Training Time

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Last Time on Monster Hunter Railgun..........

"Now you are wondering about my armor right? This armor was crafted after taking down a wild Rathalos and use it to make some armor and a weapon. Sadly the armor that I had original was damaged by a powerful Monster. So until it is fix, I was given this piece of armor to wear until then." Said Winda.

"I see. So how long until your... original armor is fixed?" Asked Mikoto as she takes another bite of her meat piece.

"Who knows. Maybe when I get back to the base." Said Winda.

"I hope it is fix by then Winda." Said Mikoto.

"Thanks Mikoto. But lets get something straight for the moment.... I believe what is ever increasing the monsters population and whatever brought you here might be connected. So in a positive way, you being here might be a good thing. It gives us to look into this." Said Winda before finish eating her piece of meat.

"Us? What do you mean by that?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah well..... Can't exactly let you go out there on your own. You need someone to protect you girl. Besides, you are on my home planet remember? So I am going to help you and teach you how to defend yourself from other Monsters. Got it?" Asked Winda as she pokes Mikoto forehead.

"I... I... okay." said Mikoto.

"Good. Now, get some sleep. Me and Rathy will keep watch for any danger coming. Tomorrow, we move at first day light." Said Winda before putting out the fire with a wooden bucket full of water.

"I... okay." Said Mikoto before going back to the leather bag she was sleeping on and lay back on it and went to sleep.

As she went to sleep. Winda looks at the sleeping Mikoto. She then turns her direction to Rathy who is laying on the ground on his stomach.

"I worry about her Rathy." Said Winda as she hops on top of Rathy head to look over the horizon. "She is a stranger in a dangerous world. I can see that in her eyes that she wants to get home as soon as possible."

Rathy makes a small roar. He can understand what Winda means. It is like waking up in a different environment and you are scared and don't know what to do.

"Be honest with me Rathy. Do you think we might be able to help her get back home?" Asked Winda. Rathy shakes his head up and down to say that he is saying yes.

Winda lets out a small giggle. "Yeah your right Rathy. Got to keep hope. Okay Rathy. Time to keep watch." Said Winda. She and her friend Rathy begins to look over the horizon to keep an eye out for any danger coming this way.

Mikoto has woken up from that attack the monsters had put on her. She then begins to eat with the person and the creature that has saved her life. She learns that the person that has saved her is a woman. Winda has introduce herself and Rathy to Mikoto and listen to her side of the story of how she got here. Now the group will have to find a way to send Mikoto home and find the reason for the increase of Monsters populations.



The sun light begins to cast over the planet. It was the beginning of a new day. The monsters and small birds on this planet begins to wake up.

Mikoto was still asleep. That is until she felt something slightly tapping her on her sides. She slowly open up her eyes. She sees that it was Winda using her foot to gently poke Mikoto wake her up.

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