Family Creed

By Da_AnimeChild

190 0 0

- "We fight and hunt, it's in our blood whether we want it or's tiring but someone's gotta do it." ... More

Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Pt. 8
Pt. 9
Pt. 10
Pt. 11
Pt. 12
Pt. 13
Pt. 14
Pt. 15
Pt. 16
Pt. 17
Pt. 18
Pt. 19
Pt. 20
Pt. 21
Pt. 22
Pt. 23
Pt. 24

Pt. 1

26 0 0
By Da_AnimeChild

- Lawrence, Kansas said November 2nd, 1983 -

A man covered with darkness stood besides two cribs. One held a six month year old baby boy while the other held a two year-old girl. He hovered over the crib with the small infant and smiled. He held out his arm and cut his wrist dropping blood into the child's mouth. Suddenly he heard a coo from the other crib. He turned over to see the little girl standing in her crib and looking right at him.

"John is he hungry?" A woman with blonde hair asked tiredly. He turned his attention glancing at the half awake woman.

"Shh." He whispered while putting a finger on his mouth.

"Okay." She said before leaving.

"Yellow." Was all the little girl said. The man felt somewhat interested in the little girl. He walked towards the crib and held out a finger to the girl in which she responded in grabbing the finger only to cause the man to jerk back his hand to find the same finger burning.

"Sammy! Daphne!" The woman cried. When she arrived into the nursery the demon turned to her. His yellow eyes shined in the dark. The woman tried to attack him but was suddenly pushed towards the wall while letting out a scream. She was pulled upwards to the ceiling. A man calling out her name and rushed into the nursery.

"Mary!" But he found nothing out of the ordinary, the strange mysterious man was gone. All was heard were the coos of his youngest son and 2nd youngest daughter.

"Mama-Papa-Yellow." He little girl said. Her father having not a clue to why she said yellow as he approached the youngest's crib. A small red stain was seen next to the child's head as he touched it curiously. Another droplet landed on his hand as he slowly looked up.

Horror filled his face to see his beloved wife on the ceiling with a giant red stain on her stomach.

"No! Mary!" Suddenly fire erupted around her. The cries of both children filled the room mixing with them roars of fire. The man snapped out of his horror trance and grabbed both the children from their cribs and exited the room.

"Daddy!" A young voice called out to him. The father rushed towards his eldest son and gave him both the children.

"Take you brother and sister outside as fast as you can! Don't look back! Now, dean, go!" Not questioning his fathers words he took both the kids in his arms and ran downstairs and out the front door. Their father went back trying to save his wife only to find the nursery filled with fire.

Dean made it outside and stopped to look at the room where the nursery was to see orange and red coming from it when he was suddenly picked up bu his father running away from the house as the window shattered from the fire behind them.

Soon the firemen and police came to put out the fire. The neighborhood was soon awake from the sudden fire. But there, sitting on a black 1967 Chevy Impala was a now single father with three children, and inside the fathers head was soon filled with rage while the night filled with the cries of two of his youngest children.

- Present, October unknown date, 2005 -

I felt something fuzzy poking my nose. I rubbed my nose to feel nothing was there. I woke up and glanced over to the clock to read 2 o'clock in the morning. I groaned softly wanting to go back to sleep when I hear the sound of my phone vibrating. I sighed and grabbed it before answering it.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Heya little sis."

"Dweeb?" I yawned a bit surprised.

"Who were you expecting? Rick Astley?"

"I wish," I chuckled as I stood up going to the sink and turning it on as it filled a cup with water.

"So what's up? Need help?"

"Uh- kinda,"

"Hm, what kinda of job?" I took a sip of water.

"'s about dad." I stopped drinking and froze. "Daph?" I snapped out of my trance and put down the cup.

"What about him?"

"It's been weeks, he hasn't called."

"So what? He does that a lot." I leaned on the sink counter.

"He said it would be an easy one, that was three weeks ago." I narrowed my eyes.

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