Monster Hunter Railgun

By Heroman23

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In another world separated from the planet Earth, there lies a planet full of giant monsters. Monsters that w... More

Time For Introductions
Training Time
Time For Story Telling
The Blade Tail Cutting Wyvern

Black Diablos Ambush!

145 3 36
By Heroman23

Last Time On Monster Hunter Railgun..............

The Nerscylla eyes then glowed red. It symbolize that it is angry right now. It begin to try to slash Mikoto into tiny pieces. Mikoto dodge those attacks. At that moment, the same strange instinct from before has kicked within Mikoto again.

Mikoto jump backwards. She then had the sword infront of her to block the slashes. Once the monster was done slashing, Mikoto jump into the air and did a 36o degree spin in the air and slashed at the monsters eyes.

The Nerscylla roared out in pain. With its eyes damaged, it can't see anymore. It begins to blindly slash at everything in all directions but is not hitting its targets.

Mikoto then jumps onto the monsters back. She let out a mighty yell and thrusts the sword into the monsters back. The Nerscylla lets out a roar before going limb and fall onto its stomach. It is killed now.

Mikoto lets out a few tired breaths. She then blinked a few times to see that she killed the monster. She doesn't know what just happened or how this happened.

"Whoa.....what the heck? Did I just....?" asked a confused Mikoto.

"Killed a Nerscylla? Yes you did." Said Winda as she approaches Mikoto. 

Rathy finally gets the webbing off his eyes. He then saws Mikoto standing on the dead Nerscylla. Mikoto pulls out the sword and jumps down from the dead monster. He is amazed that this teenage human is able to take down a Nerscylla.

"I... I don't know what happened. It is like... something within me just... took over and... I .... what happened to me Winda?" Asked Mikoto.

"Its your natural instinct that took over Mikoto. And you should be proud. Only some expert Hunters can take down a Nerscylla all by themselves." Said Winda as she placed her right hand on Mikoto right shoulder.

"So.... does this mean.... I am have learned to defend myself?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. But better than that, you have a natural instinct to take down a monster. You are amazing Mikoto. Keep the sword. As of this moment, Mikoto Misaka, I here by take you as my pupil." Said Winda with a smile.

"Pupil!? Me?!" asked a shocked Mikoto.

"Yes. I never had one before but that changes now. Now, lets go. Hop on Rathy back with me. It is time we head back to base." Said Winda as she puts away her sword and hops on Rathy back.

"Are you sure that is a wise idea?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. And this way is a lot faster. Now don't worry. Rathy won't hurt or bite you. He knows better." Said Winda with a comforting smile.

Mikoto puts the sword on her back and use her Electromaster powers to keep it on her back. Mikoto nervously walks over to Rathy. She begins to climb on Rathy back. She then sits behind Winda and holds onto her for support.

"Okay..... Ready Winda." Said Mikoto.

"Okay. Rathy. Takes us back to base please." asked Winda.

Rathy nods. He spreads his wings out and begins to flap his wings and to lift him up into the air. He then begins to fly in the sky back to base.

Mikoto had to get her training with Winda today. In the training, Mikoto had to discard her knows of how to fight back from her home and learn how to fight in this world, the Hunter way. In the training process, Winda and Mikoto were ambushed by a Nerscylla. In the battle, Mikoto was able to kill the Nerscylla. Now the group is heading back to base for the Guild.


With The Group............

Rathy is no longer flying over the jungle area. Now he is flying over a environment that is surrounded by sands and rock formations. A desert region kind of area.

And it was this time that it was hot during the day in the desert area. While Rathy isn't bothered by the heat, the two people on his back might be.

"Are.... we there yet?" asked a really sweating Mikoto Misaka. The heat from this desert area is making it hard to focus and stay cool.

"Who knows..... I forgot to mention that the base we are heading to is a moving one. You will understand what it looks like when we find it. I just hope they haven't move to another location already." Said Winda.

"Can we find some place to rest? I don't think I can take this heat anymore." Said Mikoto.

"Well.... I guess so. Rathy. Find a place for us to rest." Said Winda.

Rathy looks down at the ground. He tries to find at least somewhere where they can cool down. He spotted a large formation of rocks that has a large shadow on the ground. Seeing that a good place, Rathy begins to fly to there.

Once he landed in the shadow area, Mikoto jumps off Rathy back and lands on the sand. When she landed, the sand in the shadow area is cool enough.

"Ahh..... that's better." Said Mikoto as she is enjoying cooling down now.

"Not a fan of the heat are you Mikoto?" asked Winda as she jumps off Rathy back to approach her.

"Not at all. I am just not a fan of the extreme heat." Said Mikoto.

"I get ya. But when you are a Hunter like me, you will have to get use to be in extreme environments no matter if it is hot or cold." Said Winda.

"Wow...... good for you." Said Mikoto with narrowed eyes. 

Mikoto then noticed something in the distance. She squints her eyes to see it a little bit clear. It looks like something is poking out of the sands.

"Hey what's that?" asked Mikoto as she points straight ahead. Winda looks at the direction that Mikoto is pointing to. She squint her eyes to see it.

"I don't know..... but it looks like it is big..." Said Winda. She then notice Mikoto walking over to there. "Hey Mikoto. What are you doing?"

"Going over there to check it out." Said Mikoto.

Winda looks at Rathy. Rathy lets out a small roar. Winda lets out a sigh from her lips before she and Rathy walks after Mikoto.

Mikoto stands before the thing she saw. It is massive. It is a skeleton. Its rib cage bones are poking out of the sand. And she sees a head skeleton of it. The skull looks like it has a large and long  knife like horn on its head. And by the looks of the bones, they look really old. Like they have been there for a long time.

"What.... is this Winda? What am I looking at?" asked Mikoto.

Winda walks right next to Mikoto. "These are the bones of a monster that is a member of the Elder Dragons." Said Winda.

"Elder Dragons?" asked Mikoto.

"Monsters that have the power to, literally change the environment. Let me give you an example or a few. One Elder Dragon monster could have the power to like make inactivate volcano become active again. Or one can generate powerful winds to not only to protect itself but destroy anything in its way. Or one can be simple a threat to the ecosystem because of how dangerous its power it is." Said Winda.

"Okay.... in short version. You got god powerful like monsters in this world. That is bad. So which Elder Dragon had a skeleton like this one?" Asked Mikoto.

"Hmmmm..... judging from what I see here and that I can see a somewhat of the skull sticking out of the ground, I think it is a...... Dah'ren Mohran."

"A what?" Asked Mikoto.

"A Dah'ren Mohran. It is a Elder Dragon that had a large knife like horn on its face. It can dig and.... swim in the sand with no problem. If a Hunter is going up one of these, it will be hard to know when or where it will pop out of the sand. Just be glad that this Elder Dragon is not alive at the moment Mikoto. It would be a struggle just to even damage one of them." Said Winda.

"That bad huh?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah. From what I heard, it is really hard to slay one of them. That is even with a group of other Hunters." Said Winda.

"Jeez.... that is bad." Said Mikoto.

"Tell me about it." Said Winda. At the corner of her eye, she saw something. This made her nervous.

"What's wrong?" asked Mikoto.

"I... could be wrong...... but I could have sworn that I just saw something." Said Winda.

"Something?" asked Mikoto.

"Something... moving in the sand." Said Winda. Rathy then gets into a defense stance and begins to look around for any movement in the sand.

"Over there!" Said Mikoto as she points straight ahead. Winda and Rathy look at the direction that Mikoto is pointing towards. Something moving in the sand near a little bit away from the Elder Dragon skeleton.

"What is that?" Asked Mikoto.

"I don't know..... but....from the looks of it...... its getting closer." Said Winda.

She is right. The movement in the sand begins to get move. Towards to them in a fast pace. What ever is in the sand is not friendly.

Something then surfaces out of the sand and lands infront of the group. It has red eyes. It has bull like horns on its head. It has three fingers on its wings. It also has a heavy, studded club like tail. A Black Diablos.

Diablos looks at the group infront of him with its red eyes. The Diablos reals its head back before releasing a very loud roar.

"Oh my god! What is that!?" Asked Mikoto as she nervously pulls out her sword.

"Diablos!" Said Winda as she draws her weapon in her hands. Rathy gets into a stance for a upcoming fight.

"What?" asked Mikoto. The Diablos then roars and charges at them. Mikoto and Winda did a barrel roll to dodge the incoming charge while Rathy flaps wings and hovers in the air to dodge it.

"Its a monster that i lives in the desert region of this world. And it is extremely aggressive if something enters it territory. And unluckily us, we are in its territory. And we are fighting one of its subspecies of a Diablos. The female version of a Diablos. A Black Diablos." said Winda.

"Does that name have anything to do with the monsters skin color?" asked Mikoto before using her sword to block Diablos tail swing.

"Yes!" Said Winda.

The Black Diablos then did a 360 degree spin with its tail like club to knock Mikoto on her back. It was about to stab Mikoto with its horns but Rathy use his talons to grab on Black Diablos horns. The Black Diablos roars in fury and tries to get Rathy talons off its horns.

Recovering from that attack, Mikoto gets herself back up and charges at the Black Diablos. She begins to slash at Black Diablos legs, leaving behind some cuts in it. She then barrel roll to dodge a foot stomp by the Diablos.

The Diablos did a final shake and gets Rathy away from it. The Black Diablos flap his wings and begins to attack Rathy in the air. Black Diablos did a tail swing at Rathy face. Rathy got hit really hard and was launched down to the ground hard.

Rathy got back on his feet quickly just in time to breath fire at Black Diablos in the face. The Black Diablos roars out in pain and moves away from Rathy to not get burned alive.

"Does this thing have a weakness?! I don't want to get hit by that tail again." Said Mikoto.

"You know..... we can just cut off a part of its tail." Said Winda.

"We can!?" asked a surprise Mikoto.

"Yes. Quick lesson on the spot. If a Hunter manages to cut off a part of a Monster tail, it will make it a little bit easier to slay it." Said Winda.

Winda begins to charge at the Black Diablos. The Black Diablos saw Winda coming closer. The Black Diablos try to use its left wing to smack her away. 

Winda jumps in the air and lands on the Black Diablos left wing and made some slash on it. Making some cuts in the left wing. Winda then begins to hop on the Black Diablos back and then hop on the monster tail area.

She begins to use her sword to slash at the tail as much as she can. As she did this, several large cuts begins to appear on the Black Diablos tail. She did one final slash on the tail. That one last slash cuts the club like part of the Black Diablos tall off.

The Black Diablos roars out in pain. It looks back to see that its tail is cut off. It then notice Winda. The Black Diablos narrows its eyes at Winda in both in fury and in anger.

Just before it could even think about attack her, something has made Black Diablos from moving. It has felt something on its head.

It was Mikoto. She is acting on that mysterious instinct again. She is standing on the Black Diablos horns. Using her sword, she use it stab in between the area where the horns start. The blade begins to goes all the way in there. The sword was able to stab something within the Black Diablos skull. Its brain.

The Black Diablos roars out in pain. It begins to shake and jump around to shake Mikoto off of its head. Mikoto begins to hold onto the sword so she can stay on. TO end this quickly, she pushed more of the sword into the Black Diablos skull.

The shaking and jumping around begins to slow down. The Black Diablos eyes begins to slowly close. The Black Diablos body begins to sway a little bit before falling on its stomach. The Black Diablos has been slayed.

Mikoto begins to breath hard. She then slowly blinks her eyes to see that she just killed a Black Diablos.

"Whoa...........I just.... killed it." said Mikoto as she hops off the dead Black Diablos head.

"Wow Mikoto. I am surprised. You were able to kill it. How did you know to stab it in between its horns?" asked Winda.

"I don't know.... it... just happened. Like something within me... knows what to do...." Said Mikoto.

"Its possibly your instincts again. I believe is how you were able to kill it in one attack." Said Winda as she pats Mikoto on the head in a happy way.

Mikoto smiles from it. "So what now?" asked Mikoto.

"Now we go find a place to rest. As much I hate to say it, we will have to travel again when it is night time." Said Winda as she begins to walk to find someplace to rest. Rathy begins to walk as well with Winda to help find said place.

"I... guess.... you have a point." Said Mikoto as she begins to walk with Winda to find a place to rest until it is night time. After what they experience, they might need a place to stay until it is night time.

The gang has traveled the desert region of this monster world. Along the way, they had a quick stop so that the humans can cool down a little. It was then that Mikoto saw the bones of a Elder Dragon and learns a little bit about them. Suddenly, they were ambushed by a Black Diablos. It was a struggle but the Black Diablos was killed in the end by Mikoto. Now the group is finding a area to rest until it is night time to continue their travels.


To Be Continued..........

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