Transformers ask or dare

By WhiteWolfNinja

79.3K 1.1K 442

I'm board as hell so i thought why not do an ask or dare while i come up with an idea to write the next chapt... More

Ask or Dare
Dare #1
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Ask #2 & Dare #6
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Ask #40

252 5 1
By WhiteWolfNinja

@JanAnn416 Hey me again. So I have an ask for Thunderhoof, again. Have you ever done the floss (the dance move) in front of Megatron or anyone else? And for Supercruncher and Ratchet: Ratchet is my Carrier and Supercruncher is my Sire. I'm a slender femme with Ratchet's colour scheme and knowledge, however I do enjoy watching others suffer during dares and I also have an unlimited supply of wrenches ready to be thrown.

Supercruncher: *Alright so Supercruncher maybe having a hard time calming his evil side and as a result everybot has been a little on guard now you may be asking yourself is Supercruncher a ninja! well he wouldn't tell you if he was or not so nobot will ever know the answer apart from the bots who knew him back on Cybertron *cough* Ratchet *cough* anyway~ checking wattpad seeing an ask reads it then teleports to Thunderhoof*

Supercruncher: *walks up to Thunderhoof from out of the shadows* Hey Thunderhoof!

Thunderhoof: *screams and looks at Supercruncher* Where did you come from!

Supercruncher: I'm not telling you!......ANYWAY~ Thunderhoof you have an ask from JanAnn416 she has asked if you have ever done the floss the dance move infront of Megatron or anybot else!?

Thunderhoof: Yes I did it infront of Steeljaw once.........he attacked me!

Supercruncher: He attacked you~ hahaha you were attacked because you did a dance move infront of him!

Thunderhoof: Yea yea laugh it up Autobot!

Supercruncher: Oh I will~........Later tonight BYE! *teleports back to base*

1 Hour Later

*Miko had once again gotten into Supercruncher's wattpad account and sees the answer to her last question standing up she walks over to Ratchet and Supercruncher*

Miko: Hey guys I got my answer from your daughter about which one of you is her Carrier!


Miko: Not happening!

Supercruncher: *groans in defeat as Ratchet pats his back-strut* Alright then Miko which one is her Carrier?

Miko: *looks between them then looked directly at Ratchet* Her Carrier's Ratchet!

Ratchet: *shocked* WHAT!!!!!

Supercruncher: *laughing his aft off* Oh oh that's hilarious!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Ratchet: *growls at his mate* SHUT UP SUPERCRUNCHER I DON'T SEE WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: What's so funny about it Ratchy is that it's very very rare you let me be the dominant one in berth so for me to have been the one to spark you instead of the other way around is the funniest thing ever to me! *laughs harder*

Ratchet: *growls and takes a wrench from his subspace*

Supercruncher: *stops laughing and stares at his mate for a minute for taking off Ratchet right on his tail* AHHHHH!!!!

Ratchet: *growling* GET BACK HERE CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *shouts over his shoulder-plate* WHAT SO YOU CAN HIT ME WITH YOUR WRENCH NO WAY!!!!!!

Miko: Well once again Supercruncher can't finish this chapter so i'll do it *clears throat* Well there you have it guys Thunderhoof answered his ask we found out Ratchet is the Carrier of his and Supercruncher's daughter so~ keep them coming guys! *in the background a loud clang and bang is heard Miko looks behind her* And Ratchet just knocked out Supercruncher with his wrench!

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