a rose by any other name

By cedricsrose

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We had made our own ending. - A Cedric Diggory love story. A Draco Malfoy best-friendship. Warning! This sto... More

a rose by any other name.
chapter one ❃ slytherin!
chapter two ❃ where it began.
chapter three ❃ the hufflepuff
chapter four ❃ eight months.
chapter five ❃ home
chapter six ❃ the first challenge
chapter seven ❃ just a name
chapter eight ❃ the second challenge
chapter nine ❃ invitations
chapter ten ❃ the golden dress
chapter eleven ❃ the yule ball
chapter twelve ❃ the truth
chapter thirteen ❃ my angel
chapter fourteen ❃ mystery man
chapter fifteen ❃ the maze
chapter sixteen ❃ the cruciatus curse
chapter seventeen ❃ i love you
chapter eighteen ❃ best friend
chapter nineteen ❃ goodbyes
chapter twenty ❃ the dark mark
chapter twenty-one ❃ the vanishing cabinet
chapter twenty-two ❃ going home
chapter twenty-three ❃ obliviate
chapter twenty-four ❃ burning
chapter twenty-five ❃ in trouble
chapter twenty-six ❃ the birds
chapter twenty-seven ❃ loss
chapter twenty-eight ❃ time passes
chapter twenty-nine ❃ cedric diggory
chapter thirty ❃ hufflepuff vs. slytherin
chapter thirty-one ❃ no more goodbyes
chapter thirty-two ❃ our own heaven
chapter thirty-three ❃ the unthinkable
chapter thirty-four ❃ the opal necklace
chapter thirty-five ❃ the poisoned mead
chapter thirty-six ❃ draco malfoy
chapter thirty-seven ❃ the fall of dumbledore
chapter thirty-eight ❃ felix rosier
chapter thirty-nine ❃ worried
chapter forty-one ❃ parisa rosier
chapter forty-two ❃ gone
chapter forty-three ❃ mud-blood
chapter forty-four ❃ the battle of hogwarts
chapter forty-five ❃ this isn't over
chapter forty-six ❃ the end.

chapter forty ❃ perfectly innocent

460 15 0
By cedricsrose

I was woken up by a loud knock on Pansy and I's dorm. Pansy groaned and I sleepily buried my head in my pillows, "Go away! It's Saturday don't you sleep in?" Pansy shouted and then turned over. There was another loud knock but this time someone shouted through the door, "Parisa, open this door right now!" I sat up startled when I recognised it as Cedric's voice. What was he doing? How had he got into the Slytherin common room? Why was he angry? Why did he sound like he was crying? "Ris, I'd answer the door to whoever that is before I kill them." She said raising her voice slightly as she finished so he would hear it. I quickly got up, suddenly feeling awake and even more worried than I did when I went to sleep. When I opened the door, I was hit with a mixture of pain and confusion, Cedric was staring down at me with a tear-stained face. He looked like he wanted to ball his eyes out and scream his head of all at once, I forgot where we were and who was sleeping in the bed behind me and moved towards him, "Cedric oh my god, is everything okay? What's wrong?" I said, reaching out to him but he took a step away from me. I looked at him even more confused and he gulped, "Do you want to know where I've been all night?" He said angrily and I nodded, "My father... Parisa. Parisa your father he-" He stopped, unsure of what to say and my blood boiled, "What. Did. He. Do. Oh, I swear I'm going to kill him." I said walking back into my dorm and sitting on my bed. This was like my worst nightmare, no this literally was my worst nightmare.

"Wait your dad? What about your dad?" I asked realising what he'd said, and Cedric winced... he wouldn't. Would he? "He's- He's d-dead Parisa. Your father killed him!" Cedric shouted his voice breaking as he turned away from me. I slowly stood up and made my way over to him, "Wait... he- no, he-" I stuttered, I gently touched Cedric on the shoulder to comfort him but he flinched away from me, "Don't- Don't touch me." He said turning to face me whilst stepping back. I looked at him confused and my eyes glazed over.

"I... This is your fault! Your father killed mine just to get back at you. How could you let this happen?" He shouted and I shook my head, "Cedric, I- I thought he was going to scare me or something. I never imagined he could..." Cedric shook his head and laughed grimly, "Kill someone? Kill someone so perfectly innocent? Well he did, what did you expect?... Parisa he's a Death Eater... he's evil. All Death Eaters are." He said glaring down at me and his hidden meaning stabbed at my chest. "We're- Parisa we're over! I- I never want to see you again, don't try to speak to me, don't look at me... don't even think about me. Just forget about me. This," He pointed between him and I, "Whatever this was... is over." He sobbed slightly then, trying to cover it up, "I didn't even get to say goodbye! And Snape won't even let me go home to see him! It's your fault he's making me stay... this is all your fault!" He shouted and I sobbed, "Cedric please I- You know I would have stopped him if I could... if I knew." I cried but he just rolled his eyes, "I don't know why I ever tried to understand you. I never should have let you kiss me even that first time."

Draco appeared from behind him and looked slightly out of breath, obviously having ran up the stairs to our dorm. "What is going on? Diggory what are you doing in here?" He spat and Cedric turned to face him. "She can tell you. Make sure she stays away from me Malfoy." He said and he walked out the door taking one last disgusted look at me before leaving, I ran to the door and grabbed his hand, but he pulled it away. The ring that matched my necklace was gone. "Cedric please." I sobbed running down the stairs after him, but Draco pulled me back, holding me tight, "Parisa, let him go. He's too angry right now." I gave up and just collapsed into him sobbing as Pansy came over to help him lead me to my bed "Parisa... I would kill you right now for being with Diggory of all people but that can wait... Ris this isn't your fault." She said and I cried harder. It was my fault... I should have known he would do something like this. Cedric was safe the whole time... he wouldn't kill Cedric no that would be too easy, he would break both our hearts. He knew how Cedric would react... anyone would act that way.

I couldn't believe that even after my own mother had died, he had been able to do such a thing. I thought then about Amos and sobbed even harder, Cedric was right... he was so innocent and kind and caring. Cedric must have been truly heartbroken – I knew he was. My mother's death was almost unbearable, and it still made me sob whenever I thought about it... but Cedric and his father had such a good relationship that I could only imagine how much harder this was for him. They were like best-friends.

I crawled up into a ball on my bed and Pansy quietly explained everything that Cedric had said whilst gently running her hands through my hair. "I'm going to kill him." Draco said angrily, "How can he possibly blame that on her, Felix hasn't even spoken to her in a month." He knew why. I picked my head up, "No he's right, this is my fault. I made him angry and went against him. I should have known he would do something like this." I croaked and they both shook their heads. "That doesn't mean it's your fault... you were just saying what you believed. That doesn't give him the right to just... kill someone." Pansy said and Draco agreed with her, "If he is so quick to put the blame on you, maybe you don't know him as well as you thought." He said and I buried my face in my bed sheets crying harder.

Just twenty-four hours ago I had been wrapped up in Cedric's arms with his lips on mine. The things he had said swam into my head and I got lost in them. 'I never want to see you again.' I had just got him back, everything was going perfectly, I was actually happy despite everything that was happening. I felt worse than I did when he found out about my Dark Mark. '...he's evil. All Death Eaters are.' He hated me, he really hated me this time; and in good reason; I knew there was only so many times you could forgive someone. I knew that one day something was going to happen that would finally make him see how bad I really was, whether I wanted it or not I had The Dark Mark, and that made me evil. He had just chosen to ignore it until it was too late, the guilt was consuming me, and I knew I was not going to just get over this. I was too in love with him, I depended on him too much to be able to just move on. But he was right, we were over. And even worse still, he regretted everything, everything we had done, said. "I never should have let you kiss me even that first time." I thought back to our first kiss. I had kissed him, even though at the time I still thought what he believed in was wrong, he changed me. For the better – he didn't know it, but he helped me see what was right, Merlin knows who I would have been without him. I owed my life to him; he had saved me both physically and mentally – he was the one who found me on The Astronomy Tower with blood dripping down my arm. He was the one who accepted me despite all the fucked-up things I had to do. He was the one who made me somehow feel good about myself even when I should have hated everything I stood for.

He had given me so much, and all I had caused him was pain. I should have just run from him and stayed away back in fourth year, I shouldn't have even crossed paths with him as much as I had, we didn't speak for four years – we could have made it another four before we left and never saw each other again. I knew what I did was wrong, I'd ruined his life. But I couldn't help it – I'd fallen head over heels for that gorgeous Hufflepuff and there was no going back now. I felt lost without him already and it hadn't even been half an hour, all I could do was sob and think about all of our memories together.

"Ris, is there anything we can do?" Pansy asked and I shook my head. "I'll go get us some breakfast." Draco said leaving our dorm and Pansy pulled the covers over me, I grabbed the pendant of the necklace Cedric had given me and clutched it like it was part of him. It was all I had left. Pansy sighed and climbed into my bed and at some point, Draco returned and climbed into the bed on the other side of me. I didn't eat anything, I felt too sick to even keep anything down when I tried – we stayed like this for pretty much the whole weekend. I was too upset to really say anything and when Sunday night rolled around, I didn't think I could even leave my dorm, Draco finally went back to his room but said he'd be back in the morning before classes.

Draco Malfoy's POV

Parisa had barley left her dorm in four months. She went to classes, and to detention when she forgot to hand papers in and only went to The Great Hall when it was absolutely necessary. I knew she wasn't eating properly, and it was starting to show, she looked sick, and I was starting to recognise how she looked as how I had last year. I knew she wasn't taking all of this well, she was having nightmares and Pansy was constantly running into my dorm at night to help her calm Parisa down.

Even with everything going on Parisa was usually quite cheery, I'd never understood how but now it was obvious; Diggory was her everything. Before everything... happened, she was always trying to get me to stop being so mopey and to just distract myself. Of course, that was easier said than done but even the fact that she kept trying with me helped. Most people just gave up on me back then, like Pansy and Blaise, after a while they just stopped asking me what was wrong. But not Parisa, she never gave up, she would never leave in the morning without checking up on me and if she didn't wake up in her dorm she would always come and find me after she left wherever she was. I hated to admit it but without Parisa maybe I would have pitched myself off the Astronomy Tower that night, I'd certainly thought about it – she saved me and she was there for me when even at the time I must have been acting like a right prick. Wasn't it only fair that now I return the favour?

Parisa was my best-friend, she was like more like my sister to be honest, and it hurt to see her like this. It was a Sunday and she hadn't left her dorm all day, so I was going to take her to The Great Hall to make sure that she at least ate something today, but when I got there, I instantly knew it was not happening. She was led on her bed, crying, holding a piece of parchment and just staring at it. I walked over to her and sat on the side of her bed, "Is everything okay Ris? What's that?" I asked as she looked up at me and tried to speak through her sobs, "It's-It's from Felix." She managed to splutter out and I frowned. Her father - although she refused to call him that anymore, he was as good as dead to her at this point - hadn't spoken to her since we were at The Manor. Parisa gave me the piece of parchment and then laid against me, burying her head in her pillows, I put my arm around her and read the letter.

Dear Parisa Rosier,

I did what was necessary for the situation, you needed to be taught a lesson my dear. No matter what you believe in there is only one right way, and you must follow it. You are binded to The Dark Lord and as a daughter of mine, you will follow him faithfully and loyally. That Diggory boy was getting in the way of that and so you left me no choice but to do something about it.

I hope you're ashamed of yourself, you don't deserve to be 'in-love' as if you even could be with such a blood-traitor, if that's what you claim it as. I think you'll find that The Dark Lord comes above everything, your soul purpose in this world is to serve him and I will stop at nothing to ensure you do this. You have put the Rosier name to shame with your actions and I am truly disappointed in you, I know your mother would be too.

This was your fault, and I have waited until now to get in touch with you so that you have time to get over it. I'm sure you and Draco both know something is coming and I am pleased to tell you that I'm sure your time at Hogwarts may be cut short. The Dark Lord needs everybody standing loyally by him – and I know you will do this now. Or else.

Please do whatever Severus tells you to do and do not question him.

Your father.

I read over the letter a few times and then scoffed, "You don't believe this do you, Ris, none of this is your fault, he's just crazy." Ris brought her head up and wiped her eyes, "It is my fault, if I had just stayed away from him Amos would still be alive – it's my fault he'd dead, it's my fault Cedric's in pain and it's my fault Cedric hates me." She cried and I gently grabbed the side of her head, "Stop blaming yourself, it's all him, please stop blaming yourself." Ris rolled her eyes and put her head back down. I folded the letter and put it into my pocket standing up, "I need to do something, I'll get Pansy to come up." I said leaving the room.

When I got to the common room Pansy and Daphne were chatting on one of the sofa's "Pans, Ris' crying again can you just comfort her, and make sure she eats something." I said heading towards the exit, "Of course but, where are you going babe?" She asked standing up, "I just need to try something – fix things maybe." I said walking out and telling her no more. I was going to find Diggory – I'd had enough of Parisa blaming herself and if Diggory could just see the truth then maybe he could try to understand.


authors note: There are quite a lot of POV changes for the last few chapters but whenever i DON'T state who's POV it is, it's Parisa's. I'll state whether its Draco's or Ced's. The last few chapters are my favourites so I really hope you enjoy reading them! Hope everybody is safe and well <3

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