happy place || jj maybank ON...

Oleh cowboylike_me

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after she lost everything, she returned to the one place she knew she would be happy. the outer banks, parad... Lebih Banyak

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four

chapter thirteen

441 8 2
Oleh cowboylike_me

It takes me a while to calm back down, but eventually I do.

JJ lets me to smoke, telling me his biggest priority is to just keep me calm. He keeps blaming himself for what happened. He tells me several times that if him and John hadn't gotten drunk, they would've been at my house with me, and been able to stop it all.

"You want to talk about it a little?" He questions. "You don't have to."

"No, it's okay. I kinda want to get it out." I say, laying my head on his chest.

"When I was here last summer, I would go to parties on Figure Eight, knowing John wouldn't be there, you know. That's how I met him." I explain, "He was fun. He had this life that I craved. He was always doing something. His actions never had repercussions, no matter what he did. It was exhilarating. But overall, it was just a distraction. Him and his life was all a distraction for me. I was able to escape my deteriorating life and self destruction a little just by being with him." I exhale, preparing to get into the bad stuff after explain the backstory.

"I've slept with him before, but I didn't last night." As I admit to sleeping with him, I can feel JJ physically tense under me, "I couldn't sleep with him knowing you and John were here worrying about me as I was fucking up and fell back into old habits. Something's changed about him though, he had never done anything like that. There had been nights when I was too drunk or just not in the mood. Either way, we'd just go to bed or he'd leave. Somethings wrong with him now." I shake my head, figuring this out as I speak. I know it doesn't excuse anything he did, but I couldn't help but wonder what he'd gone through to change him.

"Once I made up my mind that I didn't want to sleep with him, I tried telling him. I told him no, that I didn't want to, and to get off of me, but he didn't listen. When I tried fighting against him, he-he pined me down by my hips. I couldn't move. I felt so defenseless. So I just stopped fighting. Once he saw I was crying it's like he realized what he had done. He looked scared and shocked. He didn't say anything though, he just got up and left."

"I wish I was there." JJ says, shaking his head. "I'm never going to let you get hurt again, Vienna. That's a promise." He said, pulling me farther into him as we laid in John's bed.

"It's not your fault, JJ."

"I don't care if it is or isn't. I'm telling you, from now on, I will protect you. Nothing like this will ever happen again. No one will ever hurt you again as long as I'm here." He states, kissing the top of my head. My heart flutters slightly, causing me to smile into his chest.


John, Pope, and Kie returned after a few hours of being out. The three of them were at the library hoping to find some information to help figure out how deep the water is at the Merchant coordinates. However, they were unsuccessful.

JJ made sure I was feeling up to it before he suggested using his work card to get into the country club and use the computers.

JJ planted another kiss on my head as we walked toward the van, when the other three had their backs to us.

"I'm not leaving your side, V. You're safe." He spoke softly, as we walked behind the others toward the car. He softly patted my shoulder as he took a seat next to John, in the front.

He wouldn't stop glancing back at me throughout the ride, constantly checking to make sure I was alright. He would only turn back around once I gave him a nod.

"All right, keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines." JJ joked as we pulled in, returning back to his goofy self. Which I was thankful for, I didn't want him to feel like he was babysitting me.

I saw his face light up as he held up his gun, loading it. My stomach sank as I remembered what Rafe had told me, about JJ holding a gun to someone's head. Although I reminded myself that JJ could never hurt me, while Rafe did. I trusted JJ more, I always would, even if he did have a loaded gun in hand.

"Yo, come on, man. Just put it back." John instructed, annoyed with the gun.

"You can never be too careful." JJ smirked.

"Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon into a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems then they solve." Pope spoke logically, though I knew JJ didn't listen to a single word he said. JJ and logic don't really go together.

"Thank you, Pope." John sighed out.

"I swear to God, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean, JJ. Put it back." Kie threatened from over his shoulder.

He still held onto it, looking at it like it was his most prized possession.

"Come on, JJ. It's a country club, nothings going to happen." I spoke softly. His eyes met mine in the review. John took this as an opportunity to snatch the gun from his grasp, putting it back into the glove compartment.

"You can't grab a gun like that, man." He scolded John. I hopped out of the car, meeting him at his door, opening it.

He reached next to where John placed the gun and grabbed out a security card.

"Cant forget my badge." He spoke proudly, holding it up as he exited he car. "Professional busboy!" He announced to the group. I smiled up at him, he smiles back down to me, pulling me into his side and we walked. "I'm an employed man, Vienna, you should be proud of me."

"Oh, I'm so proud of you, JJ." I nodded with a smile, tapping his badge that was fastened around his belt loop. He flushed a little at the close proximity of my hand and...other things. He cleared his throat before announcing, "This way." As he held his hand up, pointing forward.

"Holy shit this place is gorgeous" I mutter from under his arm.

"I know right, it's insane. The bathrooms are bigger than the entire Chateau." He spoke, smirking down at me, happy that I was feeling better enough to speak.

"Do they have bathtubs?" I question.

He snorts a little, laughing at my question, "Yes, Vienna. They have bathtubs. The bathrooms overlook the ocean actually."

I sigh, "What I would do to take bubble bath with a bottle of wine, watching the sunset." I joke in a dreamy voice.

"You're so weird." He laughs, now putting his badge against a censor by the door. Pulling it open as the other three walk in, still holding me at his side.

"You love me though." I joke back up to him. I see his face blush as he looks down at me. He doesn't respond, just plants a kiss on my forehead, then makes his way through the door with me.

He drops his hand from my waist, moving to the front of the five of us, leading us through the extravagant club.

It's odd how JJ and I are now. We argue a lot, but there's no denying we get on better than I do with any of the others. Beside John, of course. We definitely have a different relationship. We both know deep down it can't mean anything but harmless flirting, not with all the rules and John being both my brother and JJ's best friend. It would complicate everything.

"Sweet Lord, the internet!" Pope announces as JJ opened the door to a computer-lab type room.

The three of them share some conversation as John rustles through his bag. I walk up behind JJ and he puts his arm back around my waist, pushing me in front of him so I can see the computer that John and Pope are now loading coordinates into. I stand between JJ and Pope's chair. JJ rests his chin on my shoulder, watching the two from behind me. I look over and lick his cheek, he quickly moves away, wiping his hand down his face, then sticking it back towards me.

"No!" I laugh, struggling to get away from him before he wipes his hand down my face.

Pope shushes us, saying that he's trying to focus.

"Thank you, Pope!" I fake scoff, "Please behave yourself, JJ."

"It's not my fault you're obsessed with me, Vienna." JJ jokes back.

John announces that it's on the continental shelf, to which Pope responds pessimistically that if it's too deep there's nothing we can do.

"Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet."

"That's not too deep." JJ says, moving back toward the computers, intrigued.

"Is that doable or something?" Kie asks.

"No." I say to Kie, but JJ speaks at the same time I do.

"Yeah, totally doable." JJ announces.

"Will we be taking your personal submarine?" Pope sasses.

I let a laugh out at his comment, adding on "it's impossible to get down that far, JJ, and you know it. Professional divers don't even go past 60 feet. But if you are willing to take a risk, I won't stop you." I quip.

"Enough sass from you, Miss. Dive Master." JJ says back to me, before directing his attention back to the group, "The salvage yard has a drone that can drop 1,000. It's got a 360 camera and everything. For like deep dives and stuff, it's exactly what we need."

"Can your dad get his grimy little hand on that?" John says skeptically.

"Well, my dads grimy little hands got his ass fired. I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out." He speaks quickly, I watch him as he does, searching for any kind of sign to see what he's feeling as he says this. But in true JJ fashion, he has no emotion on his face. "But the drone's there." He switches his tone, moving back to an optimistic voice. "It's in the impound yard out back."

"How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" Kie questions, debating JJ's statement, knowing in order to get that drone we'd have to steal it.

"400 mil." John and JJ say simultaneously.

Pope instantly gets up, running to the door and blocking it.

"No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. No!" Pope says, ignoring Kie's demands at him to move.

Kie moves him out the way, walking out of the door.

"Cant we do anything legal for money?" Pope complains.

I laugh at him, jumping on his back, "Don't be sad, Pope! Soon you'll be richer than anyone on the island. All we need to do is get the drone." I say, attempting to lighten his mood.

John laughs at me, shaking his head, "someone's in a better mood" he jokes, I stick my tongue out at his taunts. "Go." He laughs, pushing Pope and I out of the door.

"You heard the man, full speed ahead, Pope!" I laugh, pointing ahead of Pope, taking his hat off his head and putting it on my own.

"Aye, Aye, Captain!" Pope responds, taking off down the hall with me on his back.

I laugh as he runs, feeling total bliss and joy. I'm trying to forget what happened to me yesterday and just be thankful for the people I have around me. I turn around as I'm laughing, seeing JJ and John behind us. John's smiling at Pope and and I, but JJ has his jaw clenched, staring at me.


"Were not stealing the drone, P, we're borrowing it. Nothing to worry about." I tell him smiling.

"You know, since you've been around JJ so much you're starting to become the girl version of him; troublesome and loud." Pope jokes, smiling at me as he speaks.

"Plus I'm ten times hotter, that the most important part." I add, which Pope agrees to. We both look at JJ, expecting a witty response but get nothing except a glare.

"I think it's his time of the month." I tell Pope, trying to lighten JJ's spirits. I'm not sure what he's upset about but it's something.

We're sat in the van, making our way to the salvage yard. JJ sits on the ground, perfecting the joint he just rolled, while Pope sits with his legs on my lap, in the bench seat by the window.

"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope speaks up again, staring out the window.

"Wait, did you come up with that?" John asks.

"No, Albert Bernstein came up with that, but it applies perfectly to this whole treasure-hunting thing."

"So, which is it?" Pope questions, turning to John and Kiara who are sat in the front, "Fantasy? Or reality?"

"I say, you create your own reality." I tell Pope, patting his leg that sits on mine.

"No, Jane Roberts says that." Pope corrects.

"Why're you so weird, Pope?" JJ speaks up for the first time since the country club, giving me a side glance then looking at Pope's legs resting on mine, causing his jaw to clench again.

"It's fantasy, but possible reality." Kie says, hopeful.

"Reality." John confirms confidently.

"Virtual reality" JJ mumbles, going to light his joint, which Pope takes out of his mouth, flicking it in my direction.

"Keep the signal clear." He says to JJ, who slams his lighter closed into his fist.

I pick the joint up, taking my lighter out of my pocket, lighting the joint and pulling a hit from it.

"What, you're not gonna scold Vienna?" JJ complains.

"Nope." Pope says, popping the P. "Vienna's fine."

"You know what your problem is?" JJ argues.

"You?" Pope answers.

"No. It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense."

"He seems pretty relaxed to me" I say, taking another hit, laughing at the boys.

JJ snatches the joint from my mouth, finishing it off himself, staring me down as he does.

"So much for keeping the signal clear" Pope sighs.

"Vienna, go with Kie." John instructs "you two are gonna distract the security guy."

"Okay." I say, getting up from my spot on the bench, walking toward the door to leave. As I go to step over JJ, he grabs my waist, stopping me. He pushes me back into the seat. And scoffs, "No, she's not." He demands, still not looking at me.

"Why not?" John questions.

"Because," JJ shrugs, "she just smoked, he'll realize she's high and call the cops."

"Oh, shit. Good call, dude." John comments. JJ smirks in response. I know he's lying about the reason why he didn't want me with Kie. I had one hit, I didn't even feel high. He knew it.

We all pile out of the van, as soon as the boys make their way out and hide move to hide behind some scrap wood, Kie pulls her car up the the guard and starts talking to him.

"So, how's it going with Kiara?" JJ questions John.

"It's uh, it's not awkward, weird or anything" he answers, to which JJ snorts in response to.

"Honestly, I did not think you were gonna actually listen to me."


"I was 100 percent sure that she was into you, dude!" JJ says, still laughing slightly. "Pope would agree."

"Ehhhh" Pope disputes.

"So, like, Kie, she like, definitely gave you the Heisman?" JJ asks.

"Oh, no question. Yup."

"Gotcha." JJ chuckles, "Hmm" he raises his brows in surprise.

"Maybe she's just into somebody else." Pope suggests, making the boys turn his way. I however smile at him and nudge him, catching on.

Kie continues to talk to the man, bringing him around to the back tire. Once he has his back to us, we make a run for it. JJ was closest to the gate, but he waits until I pass him, grabbing my arm and running with me in his grasp.

JJ runs with me ahead of the group, knowing where he's going. We run to the back of the salvage yard, stopping at a white, metal cargo-ship crate type thing, except it's three times the size of a normal one.

JJ lets go of me and starts fumbling with the lock. He pulls back on the lock, expecting it to come undone but all it does is create a loud thumbing as he pulls on it. I put my hand on top of his, bringing it off the lock so he stops causing a ruckus, afraid he might blow our cover.

"Do you have the right numbers?" Pope asks worriedly.

"All right, so I might have the wrong numbers."

"Ah, damn it!" Pope yells in frustration.

"Pope, be quiet!" I hiss, before hearing a dog bark, coming closer to us.

"Oh! Hey! Hey!" JJ says, as the vicious-looking dog approaches us.

"That's a cougar, nevermind." John says, grabbing me and pulling me away with him. John pulls me as we run father from the barking, hiding behind broken down cars.

Once the barking is far enough away, we sneak back to where JJ said the drone was hidden.

"You know, we can break the lock off." I suggest. John nods his head, grabbing a piece of metal piping and smashing it into the lock, breaking it off.

We walk in, splitting up and looking for anything that resembles a drone.

"V, over here. I think this is it." John announces from the other side of the room, pulling it out, handing me the smaller of the two boxes to carry.

We run out, making our way back to Kie's car.

"Come on, guys!" Kie yells, motioning us forward, signaling that the man was no longer there. Pope come out the same time as us, hopping in the back Kie's car with me, while John takes the front.

A few minutes later, JJ struts out, looking smug. I can't help but notice how good he looks, but as he takes a seat next to me, I realize his eyes are red and puffy, like he's been crying.

I grab sit hand and hold it, to my surprise he grips mine back. He still doesn't speak or meet my eye, but he grips my hand and hold it until we pull into The Wreck.

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