The first hit || Benny Rodrig...

Autorstwa Ghost_Skeleton101

23.4K 302 41

When a girl move to California from Arizona everything changes for her, when she meets the best people of her... Więcej

Moving day
Camp out
Phone call
The date
The Accident
Wake up call
Pool hotties
Broken nose
Your out
Like a light
The almost kiss
Morning sunlight
I love you too
Night Drive
10 years later

Happy birthday

1K 10 0
Autorstwa Ghost_Skeleton101

June 7th 2014

I woke up in someone's lap but was to tired to look. I could feel Luke still asleep so I didn't want to bother him. I heard whispering and little giggles from the other couch. I assumed it was the boys. I just stayed half asleep for awhile until I felt Luke shifting in his sleep.

I got up and looked over to who I fell asleep on. Benny was sleeping with his arm hanging off the couch using it as a pillow. I blushed a little and looked over to the boys watching tv on the floor. Luke was still half asleep on me. The boys were watching sponge bob and I laughed when I saw. "What?" Ham said looking back at me. "Nothing, nothing." I said trying to hide my smile. "Yeah yeah whatever what are we doing today." Yeah yeah asked rolling his eyes playfully. He probably knew I was laughing at them watching sponge bob. I actually liked sponge bob but then watching it was funny. "I don't know probably go to the arcade then the pool." I said shrugging. "Yeahhhh!" All the boys chanted this woke up Luke instantly and some of the younger kids who were still asleep. Benny was still sleeping peacefully. "Jeez yell much." I laughed. The boys laughed with me. I got up and walked to the kitchen where my mom was making pancakes, bacon and eggs. "Hey sweetie what are we doing today." My mom said smiling at me. "I don't know I was thinking we could go to the arcade and the pool." I said sitting on the counter. "Got it do you wanna open presents or-." My mom said getting cut off. "Presents!" All the boys said running in. I laughed and nodded. Benny was now awake and so were the rest of the boys. The boys ran upstairs to Luke's room. I sat down at the table. The boys brought there presents and I thanked them giving them all a group hug. Benny put his hand on my waist giving me butterflies. "Well I'm gonna go change then we can go." I said then ran upstairs. I put on some black 4 button shorts and a black and blue striped shirt then tucked it in and some blue converse. I put a black bathing suit under for when we go to the pool.  I brushed out my hair and put on my new blue hat.

I went downstairs. All the boys were eating and I sat down in between Luke and Ham.  I ate and we ran out the door to the arcade. I pulled out a 20 dollar bill and put it in the machine to get coins. I put an even amount of coins in each of the cups and gave it to the boys. I started playing the games I started on the hammer one hoping to get 1000. "Come on Brooke you got this." I heard Benny say from behind me. I smiled and got ready to hit the button. I hit it not to soft not to hard and got to 1000. I cheered and high-fived Benny then hugged him, but the worst parts was waiting for the tickets to come out. I grabbed the bottom of the tickets and started folding them. "Wow that's a lot of tickets." An unfamiliar voice said. I turned around to see a tall brown haired boy say. "Oh um yeah I got the 1000." I said smiling. "I'm Matt." The boy said smiling and putting his hand out to shake it. "I'm Brooke." I said return the smile and shaking his hand. "Can I uh get your number maybe?"Matt said nervously. I slightly blushed and gave it to him. "Uhm sure, it's **********" I said giving him a smile back. "Thanks uh see you around." He said winking and walking away. He was cute and seemed super sweet. Benny looked at me with some look on his face, he kinda looked jealous but I couldn't tell.

Bennys POV

When the boy was talking to Brooke I had this weird feeling like jealousy. I didn't understand why I couldn't be jealous I didn't have time for girls. I don't know Brooke makes me feel...different. I watched as she folded up the rest of her tickets. I smiled, she looked so happy and I don't even know why but it made me happy. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to another game. It was air hockey. 

"Play with me." Brooke said smiling. "Okay, okay." I said smirking. We played a few rounds and we were tied. "Okay, okay if I win you give me a kiss on the cheek." I said smiling like crazy. "Okay but if I win I get your tickets." She said smiling back. We played the last round and it was tied 6 to 6, we need 7 points to win. I made the shot and won. "Yes!" I yelled. She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully. I smiled and walked over to her. I pointed to my cheek smiling. She rolled her eyes again playfully. She stood on her toes and kissed my cheek. I smiled and ruffled her hair. She giggled and walked over to where the boys were, they were playing skee ball. 

The boys were cheering on Squints as he threw the ball. "Yeah come on squints!" The boys chanted. He got the 10,000 points and we all cheered.

Brookes POV 

I felt a pair of eyes on the back of my neck.  I turned around and saw Matt starring at me with smile. I smiled back and waved. "Who's that." I heard Luke say. "Oh um some guy that I met today, I gave him my number." I said smiling and blushing a bit. "Okay well good luck with that." Luke said giving me a playful wink. "Really Luke first Benny now him I just met him." I laughed. "Sorry sorry, but really he hurts you I hurt him 10x worse." He said laughing with me then his voice noticeably changes. "Hey is it okay if I invite someone when we go to the pool?" Luke asked "uh who?" I asked. "Y'know the girl I was talking about." He said smirking. "Omg your crushhhh!" I said excitedly "yes my crush." Luke said laughing embarrassed. "Isn't her name Hannah?" I practically yelled. "Jeez tell the hole world why don't you but yes." Luke laughed. "Eeeee I'm so excited!" I squealed.


It was about an hour later and we decided to go to the pool. "Race ya!" I said to all the boys. "It's on!" Squints said. "Yeah-yeah I'm in!" Yeah yeah yelled. I started running and all the boys started running after me. I won and stopped out of breath. I put my hands on my knees panting. "Beat you!" I said after I caught my breath. "Yeah whatever." Squints said rolling his eyes playfully. I laughed and walked over to the stand. I have him my 5 dollars and walked into the changing room. Of course all the boys were out before me. I walked out and the boys were all playing in the water. I sat on the edge of the pool with my legs in the water. "Come on Brooke!" All the boys complained. "It's cold!" I complained back. "Come on Brooke." Luke then was about to pull me in but I got up quickly. Then I felt a hand on my waist. Benny picked me up and threw me in with him. "Benny!" I yelled laughing. All the boys laughed at me and I splashed them. We ended up having a splash fight. Luke picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and went into the shallow. "Noooo put me down Luke!" I laughed. I tried splashing him but that didn't go well, all the boys started splashing me. I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe. I inhaled water and started coughing like crazy. "Jeez Brooke you okay?" Luke asked taking me off his shoulder. I stopped coughing and attacked Luke pushing him under the water. All the boys started laughing. " She got you!" Then Luke stopped and looked at the entrance. "What?" I asked. "She's here." He said smiling. I looked at what he was looking at. There was a short girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. She waved to Luke and smiled. He got out and walked to her. I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Then the boys started splashing me I laughed and splashed back. I could feel the sun on my skin, it felt nice I knew I was gonna have a little sunburn but I had a really fun day. I looked over to Luke and he was sitting next to Hannah who was laying down tanning.

It was the end of the day close to sunset. We all walked home and Benny and Ham decided they were gonna stay another night which was fine with my mom. My parents were working late. As we walked we all had a steady conversation about baseball and today. "You got sunburnt." Luke said laughing a bit. I was a bit sunburnt but only a little on my face almost making it look like blush. "Yeah I know but I had fun." I said smiling. "Yeah me too." Ham said. We got home and sat on the couch. I put on friends and stared at the tv for awhile. "I'm gonna take a shower be right back." I said standing up and walking up the stairs. I took a shower and put on some white sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt that I stole from Luke. I put my glasses on and went back downstairs. I got a water and sat on the couch and watched friends then drifted off to sleep.

Hello beautifuls or handsomes sorry this took awhile. But I'm gonna start putting pictures more often. I think that this is the most words I have had 1687.

Have a good day/night/morning.

Czytaj Dalej

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