One girl , six friends: A Fre...

By Magic_Musician

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... More

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 15: Moving day.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1

19 1 0
By Magic_Musician

(A/N: sexual themes in this chapter. Practically every chapter is going to involve sexual themes so if you are effected by them this might not be the best story. Sorry xoxox)

Everyone was ready and packed for the trip and waiting at the burrow. The group were staying in a villa that was rented out to wizards so they had privacy and would be able to use magic. The twins were the one's in charge of the group getting their as they were the ones who planned it, they said the group had to use  a portal key. 

When everyone had said their goodbyes to Molly and Arthur the group all held onto the portal key and their luggage and aparated away to the villa.

When the group got there the heat hit them straight away. So as soon as everyone had looked around everyone chose a room. Fred and Rhiannon , Harry and Ginny , Jamie and Fred all shared a room. Where as Ron and Hermione chose different rooms. 

Everybody immediately changed into their bathing suits and headed to the pool outside. The hot weather shining down of Jamie's skin made her instantly happy. It had been a long time since she had a break from doing non stop work. 

Hermione still stayed near Jamie when the group was close together. Hermione just felt more relaxed and happier near Jamie as she knew what type of stress she was in. Jamie and Hermione agreed when the holiday was over that Hermione would take a pregnancy test as mione was still having symptoms. 

Other than Hermione and Jamie's secret the group was doing good. They were all friends and no drama was happening and for once Ginny was with them as Hogwarts were on a holiday and she was able to come. Ginny being their brightened the mood Harry got to see his girl friend and Jamie got to see her friend that she saw as a sister. 

For the rest of the day the group sun bathed, splashed around in the pool and got used to the setting of the villa. It was around dinner time so the group decided they would go somewhere to eat in the village near by. So everyone was in their rooms getting changed again.

Once everybody was ready they set out into the near by village to find a restaurant. They decide to go to a restaurant near the beach and was seated outside with a sea view. The table was full of chatter and laughter everybody was enjoying their time. Even Jamie saw Hermione smile.

The group ordered loads of food and drinks. Jamie made sure not every drink was alcoholic so Hermione could have a drink. While waiting for the food a Jamie and Fred were talking.

"So do you like Greece?" Fred asked Jamie placing his hand on her thigh under the table.

"Yer I love it. It's so pretty everything looks clean and the food smells amazing I hope it's tasty." Jamie said to Fred giving him a quick kiss.

"Food here is amazing. Iv'e been here before." Fred's had moved up Jamie's leg.

"Really when?" Jamie asked.

"Last summer when me and the other boys went on a lads holiday. We weren't in this area but I liked it that much me and George decided the whole group should come." 

"Oh this is where you went. You were so excited to go on that trip." Jamie smiled and Fred's hand travelled to the top of Jamie's thigh. "What you doing Freddie." Jamie whispered.

"What cant we have some fun." Fred hand moved to over Jamie's underwear and she bit her lip. Fred was moving his fingers over Jamie's underwear and was going to move her underwear over so she could place his hand on her clit. 

Until they were interrupted by the food being served. 

"Guess we will have to carry on later." Fred whispered into Jamie's ear she let out a smile. The pair of them were eager to finish dinner and get back to the villa.


Everyone had finished eating and chatting. The group had paid for the food and was walking home. Fred arm was over Jamie's shoulders and her hand was intertwined with his. They both wanted to get back to the villa the pair of them were very in the mood.

The group all walked back laughing and chatting as most of them were intoxicated. Hermione , Ginny and Harry were all laughing together about something. Rhiannon , George and Ron were all chatting loudly about quidditch arguing over the best teams. 

Once the group got back to the villa Jamie and Fred went straight to their room that quickly nobody even saw them enter the building. 

As soon as the pair entered the room Jamie and Fred began to kiss. Fred pushed Jamie up against the door shutting and locking it. His hands were on her face and her hands were in his hair. Their kisses were desperate and sloppy. Fred moved down to Jamie's neck sucking and pinching the skin Jamie let out a soft moan. 

Jamie pulled Fred's want out of his pocket and put the muffilato spell on the room. 

"Jump." Fred said intoxicated with love. Jamie obeyed and wrapped her legs around Fred. Not breaking the kiss Fred walked from the door over to the bed. Fred hovered over Jamie one of his hands on her thighs one on her head. Jamie's legs were still wrapped around Fred's body. 

Jamie tugged at the hem of Fred's shirt letting him know she wanted it off.  The two of them undressed each other Fred unzipping Jamie's dress and letting fall of her shoulder's. 

The two were now naked. Fred had parted Jamie's legs and he was kiss up her thigh until he reached her heat.

 "You want to do this? " Fred asked breathing onto Jamie's wetness.

"Oh course I  want to do this Freddie." Jamie whimpered wanting Fred.

Fred tongue went straight to Jamie's clit circling and pleasuring her. Jamie's breathing hitched. Fred inserted two fingers into Jamie hitting the right spot inside her. She let out small moans to let Fred know she was enjoying herself.

"Fred i'm close." Jamie moaned and Fred stopped, Jamie let out a disappointed moan but knew what would be happening next. Fred rubbed his tip over Jamie wetness before slamming his dick into her. Jamie let out a yelp of pleasure and pain mixed together. Fred thrustead in and out of Jamie both of them enjoying their experience. Fred hands were stimulating Jamie's nipples and Jamie's hands were holing onto Fred as he was thusting hard.

"Harder."  Jamie moaned, Fred obeyed. Fred let out small grunt while Jamie let out loud moans. 

"I love you, I'm close J." Fred said to Jamie.

"I love you ,Come for me Freddie." 

With the way Jamie said the words and the rough sex they were having Fred came loud, Seconds later Jamie came. Their heavy breaths was the only thing they could hear. Fred pulled out of Jamie hurting her a little but she didn't mind and he laid next to her. Both of them were so out of breath they couldn't speak.

When Jamie caught her breath she turned to face Fred , "Wow, that was good." Fred smiled back at her his chest rising up and down. 

"Wow you are so much better at sex then I ever imagined." 

"What do you mean Freddie, I am better than you thought . Just because I wasn't experienced when we first started dating didn't mean I didn't know how to do anything. I did grow up around you , George and Ron."  Jamie said joking around with Fred.

"True you are the best sex I have ever had." Fred smiled at Jamie , she smiled back blushing.

"Well do you want a shower? Luckily we have a en-suit." Jamie said to Fred he nod his head and the pair got up for the bathroom. Jamie stood up and could feel the pain in her groin,"Bloody hell Weasley you did a number on me." 

"Sorry I have such a big dick." Fred smiled.

"Yer on your head you dickhead, now help me to the bathroom I wanna shower. Please." Fred walked over to Jamie and picked her up and walked the pair to the bathroom. 

The pair showered together and got dresses into pyjamas. They put a cleaning spell onto the room and decided to go and see their friends. Jamie was sore but she didn't mind.


Fred and Jamie joined Rhiannon and George on the couch. Jamie sat next to Rhiannon and cuddled up with her.

"Hey that's my girlfriend." George said and Rhiannon and Jamie cuddled.

"Hey it's my best friend. " Jamie said back to him.

"Hey i'm here you know." Rhiannon giggled the twins started speaking to each other leaving Rhiannon and Jamie to talk alone, "Where you guys go when we got in?" Rhiannon asked.

"Why you being so nosy. I'm sure you already know." Jamie said to Rhiannon .

"No, I dont enlighten me." 

"Well we are both horny mofo's so you know we had fun." Jamie said to Rhi. They were speaking quietly as the girls didn't want the boys to hear their conversation.

"You look worn out. Poor you especially if the twins are the same size , they are identical." Rhiannon giggled.

"They are." Jamie laughed and Rhiannon gasped.

"How do you know?"

"We have been friends for many years. I have walked in on the doing many things." Jamie giggled. The girls were having fun just chatting about the boys while they were sat next to them oblivious to what the girls were talking about. 

"Really." Rhiannon said, "please tell."

"Well I once walked in on Fred showering one Christmas at the Burrow. I once walked in on George wanking , thank god he locks the door now." They girls burst into a fit of laughter.

"What you two giggling about?" Fred asked.

"Nothing." The girls said in union.

"Really." George gave the girls a look to say come on tell us.

"Really it was noting." Rhiannon told the guys.

" Rhi they are the same." Jamie smiled and Rhiannon bust into a fit of laughter. 

"What are you on about?" Gorge asked wanting to know.

"Nothing." Jamie said trough her laughter.

"Well George if they wont tell us I think we will have to get it out of them."  Fred said with a sparkle in his eye. He had a idea. He turned to George and whispered what he had planned.

George nodded along and agreed. The girls still in a fit of laughter didn't notice.

"Ready Fred." 

"Ready George." 

The boys came up to the girls and started tickling them till they were on the floor. The boys were both on top of their girlfriends pining them down.

"Wanna tell us what you were talking about?"Fred asked this time.

"I'm alright. I don't mind being in this position." Jamie said to Fred as he had her hands pinned above her head.

"Bloody hell are you two always in the mood." Rhiannon asked.

"Yes." Fred and Jamie said at the same tie as they giggled.

"So you going to tell us then?" George now asked again.

"Nope" Jamie said. The boys then started to tickle the girls again.

"Jamie just tell them please." Rhiannon said through her laughter.

"You really wanna know." Jamie said to the boys.

"Yes" the twins said.

"Really, are you sure." The boys looked at each other. They both nodded.

"You guys are going to piss yourselves laughing." Rhiannon said , "You can tell them Jam." 

"Right this is embarrassing." Jamie's face turned red making Rhiannon turn red. " You guys are going to laugh." 

"Just tell us J." Fred said.

"We were talking about you two and err you dick size." Jamie burst out laughing.

"Is that all." Fred said slightly disappointing.

"No, Jamie was comparing your sizes." Rhiannon said joining Jamie with laughing.

George turned red knowing exactly what Jamie had told Rhiannon. "What do you mean comparing sizes." Fred said.

"Jamie has seen both your dicks." Rhiannon said.

"You told Rhi Jamie really." George said.

"Sorry. She wanted to know so I told her." Jamie said sitting up on her elbows as soon as Fred was still sat on her. 

"Wait you saw my brothers cock." Fred said slightly angry.

"Calm down it was a long time ago. It was like the time I walked in on you showering when we were in like Fifth year. Right before we moved into our flat and we still lived at the burrow I was trying to find George to ask him something. So I went to your room I walked in and he was wanking. Walked straight back out and we have never talked about it." Jamie told the group her story.

"Well thanks for exposing me." George said red faced.

"Well not like I haven't heard you two having sex as well. Just because it's night doesn't mean you can do it without the muffilato spell." Jamie said to George and Rhi.

"Well I have heard you two as well, remember." George said back.

"Yup" said Rhi agreeing.

"We don't care." Fred said and he started to kiss Jamie.

"Please not in front of us." George moaned and faked gagged.

"Right well now we know what you were talking about give us a answer." Fred said to Jamie all three of them started at Jamie.

"Really." They all nodded " Oh Merlin sake they are the same size you are identical twins." 

"I don't think that's true I deffo have a bigger one." George said.

"Nope seen them both, both the same size. End of convo." Jamie said.

"Well it's getting late and i'm tired." Fred said to the others.

"tired from fucking." Rhiannon giggled.

" Eyy good one." Jamie said giving Rhiannon a high five. "But I am tired so see you guys in the morning." 

"Night" Rhiannon and George said.

"Night " Jame and Fred responded.

Jamie and Fred got into the bed and cuddled up together. 

"Do we actually have the same size dick?" Fred questions.

"Yes, have you never compared sizes." 

"Yer but a long time ago.  We have grown since then." 

"Well nothing to worry about Freddie they are the same. Plus to be honest I can't remember what George looked like." Jamie laughed. "I have seen your many more times, even before we started dating." 

"The days of having a crush on you were good. Remember I also saw you naked before we started dating. Sometimes you didn't always lock the door." Fred smiled.

"Whatever, night sexy." Jamie said kissing Fred and snuggling up to him.

"Night J, Love you." 

(Word count: 2461 words)

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