One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2

21 1 0
By Magic_Musician

Jamie woke up early before everyone else like normal. She got out of Fred's grip and walked out the room to the kitchen to get some water. On her way there she walked passed Hermione's room and could hear her being sick.

Jamie knocked on the door to her bedroom. "It's Jamie can I come in Hermione."

"Yer." Mione shouted from the bathroom in her room. 

Jamie walked in and closed the door behind her. She walked up to the bathroom and stood in the door frame looking at Hermione, "You alright. Want me to get you anything." 

"I think it's morning sickness. At this point i'm 70% sure i'm pregnant. Could you get me some water." 

"Sure, do you wanna come and sit in the living room. No one else is awake." Jamie asked Hermione. 

"Yer, Let me just brush my teeth. I will meet you in the living room." Hermione stood up off the bathroom floor and went to brush her teeth. Jamie walked out the room to the kitchen and filled two glasses with water. 

She walked into the living room area to see Hermione sat on the couch. Jamie sat next to her and handed Hermione her glass. Hermione took the glass and snuggled up to Jamie. 

"Thanks." Hermione said staring out the window that showed the view of Greece. 

"No problem. I will always be here for you.  How you feeling?" Jamie asked.

"Shitty. I know this is a weird question but how come you are always awake early?" 

"You really want to know why I wake up early. I do have a story about it." Jamie responded.

"Please tell me the story. I need a distraction." 

Jamie took in a deep breath, " Well when I first moved into the burrow it didn't feel like home. I have come into a home that had lots of love to give. I still had nightmares about my parents being dead so I wouldn't sleep much and I wouldn't get out of bed because I was jealous of the Weasley's for having loving parents and I had none. So I decided that I would wake up early or leave my bed early in the morning everyday so I could play my instruments. As I used it as a way to escape and avoid people. I shouldn't have done it " Hermione looked at Jamie and smiled. "Since then I have woken up early. However waking up early did mean that Molly would see me before any of her children and eventually she taught me how to stop feeling bad about my parents death. She gave me the love I needed and I eventually excepted that my new family was the Weasley's. I stopped using music as a way to escape even though when I feel bad I still do. I now use music to feel happy. All thanks to Molly. I should really call her mum." Jamie chuckled.

"She would love you calling her mum. I never knew about any of this." Hermione said with slight sadness.

"No not many people do. The twins, Molly and Arthur knows. That s all not even Ginny and I shared a room with her. Wanna know a little secrete." 

"Go on." Hermione smiled.

"I used to leave mine and Ginny's room and cuddle up with Fred because he was my comfort person. I knew Molly sometimes saw me and she didn't mind. That's why she doesn't mind me staying with Fred now in the burrow, when she saw us together and you were with her she reacted cause you were with her. Funny right." Jamie said, Hermione hugged Jamie.

"You are such a great friend. I happy I have you to help me through my problems. You know  Molly saw me and Ron cuddling in bed once. I think she has given up with the rules. 

"I think she has. But I try to stick to them. Do you miss being with Ron?" Jamie asked Hermione.

"Yes and No. Yes I miss him being there with me, I miss the affection. No because we do argue a lot but I just think that's Ron being Ron." Hermione smiled to Jamie. Jamie had hope Hermione would get back together with Ron they belonged together. 

"You miss the sex? Weasley's are good in bed." Jamie laughed.

"JAMIE you cant ask that." Hermione said shocked at Jamie's question, "Wait how do you know they are good in bed?"

"Well I date one, My best Friend is dating one and me and Harry do talk. So yer so do you miss it." Jamie nudged Hermione in a playful way.

"Well yes he's a Weasley." Jamie and Hermione laughed together. While they laughed Fred and Ron both walked into the room.

"Morning sexy." Jamie shouted to Fred.

"Morning J, Morning Mione." Fred took a seat next to Jamie.

"Hi guys." Ron waved and sat on the chair.

"Morning." Hermione said to Ron he smiled back at her.

"What you two gossiping about?" Fred asked. 

"None of your business nosy." Hermione said to Fred.

"J , do I have to repeat last night."

"I'm not telling you and no not again." Jamie said to Fred.

"Wait what happened last night?" Ron asked, him and Hermione looked like they wanted to know what happened. 

"Me and Rhi were talking we wouldn't tell the twins what about so they tickled us till we told them." Jamie told the others.

"What were you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing." Jamie said.

"Wasn't nothing." Fred said, "They were comparing mine and Georges dick size." The four burst into laughter.

"Blood hell, I didn't need to know that." Ron said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Do all the conversation you have , have to end with the topic of sex Jamie. This morning she was telling me how good the Weasley's shag." Hermione laughed. 

"What I know how all of the Weasley shag. I date one, my best friend dates one. I talked to Harry and he told me about Ginny and Hermione well er you know." Jamie said to the group.

"Wow, Hermione talks to you about me." Ron said to Jamie smiling at Hermione.

"Don't get to big for your boots Ron." Jamie told Ron. 

Fred pulled Jamie in for a kiss and she kissed him back. " You really do always have sex on your mind." Fred smiled while he stared into Jamie's eyes.

"Yup." Jamie smiled.


Everyone was now awake and dressed for the day. Ginny, Harry , George and Rhiannon decided they would go sight seeing. Leaving Jamie, Fred , Ron and Hermione at the villa. 

Jamie decide she wanted to sun bathe so she stripped down to her bikini and sat on the sun lounger soaking in the rays. The weather was amazing it was hot but not to hot that you felt sticky and sweaty.

Hermione was in the pool and the boys were gossiping inside somewhere.

"Wanna get in the pool?" Hermione asked Jamie.

"If you want. I do need to cool down." Jamie said back getting up from the lounge chair and jumping in the pool. 

Hermione screeched from Jamie jumping in and it made the boys come outside.

"Everything alright." Ron asked concerned.

"Yer, Jamie jumped in and I got scared." Hermione told Ron.

"Sorry. You boys wanna join? The water's nice and warm." Jamie asked.

"Go on then." Fred took of his t-shirt and jumped in causing Hermione to make a noise again. Jamie just watched Fred's toned abs in the sun while he was running to jump in. "Lost for words J." Fred asked swimming up to Jamie and putting his arms around her. 

"Come on Ron join." Hermione shouted so Ron could hear her.

"Aright but I wont jump in." Ron took off his top and Hermione's cheeks flushed red. Ron dipped his feet in the water than plop down into it. He swam up to Hermione and they started to talk. 

Jamie was just looking at the view when water splashed over her. All she could hear were the giggled from Fred.


Jamie swam over to Fred and splashed him. This led to the couple splashing and play fighting with each other in the water. Ron and Hermione just watched the two love birds play fight. 

Fred then went up to Jamie and pulled her bikini top string to un-do her top. Jamie flashed Fred, Hermione and Ron. Ron cheeks flushed red and he turned around. Hermione and Fred laughed.

"Fred! oh my Merlin sorry Ron. You are dead. You are not getting laid for at least three days." Jamie said as she tied her bikini strings very annoyed. 

"That's not fair. Plus you couldn't last three days away from me." Fred said making Hermione laugh, Ron also giggled and turned back around.

"Watch me. No action for three days and if you annoy me  I will be sleeping in Hermione's room." Jamie then swam over to Fred grabbed onto his face and kissed him. 

For the rest of the day the group of four swam , sunbathed and chatted. It was around 4 pm when the others returned and they returned with food. Everyone sat in the living room eating the food. 

"Have a good day you guys?" Jamie asked.

"Brilliant, Greece is such a amazing place." Harry told Jamie.

"We did so many tourist things, what did you guys do?" Rhiannon asked.

"Sunbathed, swam and chilled all day pretty fun time." Hermione told the group.

"Pretty fun." Fred said with a smile.

"What do you mean brother." George asked. "Please tell us." 

"I wouldn't." Jamie said to Fred but Ron decided to open his mouth.

"Fred and Jamie we play fighting in the pool and Fred pulled the string of Jamie's bikini top and well you know."

"No way, so you saw Jamie's tits." Ginny laughed. Ron face turned red. Hermione and Fred laughed.

"It's not funny." Jamie said.

"It's a little , plus now everyone has seen Jamie's boobs." Rhiannon joined in with the laughing.

"wait how has everyone seen J's tits?" Fred question a bit jealous that everyone had seen his girlfriends breasts.

"well I shared a room with her." Ginny said.

"Same." Hermione butted in.

"I live with her and we are best mates." Rhi said to the group.

"Today in the pool." Ron Joined in.

"Saw when we went skinny dipping." George said 

Last was Harry "Well erm I walked in on her getting change trying to find Ginny once." 

"Wow you lucky people." Jamie said. 

"Btw I didn't know you had your nipples pierced." Ron said to the group making everyone laugh. 

"Yes, I got them pierced when I  was in Hogwarts I was sixteen Rhi was with me. She was there for support."

"How do you not notice them. I did from the day she got them." Fred confessed.

"But she got them years ago." Hermione said to Fred.

"I fancied Jamie years ago. Of course 16 year old me was staring at Jamie's titties." 

"Right okay enough talk about my boobs. I think I need a drink." Jamie got up from her seat and went to the kitchen to get alcohol. 

For the rest of the night the group drank and gossiped with each other. Everyone had gone to bed and luckily Jamie stayed in the same room as Fred. 


It was the last day of the holiday meaning the group would be going home tomorrow. Like normal Jamie was up dressed and showered before anyone else. She had found a guitar in a cupboard and made her way outside. 

It had been a while since Jamie had played as she had been teaching the others how to play instruments. 

She sat their in the morning breeze looking out onto Greece strumming the guitar. As she was playing Fred had woken up and joined Jamie outside. 

"Morning sexy." Jamie said to Fred.

"Morning babe, nice playing." Fred sat next to Jamie.

"Thanks, what are we doing today?" 

"Do know I have nothing planned." Fred said giving Jamie a kiss on the cheek and wrapping his arm around her.

"Wanna go on a date day? Just on a walk somewhere or to a market." 

"Sounds good." Fred gave Jamie a kiss.

"Mornin'." George said from the door. Making Jamie jump.

"Morning you scared the shit out of me." Jamie said to George who took the sat next to her.

"The trio all sat together. We haven't pranked anyone in a while." Fred said.

"We could prank Ginny?" George asked.

"Sounds good what we doing tho." Jamie asked.

"We could just throw water on her to wake her up." Fred suggested.

"Sounds good." George said Jamie agreed.


The trio were stood outside Ginny and Harry's room with a bucket of water. 

"I will do it." Jamie said to the boys "You stay here if she sees your, she will kill you."  The twins agreed and opened the door. 

Jamie slowly and quietly walked over to Ginny's side of the bed while the twins and now Hermione watched from the door. 

Jamie threw the bucket of water over Ginny and she shout up from her sleep and screamed. She also caught Harry with the water making him wake up.

"Sorry Harry." Jamie shouted as she ran out the room Ginny following her. 

"What the fuck Jamie. I swear i'm going to kill you." Ginny chased Jamie round the house until Ginny got hold of Jamie and tackled her to the floor. 

"Ouch." Jamie said.

"Ouch , really you pussy. why you do that?" Ginny asked angrily.

"Because i wanted to." Jamie said with a smile on her face. This made Ginny even more angry and she went to punch Jamie but missed, "Fred, George a little help."  

Fred pulled Ginny off Jamie and she stormed off slamming the bathroom door closed.

"Wow didn't know she was going to react like that. Well i'm gonna go while she calms down. You coming Fred." Fred nodded and the pair left the villa.


Jamie and Fred found themselves in a little market about a twenty minuet walk from the villa their was many stalls. The couple walked round all the stalls buying many little things. 

Jamie got some Greek honey and other food items for Molly. She brought herself some wine. Fred got some wine and various sorts of Alcohol. He also brought his a dad a key ring and a pen. Arthur was fascinated with pens as wizards used quills.

After buying many things and walking around the stalls  the sun was starting to set so they went down to the beach. Fred brought himself and Jamie a ice cream. Fred sat down on the sand Jamie joined him. She rested her head on his lap while they watched the sun set. 

After the sun had set the couple stayed on the beach chatting for about an hour until they were hungry and they thought the others would be. So they went to the little village and to the restaurant where they went on the first night. Jamie ordered loads of food to go. Once she had gotten the order they went back to the villa. Jamie hoped Ginny had calmed down.

When the couple walked back into the villa everyone was chatting in the living room. They could see all the bags Jamie and Fred brought back to the villa and everyone sighed happily. They were all hungry. So they all dished up their food and sat together talking.

"Have a good day Jam?" Rhiannon asked Jamie.

"Yer amazing. Went to the market got some stuff for me and Molly. Then went beach watched the sun set with ice cream then got the food. Any of you guys do anything.?" Jamie asked the group.

"I chilled with Rhi in the pool." George said.

"Me and Gin went on a walk." Harry said.

"Is she alright. I didn't know she would get so mad." Jamie asked Harry.

"Shes asleep but once you left and she showered she calmed down." 

"Good , anyone see Mione?" Jamie asked.

"I think she's in her room with Ron." Harry told Jamie. 

Jamie quickly ate her food and got up from her seat to go to Hermione's room . She knocked on the door and waited to be let in. 

"Who is it." Hermione shouted.

"Jamie, You alright." 

"Yer you can come in." 

Jamie walked into the room to see Hermione sat their talking to Ron.

"You two alright?" Jamie asked.

"Yer Mione didn't feel good so I've been sitting with her." Ron said. Hermione gave Jamie they eyes to tell her she hadn't told Ron about her thinking she was pregnant.

"Well if you two are alright i'm going to bed. Night guys." 

"Night." Ron and Hermione said back to Jamie.

Jamie walked back to the living room, "Night guys i'm going bed." 

Everyone said goodnight to Jamie and Fred followed her to the room. Jamie just stripped down to her underwear as she was hot and got into bed. Fred did the same thing. 

"Today was good. We did couple things." Fred smiled.

"We did, I enjoyed it." Jamie gave Fred a kiss. "Night I love you." 

"Night I love you. " Fred wrapped his arm around Jamie and they both fell peacefully asleep together.

(Word count: 2909 words)

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