Exotic Love | Yeonbin

By lil_rachaaaaa

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Yeonjun works at a strip club and is used to getting flirted with by just about everyone but this guy is more... More



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By lil_rachaaaaa

Yeonjun was tired.

Physically, emotionally and mentally drained.

Soobin could tell, they were getting back on track with their dates and their sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship.

They decided to go bowling for a fun evening on the town.

Yeonjun rolled the ball and knocked down eight pins.

"Damn it!" He murmured, he went for the spare and got it. "Yes!"

Soobin looked at the score and they were tied.

"The bet is still on Soobin." Yeonjun sang. "Don't get scared."

Soobin scuffed. "Please, I'm winning this." He rolled the ball it went directly in the middle and knocked down all but one pin. "FUCK!"

Yeonjun realized very quickly that Soobin was extremely competitive. He went for the spare and missed. Now Yeonjun was winning.

The older smirked at him as he stood up walking to pick up a ball, walking with such confidence, he was naturally sexy and Soobin was a sore loser so why not play mind games?

"You know we should change the bet."

Yeonjun was getting ready to roll the ball. "Oh yeah?" He asked.

"Yeah." Yeonjun started walking forward to roll..."you should sit on my face instead."

A small gasp left the older's lips and the ball went straight into the gutter. He turned around glaring at him with a dark blush on his cheek.

When it was Soobin's turn Yeonjun decided to get his revenge.

Soobin got ready.

"Maybe you should let me suck your dick."

He missed.

It was Soobin's turn to blush heavily glaring at him. In the end the younger's cheating tactics didn't work because Yeonjun won.

The older laughed as they grabbed their things.

"I wanna do it at your house we are always at mines." Yeonjun spoke on the way to Soobin's car.

"Fine." He murmured opening the door for Yeonjun who happily got in.

They drove to Soobin's mansion like house. It was absolute stunning and breathtaking. They got out and Yeonjun admired the scenery.

"It's beautiful Soobinnie." He said in awe.

"Thanks." He held his arm out and Yeonjun held it as they walked up the stairs to the front door. They walked in and Yeonjun gasped. "Yeonjun-"

"I'm sorry it's just...it really is incredible."

Soobin guided him to his bedroom. It was a pastel green with white furniture making the room look very bright.

"Remind me why you want to do this?" Soobin asked walking to his dresser.

"Because you said no one has done it for you before so I wanna be first. Besides, everyone else says I'm good at it."

Soobin grabbed a towel. "So how do you wanna do this?" He asked.

Yeonjun started thinking. "It would be easier in the shower...do you have a problem with me...joining you?" He asked sheepishly.

Soobin smirked. Maybe losing the bet wasn't that bad.

"Not at all." They went to the bathroom, Soobin started the water and they got undressed before stepping into the shower.

"Have you ever done this before? Shower with someone?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin nodded. "Once, it didn't last long she didn't like it. What about you?"

Yeonjun shook his head. "I would get bathed and belittled the entire time." He murmured with a weak smile.

"Well...you look absolutely beautiful Junnie." He brought his hands to Yeonjun's hair making parts of it a little damp.

The pink haired male smiled at him. "Let me do it now." Soobin past the bottle and Yeonjun squeezed some shampoo in his hands.

He ran his fingers through Soobin's hair, lathering up his scalp before scratching it slightly and massaging it in.

Soobin never had someone wash his hair for him he always did it himself, Yeonjun swore up and down that it was the best feeling when someone else did it.

And boy was he right.

Soobin was floating right now, his eyes closed as he took long deep breaths. It all felt so surreal, Yeonjun rinsed it out and then put conditioner in it doing the same thing. He let the conditioner sit before getting Soobin's rag soaping it up.

"No one has ever done this for me before." He said so quietly Yeonjun almost didn't catch it.

"That's hard to believe, your life seems so perfect." He said as he cleaned Soobin's back off before turning the male to face him.

"It was...lonely." Yeonjun looked up at him still rubbing the soapy rag over his chest. "My dad was a con artist which landed him in prison, he ended up getting killed during a riot and my mom just simply...left. As a kid they didn't pay me much attention so this is new for me."

"Soobin I'm so sorry." The younger just shook his head. "I had no idea."

"It's not something I really like to talk about. Here let me clean you off." He grabbed Yeonjun's rag lathering it up in soap before gently running it over his back.

"I didn't know my parents." Yeonjun spoke up. "Apparently I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage, this family took me in I don't remember them anymore but they were horrible to me. I was neglected and miserable until I met-" He cut himself off shaking the thought away. "I met Beomgyu in middle school and his family took me in, not like my adopted family wanted me anyways. That's when I met my ex, I stayed with them for awhile and took the abuse until they got rid of me. I lived with Beomgyu again after we graduated high school, I worked as a bartender and got enough money for my own place." He explained.

"Is that why you are so torn up over your ex. He took you in?"

Yeonjun nodded. "I felt like I was draining Beomgyu, he was so sweet to do what he did for me. I didn't want to be a leech...so I became their doll."

"Their? It was more than one?" He asked curiously.

Yeonjun slowly nodded. "My ex...had a brother. I belonged to both of them."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Dun dun duuuuuun 🍵👀

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