Our little secret

By Wild_Imagination_00

7.9K 308 179

Miranda and her Best friend Benjamin make a pack while visiting their families after some years More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

1.6K 40 12
By Wild_Imagination_00

"Heyy momma" Miranda said picking up her phone.
"Hey baby how are you doing today"
"I'm doing good mom just setting up my three weeks of vacation for dad's retirement party."
"Oh Mandy you don't have to take that much time off it's just an retirement party."
"I know mom I just want to catch up with y'all is all."
"Oh okay I know that you are probably lonely meaning that you don't have a man in your life."
" uhh I have you know that I'm not lonely and that I actually have a male friend."
"Oh Mandy you don't have to lie it's nothing wrong with being lonely we have all been there."
"Mother I am not lying I dooo have a male friend and I have you know he is very fond of me."
"Well Mandy what is this so called Male friend's name and why am I just hearing about him now."
"Well if you must know mother his name is Benjamin Warren, and I guess I must have been so wrapped up in our amazing relationship to think about others I suppose."
"Okay well I can't wait to meet him you are bringing him as your plus one aren't you."
"Of course he'll be there." Miranda said hanging up the phone after saying bye and I love you to her mother.

"What up pops" Ben said answering his phone.
"Hey son how are you doing"
"Good how are you and moms doing"
" Me and your mother are doing just fine, we're just missing are oldest son."
"I miss y'all too I have been meaning to come in visit but my schedule has been so busy."
"Hey did you hear that Angela and her boyfriend got engaged."
"That's nice I'm happy for them."
"Yeah it's good to see one of your children settling down finally ready to start a family I just wish all my children could follow in that direction and give up the bachelor life style."
"Well actually Dad I am not living that bachelor life style I....."
"Oh so you have a lady friend I presume what's the young women's name Ben's dad said cutting him off.
"Miranda Bailey" Ben said quickly
"Well I look forward to meeting this Miranda next weekend at the engagement party."
"Right see you there" Ben said getting off the phone.

*Couple hours later
*Knock Knock*. Miranda rushed over to her door to open it her eyes became wide it was Benjamin she knew she had to tell him and she didn't know how he was gonna react. She grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house hugging him before letting go and staring his eyes ok hear I go Miranda thought to herself.

The door swung open and there stood Miranda Ben's eyes got wide immediately he had to tell her and he knew how she was when she was ambushed with something she was gonna chew him out and he wasn't ready for it. Ben was shocked when he was pulled in her house and into a hug when he was let go he inhaled deeply and exhaled thinking here goes nothing.

"I NEED YOU TO BE MY FAKE BOYFRIEND"..... "I NEED YOU TO BE MY FAKE GIRLFRIEND" Ben and Miranda yelled out to each other at the same time then pausing to realize they just asked the same thing.

"Wait What" Miranda and Ben said in sync once again causing them to burst out into a fit of laughter.
"You need me to be your fake girlfriend" Miranda asked after there long burst of laughter. "And you need me to be your fake boyfriend." Ben said returning the question back at her.
"Well how did this happen what lead you to need my services." Miranda asked raising her eyebrow looking up at Ben. " I can ask you the same thing Dr. Bailey ." Ben said placing his hands on his hips and looking down at her.
Miranda clicked her teeth and folder her arms across her chest "I asked you first" she said whining with a hint of sass in her tone making Ben laugh and smile big.

"Well my sister Angela is getting married her boyfriend just recently purposed to her and my dad started to go into that it's so good to see one of his children final settling down and how he wish all his other children would follow in the direction and give up the bachelor life and all that good stuff. Ben rolled his eyes as he told Miranda she held back her laughter as she was hearing the irritation in his voice. "It's not funny Miranda it's so irritating. Ben said noticing her holding back her laughter which only seemed to make her burst into a fit of laughter "Miranda" Ben said irritated " okay okay Benjamin what else happen". Miranda said reigning in her laughter back in so he could continue.

"Well I told him I wasn't living the bachelor life style." Miranda chuckled a little causing Ben to give her a look "I'm sorry Benjamin please continue" Miranda said snickering.
"And that my schedule is just busy and before I could continue on he cut me off and was like so you have a lady friend I presume what is the young lady's name, in my mind I was going to say no I don't have lady friend at the moment but when I opened up my mouth to speak your name came out and next thing I knew my dad is inviting you to my sisters engagement party next weekend."
"I Know I'm sorry Miranda"
"Next weekend Benjamin today is Sunday that means there are only 6 days until the party how the hell will we make a believable couple in 6 days time." Miranda said placing her hand on her head blowing out some breath.
"I don't know Miranda but I do know I need my best friend's help that we know almost everything about each other so I believe we can pull it off we just have to be us with a hint of romance ." Ben said grabbing her hands and sticking his bottom lip out looking in her eyes waiting for her to agree.
"Fine but we have to get our story together" Miranda said clicking her teeth together.
" we will but before that you have to tell me why you you need my services as well."

Miranda huffed " well it's simple my mother accused me of being lonely..." "which you are" Ben said cause Miranda give him her signature look and roll her eyes "sooo I told her I wasn't and that I so happened to have a male friend."
"But you don't though" Ben said cutting her off yet again "I know that Benjamin but my mother didn't.. ugh do you want to know what happen or what." Miranda said with an attitude Ben held his hands up and nodded "then shut your mouth geese." Miranda blurted out cause Ben to laugh and pretend to zip up his mouth.
"So she said she can't wait to meet him when I come down for my dads retirement party and asked if I was bringing him and I was like of course so yeah there's that.

"Miranda" Ben said giving her a are serious look.
"What! Are you gonna do it or what" Miranda said with such frustration.
"I give you this detailed reason on why I need you to be my fake girlfriend all you have is that you don't want your parents to know that their right about you being lonely." Ben said raising his eye brow causing Miranda to click her teeth and roll eyes while she shrugged.
"Well?" Miranda said trying to see if Ben will be her fake boyfriend.
"Yes gosh Miranda I will be your fake boyfriend dang when is the retirement party and how long are we staying so I can set up my vacation time." Ben said caving in making Miranda smile.

"Great and the week after next week and we are going to stay for three weeks." Miranda said excitedly giving Ben a kiss on his cheek.
"But Benjamin we need to come up with a story because both of our families have proven to be nosy so it's a given they are going to ask where and how we met so we need to sit down and come up with something simple but yet adorable." Miranda said as she walked into her kitchen to get two glasses and a bottle of wine and met Benjamin in the living room on the couch.

" Right.. so how bout we say we met at work and became each other's best friends which is true we are each other's best friend." Benjamin said pouring wine in their glasses and handing one to Miranda as she thought some more about their story.
"Yeah and we can say over the years we slowly began to fall for each other but didn't express our feelings to each other until recently." Miranda said taking a sip of her wine looking up at Ben.
"Perfect we are totally gonna pull this off Miranda." Ben said excitedly as he sipped on his wine.
Miranda smiled but quickly lost it when she thought about something "Damn"
"What Miranda" Ben asked worriedly
" what if they ask to see us kiss they will definitely know it's a scam then." Miranda said blowing out some air as she thought something that could help them not give it away.
"Okay okay I have an idea but I don't know if you will like it though." Ben said sitting straight up placing his glass down on her coffee table and turning to face Miranda grabbing her glass and placing it down also making Miranda poke out her bottom lip.
" well what is your idea Benjamin that you had to take my wine out of my hand." Miranda said while she rolled her eyes

" okay what if we kiss right now and practice it so when they ask us it won't be weird because we already know how it's going to feel what do you say." Ben said asking Miranda.
Miranda inhaled and exhaled and said okay and that it was a good idea. They both scooted closer to each other and Ben began to lean in just before he could place his lips on hers Miranda burst out in a nervous laughter.
"Miranda come on you have to get serious" Ben said dropping his head. " I know I'm sorry I'm trying it's just your my best friend and it a little weird." Miranda said trying to calm her nerves.
"I know Miranda it's weird for me too but if we want this to work we have to do it." Miranda nodded and inhaled and exhaled as Ben placed his hand on her cheek as he inhaled and exhaled saying "it's just a beautiful women who happens to be my best friend." To himself just before he connected his lips with hers.

The kiss sent instant shocks threw out their body causing them to both move closer to each other leaving no space between them and for them to part their lips a little deepening the kiss. Miranda's hands traveled up to his chest as Ben brought his other hand to her face as well brining her closer and deepening the kiss.
Ben slipped his tongue in her mouth causing Miranda to release a faint moan making her grab his shirt and begin to pull him with her as she started to lean back on the couch. Causing one of Ben's hands to travel to her waist as they reposition them selves. Once on her back she moved her hands around his neck bringing him down all the way deepening the kiss making them both to moan out loud, making them pull part noticing how carried away they were getting.

"So yeah Um we should be good then Um it's getting late and we both have to be at work in the morning." Ben said jumping up from the couch pulling his shirt down to cover his pants.
"Yeah right don't want to be late tomorrow due to exhaustion." Miranda said sitting up and crossing her legs and squeezing her thighs together.
"Exactly" Ben said locking eyes with Miranda they stayed there piercing into each other eyes getting lost within each other's gaze.
Until Miranda loud ice maker went off knocking them out of each other's trance " well good night Miranda see you tomorrow." Ben said leaving out her front door, once Miranda heard her door close she released the the breath she didn't know she was holding
"WOW" was all Miranda could say.
Closing the door Ben exhaled deeply "WOW" was all Benjamin could get out as he walked to his car and left.

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