wait until the next round!

TFA Prowl: *hums* I suppose but unlike our other rounds I don't have to do what you tell me for a day but Ratchet!

Supercruncher: *sighs* Yea but I have no doubt the Ratchet from this universe will have you cleaning or something like that I mean his WAY OLDER then the one from my universe!

TFA Ratchet: *from somewhere* I HEARD THAT!!!!

Supercruncher: *deadpan face* Note to self no matter what universe the Ratchet's from he always has super hearing! Even if his so old he looks like he'll fall apart!

*A wrench comes sailing through the air and hits Supercruncher in the face*

Supercruncher: AHHHHH!!!!!! *grabs his face in pain* Second note to self never piss a Ratchet off because they ALWAYS have wrenches with them!

TFA Prowl: *laughing his aft off*

*Another wrench comes sailing through the air but this time hits Prowl in his tanks*

TFA Prowl: AHHHH!!!! *holds his tanks in pain* I didn't even do anything!

Supercruncher: *snickers still holding his face* Karma Prowl it's called Karma!

TFA Prowl: *holding his tanks groaning* I hate this Karma!

Supercruncher: Everybot does Prowl everybot does but anyways there you have it guys I completed my dare Prowl lost I.AM.NOT.A.NINJA and sadly I wont be here when Prowl gets bossed around by TFA Ratchet all day so~ keep them coming guys~

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