The MARVELOUS Adventures of E...

By Oreo-Potter

54.2K 1.2K 204

Eryn meets her soulmates in the form of 5 Avengers. This story will not follow any plot line of any Marvel mo... More

Eryn Marie Maxwell
Please Give Advice
A Quick Note
Another, Sadder Note


2.2K 74 12
By Oreo-Potter

Hey guys thank you for being patient with me on these updates. Love y'all!

Clint took in a breath as he began telling his story to his princess.

"When I was young, my parents were killed and I was to be sent to an orphanage because I have no other family. There was a circus in town that I'd been very interested in because one of the last things my parents did with me was take me to the circus. I decided to join the circus because it had to be better than sitting to rot in an orphanage. I was immediately taken in by a man called the Swordsman. He did lots of tricks with swords. However, I found out that he was stealing from the circus and I got in a huge fight with him. It's where I got some of my first scars on my arms and chest."

During Clint's rant, Eryn moved in his lap and was gently tracing his scars that were visible. A look of sorrow was on her face for him and her heart reached out to him in comfort and compassion. Clint hesitated feeling all of this coming from her and his love for her increased dramatically.

Smiling down sadly at her, he continued, "he thought I was dead and left. I recovered though and Trickshot, one of my friends in the circus, helped me learn archery. He's the reason why I love it so much and why I have a strong connection with my bow and arrows. I wanted to do some good in the world and feel like I was making a difference, so I became Hawkeye, a neighborhood crime fighter with my trusty bow and arrows as my weapon. I was quite good at it and I caught the attention of SHIELD and I guess you can figure out the rest since then."

"Thank you for sharing, Clint," Eryn stated looking at him so sincerely and lovingly, "thank you to all of you for sharing your pasts with me. It is only fair that I do the same. After all you must be extremely curious."

Eryn took a deep breath before climbing out of Clint's lap and making herself comfortable on the end of the couch.

Looking down at her hands, she started, "I was born in a not very well off family. We struggled financially, but my parents always tried to hide that from me no matter how unsuccessful they were."

Eryn smiled nostalgically at the thought of her parents.

"My parents had so much love to give. They loved each other and they loved me. Then one day while I was still quite young, my mom was killed at the corner store that was being robbed while she was there. My dad found out instantly. You see, they were mates, and his mark for her went gray and dead looking instead of the colorful flower it once was. He became severely depressed and eventually committed suicide a week later. I was then put into a foster program and a nice couple who can't have kids took me in."

It was now that Eryn realized she was crying because all of her mates got closer to her and started comforting her. It was Steve who wiped her tears away.

She grabbed onto Nat as a clutch before continuing, "They're a really nice couple named James and Amelia Maxwell. They're also mates. My best friend is named Carly and we've been together as long as I've been in high school with her. I'm very grateful to my foster parents for enrolling me there and that I met her. She's probably worried about me right now as a matter of fact."

Eryn trailed off worry clear in her eyes for her best friend. She didn't want Carly to worry about her. Eryn pulled out her phone to send a quick text to Carly telling her she was alright and that she'd explain everything later. Carly responded to her in thanks for telling her and that she couldn't wait to hear all about it later and she teased Eryn about her mates. With a red face, Eryn looked up to see all of her mates staring at her looking confused, concerned, and loving.

All of her mates thanked her for sharing and glomped her in a group hug. However, something wasn't sitting right with all of them and they had a feeling she wasn't telling them everything from her past. They all looked at each other during the hug and came to a silent agreement to not push it now, but to wait for a later time.

After the hug, Eryn checked the time. Her eyes widened as she saw 9:07 glaring at her from her phone.

"Shit! Mom's gonna be mad!" Eryn exclaimed and wondered why she had no missed calls or texts from her parents.

"No she's not, because I made sure she was informed of your whereabouts when you left school," Tony answered looking a little smug.

Eryn sighed in relief at not having to deal with angry parents.

"Well I should probably be headed home by now because I'm almost positive they're not okay with me sleeping over, superheroes or not," Eryn told them while standing up.

They all looked a bit downhearted as she said this, but they grudgingly knew she was right, especially since she was still technically a minor.

Tony said, "As much as I hate to admit it, you're right. C'mon I'll take you home."

"Wait a second, Stark, why can't I take her this time?" Steve asked with a glare, arms crossed, and eyebrows furrowed.

This prompted all five of them to start fighting over who would bring Eryn home.

Getting irritated, Eryn yelled, "ENOUGH!! All of you are taking me so just lead me to the damn car already."

They all looked at how adorable she looked when annoyed and angered and had to hold back from aww-ing at it.

They all piled into the elevator that led them to the garage, and then squeezed into a fancy car of Eryn's choice to head to Eryn's house.

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