Back to Me (Book Three ✓)

By kjobrien

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"So what now?" "I don't know, Em." ***** CLOSER TO YOU TRILOGY ***** After the second chance of a lifetime, E... More

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5.8K 225 98
By kjobrien


The next stop on our itinerary is the one that bums me out the most - only because it's probably the best of the night. The red neon light promising a classic western experience flickers overhead, the rowdy country music and heavy stomps of line dancing greeting us as the faux saloon doors swing open.

Handing my ID to the bouncer, I scan the dimly lit bar, easily spotting the main reason we came.

"Oh, my God, Emmie! There it is!" Gemma squeals, tugging my arm as she practically jumps up and down in place.

I laugh just as the MC, boasting a pretend Southern accent, invites any challengers to take on the huge mechanical bull, spinning slowly in the center of a large, inflatable ring. The lights dim even darker and the bull blows steam from it's nostrils, the huge ring there gleaming in the red overhead light. The crowd gets louder, a rowdy group of men trying to shove their friend into the ring.

Pulling me by the hand, Gemma pushes us through the crowd, tiny body oddly forceful in her inebriated state. I grab Nadine's hand and hang back as Gemma finally breaks into the opening at the same time as the man is ultimately shoved inside.

Hands on her hips, Gemma stares up at him challengingly, refusing to step aside and wait her turn.

"Is she really going to do it?" Laney wonders out loud, nose crinkled in disgust. "It's probably so dirty."

I roll my eyes, cheering Gemma on as the man finally surrenders. Hands raised in defeat, he returns to his booing group of friends, leaving my little friend alone with the beast.

I take my phone from my pocket and steady my camera. Item fifteen on our Scavenger Hunt: Catch Gemma doing something wild. Double points for every photo after the first.

Raising her hands in the air, she eggs the crowd on. The applause battles against the alarm sound now blaring through the speakers as smoke spills out of the sides of the pen.

"Go Gemma!" Nadine hollers, putting her arm through mine.

The MC shouts into the microphone, "Who do we have here tonight?"

"Gemma!" She answers hastily, struggling to pull her small body onto the large machine. "I'm getting married," Her voice is gleeful but labored as she swings a leg over the saddle.

"Getting married," The DJ bellows. "Let's all give Gemma a round of applause!"

"Woo, Gemma!" I cup my hands around my mouth but it makes no difference, there's no way she can hear me anyways. Still the hooting and hollering is fun.

"And good luck to you!" The man makes a big show about pressing the button in front of him and immediately, the bull starts to swivel.

Slowly at first, before it begins to pick up speed. Gemma holds on tightly with both hands, a wide but determined grin on her face as the machine goes quicker, it's movements becoming more jarring and erratic. More comfortable now, Gemma lifts one hand from the strap, holding the other over her head like a real bull rider.

The crowd goes crazy watching the timer as she nears the night's record of a whole minute. Eating up the attention, her smile grows larger with each tiring second she manages to cling onto the bull. With one last buck, Gemma finally flies off the front, her petite frame collapsing like a sack of potatoes against the inflatable wall.

Nadine and I shout in approval as the MC announces Gemma the new record holder with a full minute and two seconds. Leaving Laney unimpressed, we approach an elated Gemma and congratulate her on her latest victory.

She bows to us and to the crowd. Turning to me, her cheeks flushed, she frowns a little. "I wish you could do it, too, Emma."

"Me too." I say honestly, only feeling a little bit sorry for myself. "But unless you're telling me this new, married Gemma will never go out again..."

"No way!" She giggles, a bubbly hiccup escaping her lips.

"Then I'm sure I'll get my turn eventually." I smile at her, resisting the urge to rub my belly. Something about simply resting my palm there makes me feel calmer. But I don't want to look like a sad, pregnant lady at the club.

"Okay, so drinks?" Gemma grins, turning to the dark wooden bar top, illuminated by yellow lights highlighting their large whiskey selection. She faces me again, her palm stuck to her forehead. "Shit, Em. You can't do that either, I'm sorry."

"Gemma," Nadine murmurs, shaking her head slightly.

My eyes flicker to Laney, but she's too busy flirting with the man who was pushed into the ring to notice.

"Sorry." Gemma scrunches her face. "I just want you to have fun."

"I am having fun," I reply, pushing her towards the bar. "Besides, once we get some whiskey in you, we'll all be line dancing in no time."

"Oh, hell yes!" Gemma shouts, encouraged enough to march the rest of the way to the bartender.

As she shoots whiskey straight, both impressing and somehow horrifying me at the same time, I engage half-heartedly in our conversation. My mind wanders to the next club, a place with tasty signature cocktails, and then the big finale after that. That's when I'll see Adam, when he'll tell me what he was going to say.

My belly does nervous flip flops as Gemma laughs loudly with Nadine and Laney, my mind racing through the possibilities. Recalling the roses and notes left on my doorstep, and Beau's denial at being the one to send them, I again wonder if Adam is leaving them for me as some sort of romantic gesture.

Staring into the ice cubes of my ginger ale, I try to decide how I feel about that. Before I can, Gemma let's out a twangy "Yee-haw!" and drags Nadine, Laney and me into position on the dance floor.

"I miss Connor," Gemma whines, head resting atop the cool surface of the bar top.

"I know," I sigh, glancing around the top floor of our final destination. "He'll get here soon."

We'd been enjoying ourselves at the cocktail spot exactly as planned when tipsy Gemma got the intense urge to see her husband-to-be. I suppose I understand, I've been fiddling with my phone all night, resisting the urge to call Beau just to hear his voice.

Leaving my delicious strawberry mocktail behind, and dropping Laney off at home so she could vomit in privacy, I called Adam and made a change of plans. And here we are, on the top floor - the current pop music level - waiting for the guys to join us as we wrap up our night.

"I want him here now," Gemma pouts. "I miss him..."

"I know," I repeat, rubbing her shoulder like I would a child at the same time as long, tan arms wrap around her waist.

"Connor!" Her face brightens immediately when she sees her fiancé. Seeing her so lovey-dovey makes me smile.

When I lock eyes with Adam behind them, a nervous pit grows in my belly. He doesn't look drunk - his eyes are focused and his steps steady. Maybe I'm just used to seeing the other kind of drunk - the near blackout kind.

Just as a wave of guilt washes over me for comparing Beau's situation, Adam leans in for an one-armed embrace.

"How was Willie's?" He speaks into my ear and I feel a jolt of energy rush through my body.

"Good," I smile as we pull apart. "Gem broke the record on the bull. Figures,"

We both peer at our friends, now drunkenly entangled in one another, barely coming up for air. Turning back to me, Adam raises a brow and reaches for his wallet.

"I need a drink. You?"

"Water," I reply simply, watching him cautiously as he gets the bartenders attention. A cute brunette, she  flutters her lashes at Adam as he orders, but he hardly seems to notice.

"You seem... more coherent." I chuckle, hoping to segue into our earlier conversation.

"Forced some water down on the ride over," Adam shrugs, smiling easily at me. "I needed to rally for the big finale, right? How is this place anyways? Have you checked out the other floors?"

"Not really. This is the one Gemma wanted to try first. The throwback floor seems fun, though. I want to check out the rock-n-roll level, too." I grin, wondering if the rock floor will bring back any memories of my days touring with MisFits.

Adam takes a long gulp of his beer, dark eyes scanning the club in front of us. My brows furrow as I do the same, taking in all of the dancing, yelling, laughing club-goers. David came with the guys, so Nadine is cuddled in a couple of stools down from us. Gemma and Connor have disappeared - likely hooking up somewhere more private. My heart feels like it's missing something, someone, but I push the thought away.

I squint at Adam, wondering if he even remembers our phone call at all. Catching my stare, he grins, his eyes crinkling at the sides.

"Well, let me text Connor really quick." He takes a moment to do just that before tucking his phone away and extending a hand in front of him. "Why don't you lead the way? I told Con we'd meet them downstairs when it's time to leave."

Hopping up from my stool and waving to Nadine, too loved up to really be bothered anyways, I turn my head up to Adam. "Which floor are you interested in?"

He shrugs, a playful smile on his lips, "Whichever one you're at."

Hiding my blush, I turn and lead us through the crowd. Even though it's silly and too dark to really see, I feel like everyone is staring at us as we make our way to the exit and descend the stairs to the throwback room.

Pushing aside my guilt - we're just friends, for Pete's sake - I direct us to a small booth along the far wall, perfect for casually hanging out and people watching. While I take my seat, Adam finishes his drink and tells me he'll be back in just a second.

Now that I'm alone, I take my phone out again and stare at it. I gnaw my bottom lip, fighting the urge to dial Beau's number.

I'd probably wake him, and for what?

Chickening out, I slip my phone back into my pocket as Adam returns, a beer and a water in hand, and a sly smirk on his face.

"What?" I narrow my eyes at him, cautiously sipping my drink.

"You'll see."

Not a minute goes by before the old R'n'B song transitions into what I consider to be a classic: I Want It That Way by the Backstreet Boys.

"Ugh, I love this song." I tilt my head back and harmonize with the rest of the crowd, every one of us suddenly very dramatic and emotional.

"I know. Remember you told me that they're your guilty pleasure music?" Adam chuckles to himself.

I nod, suddenly remembering our conversation in my office at O'Donnell's. "Did you request this for me?"

"More for myself." Adam sets his beer on the table in front of us and stands up, a childlike grin on his face. "I just wanted to embarrass you, is all."

My brows furrow. "Adam, what-"

Suddenly he breaks into song, more theatrically and loudly than anyone else. Still fighting against the volume of the speakers, Adam makes up for it with his exaggerated movements, treating me to a vivacious and incredibly awkward serenade.

I can't help but laugh, covering my face with my hands as his performance draws in a handful of others close by. A few of the more courageous guys help him out, acting as both his backup singers and dancers and I lose all control, joining them with my own dramatic dance moves until the song ends.

"Phew," I exhale harshly, running a hand over my forehead, slick with sweat. "That one gets me every time."

"Me too," Adam agrees, out of breath as he settles beside me in the booth. "So what song should we do next?"


"Nadine," I turn in the drivers seat of Gemma's huge SUV to nudge Nadine's thigh gently as we pull in front of her house. "We're here."

Nadine blinks awake, yawning loudly as she stretches against the seatbelt. Pushing David's arm, she wakes him as well and murmurs her goodbyes.

"Well, thank you for the lovely evening, my Emma girl." She winks at me, lightly shoving Gemma's sleeping head until she slumps onto Connor's shoulder in the backseat. "And thank this one for the hangover for me."

"Will do." I whisper, squeezing her hand tightly. "Talk to you in the morning!"

Quietly, David offers a wave goodbye and they head inside. Once the door is closed, I pull from the driveway, eyeing Gemma and Connor still asleep in the back through the rear view mirror.

My impatience finally bubbling over, I pinch Adam's bicep. He jumps awake in the passenger seat and I quickly hush him so that he doesn't wake the sleeping lovebirds.

"Are we here?" He groans, rubbing his temples already and suddenly, I'm not so sad that I missed out on the night of drinking.

Gemma's staying at Connor and Adam's apartment tonight and Adam will drive them once I get to my condo. My time left for interrogation is sorely limited.

"What were you going to tell me earlier?" I ask, peeking at him from my peripherals. "When we were on the phone?"

Pouting at me in concentration, Adam finally shrugs. "I don't remember."

"Oh, come on." I urge as we pull to a stop sign. Using my best puppy-dog eyes, I continue. "You said 'I wish...' and then nothing! You can't just leave me hanging."

"I don't know." Adam meets my eyes, wetting his bottom lip with his tongue before he lets out a deep sigh. "I mean, I guess..."

I wait patiently, focusing on the road ahead, my heartbeat picking up speed.

Why am I so nervous? It's Adam, of all people. Nice, laidback, easygoing, Adam.

"I guess I just wish that I met you at a different time. You know?" His eyes are intent on my face but I don't meet them, my throat suddenly very tight.

What does that mean? My thoughts muddle together as I try to unravel the meaning behind his words. Is he saying what I think he's saying... That had we met before...

"I don't know if that makes any sense. Do you get what I mean?" He rests a hand atop his tight curls, still watching me closely.

I open my mouth before snapping it closed, still unsure of how to take the admission.

A lame "Maybe," is all that I can manage. We sit in silence for a few minutes, Adam contentedly humming to the Backstreet Boys, and me, frantically trying to figure out what he meant while simultaneously avoiding the pretty obvious truth.

"Hey," He breaks the silence and I hold my breath. "You got a wedding date, yet?"

"Um, no..." I mutter, turning onto he and Connor's street. My heart hammers in my ears as nervous energy bubbles in my belly.

"Me neither." Adam unbuckles his seat belt as I pull into their parking spot. "Want to go together?"

With nowhere else to turn, I face him, hoping my horror and confusion aren't obvious in my expression.

Before I can answer him, Adam clarifies with a bright smile. "As friends, is all. Just better than being solo, right?" Waiting for me to reply, Adam hops out of the SUV. "Just think about it and let me know, okay? I'm going to make sure the happy couple gets upstairs all right, and then I'll bring you home."

Once we wake Gemma and Connor, Connor much more easily than G, I watch Adam help steady the pair as they enter the apartment complex. Quickly hopping into the passenger side, I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep, suddenly too exhausted to deal with anymore conversation.

Eyes still closed when Adam returns, I hear him start the engine and feel the momentum of the vehicle as we head back onto the main road.

My trick works and I avoid talking with Adam the entire ride home, sharing only a brief and tired goodbye as he drops me off. I feel bad, but he seems to be concentrating, too. Hopefully not on my poor reaction to his question.

Feet sore and mind completely drained, I stand in the dim light of my front porch and dig in my pocket for my key. A sinking feeling opens up in my stomach as chills creep up my spine, raising the hair on the back of my neck. Feeling like I'm not alone, I frantically look over my shoulder, noting the presence of the dark security SUV Beau has stationed out front. The sight calms my nerves somewhat, but still, I can't shake the feeling that somewhere, someone that I can't see is watching me.

Blood racing in my veins, I can't get into the condo quickly enough, forcefully shoving open the door and hurriedly locking the deadbolt as soon as I'm inside.

I don't exhale until my back is leaned against the door and I'm safely locked up tight. It's then that I look at my phone one more time, longing for Beau's voice even more now that I'm shaken, that I notice the flood of notifications on my screen.

Mostly from Instagram, I scroll through them quickly, not recognizing any of the usernames requesting to follow my account. With a shaky finger, I click on the message icon, nervously swiping through the numerous spam messages waiting there.

A lengthier one catches my eye and stupidly, I open it up, my breath catching in my throat as I read the words.

MisFitsFan21111111: when will you tell ppl u r pregnant??? dont u want to keep baby daddy happy???

One protective hand flies to my belly instantly as I completely delete my account with the other, too distraught to do anything else or to even think beyond this point.

Barely able to breathe, I finally cave and dial Beau's number, praying that he picks up.

Wooo baby, long as heck chapter for you all!
I hope you liked it ❤️
How did Adam + Emma's convo go?
Anymore stalker predictions 👀
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