My little secret

By DiaperSarah

262K 970 70

Sarah is 16 years old she has a 15 year old sister Hannah and a 13 year old sister Ivy. Ivy still wears pull... More

At school
The Plan
The Trip Part 1
The Trip Part 2
Feedback For Next Part
The Trip Part 3
The Weekend
The Mess
Back To School
The Mall
Maddie's House
Date Night
Camping Pt 1
Camping Pt 3
Slumber Weekend
Potty Training

Camping Pt 2

5.9K 31 2
By DiaperSarah

     I parked my car at the campsite after our check in. I pull on my pants and hop out of the car. I help unload stuff from the trunk and awhile I'm unloading I see that Hannah has a pull-up on and that there is a wet one in the trunk. I put two and two together. I overheard mom telling Hannah about the pull-up last night so she wouldn't wet herself in the car and she probably did but, in her diaper.
     I continued to pack and that was when I realized our site had cabins. There were 3 cabins one had two queen beds, for the adults, and the others had two sets of bunk beds. Me and Laura got our own cabin and the other kids had to share one.
    I got all my clothes and diapers and put them  by my bed. After that my dad and my uncle made burgers for us on the grill they brought. I checked my phone and saw it was only 6:00 so we had plenty of time to do stuff. So me and Laura got on our swimsuits, and I got my swim diaper, and we went to the pool they had. We didn't know there was a pool when we looked the place up online but, there was. We swam for a while and once we got out I felt that I had pooped heavily without even noticing it. I just shrugged it off and changed when we got back to our campsite.
      At night me and Laura stayed up late and talked and played board games for hours. Eventually Laura finally came into the subject of diapers. We talked about when she came over and she said she was just curious about them. I asked if she wanted one of mine since I packed extra. She paused for a second blushed really hard and quietly whispered "yeah actually that sounds nice." I told her not to be embarrassed and I handed her the pull-up she put it on and said she was gonna pee I could hear just a faint hiss and I saw the pull-up sag and become yellow as the pee spread around.
    When she was finished she disposed of it and pulled up her pants. We then talked some more and finally went to bed.
    In the morning our parents said we would be going to our other aunt and uncles house just for a day. They had a little girl, Jane she was four, who still was potty training. They had a pool and a pretty big house so we would sleep there for the night then spend the rest of our time at the campsite. We all ate and then drove to her house. I parked my car and made my way inside.
    Laura's View:
I walked into my Aunt Lacy's house. It was huge and they were going to give a tour but, I had to pee so I asked where their bathroom was. My Aunt said upstairs to the right down the hall so I went upstairs and when I went in the bathroom I saw Minnie Mouse training pants and an Ariel training potty. I thought about last night and told myself I have to take advantage of this. So I pulled down my pants locked the door sat on the training potty and relaxed.
    It took a second but, once the first drops came out I couldn't stop. The potty filled up fast so I had to stop empty it into the toilet and continue to pee. Afterward I put on one of the pairs of training pants. They were a little tight but actually felt pretty snug and secure. I pulled up my pants and made my way downstairs.
    I then saw Aunt Lacy walk into the bathroom and close the door. I met up with my family and ate some food until my Aunt asked me to come with her a second. She told me when she went into the bathroom she saw Jane's potty was filled with pee and asked if I had used it. I freaked out but I lied and said I didn't and Jane must have. She said ok and left me alone but that was close I had to be more careful next time. How could I have forgot to empty the pee.
    Sarah's View:
After swimming we all got rooms and fell asleep for the night today was fun and I couldn't wait for the rest of the trip.

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