Secrets (wolfstar)

By stories4usnow

449K 15.1K 19.1K

I don't hate you Padfoot I really don't hate you Moony More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five

Part Thirty-Three

9.8K 316 418
By stories4usnow

It was a struggle getting the record player, and the two boys to fit while still having the curtains drawn and the silencio charm in place. But Sirius managed, because of course he did.

Paranoid by Black Sabbath played as it was one of Sirius newest favourites. He'd been buying new ones of muggle borns, or those with muggle families for weeks. Even giving them considerable finical reward for having their families send them by owl. So the record collection in the Six Year Gryffindor Boys room was getting a bit ridiculous. Remus watched with a painful fondness as Sirius began humming along and decided to try one last time.

"You take it, over summer. I'm not giving it back, you can just take care of it for me over the summer. The Potter's don't mind and you love it so much." Remus tried but Sirius was grinning and rolling his eyes and being so very Sirius.

"No Moony it's a gift. You keep it over summer. Then in September it will be back with both it's Dads"

Remus laughed at this letting his body collapse against the head board. Sirius started to sing again and Remus was happy.


"You never told me what Lily said" Sirius was sitting on Remus' lap trying successfully to distract him from his History of Magic textbook.

"She was right pissed I didn't tell her" Remus said admitting defeat and putting the book down on the bed next to him "And she didn't really understand it"

Sirius crowded closer to him without the physical barrier of a book. Remus was starting to realize that Sirius was intent on being touched at all times. The second they were alone Sirius was curling up to him, interlacing their hands, or would just be restless until Remus would wrap in his arms. Remus wasn't exactly the same. If their friends were around he felt awkward and would try to create some distance espically now they all knew. But here in the safety of their four poster he didn't mind at all.

"Yeah James didn't get it either" Sirius said he was practically pushing Remus up against the head board now. "Reckons we are dating."

Sirius was too close now there is no way his mind was going to be able to focus on conversation. He started to kiss the side of his long and elegant neck, only giving a mummer to acknowledge that he was listening.

"Thinks since we are always together, and not always plantonically, and we are not seeing other people well at least I'm not" Sirius knew what he was doing getting so close distracting Remus and then asking him question like this. Remus tried to just keep going and ignore it. For a moment it seemed like Sirius would let him, Remus lips reached Sirius' ears and his fingers were firmly pushing on his back. Remus flipped them over which caused Sirius to laugh as he landed on his back with a thud. But before Remus could lean down and kiss him properly Sirius put a hand on his chest and leveled him with a look so Remus had no choice.

"I'm not doing this with anyone else" Remus said and when he finally got to kiss Sirius he was smiling.


"I knew she'd invite people" Sirius pouted though he made a happy noise as Remus pulled the blanket tighter around them.

"It is a good thing lots of people want to come" Remus replied moving his fingers to Sirius hair.

"It was suppose to be just the Marauders" Sirius said a little Petulantly.

James had nicknamed their secret studying the insomniacs due to their late night meetings and it had grown in size rapidly. Half of the upper years in Gryffindor and a good number of Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, were also involved. Remus had slowly been trying to get Sirius and James to let a couple Slytherins in. He felt that there was no need  to create more divides. But he understood Sirius' distaste due to his family and he didn't want to push so fast.

"Half of them are just trying to shag you" Remus said and he knew his voice was a little bitter but Sirius just laughed.

"Are they?"

"Don't act like you haven't noticed" Remus said fumbling in the dark for Sirius' fingers.

"Maybe I'm just too distracted by the fit Professor." Sirius teased. The Marauders had start to call Remus professor since he'd  taken over leading the group. Remus felt he didn't have a choice if he let Prongs and Padfoot led the meetings they'd be practicing hexes on first years. 

"Shut up" Remus mumbled glad that the dark was hiding his blush. 

"Make me" 


"Why not your bed tonight?" Remus said as a freshly showered Sirius emerged from behind the curtain. 

"Stop trying to get rid of me" Sirius said crawling quickly up the bed and pushing Remus over slightly to make room.

"Put the charm on" Peter called. He started getting annoyed with having to deal with both James and Lily's PDA and hearing Sirius and Remus in the late hours of the night. So Remus wasn't surprised or offended that Peter wanted silencing charms on the beds at all times. 

"Silencio" Remus said waving his wand before wrapping an arm around Sirius back "Hardly. I was just thinking we could always sleep in your bed one night. In case you miss it?"

It seemed silly as soon as Remus said it. It sounded like something a 5 year old would say 'missing your bed'. Sirius grinned flopping against the mattress and curling his hands into the sheets. 

"Nah, I like your bed too much." Sirius said. Remus took advantage of Sirius being on his back to climb over top of him. He truly looked much too comfortable being smoothered like this. His eyes shown with mirth and hands went easily to rest around Remus' neck. Sirius seemed to always feel he was in control even when Remus was trying to show he was. "It smells like you, is nice and warm like you, and it's got you in it."


Remus felt terrible. His back was sore, his skin hot, his mind buzzing. The moon was too close and his body was pumped with anticipation and adrenaline. He tried not to toss and turn. He shared his bed now he had to be mindful of Sirius sleeping softly next to him. But he couldn't help it and rolled one more time. 

"You alright?" Sirius voice was muffled against the fabric of the pillow and Remus groaned. 

"Yeah I'm fine sorry" Remus muttered putting a hand on Sirius' back and pulling him slightly closer "Go back to sleep"

"Don't tell me what to do." Sirius said and Remus' groaned again. He done it now. "I'm awake tell me whats up?"

"Nothing just anxious" Remus said and Sirius cuddled closer. Remus wondered if it was Sirius was trying to comfort him. "I always feel reckless before the moon."

"I know" Sirius said and Remus was a little surprised by this. He had never discussed this with his friends. He tried his best to never mention the full moon, especially if it was too complain. "James and I always wait till the 3 days before the moon to suggest our best ideas because you are more likely to say yes."

"Manipulative buggers" Remus said finally starting to feel a little sleeping. 

"You love it" Sirius pressed his lips against an exposed part of Remus' shoulder "And you'll be fine. We will be there." 

And as Remus started to fall asleep a part of brain whispered that Sirius was right he would be fine. 


"How did you learn to do this?" Sirius asked.

"You'll make fun of me" Remus mumbled trying to keep his concentration as he tucked a piece of Sirius' hair under.

"When have I ever made fun of you Moony?" Sirius said.

"Well 5 minutes ago you called me Macabre Moony because I suggested we might not be able to find a flat with a bouncy house inside. When James made us go flying yesterday you laughed at me when I fell off the broom. You called me-"

"I've changed since then" Sirius replied breezily waving his hand "I've turned over a new leaf."

"I seriously doubt that" Remus said and tugged a little too hard on Sirius hair which had him yelp a little.

"Hey" He whined "Gentle."

"Sorry" Remus muttered still just trying to focus.

"Tell me!"

"Fine" Remus said "When we first started here and I found you blokes a bit annoying, I use to hang with Marlene, Dorcas, and Lily everyday we use to make friendship bracelets"

Sirius immediately went back to his same old leaf.

"Friendship bracelets Moony!" He said laughing so Remus tugged on his hair.

"Stay still or you'll mess it up" Remus said and Sirius stilled a little but was clearly not done with his teasing "Anyways braiding hair isn't that different. I did Marlenes every day for a month."

"Do you still have the bracelets?" Sirius asked and Remus nodded even though he knew Sirius couldn't see him.

"Top drawer" He said and held Sirius' hair tight as he reached over to get it. He pulled out a chain where Remus had tied about a dozen bracelets. They were slightly faded with age now but still well maintained. Remus smiled at the sight of them, remembering how hurriedly he'd tucked them away afraid of James and Sirius' teasing.

"They are nice" Sirius said genuinely examining each one in turn "Why did you never make me one?"

"Are you joking. You'd never have let me live it down if I gave you lot friendship bracelets." Remus said "But I will make you one if you really want"

Sirius made a happy noise at this. Remus pulled the hair elastic Sirius had stole from Lily off his wrist and tied the second of Sirius' braids.

"All done"

Sirius happily grabbed the small mirror Remus had brought over and began examining his reflection in the mirror. Remus wasn't sure why he was so worried about what Sirius would think, but he did feel his heart rate quicken a little.

"I am so fucking pretty" Sirius exclaimed putt the mirror down ungracefully and turning around to face Remus' beaming.

"The braids are nice" Remus said blushing a little and picking one of them up.

"You know you can tell me I'm pretty right" Sirius said smiling and leaning a little closer "It is just a fact at this point"

Remus rolled his eyes but as he always did gave in quickly.

"You are very pretty Padfoot"


"But Lily is on patrol" James whined pulling Remus sheets over his head. 

"I don't care" Remus said tuggin on his sheets as hard as he could. But James had it bunched in his hands and it refused to budge. "Sleep in your own bed."

"I'll be lonely" James whined only his glasses visible over the top of blanket. 

"There is plenty of room Moony" Sirius said standing on his tippy toes to ruffle Remus hair slightly as he walked over to the bed and climbed in next to James. 

"No there isn't." Remus said exhausted "we barely fit as is"

"I'm not going to be the only one sleeping alone" James said. 

"I'm sleeping alone" Peter said sounding a little dejected. Remus made a mental note to make sure he was included more. 

"There is plenty of room come on in Wormtail." James called.

"No there is not" Remus said but it was too late Peter was making his way over. 

"Are you seriously suggesting that the four of us sleep in one bed?" Remus said his eyebrows raised. 

"Sleepover! Sleepover!" Sirius started and was quickly joined by James "Sleep over!" 

"We are sleep in one room, every night is a sleep over." Remus tried to reason but it was too late and sleepover was being chanted on repeat by the other three. "Okay fine I'll sleep in your bed then"

He turned to go to Sirius bed but was met with a swarm of boos. 

"Oh come on Moony" Sirius said kneeling on the end of the bed and grabbing Remus pyjama shirt in a way that made him wish they were the only people in the room. "Sleep over"

Remus swore to himself at that one day he would save up all his will power and say no to Sirius. He would prove to himself that it was possible for him to reuse this boy. But tonight was not that night. He reached down with a groan and grabbed his wand from the bedside table and used a charm to pull over two more bed. There would be slight divets but with the curtains open it would work for one night as a big bed. This was meet with a chorus of cheers from the other boys and Remus pulled the sheets back and climbed in. 

Sirius and James faced in and whispered together for hours. Remus tried to shut them up with pillows which of course was a terrible idea that only lead to louder laughter. But eventually James' breathing evened out and his slightly quiter snores joined Wormtails. Remus felt Sirius turn and put an arm around his waist. 

"I know you aren't asleep" Sirius whispered and Remus groaned quietly rolling over and pulling Sirius into his chest. He knew it would be awkward for his friends to wake up and find them like this but he was also desperate for Sirius to fall asleep. They had a full day of classes the night day and nothing was worse than a grumpy and sleep deprived Sirius Black. 

"You don't know shit" Remus mumbled into Sirius hair "Go to sleep"

"Do you think this will be what it is like after we all leave Hogwarts and live together?" Sirius asked and it was clear from his tone that he was falling as asleep. Remus decided his best move to get Sirius to finally fall asleep was just give in. He wanted to point out that they already live together, and that if anything they would be busier with the war, but instead he just calmed his tone. 

"Yes. It will be one big sleep over. We will be real adults doing whatever we want. No homework, no detention. I'm sure you and James will lit our flat on fire every over night, but I'll put it out. We will fight, win the war, and come back to our own home every night." Remus whispered very glad that both James and Peter were sound asleep. Sirius mumbled something he couldn't quite hear but finally seemed to fall asleep. As gently as he could he untangled himself from Sirius. He roll over and stared at the wall, wondering if maybe it was true. 


Sirius was quiet.

Sirius was never quiet. 

This could not be good. 

At first Remus thought he had just fallen asleep. He had continued to read his book his arms one wrapped around Sirius. But suddenly Sirius move slightly and Remus realized his eyes were wide. It was a stalemate. Sirius clearly wanted Remus to speak but Remus was too nervous about Sirius had in store for him. Instead he flicked his wand over the small candle he had enchanted to float over them giving him light while he read which promptly went out and floated down through the curtain and hopefully on to the table. He lay more completely down, Sirius adjusting slightly as well. Remus waited hoping Sirius would fall asleep but he didn't. Until finally it came.

"Moony?" He sounded nervous and now Remus felt guilty he had prolonged this. 

"Yes' He replied feeling a buzz of warmth as Sirius pressed his face into Remus neck. 

"James was teasing me again today" 

Remus had to try not to laugh at how much of a child Sirius sounded in this moment. He felt all his anxiety being released. 

"Want me to talk to his Mum" Remus said  letting his hands work bellow the duvet and find a place on Sirius' warm back. 

"No" Sirius huffed but didn't pull away. 

"What was he teasing you about?" 

"He says that I'm being idiot, he is still confused about this." Sirius said. 

And there was a little pause. Remus knew what was coming. He wasn't daft. He had felt the dynamic change. Slowly he saw Sirius sit closer and closer on the big maroon couch in the Gryffindor common room. Slowly he felt their late night whispers get closer and closer to his heart. Slowly he stopped reminding himself not to look at Sirius from across the room. They had built something that wasn't just physical, it wasn't just romantic, it wasn't just friendship. He tried not to question it, so scared it would fall. 

"You know how James, Peter, and Lily are always saying they think we are dating, and confused that we aren't" Sirius whispered.


"I think I am confused too." Sirius whispered. 

"I'm sorry" Remus wasn't sure what else to say "I've been scared" 


"It just doesn't feel real."

"I'm not going anywhere" It wasn't really a reply to what Remus had said, but he felt this yarn being pulled inside his brain. He wouldn't cry, not at this. 

"You don't know that" It was quiet Remus wasn't sure Sirius heard, a part of him hoped he didn't. 

"Stop thinking so much Moony. I'm right here." Sirius raised himself slightly and even in the dark Remus could make out the outline of his elegant features. 

"Yeah" He whispered placing a hand on the side of Sirius' face letting the end of his fingers settle in his hair his palm across his cheek "You are here"

Authors Note

Okay everyone I'm very conflicted. A part of me things I should write a couple more chapters and finish up this story and these versions of the characters. End it with the end of sixth year. I really don't want to prolong everything and draw it out. But I've just been flooded with ideas about what the Marauders 7th year and possibly even beyond Hogwarts. I really honestly can't decide. 

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