Bruises [L.S]

By laurenxtomlinson

162K 4.1K 11.2K

hes always smiling... TW// self harm, abuse, depression, eating disorders, suicidal thoughts This is my first... More

Punching bags
Big brother
I'm yours... i hope
I'm sorry
on my own
mark (again)
two of us
id love to
shots n tattoos
the move
ink n skin
coming out with blood
dancing queen
hammer to the head
little things
head over heels
a safe place
the sitters
the last day
you and me forever
shots n tattoos: ziam pov

the concert

2.8K 76 306
By laurenxtomlinson


harry is pretty🥺🥰

anyways on with the story-

this chapter is around 4k words so my longest chapter yet!

TW// self harm, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, abuse, depression



"right, anyone else?" miss garcia asked. i looked around the room, a few people focus on the board, some others drawing in their books. no one was paying full attention. "louis?" my head turned back to the board.


"the answer?" she stared at me, her glasses on the tip of her nose. she looked mean but in the first four days ive been here she is actually really sweet.

"oh um" my eyes glued to the board looking at the numbers and letters. all of it causing my head to throb.

i decided to do what i know best. "well you see miss, as much as i would love to give you an answer. i dont need to calculate how many watermelons its going to take for an alien to come down to space-"

she rolled her eyes at me. "i get youre new here, but this is a serious work environment"

"then why did everyone laugh?" i sat back in my chair listen to the laughter and chuckles from the rest of the class.

there wasnt many of us, just around eleven. "mr tomlinson" she sneered

"alright, ill stop miss" i threw up my hands in defeat, trying not to laugh with the rest of the class.

this place wasnt so bad, maybe itll get worse. a few people who stay the night say its horrible so im thankful i dont need to.

but the people are nice and to my surprise therapy isnt all that bad. even group therapy isnt as awful as it sounds.

who knew over sharing with strangers was easy? i mean some of them are my friends now. "psst tomlinson"

i snapped my neck around to see briana, shes a nice girl. i had met her my first day here, shes one of the kids who spends the nights. "yeah?"

"lunch is next, wanna trade?"

"what are we in primary school?" i whispered nudging her.

"haha very funny" she rolled her eyes "they give you better food than me though"

"how? we get the same sandwich"

"you get better crisps than i-"

"briana and louis i advise that you keep your mouths shut unless you would like to eat lunch in here"

i turned around slouching in my seat waiting to be let out of the class. which felt like forever, we finally made our way into the common area.

there were a few sofas, a telly, a few tables and chairs for board games. first look at it all it seems very dull with the white floors and grey walls, but its actually nice here.

i made my way into the lunch room. briana chatting about the nightly check ins they do. hourly apparently, i dont think i would be able to manage that.

"right tomlinson-"

"you know i have a first name right bri?"

"i like tomlinson better" she smiled sitting down at one of the lunch tables. "i wanna know more about you"

"about me? maybe... if you give me your juice box i will" she let out a laugh at my answer

"guess who sounds like their in primary school now"

"oi shut it" i rolled my eyes at her snatching her juice box. "alright what do you want to know?"

"you dont share too much during group therapy, i mean like dont get me wrong you do just youre holding back a few things"

"maybe i like being mysterious"

"and maybe i wanna know more about you mystery man" she took a bite of her sandwich. "favourite colour"

"easy its green"


"what do you mean why? its a colour"

she stared me down looking straight in my eyes "you smiled wide when you said green so theres a reason behind it"

"oh my god you my friend are very nosy" i pointed my finger in her face. "if you must know green is the colour of my boyfriends eyes"

she stopped chewing and almost choked her food. "w-wait" she cough quickly grabbing her juice box away from me gulping it down. "you have a boyfriend?"

"you surprised?"

"not entirely, so youre?"

"im pan- well i thought i was bi but pan seemed to fit me better" i stole the juice box away from her and finished it.

"whats he like? i wanna hear everything about him"

"how long weve got?" i smiled

"thirty minutes and i can already see youre way in love with him so go" she fought back an eager smile

i rolled my eyes at her, quickly finishing the rest of my lunch. "right, his names harry or h or haz or hazza or curly. im the only one that calls him haz, hazza and curly. sometimes i call him by his last name styles"

"i dont need to know how many names lover boy has, whats he like??"

"where do i start? hes seventeen, hes got these most gorgeous emerald eyes that just pull you into this trance. he has the most beautiful curly brown hair. hence the nickname curly... hes taller than me, but that doesnt stop him from being little spoon. we live together in an apartment in donny-"

"oh my god this is so cute" she almost screeched at the top of her lungs "how did you two meet? was it love at first sight?"

i kicked her shin playfully under the table getting her to shut up. "i actually used to um.. kick the shit out of him everyday for two years..."

she froze in her seat giving me some sort of death stare. "no i know its bad- and my reasoning behind it is shit. my uh step dad mark used to be a drunk when my mum passed and he let his anger out on me and i let my anger out on hazza"

"oh my god louis... im so sorry"

"its alright! mark is four to five months clean! but im still surprised ha fell in love with me like i did him.."

"howd you stop kicking the shit out of him?"

"we got paired up for something our school does called the big brother program i dont know if your school does it.."

"yeah, we did it at my school last year! my mentor is the one who actually got me into this place- nothing bad she was helping... she noticed you know?"

"yeah no i completely get it, haz noticed too... but yeah we got paired up and by chance my mates and his mate got group together and the rest is history"

"mmm still hiding something" she grabbed what was my juice box and started to drink it. "imma let you off the hook this time, but you think hes the one?"

"yes, absolutely yes"

"fast answer there tomlinson" she laughed finishing her lunch. we made our way into the common area placing ourselves in front of the telly.

"i mean if he isnt then why would i already know the day im gonna ask him?"

"wait youre already thinking of that?" her hand made its way slapping over her mouth.

"i mean yeah, hes already got the promise ring and we have matching tattoos"

"this is all way too cute, my god tommo what a romantic you are!"

"shut it jungwirth, i wouldnt have let him break down my walls if i didnt know he was the one"

"such a sap you are, right what do you say we make our way back to that awful classroom and annoy garcia while she struggles to teach us english"

"i say, thats a splendid idea" with that we got up and made our way back to the smaller closed off room. if theres one thing im good at its history and annoying the shit out of teachers.

one of these things will come good for this lesson. we eventually broke of into pairs to start an assignment. we had to start writing on out favourite artists, we were allowed to get ideas as pairs though.

"any singers or bands in mind?" bri asked

"the fray, maybe arctic monkeys you?"

"niall horan" she smiled widely "something about- why are you laughing?"

he really does have something about him

i thought, i controlled my laughter "hes one of my good mates... harrys best mate actually"

"wait- are you fucking with me tomlinson?"

"no i pinky promise im not" i held out my pinky finger, she was hesitant at first but stuck her pinky out. "hey, if you can get someone to sign you out for a day i can get you into his concert is tomorrow"

"id need parental authority"

"im nineteen" i suggested signing her out for just a day, knowing we would bring her back before the ten pm curfew.

"you would do that for me?"

"what are friends for? you can even meet him"

"you are something else louis" she shook her head beginning to write.


"phone, keys, wallet and jacket" one of the supervisors said handing me my items. "maybe keep youre phone off when youre here. someone keeps texting you."

i nodded thanking her opening my phone.

harold;) : i know they take your phone for the day but just wanted to say i love you:)

harold;) : im bored in class:( i miss you<3

harold;) : lunch is sucky without:/

harold;) : just got detention for being on my phone, the school is shit... gtg xx

harold;) : managed to charm my way out of detention!

harold;) : okay imma stop, i look like a stalker... see you soon boo *mwah*

i couldnt help but smile wide at him, what did i do to deserve him? like seriously, what did i do??

i said a quick bye to briana letting her know the plan for tomorrow and got in my car. "hey ni? you there?"

"whats up lewis" his voice rang threw my phone and in my ear.

"i got a friend from the clinic who i invited to the concert tomorrow"

"alright, whats their name?"

"briana jungwirth"

"perfect i will let security know, see ya mate" his voice faded from my phone. i stopped by a shop grabbing an iced coffee and a black coffee from the drive thru and left.

luckily harry doesnt mind waiting an extra thirty minutes for me to pick him uo, even though zayn or liam could get him a ride.

i pulled up to the school, which i do miss. i got out of my car seeing the footie team run down to the field. "tommo! hey!" calum ran over to me. "havent seen you in a while"

"yeah, hows the team?"

"pretty good, zayn and liam getting pretty handsy lately" he laughed pulling me into a hug.

"of course they have" i smiled "missed you mate"

"missed you too, all of us have"

"right cause according to zayn i run the world"

"i mean you would be very capable to do so" calum laughed "i gotta go, youre lover boy is heading this way"

"oh fuck off hood"

"no can do tomlinson" he flipped me off blowing me an air kiss, in which i flipped him back off.

i turned around seeing a taller body run my way. "hi baby". i smiled wide wrapping him up in my arms.

"ive missed you" he spoke softly

even though i saw him only eight hours ago of course i miss him. "missed you too, i love you"

"i love you more" he laughed getting into the passengers seat. "iced coffee for you sir" i smiled when he saw it.

"and to think i couldnt love you more" he kissed my cheek before i pulled out of the car park.

it was usually a quiet drive, we never really spoke mainly because we save it for when we get home and lay in bed. its routine at this point. "i have a friend coming to nialls show" i broke the usual silence.

"you do?" his eyes soon left the window and landed on me. "whats their name?"

"briana, shes a friend from the clinic"

he just nodded his head turning his eyes towards the window again. no he wasnt jealous i wouldve noticed, he just never really has an opinion on a person until he meets them.

we soon got home, entering the apartment. i toed of my shoes and went to make us cuppas. "baby?"

"yeah?" i called from the kitchen. he didnt respond but i heard movement from our bedroom so didnt think anything of it.

soon after i finished the teas, his foot steps came running towards me. he picked me up from behind spinning me around. "i love you" he smiled. i couldnt help but laugh.

"you are the absolute cutest thing ever, i love you too" i said in between kisses.

we walked over to the sofa, easily intertwining our bodies into a comfortable position. soon enough we both dozed off.


i dont know why but the building looked different on weekends. i mean its the exact same white floors and grey walls. i guess its the vibe, no kids complaining about how horrible miss garcia is.

"tomlinson" i turned around being greeted with a small blonde girl.

"jungwirth" i smiled pulling her into a small but quick hug. "you ready to go?"

"yeah, curfew on weekends is eleven so we dont need to rush back" i nodded in return leading her out to the car where i saw harry leaning up against it.

i couldnt help but smile. his was getting longer so he put a bandana in it. he wore black jeans with holes in the knees, with a white top that outlines his upper body way too well, topped off with black converse. he looked hot.

"babe, this is briana. bri this is harry" i spoke wrapping my arm around his waist.

"hi" bri spoke softly. "nice to finally meet you"

"you too" harry nodded giving her a welcoming smile. "i texted z we are gonna meet them at the o2"

"alright, niall let security know about the elevator right?" i asked

"yeah, maya wont have any problems, apparently he manage to get a couch up on the balcony"

"howd he swing that?"

"hes niall horan, he can do anything" haz smiled at me then turning around to the back seat to meet briana. "youre gonna meet a few of our friends. zayn, liam and maya."

"alright, whats the thing about the elevator? if you dont mind me asking"

i started to laugh a bit, along with harry "long story short. liam got maya knocked up at a party. both very very drunk, although they arent dating but remaining good friends to co parent. oh and zayn and liam are dating"

i looked up to see brianas confused face trying to put the puzzle together. she eventually managed for it to make sense.

we eventually pulled up to the o2. we were told to head through the back doors where niall and security would meet us. "i still cant believe he sold out the o2 in just five minutes" i heard a familiar voice speak.

"asshole" i shout getting three heads turning out way.

"what do you want bitch" zayn shouted back laughing. i saw liam roll his eyes shaking his head with maya laughing. liam really thinks the baby that isnt even born yet will hear him.

"right everyone this is briana, a good friend from the clinic" i smiled introducing her to everyone. her and maya immediately clicked, they started talking about the baby and well everything to do with the baby.

"louis tomlinson? harry styles? zayn malik? maya henry? liam payne? and briana jungwirth?" one of the guards called looking as us.

"yes?" i responded for everyone. "follow me everyone" the guard said, we made our way to the back of the arena.

he led us towards a private area that held an elevator. we thanked him getting inside, we could here the thousands for of fans screaming nialls name and singing his songs.

"wow" i breathed out as we stepped out the elevator making our way down the hall to the vip balcony. "he really fucking did it"

"NIALL NIALL NIALL NIALL NIALL" thousands of people our age, some younger older chanted. "JUST A FLICKER OF HOPE THAT YOU FIRST GAVE TO ME!" they then started singing.

"this is insane" maya gasped looking down.

"his first show and he sold out the o fucking 2" liam laughed, a proud laugh though.

i looked over at harry who was absolutely mesmerized by it all. "he did it lou, he really did"

"i know baby, you must be proud"

"you dont understand how hard he has worked for this... hes been working on this album for three years"

"three years? wow"

"i know- shit its starting" harrys eyes lit up as his best mate ran out on stage while the intro to slow hands started. the crowd went nuts screaming and crying.

" 'we should take this back to my place'
thats what she said right to my face"

"SING IT" he screamed

YEAH I WANT YOU BABY" we sang along with the crowd. two lines in and hes already got the crowd mesmerized.

"ive been thinkin 'bout it all day
and i hope you feel the same way, yeah"

he pointed his mic back to the audience. "CAUSE I WANT YOU BAD! YEAH I WANT YOU BABY"

"he looks really happy up there" maya smiled looking down at down at the little irish lad singing his heart out.

"this is only the start" harry smiled widely.

i turned over to briana who immediately threw her arms around me. 'oomph' i let out. "thank you louis, this is my first night out in months"

"i take it youre enjoying yourself then" i laughed breaking the hug.

"absolutely i am" she smiled and returned to watch niall run around the stage.

"fingertips puttin' on a show
got me now and i cant say no
wanna be with you all alone
take me home, take me home
fingertips puttin' on a show
cant you tell that i want you, baby, yeah"


i turned over to harry smashing his lips against mine. "whats that for" he laughed pulling away.

"nothing" i smiled leaning into him as he pulled his arm around my waist.

"your slow hands
ooh slow hands" the music died off but the crowds cheering got louder. we were all clapping our asses off.

maya ended up sitting on the couch eventually, liam and zayn were very handsy with each other. they eventually went off to find the bathroom and i can only imagine what they actually did it there.

briana was screaming and crying during the songs, clearly having the time of her life. harry and i just held each other singing along to the songs.

"right everyone, thank you for coming tonight! you mean the world to me! have a safe trip home and good night" niall closed off his show blowing air kissed towards everyone around the arena.

"right lets go find mister famous" zayn laughed, as soon as he turned around you could clearly see quite a few love bites along his jaw line and neck.

harry nudged me laughing at the two. maya snickered shaking her head as she got out of her seat. "you ready to meet him?" maya turned over to briana.

"hes not one of those singers who seems nice but then turns out to be a bitch right?" she seemed worried.

liam laughed at her question "not even close to that"

we ended up following another guard backstage. we passed a few fans claiming to backstage passes even though niall did sell any.

he said he wants to get his first tour done then maybe his next he would sell backstage passes.

"right in there" one of the workers smiled as the security had to carry out a teenaged girl who made her way back stage.

we opened the dressing room door to find niall shirtless in joggers half passed out on the sofa. briana almost screamed when she saw him.

"lads that you?" his voice sounds hoarse.

"get your tired ass up and give us a hug" liam spoke ripping niall from his seat. "you did so good mate"

"i feel like a proud mother" harry laughed wrapping his arms around the blond lad.

nialls contagious laugh filled the room "thanks for coming- my god this night was insane"

we all congratulated him, i introduced him to briana who fainted once. not from lack of food or anything it was just overwhelming. we stuck around until everyone left the arena.

"right ni, we gotta head back. curfew is eleven" i told everyone walking out to the car park.


"night bri!" i called signing her back in to the clinic.

"thanks again" she replied to us "it was great meeting you harry" she waved us off as one of the nurses walked her down to her room.

"shes nice" harry shrugged making his way back to the car.

"you okay?" i asked a little concerned.

"yeah- im just" he yawned "tired"

"that all? youre not-"

he started laughing when i drove down the road "im not jealous, shes actually really nice. its just been a long night" he gave me a genuine smile.

"tonight was fun" i spoke intertwined our hands. he didnt respond he just kept smiling until he fell a sleep in the car.

it was in that moment i pictured us having late night drives with our future kids...



longer chapter, i hoped you enjoyed:)


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