Robby Keene

By zoe_1123

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Just read if you want a good story about Robby Keene More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Not an update
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37

Part 21

3.2K 71 9
By zoe_1123

I gasped and quickly dropped them causing the teeth to fall on the ground. Sam looked down at what I dropped and also gasped. "Shit"

Next thing I knew Robby came walking around the corner. "Hey how did you go- he looked at me with my bloody face and ran up to me. "What happened?" He said grabbing tissue trying to get the blood to come off of my face.

"Hawk" Sam said from the other side of me. Next thing I knew a Mr LaRusso came running with a nurse who told everyone that they needed to leave while she looked at me. "Are those your teeth?" She said pointing to the two small white objects on the ground. I nodded and she continued to clean my mouth of blood out and put an ice pack on them.

"Okay so you are going to feel some pain for the next couple of days but there won't be anymore bleeding you just have to wait and in time it will heal" she said giving me a reassuring smile. "Okay so can I keep this?" I asked talking about the ice pack. "Yes of course I'll go get your friends now"

"Oh no it's okay I'll go out to them"

"Are you sure"

I nodded and she packed up all her equipment while I left looking for everyone. I saw them all in the corner talking so I walked up to them.

They all immediately turned around and looked at me. "What did the nurse say?" Sam asked. "She said it will hurt for the next few days but I have to let it heal on it's own but I mean at least I got these" I said opening up my hand to my two small teeth.

"Eww" Sam said stepping back from me. "He knocked out two of your teeth?" Robby asked as I put them away. "Yeah but it's okay I think I did a little damage to him too"

"Mhmm but the thing is he still gets to fight even though that was illegal" Mr LaRusso said.

"Your kidding me, how is that fair" Robby asked Mr LaRusso while I looked up at the board. "Well I guess you'll have to settle it when you fight him, Robby" I said pointing up at the board that said the next fight was hawk versus Robby.

"Good" he said giving me a smile. "Alright let's do it" Sam said as we all walked over to the mat.

When we got there hawk looked pretty lost and I looked over at their sensei who was looking at me so I stared at him to make him feel uncomfortable and soon enough he did and started watching hawk.

Hawk directly walked past me and smirked laughing which made me mad. "Hey hawk whatever your name is" he turned around and looked me up and down. "What"

"I have a gift for you" I grabbed one of the teeth from my pocket and threw it at him which it successfully landed on his neck and into his Gi. He jumped around trying to get it out.

"What the hell was that" he said storming up it me. "Well it was clear that when you punched me you must of really wanted one of my teeth so badly so I just gave it to you" just then my tooth fell out of his clothes and landed on the ground.

I gave him an innocent smile while he stood there in anger "now I if I were you I would probably go on that mat unless your a pussy and don't want to fight Robby cause he'll beat your ass"

"I'm not a pussy" he said getting closer. "Well to hit a girl when we weren't fighting then yeah I think you are" at that moment his sensei came and grabbed his arm pulling him over to the mat.

I walked up to where Mr LaRusso and Sam was and awaited to watch the match. "Face me, now, face each other, bow"

"Fighting positions, and fight!" They both started fighting and I watched as they both blocked each other's punched and kicks when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Miguel. I brushed his hand off and continued watching the game when he turned me around.

"Can we just talk?"

"I'm trying to watch my boyfriend right no, sorry"

"It will only be a minute" Miguel said with a frown on his face. "Fine" we walked a few meters back from the match. "What"

"Look I'm sorry for what hawk did and everything else that happened back in New Jersey but can we please be friends and if not friends then can you please not hate me?"

"You think that's all? She's here and you don't seem fazed by that at all?" I asked watching his face turn into confusion.

"Who's here?"

"Are you serious? Megan is" Miguel's eyes widened. "No she's not she's in New Jersey"

"Well I think I would know if it was her that tried to hurt me the other day so no I don't think that we can be friends because after all that you have done and you friends have done to me and my friends there is no way that I can forgive you" I left him standing there and walked away back to the fight.

"Hey what's happening?" I asked Sam who had been watching the fight. "It's two all, hey where have you been" I pointed behind me and she looked to see Miguel going back to his team. "I'll tell you later" she nodded her head and we continued to watch.

"Fighting positions... and fight" the ref said as hawk tried to kick Robby but Robby quickly blocked it with his right arm.

They both continued fighting which what felt like forever until Robby caught hawk off guard and roundhouse him in the face causing hawk to spin, falling on the ground.

"Point, Miyagi do wins" we all ran up to Robby hugging him but he mainly hugged me back. I looked over at Miguel who was looking at us but I didn't worry about it because now Robby was in the final versing him and he needed to be ready.

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