What if (ON HOLD)

By ErinLindsay902

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Spin off of the Sparrow's Love series. ------------------------------------------------------- Maria has a wh... More

Maria Swann/Barbossa
Chapter 1: A Bad Beginning
Chapter 2: A Painful Wedding
Chapter 3: The Wedding Night
Chapter 4: The Morning After
Chapter 5: Visiting Elizabeth
Chapter 6: The Next Few Months
Chapter 7: Dresses and Letters
Chapter 8: Not So Good Wedding
Chapter 9: Will's Deal
Chapter 10: An Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 11: Elizabeth's Escape and Father's Capture
Chapter 12: Heartbreaking News
Chapter 13: Hoist the Colors
Chapter 14: The Truth About Maria
Chapter 15: Devastated
Chapter 17: Betrayed

Chapter 16: Almost Reunited

397 8 4
By ErinLindsay902

Jack's POV

I just came back from Davy Jones' locker, and everyone found out that Elizabeth betrayed not only me, but also her sister Maria as well. Oh Maria. Oh, how much I have missed her. I know that she is married to Beckett, but she is the only thing that kept me sane while in the locker.

Now we're all on an island with pistols pointed at us.

"He's the captain," I say pointing to Barbossa. Barbossa in turn rolls his eyes at me.

We are now climbing back onto the Black Pearl. I climb on behind Barbossa and immediately hide behind him biting my nails nervously.

"Sao Feng... you showing up here, it is truly a remarkable coincidence," Barbossa says to him. Sao Feng turns to face him but didn't answer. Instead, he walks closer and looks behind him. His smile turning cruel.

"Jack Sparrow," Sao Feng says. I peek out from behind Barbossa, still biting my nails. "You paid me great insult once."

"That doesn't sound like me," I say quickly. Without warning, Sao Feng punches me straight in the nose. I stagger back with my hand flying up. I groan in pain and reset my nose quickly. "Shall we just call it square, then?" I say with my hand still on my nose, trying to stop it from bleeding.

Will shoves his way out from the crowd pointing in Elizabeth's direction who was bound in chains.

"Release her. She's not part of the bargain," he says to Sao Feng firmly. All of us look at him in surprise.

"And what bargain be that?" Barbossa asks.

Sao Feng steps away from me and Barbossa.

"You heard Captain Turner. Release her!" Sao Feng says, and the men set Elizabeth loose.

"Captain Turner?" I say in disbelief.

"Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Gibbs says angrily.

"I need the Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage," Will says.

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth asks him, now free of her restraint and moves to stand in front of him.

"It was my burden to bear," he says simply.

"He needs the Pearl. Captain Turner needs the Pearl," I say pointing at Will. "And you felt guilty," I say leaning towards Elizabeth. I turn to face Barbossa. "And you and your Brethren Court," I accuse. I look to everyone on the ship with my arms open wide. "Did no one come to save me just because they miss me?" Most of the crew, Gibbs included, exchange a look. Marty, Pintel, Ragetti, and Jack the monkey raise their hands. I smile widely, pointing at them. "I'm standing over there with them," I say walking over to them, but Sao Feng stops me.

"I'm sorry, Jack. But there is an old friend who wants to see you first," he says.

"I'm not certain I can survive any more visits from old friends," I mutter feeling unhappy about this.

"Here is your chance to find out," Sao Feng says guiding me to the rail.

I look out to the sea and see white sails sailing towards us and know all too well who's ship that is.

When the ship became aligned with the Pearl, I was escorted to Beckett's ship uncuffed right into his study. I look at him and see that his back was facing me, looking out of the window to the Pearl. I look at him thinking of Maria then look around through his trinkets and boxes to see if I could find the heart of Davy Jones.

"Curious. Your friends appear to be quite desperate, Jack. Perhaps they no longer believe that a gathering of squabbling pirates can defeat the Flying Dutchman. And so, despair leads to betrayal. But you and I are no strangers to betrayal, are we?" Beckett says with his back still facing me. Glancing down at the 'P' seared into my skin, I remain quiet. Hatred bubbling beneath the surface, I kept myself void of emotion and continue to look through the boxes. "It's not here, Jack," he says turning around.

"What? What isn't?" I ask innocently.

"The heart of Davy Jones. It's safely aboard the Dutchman, and so unavailable for use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain," he explains.

"By my reckoning, that account has been settled," I answer as I walk towards a painting.

"By your death? And yet here you are," Beckett says platonically.

"Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by," I suggest before turning to face the painting mimicking the pose. I pull the same face, ignoring Beckett's eye roll trying not to show the pleasure in irritating him more by the minute.

"And if Davy Jones were to learn of your survival?" He asks, a calm but obvious threat. I tense at the name, memories flashing through my mind. Beckett then went over to pour some rum for the two of us. "Perhaps you'll consider an alternative arrangement. One which requires absolutely nothing from you but information," he says.

"Regarding the Brethren Court, no doubt," I guess as I took the glass offered to me. "In exchange for fair compensation?" I took Beckett's drink too. I tip one drink back. "Square my debt with Jones..." I drown the other. "Guarantee my freedom?"

"Of course. It's just good business," Beckett agrees.

"Were I in a divulgatory mood, what then might I divulge?" I play around with the words in my head, wanting to see what this foe was after.

"Everything. Where are they meeting? Who are the pirate lords? What is the purpose of the nine pieces of eight?" Beckett asks whispering to me.

I then decided to make a deal with him. I turn around dramatically, a detailed fan in hand.

"You can keep Barbossa. The belligerent homunculus and his friend with the wooden eye, both. And Turner. Especially Turner. The rest go with me aboard the Pearl, and I'll lead you to Shipwreck Cove. Where I will hand you the pirates and you will not hand me to Jones. Bloody fair deal, don't you think?" I say fanning myself walking towards him. Beckett was at his desk, looking thoughtful.

"So you're willing to hand over my wife's father?" Beckett asks with wickedness in his eyes.

I stop fanning myself and glare at him. I was not okay with that question. He forced himself on the love of my life and forced her to marry him. I just hope that she is alright and hope he didn't destroy her. I look him dead in the eyes, not hiding the promise of pain.

"You know who she really is, then?" I ask glaring at him.

"Of course I do. I also know that she's a lady of the sea," Beckett says with a chuckle. He gets up from his chair and walks past me. "Jack. I've just recalled. I've got this wonderful compass which points to whatever I want. So, for what do I need you?" He says as he held the compass in his hand. I curse silently.

"Points to the thing you want most. And that is not the Brethren Court, is it?" I ask.

"Then what is, Jack?" He asks.

"Me," I say smiling widely at him. "Dead," I clear up, face dropping.

"Damn," Beckett mutters in disgust. He tosses me the compass and caught the fan that I threw at him. He opens the fan. "Although, if I kill you, then I can use the compass to find Shipwreck Cove, is it, on my own. Cut out the middleman, as it were," he says pulling out his pistol and aims it at me as he walks towards me. I try to think quickly while looking at the barrel of the pistol.

"With me killed, you'd arrive at the cove, find it stronghold, nigh impregnable... able to withstand blockade for years. And then you'd be wishing, 'Oh, if only there was someone I had not killed inside to ensure that the pirates then come outside," I say.

"And you can accomplish all this can you?" Beckett asks.

I smile and step back with my arms wide open.

"You may kill me, but you may never insult me. Who am I?" I ask egotistically. Beckett looks at me with no answer, completely confused. "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow," I say deflated, a little childishly hurt. A cannonball hit the ship, knocking over the charts and lurching both of us forward. I grab his hand and shake it. "Done!"

I walk out the door. Two guards run at me, so I close the door in their faces, knocking them out. I waltz outside as cannon and gun fire erupt on deck. I felt someone behind me, and I turn around and get ready to punch them, but then they gasp and cover their face. I stop mid punch when I recognize her.

Maria's POV

I woke up the next morning and remembered what happened last night. The feeling I have inside me is so beyond hurt and angry. My father's dead, and I wonder when I'll see Elizabeth again and dread in telling her the news. I also have hope inside me knowing that Elizabeth, Will, Barbossa, and the rest of them are rescuing Jack along with the Black Pearl in Davy Jones' locker.

I look beside me and see a tray of food and a cup of tea. I grab the tray and gobble down my food and drown the tea since I was starving. Since I've been pregnant, I've been hungrier, and I've been eating more.

After finishing my breakfast, I put aside the tray and get up from the bed and wash my face and dress for the day.

I contemplated in staying in the room or going outside, but decided when I heard a commotion out on deck. I open the door and see everyone scattered around the ship. I also see two other ships nearby. One I know is Sao Feng's ship and the other... OH MY GOD! That's the Black Pearl! Then all of the sudden I remember what Sao Feng said yesterday and that means Jack is here somewhere. I go to the side of the ship and look across to the Black Pearl. I recognize a few people that I remember. I see Sao Feng talking to Mr. Mercer then... OH MY GOD! That's Barbossa, my father. So he really is alive, but how? Then I saw Elizabeth and Will and it looks like they were arguing. I wonder what's going on there.

All of the sudden someone turned around and I saw that it was Cotton. He sees me and his eyes widen. I wave at him, and he waves back. Then I saw Gibbs turn around as he saw Cotton wave. He sees me and I smile and wave at him as he does the same.

All of the sudden I saw Elizabeth being escorted to Sao Feng's ship. I wonder what's going on there.

All of the sudden a fight broke out on the Black Pearl between Beckett's crew and the Black Pearl's. Then all of the sudden a cannonball hit the ship. I lost my balance and almost fall to the ground but grab onto some ropes and pull myself back up.

I heard a commotion around where Beckett's study is then all of a sudden, my eyes widen when I see Jack appear. I run after him. I almost catch up to him, but he stops and turns around and it looks like he is about to punch me. I gasp and cover my face to protect myself. When the impact doesn't come, I uncover my face a look up at Jack and he has a look of surprise on his face. He reaches out to me as I do the same. Our hands almost touch, but then his eyes widen and turns back around and runs to a cannon and grabs some rope.

"Jack!" I shout and was about to run after him but was grabbed from behind with their hand over my mouth. I knew it was Beckett.

He drags me along with me struggling to get out of his hold and comes close to where Jack is.

"LET ME GO!" I scream.

"Maria, stop your struggling!" Beckett whispers demandingly into my ear then looks to Jack. "You're mad," he says simply.

"Thank goodness for that, because if I wasn't, this would probably never work," Jack says to Beckett. "And Maria," Jack says looking to me. 'I love you,' he mouths to me and lights the fuse to the cannon. Beckett shoves me towards two soldiers, and they catch me.

"Take her back to my quarters," Beckett says demandingly.

The two soldiers drag me back to Beckett's quarters and close the door behind them.

I decided to change since my dress ripped when Beckett shoved me towards the soldiers. I was about to put on a new dress when the door opened revealing Beckett.


Beckett came up to me and grabbed my hair painfully and dragged me to the sofa and made me kneel on the edge and shoved my face down as if I were bowing. This position was extremely uncomfortable with my baby bump, so I tried to get up, but Beckett shoved me back down and lifted up my skirts. I heard the familiar noise of him undoing his belt.

"NO, PLEASE!!!" I scream trying to get out of his hold.

I heard him spit into his hand and wipe it onto my behind then I knew exactly what he was going to do and started to struggle even more. I then felt him forcibly push himself inside of me completely sodomizing me. I screamed in pain.

He held onto my hips very tightly and started to thrust. He groaned in pleasure and slammed himself inside of me. The pain became unbearable as I sobbed in shame and in pain. He thrusted at least five more times before grunting and released inside of me.

He pulled out and fixed his pants and redid his belt. He then came to me and pulled me to my feet. I groaned in pain. He then lifted me up bridal style and laid me on the bed.

"Get some rest," he says and then walks out the door.

I slowly cried myself to sleep.

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