Loving The Shadows (A Nico di...

By Demi_wizard8610

348K 10K 10.1K

My name is Alex Jackson. Yes. I am a Jackson. Yet I don't find that fact important. This is important: Only... More

2- Loving the Blind Date
3-Loving the Past
4- Loving the Alleyway
5- Loving the Headache
6-Loving the Royal Jerkness
7-Loving the Truth or Dare
8-Loving the Nightmares
9-Loving the Free Time
10- Loving the Second First
11- Loving the Hour
12- Loving the Coincedence
13- Loving the Pictures
14- Loving the Sister
15- Loving the Emotions
16- Loving the Spar
17- Loving the Kiss
18- Loving the Mother
19- Loving the Rerun
20- Loving the Girlfriend
21- Loving the Mortal
22- Loving the Movies
22- Loving the Beating
23- Loving the Introductions
25-Loving the Surprises
26- Loving The Identity
28- Loving the Tree Talks
29-Loving the House
30-Loving the Disappointment
31- Loving the Shadows
Help Us Write ( PLEASE READ )
The Epilogue: Written By FrozenImmortality

1-Loving The Coffee

22.2K 481 788
By Demi_wizard8610

Hey!So this is a Nico di Angelo Love Story, and its an original plot. I am writing it, yet madilyndarcy_ came up with the idea and a lot of the plot, I'm simply writing it and adding my own touches. Comment, vote, and follow.Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HoO, I, however do own Alex.


HEY GUYS! Wow! It's been over a year and since I started this book, and definitely over a while I archived the book. As you guys may or may not know How A Ghost Haunts (LTS sequel is out)

I was rereading the first chapter, excited because it has become so big (THANKS TO YOU GUYS) and I realized my writing sucked. It was not detailed, or mature. If you read my non-fancitions (Oh So Sudden, London Bridge, and my short stories -Blue Haired Rome - is coming out soon) you will be able to tell that this is some of my worst writing. As Maddie, she agrees.

So I am going through and rewriting/editing the book.

I would love the feedback on if this new revised chapter is better. I barely did any improvements, I'm going to keep revising this book to make it better. Thanks

Alex's POV

I smirked as Luke let out a moan, obviously in distress. I swung with my sword, he managed to step aside before getting beheaded. The sword caught the dummy behind, the straw torrent as it fell to the ground.

"God's, Alex!" he exclaimed, more annoyed that mad "do you want to kill me?"

I shrugged, striking at him again. His sword clattered to the floor, and Luke didn't seems in any hurry to attack me again.

"I win." I sneered, a childish grin on my face.

"Of course you win, when do you ever lose," he concurred. And it was true, I've beat Ares at sword fighting on more than a few occasions.

Luke sheathed his sword, wiping sweat from his forehead.

He collapsed on the bench with an exasperated sigh,"Six in the morning and I'm already tired,"

I was about to respond when my name cut through the air.

"ALEX!!" I immediately recognized it was Silena yelling for us.

"WHAT," I shouted back, still relying on Luke to continue complained. The door to the training opened revealing Silena Beauregard. She looked mad, her lips pursed together in anxiety.

"I asked you to get coffee, Bianca is asleep, on my working table. The party is in three hours and if you two are playing around-" her cheeks were red with a murderous temper.

"Training." Luke interrupted, getting a well earned irritated glance from the daughter of aphrodite.

"Mh-hm. Anyway, Alex can you go down and grab some, like six coffees would be fine."

"Make it eight. I need the caffeine," Luke interrupted once again. I nodded, to both of them, but found it slightly inconvenient to be leaving.

We live in on Olympus, in a secret corridor behind the throne room. It is quite snazzy, if I say so myself. I've helped out in so many wars, I am like the gods assistants.

I approached the coffee shop, looking distastefully at the mortals. They have it so easy, not worried about getting their head chopped off by monsters.

I walked in, finding nothing that strange, just a bunch of mortals crowded around computers and phones. I ordered two trays of coffees, and it seemed forever, sitting there waiting. And trust me, for an ADHD girl who just got done with a thrilling exercise, ten minutes seemed like an infinity.

I always get picked to go to the mortal world, just in case there is demigods in the area, I'd prefer them not to freak seeing demigods who are supposedly dead.

After the titan war I got one reward, for I helped defeat Typhoon, while helping the demigods. I decided to bring back: Bianca di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Zoe Nightshade, Silena Boureguard, and Charles Bechendorf.

I heard my name being called, "Eight coffees for Alex J." the server said.I recognized his vigilance and humiliation as a flood of hot blonds walked in.

I grabbed my drinks hastily, eager to leave this over crowded place. I turned quickly and felt something being shoved against me. I stumbled back, realising I had bumped right into someone.

The boy's look was pure anger, his dark cold eyes lit by hatred. I also immediately knew he was a demigod, he had an incredibly strong auror, and his eyes proved he had seen way too much death. They were a soft brown, appealing, I guess, until they were flashed like a skull's warning sign.

And he had a sword strapped to his back.

"Jerk." he spat, eyeing his coffee stained shirt.

" A**" I snapped at this dark boy.

He sneered,"Ahh, well I've been called worse," He was trying to sound condescending, but it just angered me.

"Oh, I could do worse, (Insert various insults)," I said, a scowl plastered on my face.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." he taunted, a smirk on his face.

Gods, this boy is annoying the styx out of me, I swear, if I could I will skewer him right now, I would. So I did the next best thing.

On the nearest table there was someone working on the computer, a dictionary lying open beside them. I didn't understand how if they had a computer why did they need a dictionary, but I didn't care.

I grabbed the book and hit the demigod with it. He flinched, but remained his sinister smirk.

"Now do words hurt! Huh? You little beitch!" I said, hitting him the dictionary over and over again.

Okay...confession time. I don't like typical demigods, and I surely don't like being insulted. I have some...intense...anger problems. Trust me, if I was calm and collected this whole situation would not be as it is.

He laughed, turned and stalked out of the coffee shop.

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