Lotus (Leedo Oneus Fanfiction)

By mimiteh_

6.2K 372 27

He is her bodyguard, aloof and unbothered. She is a spoiled Vice CEO, who hates her family and her Father's... More



116 7 0
By mimiteh_

Leedo took me into his arms and carried me. He looked at Hongjoong. "Thank you for finding her and bringing her back."

Hongjoong smiled, "Don't worry about it. I did it because I wanted to." He looked over at me with soft eyes.

A boat came, and Yongsun ran off. "Yunhee! Thank goodness that you are okay." I smiled at him. "Did you find her?" He looks over at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong nodded. "She was unconscious for two days and had a high fever. She also has a broken ankle, so I'll get that checked out."

"Thank you so much. How can we repay you?" Yongsun shook his hand a little too excitedly.

Hongjoong waved his hand, "I don't need anything. I'm fine with her being safe."

Yongsun nodded, "Hey." I called Yongsun, "Do you have a card with you? Yours or mines, it doesn't matter." Yongsun nodded and pulled out a card.

"Take it," I tell Hongjoong. "You can call us whenever you need something. I can also use another bodyguard with your skills. If you decide to modernize yourself, come find me."

Hongjoong looked at the card and smiled. "Take care, Yunhee." He walked up to me and patted my head softly. He waved goodbye to us and disappeared into the forest.

I couldn't stop looking in that direction. Then Leedo pinched my cheek, "Ouch." I glared at him.

"Why are you still looking for him? Did you fall for him while he nursed you back to health?" Leedo pouted.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Can we go? I don't want to be here anymore. I officially hate nature."

We got on the boat and headed to the other side of the river.

There, an ambulance was waiting for me.

"It's just a small fracture. Ms. Yunhee should be off her feet for a couple of weeks." The doctor let us know.

"Thank you." Leedo turned to look at me, "I'll go get your discharge papers ready." I nodded, and he left the room.

Yongsun sat down next to me. "What happened to our little brother?" I asked him.

"Don't worry. The kid is still with our aunt. We plan to head over there, and you can rest there for the time being." Yongsun smiled at me.

I shook my head, "We'll pick him up then head back to Greece. Mom is waiting for us. Does she know what happened to me?"

Yongsun looked down and nodded, "Yea. She was so worried, we all thought she'd relapse. But I called right away when the doctor was looking at you. So, she's fine now."

I sighed in relief. Leedo came back in half an hour and bought a copy of the discharged papers.

He smiled at me, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes." I sighed. A nurse came in with a wheelchair, and Leedo helped me with it. When we got to the garage, a black van was waiting for me with all of Leedo's bodyguard friends. Seoho, Keonhee, Ravn, Hwanwoong, and Xion.

"Why is everyone here?" I looked up at Leedo, surprised.

"Extra protection." He smiled.

"Why? Did that crazy bitch escape?" I got startled.

Yongsun calmed me down, "No. But Leedo insisted that you have extra."

"You guys are crazy." I look over to the guys. "You guys can accompany me until I leave Korea."

"But?" I stopped Leedo from saying anything.

"One, I have you. Two, I have Harin. Three, I'm hopeful Hongjoong will come around. And three, I need more training to protect myself. So, you three are enough." I smiled at Leedo.

"Okay, one more. Pick one more, and I'll be fine." He pouted and gave me puppy eyes.

"Alright." I looked at the guys lined up. "Seoho, you'll be bodyguard number four."

Seoho smiled. Leedo looked at me, "If Hongjoong doesn't appear in two months, you have to choose another one of these guys, okay?"

I giggled, "Alright. If it makes you happy." Leedo nodded, and we got into the van. I felt so tired out. It would take us about two hours to get to my aunt's house, so I decided to take a nap.

After some time, Leedo softly woke me up. "We're here." I rubbed my eyes and looked outside the window.

Leedo helped me out of the car, and we walked up to the door. Yongsun rang the bell. A couple of minutes later, the door opened.

"Yunhee. Yongsun." Our aunt squealed and gave us both a big hug. "Come in, my babies." She grabbed on to me and helped me inside. We sat down on the couch. "I'm so glad you were found safely. I was dying of worry." She takes my hand and pats it.

"Thank you, auntie." I smiled at her.

"Youngjae is getting dressed. He had just got home from meeting his friends." She smiled.

"Youngjae? Is that his name?" Yongsun asked her. She nodded. Yongsun chuckled, "Mom has a way of naming us."

I nodded. "Auntie?" We heard someone call my aunt. We all turned to look over the voice. A small boy with chubby cheeks, round eyes, and dark hair looks over at us. "Eonni! Hyeong!" He runs up to us and hugs me first.

Yongsun sits next to me and hugs him too. "Wow. You're so big." Yongsun smiled at him.

"Of course! You two are big and strong, so I couldn't be left behind." He smiles. Yongsun and I looked at each other and started laughing.

I look at him and play with his hair, "You look just like mom."

"I'm going home, right? With you and mom?" He looks at us.

We both nod, and he gets excited. "Why don't you get your things ready?" She calls over the nanny, and they go to pack.

"It's weird," I tell them. "We are so used to just us two. We're both in our twenties and having a baby brother is really weird."

Yongsun nodded. Youngjae came back with the nanny and his luggage.

He runs up to my aunt. "Thank you for looking after me, auntie." He gives her a huge hug. "Don't be lonely without me, okay? If you get lonely, call me, and I'll come back quickly." He tells her.

Our aunt cried, "Oh, dear. Aren't you sweet? I get it. I'll get you over here right away if I get lonely." Youngjae smiles and wipes her tears. They hugged each other again, and we said goodbye to my aunt.

Youngjae turns around one last time and waves to our aunt before getting in the van.

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