Time For Story Telling

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Last Time On Monster Hunter Railgun..........

She begins to use her sword to slash at the tail as much as she can. As she did this, several large cuts begins to appear on the Black Diablos tail. She did one final slash on the tail. That one last slash cuts the club like part of the Black Diablos tall off.

The Black Diablos roars out in pain. It looks back to see that its tail is cut off. It then notice Winda. The Black Diablos narrows its eyes at Winda in both in fury and in anger.

Just before it could even think about attack her, something has made Black Diablos from moving. It has felt something on its head.

It was Mikoto. She is acting on that mysterious instinct again. She is standing on the Black Diablos horns. Using her sword, she use it stab in between the area where the horns start. The blade begins to goes all the way in there. The sword was able to stab something within the Black Diablos skull. Its brain.

The Black Diablos roars out in pain. It begins to shake and jump around to shake Mikoto off of its head. Mikoto begins to hold onto the sword so she can stay on. TO end this quickly, she pushed more of the sword into the Black Diablos skull.

The shaking and jumping around begins to slow down. The Black Diablos eyes begins to slowly close. The Black Diablos body begins to sway a little bit before falling on its stomach. The Black Diablos has been slayed.

Mikoto begins to breath hard. She then slowly blinks her eyes to see that she just killed a Black Diablos.

"Whoa...........I just.... killed it." said Mikoto as she hops off the dead Black Diablos head.

"Wow Mikoto. I am surprised. You were able to kill it. How did you know to stab it in between its horns?" asked Winda.

"I don't know.... it... just happened. Like something within me... knows what to do...." Said Mikoto.

"Its possibly your instincts again. I believe is how you were able to kill it in one attack." Said Winda as she pats Mikoto on the head in a happy way.

Mikoto smiles from it. "So what now?" asked Mikoto.

"Now we go find a place to rest. As much I hate to say it, we will have to travel again when it is night time." Said Winda as she begins to walk to find someplace to rest. Rathy begins to walk as well with Winda to help find said place.

"I... guess.... you have a point." Said Mikoto as she begins to walk with Winda to find a place to rest until it is night time. After what they experience, they might need a place to stay until it is night time.

The gang has traveled the desert region of this monster world. Along the way, they had a quick stop so that the humans can cool down a little. It was then that Mikoto saw the bones of a Elder Dragon and learns a little bit about them. Suddenly, they were ambushed by a Black Diablos. It was a struggle but the Black Diablos was killed in the end by Mikoto. Now the group is finding a area to rest until it is night time to continue their travels.


With Mikoto.......

With a bit of traveling in the desert area, the group has found a place to rest in until it is night time. It is a big cave that is just big enough for Rathy to enter as well.

Mikoto lets out a strong tired sigh. She went over to the wall of the cave and leans on it and sits on her butt to rest. After facing that Black Diablos, she is tired and needs to take a rest.

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