My Little Nightmare || Bitty...


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With Y/N now graduated from high school and now living with her parents, she doesn't have much to do besides... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 16

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Hauling another load of boxes on those metal roller cart things, I dragged myself and the boxes down each isle, unpacking all the items as swiftly as possible.

Today was a shitty day so far, and the sad truth was that it had barely begun. I've only got another few more hours until im done but thank the gods that my lunch break is soon.

Im not really sure why they call it a lunch break when I dont get there around lunch time. Its like late lunch.. Or its just a really early dinner.

Either way, I thankfully was only minutes away from my happy break time..

But just before I was about to leave, a customer came up to me.

He had brown hair with light curls, bright blue eyes, and a nervous smile.

"Um excuse me miss...."

He looked at my badge.


"Yes? Is there something you need sir?" I responded politely, placing my box cutter on the shelf next to me.

"I was just wondering if you were good at finding things.." He asked, trying not to look directly into my eyes.

What was with this guy? He seemed more nervous than he should..

"I am, what are you looking fo-"

"Because I think you may have found my heart."


That makes more sense..

My body froze. I didn't know what to say, what WOULD you say in response to that??

"Wha-? Wait a minute.. Huh??"

Not quite what I was going for but its.. fine.. I guess..?

"I-I'm sorry ma'am, I am extremely socially awkward.." He explained, rubbing his arm as he looked  away once again.

Behind him were a group of other people, whispering and giggling to themselves as they watched.

They were all adults, but I just found it weird overall.. Was this a dare or something?

"No, you're fine sir, It's alright." I assured. He seemed to get more confidence from that.

"Really? Oh, thank god, I get nervous when it comes to talking to women.." He announced, twisting a strand of hair around his finger.

He was also very fidgety I noticed too. But he was actually pretty cute if I was being completely honest.

"Ah.. My names Daniel by the way.." Daniel introduced, giving a small shy wave

"Y/N." I said back, only now noticing that he had most definitely read my nametag.

I looked down at it and laughed to myself.

"Oh right.. eheh.."

"So uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" He asked, trying his hardest to make eye contact without trying to be weird.

I knew exactly what his mind was thinking right now. I used to be the exact same way back in high school.


Should I actually take him up on that offer? Maybe I should..

"Y'know what, sure. Why not?" I agreed. His face lit up light a sky full of fireworks, holy crap his smile was cute. Maybe this will turn out good?

"Holy hell.. Really???" He asking, thinking I was just joking around with him.

"Well, yeah sure..!" I answered back to make sure he knew I wasn't kidding.

Ill give him a shot, he seems like a good guy. Why not?

Taking a small piece of cardboard from behind me and a pen from my pocket, I wrote my phone number down for him.

"Here's my number, give me a call sometime and we can figure out a time and place, m'kay?" I spoke.

He nodded swiftly and left, all smiley and excited.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his adorableness, like holy crap he's so freakin' CUTE!!

But being completely honest, I had no fucking clue what just happened. Did that really happen? Did I just get asked out on a date and I AGREED??!?

But im excited.. I've never actually been asked on a date before, so this is new for me. And I was not expecting it to be some nervous guy while I was at work no less.

And I mean, even though the boss has been giving us shit all day long, I think that Daniel really cheered me up just then.

Holy crap I need to go tell Jason on my lunch break now.

Leaving the metal rack in its place, I made my way to the staff room with a little more excitement than usual.

"Heyyyyy Jason.." I said sliding in behind him.

"What happened to you?" He asked, turning around in his chair to face me. Im not quite sure why I was saying it as weirdly as I was, but I was, and I was going with it.

"Guess what I~ got...."


"I got asked out." I said in a very nonchalant manner, shrugging my shoulders.

"Wait what? By who?" He asked in a sort of protective way?

"Chill out, you're acting like if I had an older brother.. Jeez... His names Daniel, we were chatting earlier while I was unpacking."

"What did he look like? Was he tall? Did he seem nice? Where's he taking you??" Jason continued, sounding more and more protective as he went on.

"Jesus Christ Jason, chill out.. He was nice, okay?"

Jason apologised for being so nosy as I went to grab one of those gross healthy bar things from the vending machine.

Apparently these things were good for your body or something and keep you energized.

"Since when do you eat those?" Jason asked.

"Since now, I left my lunch at home cause I was in a rush. I mean, I don't really like these or care enough to remember what they're called but I might as well eat something" I replied, taking a seat next to Jason while taking a bite.

"Oh yeah, about Nightmare." He started.

"What about him?"

"What are you going to do with him while you're on your date?"

Oh shit.

What WAS I going to do with him while im on my date???

This might not go so well after all..

Published 12th January 2021 6:50 pm

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