By hiitsmety

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206 26 17
By hiitsmety

My alarm goes off. At exactly 06.00. It turned out that I fell asleep on the study sofa. Trying to gather my consciousness. I headed for the kitchen, intending to make breakfast for Taehyung.

I am rarely in my own kitchen, because I have been busy all this time. But today I took the time to busy myself in the kitchen. Just because I wanted to make something for my husband. Makes kimchi fried rice and hot chocolate milk as his favorite.

Looking for the easiest kimchi fried rice recipe on the search site. Follow the recipe step by step that I read. The movement that was slightly stiff made my hand hit by the heat of the frying pan which accidentally touched the back of my palm.

"Ouch ...", while blowing my skin that began to turn red.

I turned on the tap water in the sink, put my hand on the running water to cool the burning sensation on my skin.

I continue to fry the rice that is still in the frying pan. I tasted and put on 2 plates. Setting the dining table and tidying it. I saw that the time was 07.00 in the morning.

When I wanted to remove the apron from my body, that's when I heard the sound of the doorbell. I wondered who was visiting so early.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, I turned my gaze to the guest room below.

"Tae? Why did you come out of there?"

"Last night I slept here. It's easier for me", walked closer to the door "Let me open it. That's Hoseok Hyung", past me with a slightly dragged footsteps.

I watched Taehyung walk, honestly it tormented me when I saw him. He had to drag one of his legs with a rather heavy step.

"Morning Sohyun-ssi", says Hoseok to me.

"Morning Hoseok-ssi," I replied.

"Hyung, help me carry him", coded Hoseok to follow him to the guest room.

I'm still silent, not aware of something. Sitting back at the dining table drinking my apple juice. Then I saw ...

Hoseok carried Taehyung's big suitcase out of the guest room. The suitcase that hasn't been seen for a long time. The suitcase that Taehyung usually brings when traveling is quite long. His official trip if there is a photo shoot abroad.

"You go first Hyung. I'll follow you later", Taehyung ordered.

"Yes yes. Take your time", pushed the big suitcase and then saw me "Sohyun-ssi, see you later", waved at me. I just smiled mixed with confusion.

"Where are you going Tae?", With my innocent face.

Tae approached me, holding my shoulders "Hyun ... I'm going to America", he said in a tone I barely heard.


"Papa asked me for my treatment in America for 2 weeks Hyun"


"I've been thinking about this all night, Hyun. It seems like this is best option for now. I want to try everything ways"

"Without a discussion with me?"

"You must support my decision, right Hyun? I want to hurry back to work"

"But Tae ...."

"Do you want me to take it to you Mother? Better than you are here alone"

"No need Tae"

"Are you sure Hyun?"


"I'll go first. I'll definitely keep you updated when I get there", his gaze deep in my eyes.

I just nodded.

Taehyung pulled my neck. Mashed my lips. Playing his tongue in my mouth cavity. I can smell of mint from my husband. The exchange of two breaths scrambling for oxygen that is getting thinner. I closed my eyes, I didn't feel like removing his lips. Lips that I've been enjoying for 3 years. Only these lips.

His embrace on my body slowly loosens up. His lips fell off slowly. Wiped my hair and stared at my beaded eyes.

"Don't be naughty Hyun. I'll be back. As soon as possible"

I just smiled, trying to be strong in front of him. Hugging his body one last time.

Taehyung kissed my forehead, hugged me from the side. I accompanied him to the front door.

"Just go inside, don't stay here", commanded me, holding my hand.

Hoseok approached, "Sohyun-ssi. We have to go right now", he said goodbye.

"Be careful Hoseok-ssi. Sorry if it's a bother. Please take care of Kim Taehyung", staring at my husband with a stare holding back tears.

"It must be Sohyun-ssi", Hoseok put his arm around Taehyung's waist.

"Thanks Hoseok-ssi," I said.

Taehyung smiled, then turned away from me.

"Sohyun-ah .... why didn't you hold me away?"

I looked at my husband who started to move away.

"Taehyung-ah ... why don't you ask me to go with you?"

Taehyung waved his hand at me from inside the car he was riding in.

"Kim So Hyun ... is your career more important than me?"

I waved back his hand.

"Kim Taehyung ... is your dream more important?"

When the mouth cannot speak. Then it is the voice of the heart that speaks.

Why didn't you say it? Why be buried and only hope for each other? which in the end will cause misunderstanding.

That is why the importance of communication in a married household. Is not it?


10 days later ....

Right on the day Taehyung left for America. That day I decided to go back to work. Leave that has been in accepted for 2 weeks, only ends up being 1 week. Because my husband just left me with his sudden plan. It can be stressful if I'm just alone for 1 week at home without doing anything.

Time passes so fast, this is the 10th day without my husband. Feel so hollow? Yes. Miss him? Definitely. But can I still live without my husband by my side? Turns out Yes.

Is this a normal feeling?

Me and Taehyung still love each other. We still communicate with each other, even if it's just chat and phone calls. Even occasionally making video calls.

Our household are fine. Yes, our household are still the same.

I stressed it over and over to myself.

While closing my eyes and taking a deep breath while I remember what happened last night.



"Sohyun-ssi. Congratulations", boisterous voices from several co-workers near me who raised their soju glasses while looking at me.

"Thank you. Don't drink too much. It's late at night," I said, who had finished a bottle of soju.

"Sohyun-ssi, where's your husband? That handsome, Model Kim", seductively rolled her eyes. Tzuyu started getting drunk.

How dare she said that in front of me. It's true, her mouth was always unconscious sin like she told me the other day.

"Yyyaaa .. how can you say someone else's husband is handsome. You are such a wide mouth!" Said my other co-workers nudging Tzuyu and saw me a little uncomfortable with me.

I just smiled casually.Jungkook came and took a seat beside me, "Thank you all for your hard work. Next week JJK Company will attend the SEOUL Fashion Awards", pouring soju into my glass.

I accept the pour.

"Omo Omo Omo. Director, is JJK Company nominated?" Asked Tzuyu.

"Yes. JJK is nominated as one of the influential fashion companies this year", explained Jungkook.


The noise filled one corner of the bar which was filled with JJK Company people. The excitement coupled with the sound of thumping music swings softly against my ear. I'm not even realize that I've opened the second bottle of my soju.

Until one by one people started saying goodbye. I just realized when a hand touched my shoulder "Sohyun-ssi".

Turned towards the touch, and saw the face of the man beside me "Songkang-ssi?", My vision began to blur.

"Come on, I'll take you home, Sohyun-ssi", he offered me.

"Ah ... I'm waiting for my husband, Songkang-ssi", without realizing it I started babbling. Obviously my husband is in America.

"Just go home. I know her husband. I'll wait until her husband picks her up," Jungkook said to Songkang.

Songkang scratched his hand on his head, "Ah .. is that so .. OK Director. Good evening", bowed his body and then left me alone with Jungkook.

As soon as Songkang, the owner of this bar came to Jungkook while whispering.

"I leave first. You can lock the door as usual right? Don't you dare do anything with that person's wife!", Tapped Jungkook's head slowly.

Jungkook frowned in pain while chuckling. Led his friend to the doorway then locked the door from the inside and partially extinguished the lights. Then come back to me.

"Sohyun-ah, let's go home. You're drunk", his voice made me aware.

"Jeon Jungkook?", Turning my face to his face "Are you happy?", I asked suddenly.

Seeing Jungkook not answering, I repeated his question "Are you happy with your marriage?", Still looking at him.

Jungkook is still silent.

"How can fate bring us to meet again. Tch ...", I said after drinking another glass of soju.

"Sohyun-ah, how can you marry someone likes Kim Taehyung?", Loosened his tie then drank a small glass of soju in front of him.

"Thanks to you. Should I thank you Jungkook-ah? Because 5 years ago after you dumped me just like that. I met Model Kim. Kim Taehyung. The man I never thought I would marry", I explained.

"How many years have you been married?"

"Didn't I ever told you? 3 years"

"For 3 years you never thought of me?"

"You're stupid?! Why do I have to think about you when I have a handsome husband like Kim Taehyung", I said, then take my bag to go home.

"Because I still think about you even though I have married my wife for 5 years Sohyun-ah", his hand gripped my wrist.

Even though right now I can't think straight due to the influence of the soju, but my hearing is still functioning properly "You're drunk. It's late. We better get out of here", releasing his grip on my hand.

"I still love you Kim So Hyun".

A sentence that can stop my steps. Jungkook caught up with me and stood right in front of me.

"Even after 5 years of marriage. Your shadow is still here", he pointed to his head "I still have my feelings for you here", pointing to his left chest.

I immediately slapped his cheek. Plakkkkk !!!

"Wake up, Joen Jungkook! We are both married. Our relationship ended 5 years ago"

My hard slap was not enough to bring him back.

Jungkook even leaned forward to me, "I never end our relationship, don't even feel this relationship has ended Hyun".

"Stop calling me that!"

"Why? I'm the first man who called you like that Hyun"

"Enough Jungkook!"

"You still love me too, don't you?? Don't lie to me"

Jungkook leaned closer to me.

"There is only one way to find out", Jungkook got closer to my body.

I frowned, seeing Jungkook leaning his face against mine. Pulling my waist in one beat closer to his body. His left hand pulls the bend of my neck, kisses my lips. Crush it.

Like being hypnotized. Instead, I started to close my eyes and enjoy the gentle suction on my lower lip. I even kissed him back.



My head shook quickly. Dismissed the feeling of anxiety that was spreading in this heart.

From this second on I will be avoiding the cursed drink called SOJU. Indeed, a woman, especially a married woman who drinks SOJU without being accompanied by her husband is a BIG MISTAKE. Moreover, drinking SOJU with AN EX LOVER is the same as BIG SIN.

I resumed my drawing that I had to complete for this weekend's fashion week.

Since my first runway show back then, I have had a lot of job offers. There is nothing that I refuse. No. That's why during the past 10 days I spent more of my time drawing and conducting interviews in several magazines.


Read some magazines that feature my fashion designs. A happy smile appeared on my face. Climbing the stairs slowly from the ground floor does take time to be able to reach the top floor. It's the same as what I'm doing now, starting from the bottom floor. Walk slowly to enjoy every footing. Until someday I want to be on the top floor.

Yes, someday.

When I was enjoying the apple juice that was almost running out, I heard the sound of the doorbell that caught my listeners' senses. I saw the clock on the wall which still showed 07.00 am.

Approaching the intercom screen that links to my fence. Jungkook's face almost filled the screen. When I press the speaker button, then I can hear his voice "Sohyun-ah. Open the fence. Otherwise I will make a scene in front of your house", he threatened.

My hands, which were a little hesitant, finally pressed the OPEN button to open access to the house fence and that meant I invited Jungkook into my house. Yes, for the first time.

5 minutes later, the sound of the door opened at the same time Jungkook's body appeared behind the door.

"How do you know our house?", I asked him.

"Our house?"

"Yes. My house with my husband Kim Taehyung. If you are feels like amnesia", I said.

"Worker Profile. On your CV, the full address of this house is written. With the help of the GPS on my car, I finally got here. It's quite easy, right?", Jungkook chuckled.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding anyone. It's just your feelings Director Joen"

"I'm here to give you this. Today you don't need to go to the office", Jungkook threw a brown maps on the living room table.

I immediately opened it, it contained airplane tickets, red carpet invitations and my sketch portfolio.

"What does this mean?"

"Can I have a drink? Suddenly my throat is dry, talking to you makes my thirst even more", Jungkook immediately got up from his seat.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the kitchen to get him a drink.

"Cold water please"

"Drink cold in the morning? Are you sure??"

"Yes, because my body suddenly feels hot looking at your body which is only wrapped in the silk bathrobe", looking at me from bottom to top with a naughty look.

I glanced sarcastically, then handed me a glass filled with cold water according to his request.

I just realized that I was still dressed in sleepwear, quickly took the coat that was in the downstairs laundry room. Tossing my hair and asking Jungkook again.

"So what does this mean?", Raised the brown maps in my right hand.

"We're going to Japan tomorrow"

My round eyes stared at Jungkook who leaned against my dining table, "Suddenly ??", I asked.

"Your own fault. You avoided me. The invitation was received 2 days ago. As long as you know"

"But I haven't Taehyung's permission"

"Just call him now. Get it done"

At the same time, my cellphone suddenly rang. My cellphone is next to Jungkook. What I left on the dining table while enjoying my apple juice earlier.

"The timing is right. Your husband called you. Just tell him now", Jungkook shifted the screen and turned on my speakerphone with his hand.

I immediately ran and glared angrily at Jungkook, I felt like scratching his baby face.

"Sohyunniieeeeee ......", a happy voice came from Taehyung.

When my hand wanted to take my cellphone, Jungkook's body was holding my body with his two hands. As a result, my cellphone is still on the dining table with Taehyung's voice starting to fill the dining room at this time.

Jungkook even turned my body, We switched positions. My body is cornered on one side of the dining table.

"Hello? Sohyunnieee ?? Hyun ??", Taehyung's voice is still calling my name.

"Ya Tae? Ssoo... Sorry. I'm in the kitchen. I'm using speaker mode on". My words are not completely lies, are they?

"Ahh ... no doubt your voice sounded a bit far away. Babe, I'm HEADING HOME", his tone sounded quite enthusiastic.

"Really ?? Where are you now Tae?"

"It's a secret", he heard a voice laughing "Just wait. In a little while", he said.

My face immediately looked at Jungkook who was only a few inches from my face.

Suddenly my voice sounded a little trembling, "Oo... okay Tae .. I ... I'll wait at home. I'll clean the kitchen first", excusing Taehyung to end the call immediately.

"Okay Hyun. I miss you"

Tut... tut.... *end calling*

I immediately pushed Jungkook's body.

"You get out quickly", chased him away by pushing his body.

"Never. Before you say yes"

"Jeon Jungkook!!"

"Today no need to go to the office. Tomorrow we're going to Japan. Okay?"

I still look thoughtful.

"I will not leave without hearing confirmation from you", He threatened me again.

"Yes! Okay Director Joen! We're going to Japan tomorrow!", While pushing his body up to the main door.

Until the sound of someone pressing the password on the door that will open shortly.

Tit tit tit tit tit.....

I just stared in fear at the movement of the doorknob that was about to open in a moment.

My heart is pounding to see what will happen next.

The worst case scenario is .....

I died today.

No. No. No.

Me and Jungkook are going to die today!





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