Wasn't it magical?

By CouchieSlayer420

3.8K 140 29

Welcome to Season 2 and the continuation of "The Magical Ways of Riverdale". This season takes place during t... More

Honeymoon of a million stars
Audaz and Belle Topaz
Hollywood vs New york
Destructive Learning
Grammys And Wedding Rings pt.1 
Grammys and Wedding Rings Pt.2
Grammys and Wedding Rings pt. 3
School Is In Session
Salvatore School Tour
The Original 8 and the Uktena twins
Origins and New directions pt. 1
Origins and New directions pt .2
Origins and New Directions Pt.3
Training a Tribrid
Fire babies and Jason Blossom Pt.1
Frozen Fire
A Time before it Froze
The Flamin' Unholy Trinity
A Matured Tribrid
A Topaz takes a trip to New Orleans
Papa Tunde's Blade

Memories from a Magical night

766 18 10
By CouchieSlayer420

February 15th 2022, was the date that choni began to set sail on their honeymoon. But before we take a look of their honeymoon let's live in the moment of the best memories from their wedding day.

The deeply in love couple decided to go to Quebec for their honeymoon. Choni would be gone for a week one of the happiest weeks of their lives.

Toni and her best men made up a little number to surprise the bride and her bride's maid's aka some of their lovers minus Sweetpea .

Toni was singing to my bed by Chris brown and the guys were her backup singers and dancers.

Toni guided Cheryl to a chair in the middle of the dance floor by her hand.

Cheryl- What are you up to miss Topaz? she says rubbing Toni's knuckles gently

Toni- Oh nothing miss Topaz don't worry your pretty little head. Just sit back and enjoy the show. She kisses Cheryl's hair line and walks towards the stage she asked Luke's construction company to build. Toni went to the Dj to tell them her music choice.

They all got into their positions

The instrumental of the song begins to play for bit. Toni and the guys weren't facing Cheryl, her brides maids or the crowd just yet. Until....

Toni turns around and looks Cheryl in the eyes

Toni - 🎶 close the door , ima take your clothes off where you are 🎶

🎶 I turn you on cause I love to see you blowing yeah🎶

🎶 I know it's good I can tell by the way you are .🎶

Toni seductively walks up to Cheryl and pulls her up by her hands

🎶I pull you close cause I love to feel you coming down🎶

Toni flips Cheryl around to where her butt is pressed up against her crotch.

🎶cause the mattress is so far away and my clock is watching ain't no time to waste🎶

Toni let's her hands fall loosely to her wife's hips. She lightly grinds into her to the beat of the song .

🎶 since my hands already down your waist 🎶

Toni flips her around once again and when their eyes met. Toni meant every word she sang next.

🎶 you better show me that you want it right away cause ,🎶

🎶I'll fuck you right I will🎶 x2

🎶 I'll stick my tongue in, speak that language, use my foreign skills🎶

Toni's hands creep up her lovers back. She plays with the ends of her hair.

🎶 my hands all in your hair naked before we hit the stairs can't even make it there🎶

🎶no we ain't gon' make it to my bed 🎶

The song fades away and it transitions to slow motion by Trey Songz

Toni lightly pushes Cheryl back in her chair. She turns her back to her and throws her jacket to the side.

Members of the serpents brought other chairs right beside Cheryl. And her brides maids sat right next to her .

Cheryl- You guys know what's going on?

Betty- I have no idea she says while fixing her dress

Josie- Don't you see the guys are performing a strip tease for us. I'm surprised you didn't notice Cheryl well to see how flustered you were up here. She says crossing her legs

Cheryl blushes

Cheryl- How could you not when you're married to her, she says pointing to Toni

Betty- Looks like it's about to start, whatever is really happening. I'm not complaining at all she says smiling at Jughead.

Cheryl feels herself being pulled towards Toni. 

In reality it was just Reggie and Archie pushing her a tad closer

Toni- Ready? she whispers to her wife

(Slow motion by trey songz plays in the background )

Toni and her grooms get into formation for their little dance for their lovers.

* I'll leave it to your imagination to how they're dancing 😉*

Josie - I don't know about you there's something about them grinding on the floor that just activates sexual tension .

Everyone turns their head towards Josie

Josie- What it does she says looking at her man

Moments after of the grooms dance number

Toni- So what'd you think babe?

Cheryl- Wetter by the minute daddy she pulls Toni in by the collar of her white button up

Choni has been making out for a good minute until Kevin interrupts them .

Kevin- Hey you guys he yells a little above a whisper

Cheryl rests her hands on Toni's shoulders

Kevin- Hey!

Cheryl- What! she yells pulling away from Toni

Kevin- Justin Bieber wants to talk to Toni about the yummy remix they were planning to do.

Toni- Oh yeah tell him I'll be right there .

Kevin- You better hurry before Betty has an aneurysm, he says walking away sipping from his glass of Shirley Temple.

Toni scrunches her eyebrows

Toni- You'll be ok while I'm gone right honey?

Cheryl- Yeah, I have the girls plus Ariana is sitting right there she says pointing to her

Toni- You were there the whole time ? She says scrunching her eyebrows

Ariana- Yeah and I'm kinda offended this is the first time you're noticing me. She says crossing her arms

Toni- Anyways I'll be back bye she says pecking her wife's lips

Toni- And see you later Ari she says jogging away

Ariana- So, Cheryl plan on having any kids anytime soon?

Cheryl- Actually, Toni and I already have two kids.

Ariana- Oh my god really what are their names?

Cheryl- They're twins one boy and one girl. My son's name is Audaz Teroso Jason Topaz. Audaz means fearless and Tereso means treasure in Spanish. And his middle name takes after my brother who is no longer with us. Toni picked his name she wanted each of them to have a piece of something special from us. For our baby girl I choose the name Belle chérie Rose Topaz. Belle means beautiful and chérie means darling in French. and her middle name rose takes after my grandmother.

Ariana- Those names are so creative and cool. Do you have any pictures of them?

Cheryl- Yeah see she says pulling out her phone


Ariana- Oh my god so so cute look at his hair awww

Cheryl- Yeah, he has my hair with a mixture of Toni's brown hair. You can't really see the brown cause the red takes over. And here is my baby girl Belle.


Cheryl-Her skin is a little darker than Audaz's Toni says if their skin resembles one of their parents, they're most likely going to develop their personality traits.

Ariana- That makes sense since they both have brown eyes. But Toni has green eyes so do you think their eyes will change color?

Cheryl- Yeah probably

(Both pictures are from google btw)


White Wyrm bar In venue
Toni is with Justin by the bar have a drink.

Justin - So, Toni how does it feel to be married?

Toni- Honestly, it's great I've never been the type to hook up with a bunch over and over again you know. But I'm not gonna lie to you I used to be a girl know for hook ups.

Justin- Me too but luckily, I've found the one and those days of searching are over.

Toni- Cheers to that

They clink their cups together

Justin - So, let's get down to business about the yummy remix. I know you've already sent me your verse . Do you want to make a music video and have your band feature in it . Like they'll be in the video ?

Toni- Yeah, they would love that I'll tell them. So, when do you want to plan the video.

Justin - Maybe a week after your honeymoon

Toni- So the week we come back ?

Justin- Do you want to meet in LA or New York ?

Toni- Uhm let's stay in New York because I have kids and I got to be here just in case.

Justin- Kids? When did that happen and congrats bro he says with a smile

Toni- Yeah uhm it happen like a month or two before we had to leave for tour. And Cheryl's water broke on prom night in May .

Justin- What are their names?

Toni- My babies are twins . One boy and one girl . My son's name is Audaz Teroso Jason topaz and my daughter's name is Belle chérie Rose topaz .

Justin- Sweet names have any pictures?

Toni- Yeah she says taking out her phone

Toni shows him the pictures Cheryl had shown to Ariana

Justin- They're so cute hopefully one day me and Haley could make some angels.

Betty comes from behind Justin and taps him on the shoulder

Betty- Hi Justin my names is Betty and I just wanted to let know how much a fan I am of you.

Justin- Oh thank you Betty you a friend of Toni's or...?

Betty- I'm Cheryl's cousin actually she says with a nervous smile

Justin- Cool, cool .... Uh would you like a picture?

Betty- Oh my gosh yes of course she says excitedly

They take a pic and Betty speed walks off

Toni- Believe it or not Betty has been in love with you and your music for a very long time.

Justin- When's her birthday ?

Toni- September 13th

Justin-Ok around the time of her birthday just text me and I'll show up to surprise her.

Toni- Sounds good she'll be so happy

The music fades away and the mic turns on

Kevin- May I have the newlyweds come to the dance floor to play a game

Cheryl- A game? she says looking over at Toni

Toni shrugs her shoulders at her

They both made their way to the dance floor

Kevin- Ok you both won't be facing each other. You both will give each other one of your shoes. So, the both of you take one shoes off and hand it to one another.

Kevin- Me and your brides maids and groomsmen will ask you both questions. You'll lift up your lovers shoe if the question is something they'd do . For example in an argument who apologizes first?

Both Cheryl and Toni lifts up Toni's shoe

Kevin- Ok since you both understand the rules let's begin. I'll go first. he says into the mic.

Kevin- Who initiates sexy time a lot more than the other?

The both of them lifts both shoes into the air

Kevin- This is going to be so great when we show this video to our kids.

Kevin then passes the mic to Jughead

Jughead- Who would you say is more clingy?

Toni lifts up Cheryl's shoe

Cheryl lifts up Toni's shoe

Jughead- Interesting he hands the mic to Archie

Archie- Who is the most competitive when it comes to anything?

They both lift up Toni's shoe

Archie passed the mic to Joaquin

Joaquin- Who gets jealous the most ? he says with a smirk

Toni lifts up Cheryl's shoe

Cheryl lifts up both of their shoes

Joaquin passes the mic to Sweetpea

Sweetpea- Out of the whole gang which one would most likely consider us annoying?

They both lift up Cheryl's shoe

Sweetpea passes the mic to Fangs

Fangs- Who spends to much time with their friends ?

Cheryl lifts up Toni's shoe and Toni wasn't sure on how to answer so she lifts up both of their shoes .

Fangs passes the mic to Dotty

Dotty- Who is most likely to talk someone's ear off?

Toni lifts up Cheryl's shoe

Cheryl hesitantly raises her own shoe

Kevin - Now for the brides maids he says gesturing to them .

Josie - Who is the neediest when it comes down to sexy time?

Toni and Cheryl lifted up Cheryl's shoe

Veronica- Let's get juicy people who side of the family is the craziest?

They both lift up each other's shoes

Betty- Okay we're going to end this plain and simple. Who says I love you the most?

Toni lifts up her own shoe and Cheryl lifts up Toni's shoe

The next game the newlyweds played didn't really have a name. But it's where all the women in the room line up in any order and Toni has to identify them until she feels her wife's hand.

Kevin- Ok mystery lady number 1, Toni who do you think it is?

Betty puts her hand in Toni's

Kevin hands her the mic

Toni- This is Betty's hand

Kevin- And how might you know that?

Toni- Because there is finger nail scars on her palms next!

Next up was Ariana

Toni- Ariana?

Kevin- Is it Ariana you never know

Toni- It is Ariana because her hands are small, she wears rings, and her nails are always acrylic.

Kevin- Impressive

Next was Josie

Toni- Josie 100%, it's Josie because she has calluses as do I because I play the guitar and various other stringed instruments.

Kevin- This isn't even fair! She never held any of their hands.

Toni- I'm just like that, next lady please !

Veronica was up next

Toni- Veronica no question

Kevin- How did you know it was Veronica?

Toni- Because Veronica constantly burns her hand trying to get pizza rolls out of the oven.

Veronica flicks her head

Veronica- Didn't have to expose me like that she says walking to the bridesmaid's table

Jughead was next

Even though he isn't a woman Kevin asked one of the guys to throw her off.

Toni- Aha! Y'all tried to trick me this hand belongs to Jughead.

Jughead- There's no way you knew it was me

Toni- Your fingernails are down to the nub and your hands are soft and supple like a woman. You consistently use hand cream because you don't like how ruff your hands get.

Kevin- There are two more people left, next!

Toni pulls the person to sit on her lap

Toni- This is my wife , her hands are always soft and her nails are always done and the nail polish she gets his blood red or crimson.

Cheryl takes off her blind fold and gives her a kiss

Cheryl- You did a great job baby

Toni- It wasn't as hard as you would think it would have been harder if I didn't know who they were.


End of the night


Kevin- Ok everyone it's coming towards the end of the night. Time to cut the cake !

Jughead- finally

Cheryl grabs the knife and Toni puts her hand on top of hers.

Toni- wow that looks so good right honey

Cheryl- of course it's red velvet

Toni laughs at Cheryl's obsession with the color red.

Cheryl- Now all that's left is the honey moon she says with a smile

Toni- Can't wait she says kissing the side of her head


What did y'all think of the very first chapter of the magical ways of riverdale season 2 !!

Word count : 2416

re-edit date: December 20, 2022

re-edit word count:2513

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