
By _PinkBird_

102K 2.6K 462

When a letter pops up from Lauren's deceased mother, she's thrown into a world of money and power. Shipped o... More

The Brookes


2.4K 66 6
By _PinkBird_


Pretty sure I'm wearing Grayson's hoodie because it engulfs my body. It literally reaches just above my knee cap. I put my hood up and follow them from a safe distance.

I step on a stick causing it to make a loud cracking noise. The guys freeze up ahead and I dart right into a bush. Ow....

"Someone's following us," Grayson whispers.


"No one's following us. Relax. Come on, we can't be late," he then ushers the guys moving forward.

I release a breath. I'm in the clear.

I step out of the bush and brush the leaves off of me. I see them walk into a small bar at the end of the street.


They're going to a bar this late at night? I wait for it to be safe before I walk in. The bar is completely empty. Not a single soul in the building.

They enter a door labeled supply closet. What the hell are they doing in a supply closet?

I slowly open the door and my eyes widen. There is a staircase and a hallway that wraps around the corner.

"Password?" I hear.

"Black Box," I hear come from Grayson. Then it's silent.

I make my way down the stairs and turn the corner. I freeze when I come face to face with the buffest man I've ever seen. He's wearing all black and is crossing his arms making his arms look bigger if that's even possible.

"Pull your hood down," he says in a deep voice. I slowly pull the hood down and he lets out a low laugh. "Little girl, this isn't a place for you," he scoofs.

"Say's who?" I cross my arms mimicking his position. "Says me," he sternly says.

"What's your name?" I ask him. "No wait let me guess!" I shout and he eyes me weirdly. "Diego?" I draw out. His eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh I was right wasn't I!?" I exclaim and he cracks a small smile. I can tell he's amused by this. "Well Diego, I'm Lauren. Now can you let me in? Thanks," I say walking towards the door behind him.

He places his hand on the middle of my face and nudges me back. My jaw drops open and he's grinning widely. Asshole...

"No password, no entry," he says going back into his intimidating stance. "Oh! Easy, Black Box," I grin. He looks taken back, not expecting me to know the password. "Still can't let you in," he shrugs his shoulders.

"Why! That's the password!" I yell. "I have to check with my boss, usually girls aren't allowed in here," he responds.

What exactly is inside? And why can't girls go in?

"Who's your boss?" I ask him. "The Brookes" he states.

My eyes widen. Hold up....What!?

"Well Diego, as your boss, I demand you to let me in," I smirk. "You're not my boss," he laughs. "My full name is Lauren Brookes," I explain. He shakes his head. "They don't have a sister," he says.

"They do," I tell him. Remembering that I brought my wallet I take it out of my pocket and pull out my ID. I hand it to him and he looks over it. His eyes narrow in on it and then he proceeds to pull out some LED light and shines it on my ID.

He seriously thinks it's fake?

"Well I'll be damned," he chuckles.

He hands me my ID and then opens the door behind him.

Hell ya!

I'm about to walk through the doors when he steps in front of me. I frown at him. He takes my hood and pulls it over my head. I eye him weirdly.

"I assume your brother's don't know you're here?" he eyes me. I sheepishly smile and he shakes his head. "Keep your head down and you should be fine," he says stepping out of the way.

"You're a G Diego!" I say and he lets out a low laugh.

I step through the door and see a huge fighting ring with guys all around it drinking and talking. There isn't one girl in this room. Now I understand why he put my hood up.

I recognize some of the guys from school and some students from....Greenville?

Why are they here?

My eyes land on a shirtless Grayson with Evan and Owen rubbing his shoulders from behind.

Is...Is he fighting!?

I can't let them see me, so I find an empty seat on a box in the back.

I could see them from a safe distance. I fix my hood so that it's shielding my face.

"This seat taken?" someone says next to me and my eyes widen. I know that voice...

I nod my head not even looking at him. Suddenly he rips down my hood. "Lauren!? What the hell are you doing here?" the one and only Nick Carver whisper shouts.

"Oh Nick, hey....." I sheepishly rub the back of my neck. He sighs, taking a seat next to me. "How did you get in?" he asks.

"Well, I'm the boss," I grin. "No your brothers are," he rolls his eyes.

"I'm a Brookes aren't I?" I smirk. "You're something else Lauren," he chuckles.

I advert my attention to the ring when I hear the crowd cheering. "Gentleman! Fighting tonight we have Matt Ambrose," the announcer says pointing at the guy across from Grayson.

So this is Matt Ambrose... The guy Grayson was fighting at the lacrosse game. Most of the crowd boo's him while some of the Greenville students cheer him on.

"And last but not least, the man who pays my bills, the one and only Grayson Brookes!" the announcer exclaimed and the crowd goes wild. I feel the energy bouncing off the walls.

Grayson rolls his head around his shoulders and jumps up and down, warming himself up.

"As much as I hate your brother, he sure is one hell of a fighter," Nick comments. "Really?" I ask.

For some reason I'm not surprised. Even just knowing him for a short time, I already know you don't want to mess with him.

"Yup, never seen that guy lose a fight ever in his life," he says, taking a sip from his drink. Alright let's see what all the hype is about then.

Matt and Grayson start circling each other. The crowd is screaming and drinks are splashing all around me.

Matt charges first but Grayson quickly ducks and swipes Matt's feet from underneath him. He tries to stand up but Grayson punches him square in the nose.

He falls limply to the floor not moving. The room falls silent as Matt lays there unconscious.

Then suddenly everyone stands up cheering Grayson on, even Nick. Evan and Owen step into the ring and pull him in for a hug and clasp his shoulder.

My jaw drops to the floor.

Holy shit it hasn't even been one minute and he already knocked him out cold. The announcer steps into the ring, raising Grayson's arm announcing his win. Before I know it, I'm on my feet jumping up and down cheering my brother on.

Matt limos off of the ring and the whole place is booing him and throwing empty beer cans at him. It's really embarrassing...

Grayson looks around the ring and his eyes land on me. He gets my brothers attention and points at me. They all have murderous expressions on their faces.

They step out of the ring and head my way.


I turn my back to them and notice that Nick is no longer there. Maybe that's a good thing...

"Lauren?" I hear from Grayson. I freeze not daring to turn around. "Lauren, I know it's you. You're literally wearing my sweatshirt with my name plastered on the back. Plus you're wearing your boot," he explained.

I slowly turn around. "Damn should've shown Diego my hoodie then, would've saved me a lot of time getting in here," I sigh.

"You know Diego!?" the three of them yell at once. "Ya, we're buds," I grin shrugging my shoulders.

"Did you follow us?" Evan asks me. I sheepishly smile. Grayson rolls his eyes and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder mumbling, "I knew it."

"Ewww! You're all sweaty!" I squeal. "That's what you get for following us," he chuckles. Owen opens the door and we all exit. They nod to Diego in which he nods back. "Bye Diego!" I yell as Grayson walks up the stairs.

"Bye loca," he chuckles as we turn the corner. My brothers start laughing. "What does loca mean?" I ask.

"Crazy," Evan chuckles. Grayson places me down on the floor. "I thought we were friends Diego!" I shout from the top of the stairs. I hear a faint laugh knowing it's from him.

I start walking and hiss out in pain. Evan steps in front of me with his back to me. He bends down slightly and I jump on his back.

He is now carrying me since my ankle is sore from walking here. I fucking hate this boot...

I wrap my arms loosely around his knock being carful not to choke him and rest my chin on his right shoulder. He wraps his arms under my legs, securely holding me up.

"Grayson you freaking knocked him out cold with a single punch!" I exclaim. "And only under a minute! That's record breaking!" Evan chimes in.

"What a weak bitch, he couldn't even last a minute," Owen scoofs and we all laugh.

We make it back home and sneak back in. We all head to my room to watch a movie. We are all snuggled together under my covers.

"Hey just so you guys know you aren't off the hook. I still have multiple questions for you all but I'm too tired to ask them now. So the interrogation starts tomorrow," I state. They groan pulling the covers higher up and finally agree.  

I can't wipe the smile that forms on my lips.

I'm home...

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