What Just Happened

By parrillas_gang

46.4K 2.2K 170

Emma Swan and her daughter are on the run from her ex husband and his siblings. They escape to a town in Main... More



3.8K 98 13
By parrillas_gang

"How much further, mum" The 15 year old girl, Margot, asked with a huff, throwing her head against the passenger seat.

"Not long, kid, we are half an hour away" Emma replied with small smile, trying to be positive for her daughter.

"Where are we going" Margot asked in a grumpy tone that showed she wasn't happy.

"Maine, this will buy us some time" Emma softly replied with a quiet sigh, knowing their life isn't easy on her.

"To what, not go to the police? I don't get it mum! He works for Washington DC police, not the whole countries police" Margot huffed in annoyance, turning to look outside the other window.

"Sweetie, he framed up. Any police we go to will instantly know who we are and have us sent to him. I know our situation isn't ideal but I will figure out what to do soon, I promise" Emma said in a soft tone as she knew her daughter suffered from this.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just grumpy from not sleeping much last night" Margot said with a dramatic sigh, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Me either. We are nearly there, you can take a nap when we get their" Emma replied with a chuckle, seeing the GPS for timings.

"Are you going to as well" Margot asked, seeing the sleepiness of her mother.

"We are living above a bar, I'm getting a drink" Emma laughed her response, knowing she desperately needs a drink.

"Sounds about right" Margot added with a chuckle, yawning as she made herself more comfortable. "What's the bar called"


"That's a cool name" Margot said with a small smile, liking the name of the place. Emma nodded in agreement, mostly focusing on the road. The young blonde looked down at her phone to play a game. She then remembered something. "Shit, I forgot my charger"

"Seriously? You always forget something" Emma sighed in exhaustion at her daughter, knowing she hasn't learnt from all their moves.

"I know!"

"You can borrow mine, we will buy one later"

Soon enough, they both saw the sign to the bar. Emma pulled up outside it and shut the engine off, finally relaxing after 6 hours of driving. Margot unbuckled quick and hopped out the car, stretching as her body was going stiff. Emma chuckled as she climbed out too, stretching as well.

"Are we doing bags first or going up" Margot asked as she walked around the car, looking up at the bar.

"You start unloading the bags, I'll go and grab the keys" Emma replied, walking towards the entrance.

She walked in and saw it was a nice little bar, not full but quiet a lot of people were there. At the bar, a woman with long light brown hair was pouring drinks for people. Emma walked over and stood by the counter, waiting for her to be seen. The woman handed a man a drink with a friendly smile.

"There you go, Arthur, enjoy" she said happily, dusting her hands off on her apron.

"Thanks, Reina" Arthur replied with a charming smile, giving her a wink as he walked away.

"I haven't seen you in here before. What can I get you" Reina asked the blonde, turning to see the person she hadn't met yet.

"Hi. I'm Emma Swan, I'm the girl moving in upstairs"

"Oh, yes, I remember you. I'm Reina, one of the sisters who owns this bar"

"Nice to meet you" Emma said with a polite smile, holding her hand out to shake the woman's.

"And you. Let me just go get Regina, she has the keys and then you can go straight up" Reina replied with a smile, turning to the door behind her. She held it open with her foot and leaned in a little, seeing her sister. "Gina, the woman renting the apartment upstairs is here"

"Alright, give me a sec" Regina replied quickly, glancing at her sister over her shoulder.

"She's just coming. Be warned, my sister is a handful" Reina said with a giggle, looking at the blonde as she cleaned the bar down.

"I HEARD THAT" Regina shouted in annoyance, walking towards the door. She kicked it open with her foot and stepped out, glaring at the other brunette. Regina was gorgeous in every way, even more so when she was angry. "You the girl?" Regina asked in a grumpy voice, looking at the blonde.

"I'm Emma"

"I didn't ask that, I asked if you're the girl"

"Gina, be nice. Yes, this is the woman renting upstairs" Reina sighed with an eye roll, nudging her sisters shoulder.

Regina looked the blonde up and down before turning her nose up. She felt like something wasn't right about this girl, she seemed strange. She held the key towards the blonde reluctantly.

"Thanks, cutie" Emma said with a smirk, winking at the brunette as she took it and walked to the exit.

"I don't like her" Regina said with a glare at the blonde leaving her bar.

"You don't like anyone" Reina said with a laugh, glancing over her shoulder to see the other brunette.

"I know but I get a strange feeling from her. She seems like trouble and I don't like it" Regina replied with a curious look, watching out the window to see the blonde and her daughter.

"Well, you just need to keep out of it and you won't get into her trouble" Reina said with a warning look, giggling as she turned away.

"I don't want to, don't worry" Regina said with an eye roll, walking to the door leading out back.

She went over to a large crate full of beer cans, bending down to lift it up. The heaviness off it made it hard for her to lift for very long. She carried it to the bar and quickly dumped it onto the counter, sighing at the weight. She leaned against the bar to catch her breath, feeling a hand over her ass.

"Looking good in those jeans" a guy said with a smirk, squeezing it and slapping before he let go.

"I told you, Earl, if you keep doing that, I'll start charging you" Regina said with a sigh, standing up straight to see the man.

Margot and Emma were walking past as they heard that. The young blonde looked at her mother with shock, wondering if she thought the same.

"Mum, is she a-"

"No, dear, I'm not a prostitute. It was just a little joke" Regina cut in with a giggle, looking at the pair walking past her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude" Margot quickly said, looking worried that she may have offended the bartender.

"It's alright, no harm done" Regina smirked, moving her eyes to look at the blonde. She saw as the woman looked her up and down, finally having a proper view of the brunettes body. Regina done a slight cough to catch Emma's attention, the pair locking eyes again. "Try not to drool on my floor... Em-ma"

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