A Court of Hopes and Lies

By gotthegameofwriting

814 44 3

It had been 100 years since the war, and the Spring Court still hasn't fully recovered. Forsythia, the daugh... More

To Meet A Bat
To Break a Viola
To Visit a Town
To Recieve a Note
To Remove a Sign
To Meet His Brothers

To Play at a Feast

134 9 0
By gotthegameofwriting


I stood at the top of the staircase looking down at the guests who were slowly flowing into the hallways that led into the dining halls. I took another deep breath as my stomach performed another backflip. I had had dinners with High Lords before, but on those occasions we would only have one High lord visit for some minor diplomatic discussion every few years. This was different. I knew that deep in my bones that this was different. My father wanted me to the be the epitome of Spring, not a single hair out of place and a delicate smile on my lips. My heart sunk and doubt filled it's place. What if I couldn't be the Daughter of Spring?

"Is everything okay, Forsythia?" I couldn't help the sweet smile that crossed my face when I heard Clem's melodic voice.

He looked regal in his white tunic and moss green pants. I made sure to hide a giggle at the fact that he clearly spent time on braiding his blonde hair. To be honest, I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him braid his hair, or put actual time into his hair. It was either tied up in a messy bun, worn loose, or tied back in a sleek ponytail when he was on guard.

"Everything is good, I'm just a little nervous," My eyes fluttered towards the ever filling hallway. It was a sea of ever changing colors cause by the clothes of every court that caused the wave of nerves that threatened to consume me. I would be lying to say that Clem wasn't causing some of the additional nerves that were now growing.

"You will be fine, you have no reason to worry. I have heard you play 'Under the Spring Tree' hundreds of times. You will do great!" He whispered, and by now I knew the shades on my cheeks matched the shades of petals on my dress.

I nodded and we locked arms, walking down the staircase and into the sea of colors. As we traveled through the sea of guests, dodging all sorts of wings and waiters carrying plates of hors d'oeuvres, I closed the space between Clem and, afraid that we might be separated and I would be left alone to fend for myself.

"Finally! Some fresh air!" I couldn't help the laughter that escaped me due to Clem's words when we found ourselves through the sea and into the large hall where everyone was socializing before the supper.

"I don't think I have ever seen the manor this packed!" I smiled back.

"And I never want to see it this packed again!"

"Wow, good thing you aren't the host," I teased back, our laughter creating a small chorus among us. I quickly ended my giggle when I noticed whispers behind me begin to spread. I felt my body tense when I felt a hush. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but a second is a second.

When I looked up, the High Lord and Lady of Night had walked into the hall, so it was them who caused some of my court to begin their whispers. My smile grew even wider when I saw a familiar face and a very familiar set of wings.


"Well that was rude," I mumbled to Clem, making sure not to stare at them like the rest of my court and guests. Had they forgotten their manners?


"Half of everyone's conversations died the moment the High Lady and Lord of Night walked in. I am going to go welcome them," I added onto he last sentence without a second thought. I was the daughter of Spring, an example. No one should feel unwelcome in Spring.

"Don't, you know who they are. I doubt they care to be honest," Clem's hand clasped around my wrist, keeping me from continuing forward.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and jerked my hand away. Ensuring to take a deep breath, making sure to not yell at him.

I was to be the example. The perfect daughter of spring.

I repeated this reminder in my head twice.

"I know that he killed my grandparents, my mother and my Uncle. Don't you dare remind me," I spoke softly, only loud enough for the two of us to hear each other.

He opened his mouth, as if to point out something I didn't know, but I remained frozen as he bit his tongue.

"Today is about moving forward. I am not forgiving them, I am simply focusing on what is best for my Father's court. If we focus on the past and fuel the hatred then nothing good will come," I hushed and broke my hand free before I headed across the hall.

I smiled and welcomed miscellaneous guests and towns people who were invited due to their donations, but continued towards the High Lord and Lady, along with the entourage.

There were two older gentlemen who were clearly Illerian due to their large wings. My eyes were instantly drawn to the large red or blue gems, depending on which one you looked at, they wore. I attempted to make eye contact with the High Lord or High Lady, but they were deep in conversation while the two Illerians with the gems watched over Ceridwen and three others who I could only assume to be his brothers and sister.

I felt relief flood through me when I finaly locked eyes with Ceridwen and he sent a warm smile my way, a smile I quickly reciprocated.

"Hello and welcome to the Spring Court! My name is  Forsythia, Daughter of Spring. If you have any questions about anything or require assistance, please let me know," I sent a warm smile towards Ceridwen and his siblings, along with the two older Illerians.

I stood still for a moment, feeling their gaze.

At least I tried.

"Do you have any wine?" I felt relief flood through me as Ceridwen broke the awkward silence.

I let out a soft chuckle and nodded my head.

"Yes, we have a serving table over...well somewhere...I'm not quite sure. This morning it was setup on that far wall, but this place is so crowded that they might have moved it." A shiver went up my spine as I felt eyes on me. Once I finished speaking, I turned towards the High Lord and Lady of night court, along with the blonde Fae woman, and sent them a warm smile.

"Welcome to Spring, High Lord and Lady," I then curtsied, making sure to keep my smile warm the entire time. I was here to make allies.

"Please let me know if you have any questions about anything or require assistance. Unless you need to know where the wine is because I have absolutely no idea where that is," I chucked at my own awkwardness, hoping for others to do the same.

"Fors!" I then felt someone latch onto my leg, and I didn't have to look down to know that one of Sicilia's little brothers had escaped his parents' watchful eyes. Parents who were most likely running in circles thanks to my father's desire for perfection, so Sicilia might be the one to blame.

"Beto, where are your parents? I bet they are worried about you!" I lowered my gaze to the little boy who clearly had no intention of letting go.

"They are over in the other room, but Pecuo said that we should play hide and seek!" He flashed a winning smile, clearly hoping to win me over. I shook my head while letting out a light hearted sigh. Of course Pecuo, his twin, was behind these antics.

"Beto, your parents are probably worried sick. How about we make a deal, if you come with me, I can sneak a brownie onto your plate before dinner. Do we have a deal?" Beto nodded and release my leg, but promptly grabbing my hand, making sure to hold it tight.

"High Lord, Lady, rest of the night court, it was a pleasure meeting you all. I will see you at dinner," I made sure to send them all a warm smile before leaving with the boy.

"I like their wings," Beto said as we walked away.

"They are rather beautiful," I smiled back.

"I wish I had wings," I simply laughed at the little boy.

"Same here! Flying sounds amazing, but between you and me, I think we would find ourselves in more trouble," I smiled back. By we, I meant him. He was already getting in trouble with feet, I couldn't imagine what trouble he would find if he had wings.

Finding Beto's parents was the easy part (the brownie not so much), and Sicilia offered me a tight squeeze before I was summoned into one of the small rooms that branched off of the grand dinning hall, waiting to be introduced.

"You look ravishing Fors," my mother pulled me in tight, as if she had not seen me in days.

"Well I am your daughter," I beamed at her, earning a small chuckle from my mother.

"No Fros, your hair, face and eyes clearly belong to your father. I will however take full credit in your taste in fashion, that dress suits you lovely."

"Yours as well," her dress was similar to mine in fit, however, instead of being adorned with flowers, golden leaves were scattered across her dress. It was a sweet tribute to the court she grew up in, day court.

"My lovely roses," I looked as my father, who was dressed from head to toe in various shades of green, pulled my mother and I in for a hug.

"Where is Thorne?" As if my brother heard my mother's words, Thorn came strolling into the side room.

My father spent the next ten minutes reminding us of what was a stake today and what rolls each of us had to play. I stood still and nodded accepting my viola from Throne who was rather insistent that I keep it this side room and not on me. Not wanting to fight, I listened. Plus, if something went wrong it would have been his fault.

Thorne and I played a few warm up scales before finally leaving the small room, no more than 10 minutes after my parents. I felt my gut drop as I saw everyone in the room staring at us, probably not everyone but that is what it felt like.

Throne and I slowly made our way over towards the two chair that were placed on the opposite side of the celloist, violinist and singer my mother had chosen for the ceremony.

I focused on my breathing, barely hearing my father introduce us, I curtsied before I sat in my chair and my brother bowed. I internally thanked my father for continuing his speech, allowing me more time to focus. While he spoke, my eyes search the room for Clem or Sicilia, but they were most likely in the second dining hall or hidden in the back.

In my searching I was able to find Ceridwen, who appeared to be incredibly done with my father's speech. He must have felt my eyes on him, causing him to look in my direction. He offered me a soft smile before discreetly motioning towards my father and rolling his eyes. I was able to hide my childish chuckle, but I could feel Thorne looking at me.

Applause filled the room, and everyone in the room raised their glasses, a toast to spring. My eyes shot towards Ceridwen one last time and I felt a smile cross my face when he mouthed, you got this.

After taking in my final breath, I nodded towards Thorne. I was ready, well atleast as ready as I would ever be. I focused on my fingers as they danced across the strings, and I felt peace wash over me as I imagined myself under my favorite tree playing to an audience of no one. The song was quickly over, and I couldn't contain the smile that had crossed my face.

A smile that quickly disappeared when I heard shouting, quickly followed by an explosion.

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