The Society of Spies (PJO/HOO)

De electricityz

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Percy Jackson works in a secret society called TSOS (The Society of Spies), he came to San Fransisco with his... Mais

Chapter 1: The mission
Chapter 3: First day part 2
Chapter 4: First day part 3
Chapter 5: Little Clues
Chapter 6: Katie's backstory
Chapter 7: Hanging Out
Chapter 8: One Call Away
Chapter 9: Sunshine
Chapter 10: Dates
Chapter 11: Being Chased by Lightning
Chapter 12: Happenings of That Night
Chapter 13: Movie With My Sunshine
Chapter 14: Plan B Failed As Well
Chapter 15: A Hidden Camera Was Found
Chapter 16: Just In Case, We Have A Plan.
Chapter 17: Projects and Plans
Chapter 18: An Eventful Sleepover
Chapter 19: Katie's Strange Behavior
Chapter 20: Keys
Chapter 21: Not How I Plan My Sunday Will Go
Chapter 22: The Destruction Gem
Chapter 23: Rescue
Chapter 24: Trustworthy? Not Sure
Chapter 25: Free at Last

Chapter 2: First day part 1

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De electricityz

Percy's POV

It's Monday, the day Frank, Jason and I start this mission. I did my usual morning routine and went to a Park where I will be meeting Frank and Jason. It's early in the morning so the park is not crowded. I saw a familiar blonde guy standing in the middle of the park.

"Hey, Jason!" I said jogging towards him.

"Good morning," he said in response.

"Frank's here yet?" I asked.

"There he is! Come on," Jason said looking at Frank who is running towards them. "You two are five minutes late."

"Sorry," I said. "Any word from General Reyna?"

"Just 'Good luck'," Jason said. "Let's just go, we can walk there. It isn't that far."

The three of us walked our way to the school. The place looks pretty great, for a school. We went to The Auditorium, since the all of the students were directed there first. We took our seats and I scanned the crowd. No sign of them yet. The Principal said a few words about this school. And then he welcomed the new kids and said that there will be a student that will show us around. When he finished, we (the new kids) are told to stay back and wait for a student to show us around in groups of four. Luckily, I got a group with Jason and Frank. The kid who show us around is Travis Stoll. He's an interesting guy, likes to do pranks and very sociable. I became quick friends with him. There's this other guy named Leo Something. I didn't catch his last name but he seems to be a cool guy. I befriended him.

After the tour, we went to our classes. I got Math on my first period while Jason got Honors Math and Frank got Music. I tried to find my way to class but unfortunately, I have a bad memory. I saw a blonde girl and a boy walking together to class. I tapped her shoulder. I was about to ask her the directions to my class when she judo flipped me.

"Ouch," I said. "Is this what students get for asking directions?"

"I'm so sorry," the girl said. She reach out her hand to pull me up. "Reflexes."

I saw her clearly now and I almost freak out. It's Annabeth Chase!! and Leo. Leo is trying not to laugh. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who got judo-flipped by Annabeth. She looked way more prettier in person. Those gray eyes may looked creepy, scary or intimidating for others but I think it looks beautiful.

"I wanted to ask where is the Math class," I said. "You know, before you judo-flipped me. I'm new here."

She blushed a little. "I'm new here too, didn't a student here gave you a tour or not?"

"Yes, he did," Leo said. "I am in the same group in the school tour as he. Your name is Percy Jackson, right?"

"Yeah," I said. "Now, I need the directions before I get late."

"It's that way," Annabeth said pointing at the directions. "To the left then you'll see it."

"Got it," I said. "Thanks. Btw, what's your name?"

I know, I know. I already know her name. Why ask? Well, it's because if I called her by her name after she told me her name, she wouldn't get suspicious on how I know her name. I don't want her thinking that I'm a creep.

"Annabeth," she said. "Annabeth Chase."

Annabeth's POV

Today's the day! Woop! Woop!

I quickly get dressed and ate a banana for breakfast. You see, I don't really get a fair treatment here. With my step mom and all, my live had turned to the worst. My dad, the only person in my family who i really cared about, was kidnapped two weeks ago. It was horrible. Only me, Piper, Leo and Hazel who knows about it. Their parents was also kidnapped on the same day as my dad. I tried to get those thought on that day away. I hate remembering it. And the worst part is, i can't tell anyone, even the police. Now, my step mom blames it all on me. She said it was my fault that Dad disappeared. She is getting even harder on me by not giving me proper food or giving me lots of chores. It is horrible, but I couldn't say I blame her. Maybe it is my fault Dad was kidnapped.

Stop it Annabeth! You're giving yourself a hard time! I sighed. I walk glumly to my school bus. It's very loud in the bus. Lot's of chattering going on. I saw Leo and Piper sitting next to each other in one row. They are technically siblings. Piper's dad had adopted Leo a few years ago. I sat next to Hazel on a row behind Piper and Leo.

"Lost in thought?" Hazel asked as she sees the look on my face. I nodded. "Is it about our parents?" I nodded again.

"Look Annie, it's not your fault," Piper said over hearing the conversation.

"How many times have i told you not to call me Annie?!" I said. She just shrugged. I sighed. "8610 times, but hey! Who's counting?"

"Wait you actually counted Annabeth?" Leo asked with fake surprised.

"Very funny," I said. We talked in the bus as it gone closer and closer to school. Finally, we're here. The place looks way bigger than my old school. I went in with my friends. Katie is already inside smiling as she waved to us.

"There you are," she said. "I'm guessing you took the school bus?"

We nodded. "Well, everyone is in the auditorium right now, they are about to start. Lets go!" she said as she lead us to the auditorium. The Principal spoke a few words of welcome to the new-comers.

"We hope that you will bring a bright future for us all," he said finishing his speech. "Now, you may leave the auditorium and head to your classes. All except for the new kids and assigned students."

Most of the student went out of the auditorium. The Principal split us up in groups of four to get a tour from an assigned student. Luckily, I'm in a group with Hazel, Piper, and Katie. A student came to us. She has long black hair and blue eyes.

"Hi, I'm Silena Beauregard," she said. "I will be your guide in this tour."

She told us all about the school and classes. And she even told us about which teachers to watch out for.

"Beware of the Stoll brothers," she said as we turned left to a hall. "They are mischief makers and prank lovers. Don't make them an enemy of yours though! They'll have a never-ending prank fest on you! And give them the reaction they want if you were pranked. If you gave a dull face, they'll try to give you another prank for another reaction."

"That's interesting," Piper said. "Why are you telling us this?"

"They usually targeted new kids," Silena said. "Well, sometimes. Just beware! They looked similar. The only difference is that Travis is taller than Connor. Anyways, here is the computer lab, there is...."

And after a few minutes, the tour finished. Silena asked us to sit with her during lunch. We said yes and went our separate ways. We check our timetables.

"What do you guys have for first period?" Piper asked. "I got Math."

"Well, I got honors math," I said looking at my time table.

"I got Music," Hazel said. "Well, I got Modern studies," Katie said.

"What about second period?" Piper asked. We checked each others time tables. Hazel frowned. "We don't have any same classes until the end of lunch."

"Oh well," I sighed. "See you guys later." We said our goodbyes and headed in different directions. On my way there, I saw Leo still looking at his time table.

"Hey Leo," I said. "What subject you got for first period?"

"Honors Math," he said looking around trying to find the class.

"I'm in that class too," I said excitedly.

"Cool! then you could help me find the class," he said.

We talked our way to our class. Half way there, I felt a grip on my shoulders. My instincts kick in and I may or may not judo-flipped the guy.

"Ouch," he said. "Is this what students get for asking directions?"

"I'm so sorry," I said. I reach out a hand to help him get up. Way to go Annabeth! First day of school and you already judo-flipped someone. I just cant help it. After what happened last week, I got more cautious. "Reflexes."

He has raven-colored hair and sea green eyes. He looks handsome. He looks at me and his eyes widen, I'm not so sure why.

"I wanted to ask where is the Math class," he said. "You know, before you judo-flipped me. I'm new here."

I felt my cheeks getting warmer.  "I'm new here too, didn't a student here gave you a tour or not?"

"Yes, he did," Leo said. He looks like he is trying to contain his laughter. I secretly glared at him. He knew I did this often for the past week. "I am in the same group in the school tour as he. Your name is Percy Jackson, right?"

"Yeah," He said. "Now, i need the directions before I get late."

"It's that way," I said pointing at the directions. "To the left then you'll see it."

"Got it,"  He said. "Thanks. Btw, what's your name?"

Name? "Annabeth," I said. "Annabeth Chase." He ran towards the direction I told him. When he is out of sight, Leo burst into laughter.

"Well, that's a great first impression," he said in between laughter. I rolled my eyes. We went in to our class.

Hazel's POV

The first class I got is Music. I am upset that I don't get to see my friends until lunch, but I'm excited for my first Music class. Anyway, I went in my classroom. It is empty with only a teacher sitting on a chair.

"Hello there," She said. "The first one in my class. I'm your teacher, Miss Melody. What's your name my dear?"

"I'm Hazel Levesque," I said.

"Well Hazel, can you play any instruments?" she asked me.

"A little on the piano," I said nervously. Please don't say what I think your going to say.

"Marvelous," she said. "Can you please try to play it while we wait for everyone to arrive?" Great, she said what i think she's going to say.

"I guess I can try," I said smiling nervously to the Teacher. I sat down on the piano stool and began to play. At the end of the song, Miss Melody clapped.

"That was amazing," she said. "Truly spectacular! Bravo! Look, the others are here." She pointed to the door as the students came in. "Now let start the lesson."

I took a seat next to a guy. He looks of Asian descent with brown eyes and close-cropped black hair. He looked at me and smiled nervously.

"I didn't meant to overhear," he said. "But I hear you playing on the piano a few minutes ago. You are amazing at it."

"Thanks," I said smiling back. I can't believe I just got complemented by a student here! I thought it'll took weeks to do that.

"I'm Frank Zhang," he said. "What's your name?"

"Hazel," I said. "Hazel Levesque."

Frank's POV

I ran towards the Music room. I am afraid I'll be late for my first class on the first day. When I got there, I heard music. I open the door a little and I saw a girl playing the piano. She is amazing! A sensational! She then finished the song and our teacher praised her.

"That was amazing," she said. "Truly spectacular! Bravo! Look, the others are here." She pointed to the door as I came in. "Now let start the lesson."

I saw the girl clearly now because she was facing the piano when she played it. The girl is Hazel Levesque! One of the girls I am assigned to get information from. I took a seat and fortunately, she took one right beside me. I should talk to her, so we can become friends. And that will make the job way easier. I smiled at her. Well, I tried to smile. It probably came out as a nervous smile, not a confident one.

"I didn't meant to overhear," I said. "But I hear you playing on the piano a few minutes ago. You are amazing at it." Great job Frank! Now she will think I'm some kind of creepy stalker.

Luckily for me, she just smiled back and said. "Thanks."

"I'm Frank Zhang," I said. "What's your name?" Obviously I know her name, but I don't want to make her think, again, a creepy stalker.

"Hazel," She said. "Hazel Levesque."

"Cool," I said. "Do you play any other instruments besides the piano?"

"No," she said simply. "What about you? Can you play any instruments?"

"I don't really know," I said. We chatted a little bit but still paying attention to Miss Melody. She was talking about all the instruments and subjects we will learn.

"Well, see you later Frank!" Hazel said after the class ended.

"Yeah, see you later!" I said in return. I search for my next class, I can't wait for lunch. I'll tell Jason and Percy I found one of them.

Hey guys! Sorry if Hazel's and Frank's POVs are short. See you on the next chapter!

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