Black Diablos Ambush!

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Last Time On Monster Hunter Railgun..............

The Nerscylla eyes then glowed red. It symbolize that it is angry right now. It begin to try to slash Mikoto into tiny pieces. Mikoto dodge those attacks. At that moment, the same strange instinct from before has kicked within Mikoto again.

Mikoto jump backwards. She then had the sword infront of her to block the slashes. Once the monster was done slashing, Mikoto jump into the air and did a 36o degree spin in the air and slashed at the monsters eyes.

The Nerscylla roared out in pain. With its eyes damaged, it can't see anymore. It begins to blindly slash at everything in all directions but is not hitting its targets.

Mikoto then jumps onto the monsters back. She let out a mighty yell and thrusts the sword into the monsters back. The Nerscylla lets out a roar before going limb and fall onto its stomach. It is killed now.

Mikoto lets out a few tired breaths. She then blinked a few times to see that she killed the monster. She doesn't know what just happened or how this happened.

"Whoa.....what the heck? Did I just....?" asked a confused Mikoto.

"Killed a Nerscylla? Yes you did." Said Winda as she approaches Mikoto. 

Rathy finally gets the webbing off his eyes. He then saws Mikoto standing on the dead Nerscylla. Mikoto pulls out the sword and jumps down from the dead monster. He is amazed that this teenage human is able to take down a Nerscylla.

"I... I don't know what happened. It is like... something within me just... took over and... I .... what happened to me Winda?" Asked Mikoto.

"Its your natural instinct that took over Mikoto. And you should be proud. Only some expert Hunters can take down a Nerscylla all by themselves." Said Winda as she placed her right hand on Mikoto right shoulder.

"So.... does this mean.... I am have learned to defend myself?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. But better than that, you have a natural instinct to take down a monster. You are amazing Mikoto. Keep the sword. As of this moment, Mikoto Misaka, I here by take you as my pupil." Said Winda with a smile.

"Pupil!? Me?!" asked a shocked Mikoto.

"Yes. I never had one before but that changes now. Now, lets go. Hop on Rathy back with me. It is time we head back to base." Said Winda as she puts away her sword and hops on Rathy back.

"Are you sure that is a wise idea?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. And this way is a lot faster. Now don't worry. Rathy won't hurt or bite you. He knows better." Said Winda with a comforting smile.

Mikoto puts the sword on her back and use her Electromaster powers to keep it on her back. Mikoto nervously walks over to Rathy. She begins to climb on Rathy back. She then sits behind Winda and holds onto her for support.

"Okay..... Ready Winda." Said Mikoto.

"Okay. Rathy. Takes us back to base please." asked Winda.

Rathy nods. He spreads his wings out and begins to flap his wings and to lift him up into the air. He then begins to fly in the sky back to base.

Mikoto had to get her training with Winda today. In the training, Mikoto had to discard her knows of how to fight back from her home and learn how to fight in this world, the Hunter way. In the training process, Winda and Mikoto were ambushed by a Nerscylla. In the battle, Mikoto was able to kill the Nerscylla. Now the group is heading back to base for the Guild.

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