The Ex Factor

By TheArtToFiction

61.9K 1.5K 776

Three years after their breakup, Aubrey and Raven are focused on raising their son... separately. With both o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Bonus
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

2.2K 47 24
By TheArtToFiction

Raven's Pov

I must've been in and out of sleep all night tossing and turning. Cameron finally got tired of me and kicked me, his own mother out of his bed. It's okay when he sleeps in my bed and I end up with a foot in back throughout the night, but when I roll around one too many times he tells me to go sleep in my own bed. Anyway, it was now 7:00am and I still couldn't get any rest; that's probably because my mind was everywhere at once. I found myself sitting at the island in my kitchen eating yet another brownie. All of this stress is going to add an extra 10 pounds to me. The bottle of Moscato sitting on my wine rack was looking very tempting, but after the weekend I had, I wasn't about to touch any alcohol.

What I really needed was something to boost my courage for this phone call I was about to make. I must've scrolled past Aubrey's number a thousand times trying to figure out if I was mentally prepared for another cuss out. After a moment or so of contemplating my decision, I took a deep breath and pressed call. The phone just rang in my ear, over and over again until it finally went to voice mail. At least I can honestly say to myself that I tried. He's probably sleeping anyway, something I should be doing.
Hearing the clanking of pans and cabinets being opened and shut, my eyes began to crack open, squinting at the bright fluorescent light I was greeted by. I tucked my head back down shielding my eyes in the folds of my arms while staring down at the mocha and caramel swirls of the marble countertop.
Why the hell am I still in this kitchen? I asked myself. Because you've become what you despise, a liar and cheat, and for that you don't deserve a good night's sleep. I tried to reason with myself that my situation with Aubrey is different. He's not just some guy that I picked up in the club and had a one-night stand with; he's the father of my child, the man I love; it's nothing like what Drew did to me with Dollicia, but the more I reasoned, the more I realized how stupid I sound. Cheating is cheating no matter how you rationalize it. Yeah Michael did his dirt, but I wasn't innocent either. I had broken his trust and his heart and for that I don't know how if he'll even look at me the same ever again.

While I sat there, head still stuck in this uncomfortable hunched over position, I heard what sounded like a cup being sat down in front of me. The unmistakable smell of strong Colombian coffee wafted to my nose. I slowly lifted my head, feeling my neck and back contract in pain; the muscles were cursing my name for allowing myself to fall asleep at this counter. Blinking a few times, my eyes set on the "I don't like morning people" mug in front of me with hot steam rising from the top, and then my mom who had her back to me as she lit the gas pilot under a stock pot on the stove.

"Morning mom, thanks for the coffee." I said as I lifted the mug to my lips, the taste of pure caffeine sent an instant jolt through my body.

"Morning? Baby, it's almost one in the afternoon." She spoke, walking over to the fridge which she opened and pulled out a tupperware bowl. She sat it on the counter across from me, taking the lid off to reveal raw marinated chicken breast. "Rough night?"

"You have no idea." I replied taking another sip as I watched her lay the chicken out in a glass baking dish. "Is doodle taking a nap?" It was extremely too quiet in this house for it to be the afternoon and not hear my son bouncing off the walls.

Still placing the chicken neatly in the pan, my mom glanced up from her task with a grin on her face. "Umm, his father picked him up around 8:00 this morning."

I froze with the cup to my lips as my brain processed what she just said. "Aubrey was here?" she nodded her head yes. "While I was looking like this?" I gestured down to my two sizes too big Michael Jackson t-shirt, pajama shorts with one pink and one green mismatch slipper socks and not to mention my hair was in a mess of a bun before I went to sleep, so I know it's even worse now.

"Yes, he was here and he'll be back in a little for lunch... I invited him." My mom replied with a twinge of mischief in her eyes.

"Where's the loyalty mom? Why would you let him in while I'm looking like this?" I jumped up from the stool needing to hurry and fix myself up.

"Girl please, the man seen you give birth; this is nothing." She said with a smirk flashing her pearly whites at me.

I rushed out of kitchen, almost slipping on the freshly waxed floor, having to brace myself on the table top. I turned the corner of the kitchen, crashing right into a little body. Cam basically tackled my legs, wrapping his arms and legs around my body, holding on for dear life. I glanced down at his puffy cheeks and gleaming grin knowing that I had been caught.

"Mommy! Daddy took me back to the zoo and we went to sea world and I got to ride dolphins." Cam rambled on in excitement.

In the midst of it all I felt a set of eyes on me. I looked up from my son and saw his father standing there; he was dressed casual in a pair a of jeans, a black t-shirt, and Rolex adorning his wrist. Now Aubrey has always been attractive in my eyes, but there's something about him these days that's making him more and more irresistible to me. Maybe it's the added pounds he's been packing on that fit his body perfectly; or the freshly groomed beard he's been growing in, but whatever it was, it was making me weak.

"Hey, I didn't hear the door." I spoke, ignoring the awkward feeling in the as I tried to smooth some of the stray hairs back into my bun.

"Oh I heard him pull up, so I just let him in." Grams called out from the living room seconds before appearing right in front of me. "I didn't want the doorbell to wake you." My grandmother had this shifty grin on her lips that matched my mother's in the kitchen making me wonder what scheme they're up to.

Trying keep up my unflustered front in front of Aubrey I gave her a stale smile while silently telling her off; it was all in the eyes. "Thank you Grams."

"You're so very welcome Raven!" She sarcastically beamed in a cheery tone. "You might want to fix yourself up if you want to get your man back." She whispered in my ear and then walked past me to enter the kitchen to refill what I'm guessing isn't iced tea in her cup.

Her words snapped me right back to reality realizing how tore up I was looking. Aubrey opened his mouth to say something, but I put my finger up to stop him. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back... right back." I speed walked out of the dining room so fast, I almost slipped again.

Karris was sitting in the living room with her beats snugs over her ears singing very loud and off key to Lauryn Hill's "Killing Me Softly" in her Black By Popular Demand t-shirt. I swear, every since she went away to Howard, she's been on this cultural awareness kick; embracing her roots if you will. She traded in her blonde hair dye for Poetic Justice braids and I have to say, I'm liking this transition on her. 

Interrupting her little groove session, I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her up the stairs with me all the way to my bedroom. Once we got inside I closed the door and locked it. Karris snatched her headphones from her ears staring at me in confusion.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you drag me all the way up here?"

"I need help finding something to wear." I stepped into my closet, sorting through hangers upon hangers of clothing.

"Look at you, trying to get cute for your husband." Said Karris, flopping down on the chaise watching me in total amusement.

"Stop calling him that, and I'm not trying to get cute... just presentable." I mumbled that last part under my breath walking over to the other side of my closet.

Karris jumped up from her spot and started dancing and singing, "Why the fuck you lying? Why you always lying? Mmm oh my God–"

"Shut up!" I shouted out while trying not laugh while watching her do her little dance. "Are you going to help me or not?"

She drug her feet over to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer. "Well since you're not trying to get cute, then a simple pair of leggings," she pulled out my favorite grey Nike leggings that hugged my booty just right and then moved to the second drawer to the right, "and I guess you can show a little skin." Karris laid a white semi crop Tshirt over the leggings and walked them over to me.

Ignoring the fact that she knew exactly where and how I kept my clothing in my closet, I accepted the outfit she picked out. "Thanks, that's perfect." I starting stripping out of my clothes, leaving a trail on my way to the shower.

"Don't forget to do something to your hair for your husband that you're not getting cute for!" She called out to me before I shut the bathroom door.

After a quick shower, I pulled my hair back in a neat ponytail, lotion down and put on my clothes. After that I sprayed a smidge of Chanel on and put on my white Air Max 95s and made my way down the stairs to see what Aubrey was getting into with my family. As I descended the spiral staircase I picked up on the loud laughter, but when I walked through the living room no one was in sight. I followed the chatter to the kitchen, hearing Aubrey talking to my mom. It's been a minute since Aubrey's seen my mom, so instead of going straight into the kitchen, I hung back on the other side of the wall listening in; I wouldn't want to interrupt them catching up.

"It's smelling good in here mom. I just might have to stay for dinner too. You know it's been a while since I had a home cooked meal." Aubrey spoke using his usual charm when it comes to my mom.

"We'll that's going to change today. Your girlfriend doesn't cook for you? What was her name again, something with an A?" My mom prodded, she knows exactly what that girl name is; and I thought Grams was bad.

"Her name is Ava, and she's not much of cook. We're not together right now."

"I'm sorry to hear that, sweetie. You know Raven told me about what happened in Vegas."

"Yeah, my mom gave me the same speech you probably gave Raven. How do you feel about it?"

"You know I already consider you my son and I know you love my daughter."

"Yes, but does she know that?" Aubrey replied. I could hear every ounce of hurt in confliction in his voice and that made my heart pound.

"Of course I know that." I spoke to myself, quickly covering my mouth with my hand hoping that they didn't hear me.

"Raven can be complicated, this I know, but when she loves, she loves hard, and once she feels as though she's been hurt by someone she loves it's hard for her to let that person back in; which is why I'm surprised at how she's handling this situation with you. It may not seem like it, but Raven's trying to let her guard down with you. I know she still loves you and so do you."

Having eavesdropped enough, I gathered my courage and entered the kitchen to face the man that I just got into a huge blow up with a little over 24 hours ago. He was sitting at the island while my mom stood across from him dicing tomatoes on the cutting board.

"Hey." I said as I sat down beside him.

"Hey to you too." Aubrey responded casually. My mom moved the cutting board over to the other counter to give us some privacy, but I know she was still listening in.

"So... what brings you by? We didn't exactly part on good terms the last time we saw each other."

"I didn't know I needed a reason to come over." He said with that coy grin of his that left me speechless, but leave it to Cameron to break the silence.

"Mommy, I think Sir has to pee. Can we take him for a walk?" Cam asked while Sir whined at the back door.

"Yeah, go get his leash." Aubrey answered for me and Cam took off running out of the kitchen.

"Oh so you're coming with us?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

"Yes, is that a problem?" He replied back before walking off in the same direction of Cam so he could get the last word in. I looked to my left spotting my mom watching me with a knowing smirk of hers. This was definitely going to be an interesting day.

Aubrey's Pov

We went to this nearby dog park that was no more than a five-minute walk from Raven's house. Sir practically pulled Cam by the leash the entire way there. As soon as we got to the park, Raven took Sir off the leash and he and Cam just let loose, running around, chasing after each other. Me and Raven just sat on a bench keeping an eye on the both of them. I swear it feels like time has flown by watching those two. I still remember the day I brought Sir home as a puppy as a Christmas gift for Raven, that of course was before everything went downhill between us. I can't lie, I wasn't feeling Raven at all after Vegas. I think she uses the fact that I'm the one who made the mistakes in our relationship as an excuse to invalidate my feelings like they don't mean anything, yet no matter how many times she pushes me to the side, I keep coming back for more. Every time she does something that upsets me to the point where I can't stand to be around her, I always find myself wanting to be near her even more, needing to see her face or hear her voice. Me taking Cam out was something that I was going to do anyway since I haven't seen my son in a few days, but I'm not going to lie, it was also an easy excuse to see Raven. The way we left things was rocky and I can't just leave it like that; especially when we were just beginning to make some progress.

"Slow down baby, I left your inhaler in the house." Raven yelled out watching our son closely. He listened and sat down in the grass pouting. Sir just walked over to Cam and laid on him. I couldn't help but smile when I looked over at Raven, she's forever worrying about him. 

"Get up and play Cam, you're fine." I called out to him and he wasted no time jumping back into action. As soon as I glanced to my right I saw Raven's eyes on me.

"Why do you always have to be the cool parent?" She questioned with those eyes of her narrowed at me. Between her eyes and the way she unintentionally licked those full lips, I lost my train of thought and forgot what she said just that quick. "Aubrey! You need to stop over ruling me when it comes to our son. We're supposed to be a team." She went on, forcing my attention back to our conversation. 

"What? He's just being a boy. You need to relax mom." I teased her and she gave me this look trying hard not to smile as she rolled her eyes and turned back to Cam. She knows I'm right. "You know he knows about us being married... technically." I told her, and to my surprise she didn't overreact to it like I expected. We all know how Raven likes to blow things out of proportion.

"Yeah I know, he asked me about it as soon as I got home. With the stuff that he says, I forget that he's only three years old sometimes." Raven replied, making me laugh a little; I was thinking the same thing when he caught me off guard.

"So, what did you tell him?" I asked out of curiosity just to see how she handled it; she had to do better than me. Cam asked me out of nowhere, was him and his mom going to live with me now that we're married. I asked him if he knew what marriage was, and he told me it's when a mom and a dad love each other and they give each other rings and kiss, he responded with a straight convincing face. What was I supposed to say after that? I just changed the subject by getting him some ice cream.

Raven sighed shrugging her shoulders. "I didn't know what to tell him." She paused for a second looking down at her lap picking off imaginary lint from her pants; I could tell she was thinking about something heavy. "That wasn't the only thing he asked me last night. He asked why don't you live with us like normal daddies. It really got me thinking about what that would actually feel like."

"And what was the verdict on that?" I asked.

Tucking her legs up on the bench, Raven turned her body so that we were face to face. She glanced over at Cam seeing that he was busy playing fetch with a stick he found and then turned back to me. "I thought about it, and I guess it wouldn't be so bad, but that depends if you're still mad at me?"

"Are you still with what's his face?" I asked, but she just looked away staring at the back of the bench. Judging from her response, I guess that was a no, so I just shook my head. "See, Raven this is what I'm talking about. How patient do you expect-"

"Michael and I broke up. I ended things with him last night." She cut me off. Her eyes drifted up at me to catch my reaction. I played it cool, slowly nodding my head being calm about it, when really I was ecstatic. It was about time Raven stopped playing these games. She sucked her teeth nudging my arm. "You don't have to smile so hard, Aubrey." Raven rolled her eyes folding her arms across her chest. I didn't even realize I was smiling, but when she pointed it out it made me grin even harder.

"What? This is my compassionate sympathetic face; I feel your pain." I stopped smiling and put on my serious face but that only made her laugh this time.

"You're so full of shit." Raven untucked her leg and got up from the bench. She started walking over towards Cam, but before she could get too close I caught her by the arm pulling her back to me.

"On a serious note, all jokes aside; where does this leave us?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist. We were finally getting somewhere and I needed to know.

"Well, like I said before, I want to take things slow, and that means no pda; at least not for a couple of months." Raven replied, unwrapping my arms from around her taking a step back. That's not exactly the answer I was expecting.

"So what you're saying is, we can be together, but I can't touch you?" I stood there looking at her sideways confused for a moment.

"No, it's just that Michael and I just broke up and he didn't take it too well. I don't want it to seem like I'm shoving us in his face." Raven explained. I understand that she's trying to take his feelings into consideration; I don't care, but I understand. I know she was already feeling bad about how everything happened, so I let it go and agreed. If it'll make her feel better and help her get over it, then I'm all for it, besides, we all know who she's with. 

After my talk with Raven, we played around with Cam and Sir for about a good thirty minutes, but that all came to an end as soon as the paparazzi came out. The entire walk home Cam talked our ear off about his birthday party he had planned out. He wanted a carnival, circus, and zoo all rolled into one and we had less than a month to pull it off. When we got back to the house I noticed that the black Range Rover was gone. It was quiet inside, but it was smelling good. Raven called out to her mom and Karris as she went to check the upstairs; I took the dog off his leash and let him run around out back.
I went to kitchen sink to wash my hands before digging the fridge so Raven won't lose her mind. When I went to open the door I noticed a yellow post it note stuck to it.

"No one's here, they must've went somewhere." Raven spoke looking slightly confused.

"Lunch is on the stove, we decided to eat out instead. Try not to kill each other; mom." I stared down at the note reading it aloud.
Raven walked over to me and read the note for herself, when she finished she laughed to herself. "You know what they're doing right?" she asked looking up at me.

"Well..." I moved behind her and wrapped my arm around her waist as I leaned down to his kiss her favorite spot behind her ear. "It seems to me like they're giving us some privacy so we can have some one on one time."

"Yeah, but you're forgetting one thing." She said while turning to face me encircling her arms around my neck.

"Mommy I'm hungry." I looked over her shoulder seeing exactly what she was talking about. Cam appeared out of nowhere with a juice box to his lips. I guess that quality time just turned into family time.

While Raven heated up the plates, I went over to Cam and propped him up on the counter top. "So, what movie are we watching after we eat?" I asked him.
"Space Jam!" Cam shouted out in excitement. As soon as he said it me and Raven locked eyes giving each other the same look. That boy lived and breath that movie mouthing the lines before they could be spoken, but I can't blame him, who's not a Jordan fan.

I awoke to my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over, or at least tried to. My eyes cracked open and I realized that I was in Raven's bed with Cam's feet in my chest. After we ate we all went up to Raven's room and watch some movies. I didn't realize how possessive Cam was of his mom until last night, I tried to lay next to her, but he wedged his way between us. He shut that right down. When I woke up he was in that same spot and Raven had her arm wrapped around him. I just stared at them for a while taking it all in. For the first time in almost four years I had woken up next to my family and it felt right, like this is where I was supposed to be at this very moment. They looked peaceful. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to take a picture while they were sleeping. I lightly moved her hair to the side so I could see her face and took the picture.

She's probably gonna kill me when she sees it, but I don't care, I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I posted the photo to Instagram with the caption; Moments like this, I live for. If it real, then it'll always find its way back. It wasn't even up for ten seconds before the likes started pouring in. I know Raven said she doesn't want us out in the open yet because of Michael, but that's just something he's gonna have to get over.

Checking the time on my phone I realized how early it was in the morning. I have a tight schedule today and as much as I hate to, I have to leave. I eased out of bed so I wouldn't wake Cam and as soon as I moved he stretched out even further; that boy is the wildest sleeper I know. I threw on my shirt and went around the other side of the bed where Raven was.

"Raven." I whispered, nudging her hip lightly.
"Raven, baby wake up." I whispered once more, this time giving her a firmer shake.

She groaned a little as her eyes eased open. "What time is it?"

"A little after 6:00 AM, I gotta go." I told her. When I said that, her eyes had widened and she sat up against the headboard.

"I don't even remember falling asleep."

"You past out somewhere after Mufasa died." I reminded her. Raven was lucky, Cam kept me up for A Bugs Life, Toy Story and then I passed out after the opening credits of the Incredibles.

"Can you stay for breakfast? I can cook something real quick." She offered, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Trust me, I would stay here with you if I could, but I have to get ready for this flight tonight."

She tilted her head to the side looking confused like she didn't know what I was talking about. "Flight? Where are you going?"

"Toronto, I have the pre-opening for Frings in two days. I told you about it two weeks ago. You're still coming, right?" I asked. This restaurant is very a big deal for me and I want the people I love around to celebrate this moment with me, but from the blank expression on Raven's face I could tell that probably wasn't happening.

She pressed her palm against her forehead "I'm so sorry Aubrey, I totally forgot, promo for my movie and a photoshoot in New York for the Vogue cover." The words quietly left her lips. I could tell she meant it, but I was still disappointed that she wasn't going to be there. Raven sat up on her knees in the bed. "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you another time." She whispered, wrapping her arms around me causing my heart to beat a little faster.

I smirked arching my eyebrow, she was really tempting me right now. "Oh yeah? Exactly how do you plan on doing that?" I pulled her closer, brushing my lips against her neck feeling her breathe in deeply.

"Well if you behave yourself while you're in Toronto, we can talk about that when you get back." She spoke in my ear, her lips lightly kissing the lobe. All I could think about was all the things I wanted to do to her right here and now. As soon as my hand started to ease under her t-shirt she grabbed it and stopped me. "Aubrey our son is in this bed." She said softly through a moan and gently pushed me back.

I looked over Raven's shoulder at my son who was sound asleep. Damn! I thought to myself. I turned back to Raven catching the amused look in her eyes as she got off of the bed. "You're lucky I have somewhere to be." I said as I backed away from her and made my way over to Cam. I hated running out on my son while he's sleeping, but I really have to go. I kissed him on the forehead and me and Raven tip toed out of the room.

Raven walked me downstairs to the front door. She opened it waiting for me to step out, but before I could go, there was something I wanted to ask her. "Will you have dinner with me, when I get back?" As soon as I finished speaking a tired grin flickered on her lips

"Are you asking me on a date?" She asked, leaning against the door while gazing at me. I nodded me head telling her yes and that grin turned to a full on smile. "I'll have to check with my husband first, but I don't think he'd mind." Raven joked, lightly pressing her lips against mine. Even though I know she was playing around when she called me her husband, it still made my heart beat faster. I could get used to that. She has no idea how bad that shit just turned me on.

As I shot through traffic to get to my house so I can get ready for this meeting with Apple, my phone started ringing for the third time interrupted the music coming through the car speakers. Instead of ignoring it again, I just answer it. "Yo Oliver I just left Raven's, I should be home in like 30 minutes." I lied, it was more like a good 45; traffic from Beverly Hills to Calabasa is a bitch.

"Well thank you for letting me know why you've been avoiding my calls, but this isn't Oliver." A woman's voice I wasn't expecting to hear anytime soon spoke on the other line.

"Ava?" I checked my phone and sure enough it was her. "What's going? Is everything okay?"

"Is everything okay? You're really going to ask me that after you cheat on me with your ex for the second time, and then throw it in my face that you're still with her? How disrespectful can you be?" She snapped on the other end practically screaming in my ear which aggravated the fuck out of me.

"Okay first of all, I didn't cheat on you. You and I aren't together anymore. You broke up with me, remember?" I quickly reminded her to kill all that attitude.

"I didn't break up with you Aubrey I asked for space; some time to clear my head, but I see you took that as a free pass to go fuck whoever you want to while I'm sitting here looking like a fool trying to figure out how to fix us." She ranted on and I as listened close I could hear her voice cracking and that got to me. I care about Ava, she's one of the few women besides Raven that I had something real with, but I'd be lying if I said this was going to work out between us.

"Look Ava, I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't-"

"I had a miscarriage Aubrey." She cut over my words silencing me for a moment.

I had to dip out of traffic and pull over to the side of the road. "What was that?"

"I said I had a miscarriage. That's why I've been calling you." Tears that I could tell she was trying to hold in gave way making me feel like an asshole. I was ignoring her calls thinking she was blowing me up because of the pictures floating around of me and Raven, but I see now that, that wasn't the case.

I leaned back in the seat trying to comprehend what she had just told me but my head was spinning with so many questions. "When did this happen? When were you even pregnant?" I asked and she began to cry even harder.

"I really don't want to talk about this over the phone Aubrey." Ava sobbed loudly. I was stuck, I didn't know what to say or do. I never dealt with her like this before.

"Listen to me, are you still in Canada?" I asked her and I think she said yes but I couldn't really tell over the crying. "Calm down Ava, I'm on my way to Toronto, we'll talk about it then, okay?" I assured Ava trying to get her to stop hyperventilating over the phone when my head was twisted myself.

After she calmed down we hung up and I just sat there parked in the same spot. I was really going to be late for my meeting now, but that was the last thing on my mind. I haven't spoken to Ava since she walked out on me the night of the pool party and with the way we ended things, I took it as it was over. Now that my relationship with Raven is getting back on track, I actually see myself having my family in my life full time. Waking up with them this morning made me the happiest I've been in a long time, but I keep thinking about Ava having to go through losing our child all by herself while I'm Vegas with her miles from my mind. Maybe it's a good thing Raven isn't coming to Toronto anymore. With everything that's happened, she's the last person Ava wants to see in the state she's in. She sounded a complete wreck on the phone. I really need to get my ass back to the six because Ava needs me right now. This isn't something she should be going through alone. I'll just have to tell Raven that I'm leaving for Toronto earlier than I expected.

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