By lexandsam

543 52 0

deranged (adj) mad; insane. They are mentally ill and cannot think or act normally. A deranged attacker is a... More

One: College, dudes
Two: Aussie
Three: Party Pooper
Four: Strange
Five: He said that?
Six: Protective
Seven: Love
Eight: Admit It
Nine: Fear
Ten: I Like You
Eleven: Fam
Twelve: Falling
Thirteen: Noah
Fourteen: Lukey Pookey
Fifteen: For real
Sixteen: Psychopath
Seventeen: Going Home
Eighteen: I Promise
Nineteen: Sneak
Twenty: Caught
Twenty one: Noah
Twenty two: Sleepover
Twenty Three: Break in
Twenty Four: Paranoid
Twenty Five: Theo
Twenty Six: Plan B
Twenty Seven: Where did you go?
Twenty Eight: News
Twenty nine: This isn't love
Thirty: Jail Visit
Thirty one: Bail
Thirty two: New Beginnings
Thirty Three- High
Thirty Four: Hometown
Thirty Six: Decision
Thirty Seven: Grad
Thirty Eight: Keeping Secrets
Thirty Nine: Lovey dovey shit

Thirty Five: Movie night

6 1 0
By lexandsam

Sammy's POV

I was walking to my class when I could feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see that it was a text from my mom.

Mom: I heard the news, I hope you are doing good. I'm thinking about you <3

Me: What news?

I put my phone back into my pocket and saw Michael walking towards me. I sighed and started to walk the other way. I felt his hand on my waist and he spun me around to face him. I pushed his hand away from me.

"What?" I asked

"Can't we just move on without each other" I said

"Theo's trail was yesterday, I wanted to see how you were doing. Just as a friend, all bullshit aside" Michael said, I completely forgot about his trail in this whole storm.

"I forgot about the trail" I said

"Oh" Michael said 

"They found murder charges on him. He killed one of his past girlfriends" Michael said looking away

"You are telling me you had no clue about this?" I asked

"Are you fucking serious, no I didn't know shit about that. If I did he would have never got close to you ever again" Michael said

"It's hard to trust you, Micheal" I said

"I get that but trust me on this" Micheal said 

"I should go to class" I said sighing as I turned around

"Sam, he got death penalty" Micheal said and I turned around to face him again

"What?" I asked

"I'm surprised you didn't know, it's all over the news" Micheal said in shock

"I wouldn't be saying what if I knew, Michael" I said

"I need to go to class" I said walking away from him


"Come in" I said looking at my bedroom door to see Ambrose.

"Hey" I said

"Hey, Theo is here" Ambrose said

"Thanks" I said grabbing my purse

"Please be careful" He said

"He's not bad. You always listen to rumors, dude" I said as I put my heels on

"But his exes say all the same thing, Sam" Ambrose said

"He's been nice to me the whole time. A true gentlemen" I said smiling at him

"One of his exes went missing" Ambrose said

"Actually two" I said 

"See but he has nothing to do with them. They were lesbians that ran off together" I said

"Trust me, I will be fine" I said as I got up off my bed

"Just don't get into deep with him, it's only your fifth date" Ambrose said

"Okay" I said hugging him


I was in class not evening listening to what the teacher was saying. I pulled out my phone to see that my mom texted me back.

Mom: Theo is getting the death penalty.

Me: I heard now. I'm fine, just a little shocked. Is it bad that I don't feel happy?

Mom: You wanted him to suffer in jail instead of getting out of it easy.

Me: Is that wrong?

Mom: Nothing is wrong with it, hun. Other jail mates would have really messed him up hearing that he has disrespected women

Me: Thank you

Mom: If you need to come home anytime. We can come get you even if it's just for a visit

Me: I would like that, you probably need to meet Noah under good circumstances.

Mom: We would love that, hun

Me: Love you

I put my phone back in my pocket, I was curious to know when he was going to leave us. But at the same time I wasn't ready to know. I tried to pay attention to the rest of the class but my mind kept wandering.


I walked into the coffee shop to see Grayson working. He smiled at me as I walked up to the cash register.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked

"I'm doing good, what about you?" Gray asked

"Tired and stressed. Bunch of big test this week" I said

"I bet the trail didn't help either" Gray said

"What?" I asked

"Theo's trail, he's getting death penalty. Honestly shocked that they didn't ask Sam to be there" Gray said and I just gave him a weird look.

"I'm assuming you didn't hear" Gray said

"I didn't" I said as people got behind me in line

"Can I just get Sam's usual and a medium vanilla latte" I said

"Warm?" He asked

"Yes" I said as he run it up

"7.83" He said and I handed him a ten

"Keep the rest" I said and I went over to the pickup counter. He started to make the drinks as I pulled my phone out.

"Do you want to come over tonight for a movie night? I think it might help Sam. I'm thinking that she found out today also" I said

"I'm down" Gray said

"What time are you thinking?" He asked as he put on of the drinks down.

"That's Sam" Gray said

"Seven, I'll get some pizza and snacks" I said

"I'll also invite Lexi and Luke" I said

"Should I bring anything else?" He asked

"You want to bring drinks?" I asked

"I can do that, I will see you tonight" He said handing me my drink

"Thanks, see you" I said leaving the coffee shop and running right into Luke

"Hey just the guy I wanted to see" I said and he laughed

"What's up?" He asked

"I'm having a movie night tonight so I was wondering if you and Lexi could come" I asked

"Yeah, we can be there" Luke said

"Did you hear the news?" I asked

"I did, from what I'm aware of Sam and Lexi are with each other right now" Luke said

"I think Sam texted her saying she needed to see her. Lexi waited outside of her class till she got out" Luke said

"Oh cool, I was just about to go get Sam from class so I guess I will see Lexi also" I said

"What time are you thinking tonight?" Luke asked

"7" I said

"Okay we will see you at 7" Luke said and I nodded. I started to walk to Sam's class, I was wondering how she found out. We both don't really look at the news. As I stared to get closer to her class, I could see Lexi and Sam outside on the bench.

"Hey" I said walking up the them, they both looked at me. I handed Sam her coffee.

"Thanks" Sam said as she wiped tears away

"Should I meet you at home?" I asked

"I have to meet Luke at the coffee shop" Lexi said

"I planned a movie night with Gray, you guys and us. It starts at seven. I told Luke about it and he said we would see you guys then" I said

"We will totally be there" Lexi said 

"You guys are totally free to stay the night also. Tomorrow is Saturday so Sam and I don't have classes" I said

"I don't see why it would be a problem. Your guys movie room is awesome" She said laughing as she got up. Sam wasn't paying attention to us at all.

"Thank you" I said

"Just because you are dating her doesn't mean I can't be there for her also. I understand it more than you guys do. I was there through it all. Michael was also but that's a different situation now" Lexi said

"Thank you though" I said and she smiled 

"I will see you guys tonight" Lexi said and she gave Sam a hug. She then left and I sat down next to Sam.

"We can go home" Sam said looking at me

"I love you" I said grabbing her hand

"I love you too, Noah" Sam said smiling

"I'm doing okay. I'm just in shock, babe" Sam said

"I'm here" I said

"Thank you" Sam said as she set her coffee down. She grabbed my face and kissed me. I grabbed her waist and kissed her back.

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