An Imperial Affliction

By user05323260

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ACP Riya Mukherjee is a ninja, and a short tempered one. Hiding in shadows for days and contemplating the doo... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - Time flows like a river
Chapter 2 - Indifference is only a mask to tell the world "Fuck off"
Chapter 3- Some people will always slip through your skin
Chapter 4 - Knowledge is power
Chapter 5 - We are the master of our own destiny
Chapter 6 - Secrets are like puzzles
Chapter 7 - Human mind is a funny thing
Chapter 8 - The past is never dead
Chapter 9 - The two things that snap people out
Chapter 10 - Indifferent is not a reaction
Chapter 11- Danger is everywhere
Chapter 12- Facing the past is a good thing
Chapter 13 - Observation is actually obsession
Chapter 14- Pain has the power
Chapter 15 - Before you know
Chapter 16- Murphy's law
Chapter 17- Acceptation brings a lot of emotion
Chapter 18- There is no right or wrong in this World.
Chapter 19- Emotions, advantage or weakness.
Chapter 20- Willpower has the ability
Chapter 21- All is riddle
Chapter 22- There is no hunting like the hunting of man
Chapter 23- Be strong, saith my heart
Chapter 24- For already have I suffered full much
Chapter 25 - Oh, what a tangled web we weave
Chapter 26- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
Chapter 27- It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'
Chapter 28- the laughter of the Gods.
Chapter 29- Our life is made
Chapter 31 - True family
Chapter 32 - The art of living
Chapter 33- The world breaks everyone
Chapter 34- Insanity
Chapter 35- Who, then, am I?
Chapter 36- My blood alone remains
Chapter 37- fight an enemy
Chapter 38- When love is in excess
Chapter 39- Explanations
Chapter 40- The farther backward you can look
Chapter 41- Back to the start
Chapter 42- And in the end
Chapter 43- It doesn't really matter
Chapter 44 - The aftermath
Small note - update and Thank you

Chapter 30 - There is no refuge from memory

294 18 2
By user05323260

There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us, with or without repentance.

-Gilbert Parker

Maybe the most awful thing in the world is to introspect everything you have ever done in your life.

Or maybe, the most awful thing is to introspect everything you ever did, and come up yourself as the guilty. Naturally, introspection comes when one goes very wrong in their judgment. There is already that self -doubt, but the action itself ruins the remaining self-confidence. They make us feel our behavior, action, or even the words we spoke were tied to the da*nation we created for ourselves, somehow.

Staring at the unseasoned rain pouring over the city through the window pane of ETF building, the cloud grumbling above angrily, Riya was thinking exactly when she went wrong in her life that this huge error of judgment occurred, which, several years later, came to give her a severe blow. Was it when she left her home? Or when she shattered the window glass of the apartment with a stone whose music was disturbing her study for preliminary exams? Or it was when she met the same person a week later, and they went out for Coffee? When she missed the glint in his eyes which could have been interpreted as wicked later? Was she so blind that she never noticed how he made plans to escape this life, for whatever reason, simultaneously making plans with her for tomorrow and made love?

Or is she making the error now? Maybe she is just making up the lie in his eyes when he is telling truth. Maybe she is misjudging his wrong situation because she is too blind in the hurt. Can she even trust herself anymore? 4 years and countless signs which screamed she is going wrong, and it took Him to appear before herself and prove it right. The biggest case, most personal incident in her life, and how wrong she went in that! She put herself and others through hell, endangered many just because she missed the neon signs telling her to back off, telling her there is nothing to find. How many lives she had destroyed? How low she had sunk in these years just because she could not give up, she could not function like other normal people and was being stubborn to see it through? How different her life would have been if she had never left her job, this world, 4 years ago?

If He was indeed in danger, as he is claiming now, why he had not trust her enough to confide? Why he chose to take the drastic steps, wiped out his life and went into hiding? Where she went wrong that he could not count on her to pull him out of a tough situation?

Or maybe she is being blind, again. She is being stubborn, again, hell bent not to trust him because he didn't do the same in past. Maybe it was all about payback, earlier his 'killer', now him. Maybe she is just a spiteful, determined on vengeance person who just needs someone to blame, someone to hurt. Something she just realized now.

She just didn't know what to believe anymore. She was not sure if she wants the answers. Maybe she is a coward too, of a different type, who shuns away from emotions and truths but never flinches when bullets fire at her. Maybe her brevity surfaces only when she knows it won't hurt her, physically or mentally.

She sighed, and closed her eyes, trying to block the questions and introspections.

As the time passed and more people filled in the bullpen, she found herself near the coffee machine, making a mug for her. She never liked the taste and always threw it after taking barely two sips, but found it was an interesting place to take off one's mind, staring at the machination of the inanimate object. Glancing around once, she found the uncertainty creeping inside again, leaking through the wall which she put up to block everything for a few moment. Everything she did, in these 4 year, there was an ulterior motive behind it, and joining here was part of same thing. Now that the motive was gone, she was unsure of her place in here. Should she stay? Should She stay? If she leaves, what will she do? Can she even lead a life which feels so . . . empty now?

It is ironical, that how she always felt Neel had taken the light inside her when he died, but when he came back, she felt the fire going as well. She always thought she was born with it. Turned out it was another thing she was wrong about.

There was a nagging voice at the back of her head too. If she stays, will the team accept her? In the course of her confessions, not only she spoke up about the secrets and lies, but also the limits of inhumanity she had shown to others in past, the way she left Junaid to die, and her torture of Johny for 'truth'. When she was leading a dual life, this aspects of her other life was hidden from them, but with her decision to merge them both, she had exposed the team to some bitter realities. She knows Aisha won't judge, because one, she is good, and two, she was always biased about her, even when she kept secrets and drove her crazy. She doesn't expect the same reaction from team, and if the reaction of Sameer is anything to go by, it will be reserved behavior and limited interactions from the rest of team. Nothing she doesn't deserve, but that won't be good for the team. On her first day, Aisha had said the team was like a family, and time on time again and again she warned her not to mess that up. After everything that happened, she will be dam*ed to mess that up, mess another thing up.

Maybe it's time to type an actual resignation and hand it over to the Director, instead of running away. She, at least, deserves this.

She felt someone behind her, fidgeting, but didn't turn to look, switching off the machine and taking her mug. She moved to a side so that the person, if interested in coffee, can make his or her mug. Turning slightly, she leaned against the counter, the mug near her lips but making not attempt to take a sip from it.

It was Sameer.

She wondered if he thinks personally asking her about IB and Nasir will earn him some answers. If that's the case, she needs another apology ready at hand.

Instead, the apology came from him, awkward and unsure, taking her by surprise.

"I am sorry, about yesterday's outburst." He moved his eyes from meeting hers, looking sideways, before fixing on her in determination, "That was a douche move on my part."

She smiled at his words, ducking head as she lowered her mug, "Nothing I didn't deserve."

"You didn't deserve that." He hurried, taking a small step toward her. She looked up.

"Why not? Because my ex came back from dead and I am feeling betrayed?"

He looked taken aback at her blunt words. She sighed, and kept the mug on counter, running fingers through hair.

"Regardless of the outcome, nothing can justify what I did, or what happened because of me. The pity won't soften anything." She looked at him, "You should allow yourself the anger. For so long you kept asking yourself why, it's time for the reaction."

He shook his head, not agreeing with her, "It's not pity. And I know you won't believe me, but it was not your fault either."

"I don't believe it."

"One day, you will." He moved to stand beside her and leaned against the counter, "Give it time. Also, give yourself a break, you are being too hard on yourself." He gave a concerned look. She looked away, hiding herself behind her curls.

"I also want to apologize on Sakshi's behalf." His voice went lower when he spoke up again after a few beats, giving a low whistle as he exhaled a breath through his lips, "Though no amount of apology can remotely cover it. It was stupid and insensitive."

"You don't have to apologize on her behalf." She gave a small, mocking smile, "You are not her father."

He huffed, "Sometime I do feel like the big daddy of this place."

Shaking her head, she sobered up, "She said something which no one else would say to me. Not because she was being insensitive, but because I am blessed with people around me who let me get away with too much. Her comment was other side of the ugly mirror, which I put away from seeing for far too long."

He looked shocked, "You can't honestly tell me you think . . . "

"I do." She confirmed, looking directly in his eyes which were already readying themselves for argument, "For 4 years, the case was my life. It was possible that I was giving it more importance than the person related to the case. After all, I think we all can agree on the fact that my judgment is not exactly up to the mark when it comes to this case." She said with levity, another mocking smile on her lips.

"I take it you had undergone some serious introspection." He sounded irritated at her self -doubt but asked with false lightness. She nodded wordlessly.

"And the verdict?"

"I don't know." She admitted, "I don't know why he did it, or why he has returned now. I can't put up theories to prove why his words sounded lies to me. Maybe there is nothing, maybe there is something. Either way," She straighten her back, "I think it's time for me to stop chasing after it. I am done."

"What about him?" He asked. She struggled before answering.

"I am not associating myself with him anymore. He should take Police's help, not mine."

They sat side by side for a long time, not saying anything. Then he asked the question which was, intruding, at the same time felt like most important in this situation.

"How do you feel about him now?"

She ducked her head once again, looking away, and he blanched, "I am sorry. I should not have asked."

She shook her head, but offered no explanation. To an outsider, it might feel like how this 'Not-dead' situation of her ex- Lover vanished any and every emotion for him from her heart. But the reality was, she can't bring herself to trust him once again, not because he didn't extend the same courtesy, but because by taking that action, he broke something inside her. People say that the person who can hurt us is the only person who can put us back together. She doesn't think that's true in her case.

"Everything okay?" Both of their heads snapped up when they heard the cautious voice of their Second-in-Command, eyeing them both back and forth. She looked down without saying anything, while Sameer rolled eyes at the not-so-subtle attempt of his Best friend's try to gauze the atmosphere between the two.

"Fantastic." He said sarcastically. Arjun semi glared at him, to which he put hands in air, in a universal attempt of placating.

"I was not biting your girl's head off. Relax." The other man let out an exasperated sigh at the 'Girl' comment, while the ACP looked at the duo, "I apologized, she accepted. We are good to go."

"Really?" He side eyed the girl in question, who stared back, giving away nothing.

"Your skepticism wound me, Young friend." Sameer commented in a fake hurt voice, as he stood up straight to leave. Before leaving, he stopped near him, lowering his voice, "We are okay, really."

Nodding slightly, Arjun watched his friend leaving the two alone, and looked at the ACP. Seeing her brought back all her words, of her actions, the incidents she went through, her feelings and emotions at every turmoil. Some parts shocked him, some made him angry, and he had thought of so many things to say to her, but standing here now, he was speechless.

She tilted her head to a side, silently asking what's his silence all about. Suddenly it cleared and it felt like she put herself behind an invisible wall as she avoided his gaze.

"You okay?" Of all the question in the world, and he had to ask the most ambiguous, most obvious question. How can she be okay?

Before he can take the question back, she said quietly, "I will be."

He sighed, and silence descended over them once again.

Walking back inside the discussion room for the case they were currently handling, he wished for once, she would take a break to clear her head. He could not imagine the range of emotions she is feeling right now, questions and sense of betrayals. She was always someone who channeled her frustration through work, but he had a feeling this time it won't be enough. As she didn't take leave, he hoped for one day, only one day, the world will slow down. Criminals stop doing their shi*, the rush to solve another case won't be there, that they won't have to dive head first into a crisis. For one day, he wanted the world to slow down so that she can pull herself back together and catch up.

Which, of course, never happened.

Seeing the Crime journo inside made his blood boil. The words from last night was not a spur of moment thing. He guessed they were bubbling from many days, months maybe. It might be possible the first time he wanted them to say was when he come to know she was the one who leaked the CCTV of interrogation room which lead to the ACP's near suspension. Or even before that, when she was snooping on the former's personal life behind all of them and he had to endure the epic tension which left him uneasy for weeks. Last night was the final straw, he figured. The moment those insensitive words left her lips, he truly felt disgusted. He was disgusted by her words, by her.

The crime journo, on her part, silently begged him for forgiveness, beside her Shree- Chotu looked uneasy. He looked away, nodding once to Sameer who told him to keep calm, all in another small nod. They all took their respective seats and started the case discussion.

There was no news of the Gold Ganesha idol in black market, as far as Chotu's gang of informers were concerned. Shree could hardly made out a figure from CCTV, while talking to people who lived close to temple and going through the evidences from Police proved futile, according to Sameer. He also complained about the awful preservation system of the PS, something that wasted his and CSI's much time.

The priest was already out of suspect list, because he was too obvious and he was part of temple for nearly 24 years. The member of trust fund associated with temple were out of suspect list too, as they had no prior criminal record and they were too rich to do something like this. The team was looking for someone who is desperate enough to steal an idol, meaning a poor guy, and most likely he was alone, judging from the CCTV. The person also had to be well built, as the idol was quite heavy, and knew the temple well from inside out. Someone who was frequent.

Which meant the suspect list now includes, along with notorious thieves, devotees who are regular in the temple. As Shree rattled off some of the devotee's names, Chotu adding more to the theory and Sameer chirping every now and then, Arjun noticed the ACP picking up the case file from table and running eyes over something. A frown appeared and she closed the file in a frustrated huff, which told him she didn't find what she was looking for. He expected her to say something, but she kept quiet.

In the end, they made a team of four and spread out to conduct enquiry on all these suspects. They took 5 names each, total 20, which will increase more once IT department goes through CCTV once again more suspicious people and they get the registry list from Temple.

After finishing 3 interviews, Sameer got a call from Shree, requesting him to get the registry books from temple as the guy they were supposed to send was unavailable at the moment. He and Riya were near temple, so they decided to head toward there.

"You were unusually quiet today," He commented as they started walking toward the temple office, before he looked behind and mumbled a quick prayer to the Gods, "during the case discussion."

"Nothing different to say." She replied, looking ahead. He pressed his lips in disapproval, but didn't say much.

Once he had the registry from the temple office, she asked to the representative in front of them, "Where is Panditji?"

In response, the representative launched a full on rant about how amazing he thinks the priest is, how soothing his evening Pravachans feels, how he never left the temple, not even for one day. For years, his routine includes waking up before Sun, giving direction in kitchen to cook for devotees, doing the three times Puja, and evening talks. The representative also mentioned the priest's son.

"He has a son?" Sameer looked mildly interested, because nobody had mentioned a Son. The representative nodded enthusiastically and launched into another rant, describing the Son who, everyone feels, will take over as head priest once the current one retires.

"Even Godly duties are subjected to nepotism." Sameer remarked once they are out of temple, to which she chuckled half -heartedly, her mind once again engaged in a battle of what she should trust and what not. Specially her mind.

When they pulled in ETF parking lot, they witnessed what seemed like a nice shouting match between Second-in-Command and Sakshi, which only stopped when the duo heard a SUV coming in. Arjun's face soften slightly as Sameer and Riya came out, and Sameer let out an audible sigh. The shouting match was coming any moment, he just wished he was there to see it. Because his friend can really push the limits when he is being angry.

"Everything okay?" He greeted with a false lightness. Sakshi quickly nodded and rushed inside, while the former ran his fingers through hair, the suppressed agitation coming back.

"Maybe I should stop hoping for sensibilities from her." He hissed, eyes blazing in fire. Sameer exhaled, really, her words last night was a shit*y move. He was pretty sure his best friend was giving her the cold treatment and she was trying to justify herself. Though he is not sure how she can possibly justify anything. The classic 'Slip of tongue' excuse also feels poor in this regard.

"Maybe you should just pick her side for once." Both the male turn to look at Riya, who was looking right at Arjun. Sameer narrowed his eyes while Arjun glared.

"Really now?"

The former decided, for the sake of case, to stop this argument before starting, "I have the registry." He said, "Let's go and take a look inside, shall we?"

His friend didn't move his eyes from her, and abruptly stormed off, giving Sameer an impression of one petulant child. Sighing, he and Riya followed suit.

From the registry, the suspect list reached another 40, and stretched the case for another 2 weeks, in which, the team interrogated each and every one, leaving no stone unturned. Arjun's brooding worsen and the shouting at office people increased. It was really astonishing how he and Riya seems to switch sides effortlessly, when she is being really patient and quiet the other is keeping them all on edge and testing their limits. Granted, she never took her frustration out on others, it was always him, but her broodiness and silent treatment could easily rival his temper tantrums.

Sameer suddenly remembered the saying 'Be careful what you wish for' and cursed his stars. He wanted the end of silent treatment from Riya, not to Arjun go all hot and bothered and damage his ear.

After another shouting match where Arjun blasted the poor receptionist, Neha, for messing up one file which was supposed to turn up from local PS who were handling the case prior to them, Sameer decided it's time he take a break and give his friend talk. But before he could get up and start playing 'Big Daddy' of this place, his eyes fell on Riya, who was reading something in her phone and frowning.

"What's wrong?"

She looked at him, shutting her flip phone, "Nothing."

He cocked his head, "Bull." Calling out on her lie, he moved toward her and sat on the discussion table, "What's going on in that head of yours, huh? Is this about the case?"

"Just a thought." She murmured, "Not sure."

And he was done with the self-doubt.

"Why don't you let me be the judge of that?" His voice came out harsher than necessary, but it drove to the point. She blinked, then exhaled a breath.

"I have suspicion on the priest's son." She said.

"Why?" He was surprised. They checked the priest's family first and there was nothing wrong.

"Many things, but mainly because I heard he is a gambler. My sources said he has debt worth of 20 lakhs."

His eyebrows shoot up in hairline, then was immediately annoyed, "Why you didn't mention it before?"

"I was not sure." She looked down, "I am still not. The gambling info is not 100% accurate."

He stood up, "Why don't we give pay him a visit?"

She looked up, surprised, and then nodded, a ghost of smile forming on her face.

Reaching in front of Priest's house, though, Sameer realized maybe he should have mentioned about it to Arjun. It was so sudden plan, and the former was busy shouting . . . still.

The front door was unlocked, and they gave each other look, before taking out gun.

"Shyam." He called out, "We are from ETF, just want to ask some questions."

He never understood some people's fascination with old houses, because now he is standing inside one, and realized how absolutely dingy and deprived of light and air this place was. If he had claustrophobia, he would have struggled for breath by now. The place was unusually quiet too, the only sound audible to his ears was his own blood coursing through his veins.

Then out of nowhere, a glass of steel hit the wall opposite them, which richoted off it and fell on floor with clinking sound. Their heads snapped quickly at the side it came and noticed a shadow escaping in the semi dark. Cursing, he ran, Riya following him behind.

Turned out, Shyam was not only escaping, but he had some well- chosen weapons, flower vase, plates, hell, even sofa cushions. Somehow he knew ETF was coming for him, and even though they had no proof, Sameer was sure he was guilty, judging by the way he is attacking them. If he was guilty of stealing or thinking they are here for the gambling, he could not be sure.

They were now playing this cat and mouse of game near kitchen, which was dangerous considering how all the innocent looking things can turn to deadly weapons. Shyam seemed to realize it too, that's why he picked up knives, which, probably, his father used for cutting vegetables, now the son finding a new way of using it by trying to earn some blood. Sameer wondered if now the priest and that babbling representative could see him, would they still want this guy to worship their idols?

One knife slide too close to his body for his liking, and Riya, the badass and hopelessly, stupidly protective that she was, stopped hiding, stood up gracefully, and shot the guy directly in his chest.

Both the men's eyes widen, and Shyam fell on the floor with a thud, dead long before his mind registered. Shaking off his shock, Sameer ran toward him and checked his pulse in futile attempt. He even slapped the guy's cheek lightly, seeing if he is conscious and can answer some questions, but he was long gone.

He turned his head and looked at his partner, who lowered her gun, her face blank.

He just hoped her first kill won't be some innocent. Throwing knives at them doesn't mean the person was guilty.

"See if you can find anything." He ordered in a grave tone, to which her eyes snapped toward him, "Go."

She did, and he took out his phone, dreading to make the phone call.

As he expected, this time he was on the receiving end of the shouting coming from his best friend slash Boss.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Arjun blasted at him the moment his eyes fell on him, "Why didn't you tell me before coming here? Have you completely lost your mind?"

Before he can say Sorry to all of the question, Riya was standing up for him, "I was the one who wanted to come here, and I didn't let him inform you. I was the one who killed him, so yell at me, not him."

He turned to look at her, astonished, and Sameer contemplated to pipe in and say the actual truth and not half baked lies, but Arjun was already talking again, his voice barely a whisper.

"You killed him?"

She looked away, nodding slightly. He exhaled a shaky breath.

"What happened?" He ran fingers through hair and asked quietly. Sameer opened his mouth to answer.

"She had a hunch. We decided to ask him some questions, but he started attacking us the moment we stepped in." He paused, "It just happened."

"He nearly hurt you with a knife." She reminded quietly, and Arjun looked at him, shocked. Sameer pinched his eyes shut.

Before the trio can say anything else, there was a commotion somewhere near them and then the Priest was storming toward them, his rage directed toward Riya even as he should not know who between Sameer and her actually killed his Son. Both the male put themselves in front of her, shielding her from the other Man.

"You killed my Son." He pointed a shaky finger toward them, his whole body vibrating with shock, fury and grief, "My Son . . . what was his fault?"

"He started attacking my team mates." Arjun took a step ahead, trying to placate the older Man, "They had no choice."

"You killed my innocent Boy!" He bellowed, "Why were you even in my house? Did you want to frame him for the stealing? Did he put up a fight and you shot him? What happened? Tell me!"

"He was no innocent." Came the icy reply from Riya, who, at some point, had come out of the shadows of her male team mates, "He attacked us. We just defended ourselves."

The fury was so strong in the priest's eyes that Sameer nearly flinched, "You committed a sin. God will never forgive you. You will burn in the fire of Devil."

"Your Son won't see Angels either." She mocked cruelly, "Besides, I would worry about earthly thing, like 20 lakhs of debt, if I were you." Smirking, she added, "Thank god I am not."

Confusion swam in his eyes, and Arjun took over, "You son was involved in gambling. My officers just came here to ask him a couple of questions."

He shook his head violently, "No. You . . . are just spoiling his name."

"We are not." Sameer said gently, "We have proof."

The priest just shook his head and turned abruptly to leave. He turned once, and the trio braced themselves for another strings of curses, but he didn't say anything, just shook his head and left, his shoulders slumped.

From the searches in the victim's room, the team got nothing, even though Shree was determined he will get something from his phone. The team went back to office and gathered around the IT genius's desk, as the former started doing his magic. He found a number frequently popping up in the call list in last 10 days, and pulled the image of the person whose name is registered as the owner.

Meanwhile, the team was discussing that how the seemingly unsolvable case turned out another obvious one.

"The priest's son, who could have thought?" Aisha shook her head.

"On the contrary, he and his father were the most obvious suspects." Sameer replied.

"Or maybe," Sakshi chimed in much to everyone's irritation, "He had nothing to do with stealing. And no other person we interrogated said anything negative about the guy. It might have been a misunderstanding."

"He attacked us." Sameer reminded, and before she could open her mouth to argue he added, "With knives. There is 100% chance either me or Riya would be lying in morgue right now if his target had hit bulls eye."

Everyone stiffened at the statement and Shree's fingers froze over keypad as he glanced sideways at his team.

"Even though he doesn't turn up as guilty," Sameer continued, "I won't feel bad for staying alive."

"He started attacking even before he had a chance to talk to you." Aisha said, "He knew sooner or later, ETF will be on his door steps asking questions about idol."

"He may have thought it's about gambling and panicked." Sakshi again interjected.

"Gambling and knife throwing." Chotu commented dryly, "Exceptional talent show by our dear priest's son."

Everyone scoffed at that, lips twitching. The atmosphere was momentarily light.

"What dear?" Shree said, mildly annoyed as he played along with his Partner in crime, "He cursed us. Cross his name from Dear list."

"Dear never worked for us anyway." Arjun said, "Dear John, dear priest." He looked at Sameer with a teasing glint to which he winked. Beside him Riya looked down, her face softening.

"Okay Guys." Aisha cleared her throat, effectively putting a halt to the joking atmosphere, "Shree, spread the picture of the SIM card owner to all PS for interrogation. Team, go to the address registered for the SIM card and see if you can get a hold of him, even though chances are low. Ask around, try to know about his friends, family, anyone he had a meeting in last 10 days. Don't spare even the shopkeeper from whom he bought cigarette. At this moment, we can't leave any loose ends." She gave a pointed look at Riya who stared at her back, "And every one of you are going. No solo- one man army nonsense." She eyes them all, "Is that understood?"

They all mumbled yes like kids giving in to their parents. She looked satisfied.

As expected, the team found the place of SIM card guy empty, his things intact which indicated he left in a hurry. They spread around, some going out to ask around, some searching the house for clues which will lead them to idol or where this man had vanished.

Sameer was kneeled on the floor as he checked the bottom of drawers, beside him Arjun was checking the books elf. He glanced at him once, before clearing throat. Arjun rolled eyes.

"So, is this silent treatment now includes me as well?" The senior officer asked, opening and shutting drawers in a rapid speed.

"Will you prefer shouting instead?" The Second-in-Command replied, now moving away from book self as he frowned, thinking where else he should look.

"Not much of a choice, is there?" Sameer made a face as a cockroach ran from one side of floor to other, "Both are scary."

Arjun smiled to himself momentarily, before it vanished and he said "I am not angry, it's just . . . "

"The situation could have been avoided, I know." Sameer finished for himself and sighed, "But really, we were not hoping for circus guy to wait for us with things to throw." Pausing, he asked, "Are you angry at her?"

The former turned toward him, "She saved your life. That's not something I will ever be angry about."

"She killed a potential suspect."

"I don't care as long as you two are safe." He said firmly, then a flicker of emotion crossed on his face, "That she had to kill . . . she never killed anyone I think."

"I am not sure her lack of emotion is something to be worried about, or not." The senior agent frowned, "Although, if she had paused her self-doubt arch a little bit ago, she would not have to kill the guy."

Arjun frowned at him quizzically.

"She was not sure if the guy was worth suspecting or not. It comes from far deep rooted place, her' Personal case'." He licked his lip once before carrying on as his friend's eyes widen, "Just because she went wrong in that, she is second guessing everything, which nearly injured us two."

"You blame her?" He asked, surprised.

"No." He rolled eyes, "I am just saying she should not doubt herself. Her sixth sense had never failed her or us." He got up from the floor and brushed the knee of jeans, but something caught his eyes.

"What we have got here?" He took a step near the messy bed and moved the sheet which covered the bottom from their view. Arjun followed him and both the men kneeled in front of it, lowering their heads to look down.

There was empty buckets of paint inside.

"I think our Ganapti is now in disguise." Sameer remarked, both their eyes glued on the paint.

"So this guy paint the idol in earthy paint and went in hiding?" Sakshi asked skeptically, and nobody answered her.

"I asked around, he left this place 2 nights ago." Chotu informed to the team, his eyes going back and forth to the paint and his team mates' face, "It was night time, so they can't say if he was carrying something with him or not."

"Does this guy have any prior criminal record?" Arjun asked to Shree, to which he shook his head.

"Many small time crooks don't cross path with Police throughout their lives and get away with it." Riya said quietly, to which Chotu nodded, affirming her theory. The team went silent after that.

"So till now this is the scenario," Shree said after a while, "Priest's son was a master gambler with lakhs of debt. He knew the temple inside out, knew everything a thief should know if he wants to steal the idol from it. From the looks if it, he did steal it, and passed it on to this guy. It may be either for money, or because Police was frequent near his place and he wanted to keep the idol hidden. But now he is dead."

"He may have run to make a deal about the idol, or to escape Police." Chotu supplied.

"We have already spread the image of this guy." Arjun looked at Shree who nodded at it, "If any PS, or check-post gets a hold of him, we will know."

"I guess you guys are forgetting one giant problem waiting for us." Sameer gave a look to Sakshi, "What's the date in Hindi calendar two days from now on?" He asked.

She frowned, but rattled away, "Its 17th day of Kartik . . . Holy sh*t!" She exclaimed in surprise, a stunned revelation on her face.

"Ganapati Visarjan." Riya said and every one of them groaned.

"Just great." Arjun muttered.

"We can't really go around and wash every idol to see if it's golden or not." Shree pointed out unnecessarily.

"We should focus on this guy first." Sameer said, "If we get him, idol can't be far away."

"He might sell this thing before we catch up to him." Arjun pointed out, "Everyone is buying and selling idol. None will bat an eyelash if they see one golden or earthy Ganapati around."

"How many idols have you seen," Riya spoke to none particular as they looked at her curiously, trying to follow her direction of question, "which resembles last century's design, and earthy in color?"

They took a moment before answering.

"Very less." Arjun said.

"None, really." Shree frowned, looking at Chotu who confirmed, nodding.

"In pictures." Sakshi chimed in.

"So there can't be many idols matching that description." Sameer supplied.

"And there can't be many artist who makes idol like those." Arjun said, following their course of thinking.

"And except for those idols," Riya continued, now meeting their eyes, "there should not be any idol matching that description."

Shree jumped on his tab to search about local artists, but Sakshi looked unconvinced.

"How we will know who bought those idols? There might be hundreds."

"Oh, nowadays the idol makers have gone hi-tech." Chotu said, "They even take credit cards and note down the buyers name. Can't complain if that solves this case."

"There are exactly 56 idols matching that description." Shree informed after a while, "12 of them have been exported outside state, and 9 of them outside India. 20 of them are in rural areas."

"So we are left with 15." Arjun said.

"7 of them are bought by . . . wow, really rich people." The IT genius's eyes shoot up in hairline, but he composed himself, "The rest of 8 idols are scattered around the city. I will be able to get the name and address after a while."

"So any person who is not included in the list is our guilty." Sameer said, his appreciative gaze toward Riya, "Nice job."

"Let us get him first." She replied, looking at Shree who was once again busy behind tab.

The climax of the case had to take place in the big wide ocean 2 days later, where the Visarjan is going on full swing.

Through countless Intels the team finally knew where their latest suspect was staying, and when they went to confront him, he took off, thankfully this time there was no throwing of knives. They ran after him, and lost him in the literal sea of people in the Shore of Arabian Ocean. There had to be at least ten thousand people, with various type of Ganesha idol. The perfect place to hide himself.

"Sh*t." Arjun cursed, catching his breath as he looked around, "We can't afford to lose him guys. Spread around and stay touched through comms." Pausing, he added, "Good luck."

"Yeah, we deffo need luck." Sameer muttered dryly, before heading toward a direction.

Eyes and ears on alert, the team looked around for anyone remotely resembling their suspect. They even alerted the security, connected to them through bluetooth. Their guns were hidden, not to cause any panic amidst the devotee.

"I think I got him." The team halted wherever they were standing currently as Chotu's voice rang through wireless head phones, but then he cursed in his mother tongue, "He spotted me. He is coming toward your side, Arjun sir."

They could hear the whoosh of air as the Second-in-Command ran somewhere, the rest of team following as they tried to move closer, as fast as the crowd let them. It took them too much of time, and when they reached the shore, there was already a big crowd watching something that was happening in the water, their purpose of Visarjan momentarily forgotten as they watched with rapt attention. They pushed through them, and witnessed the scene.

Their Second-in-Command was chasing after the suspect, trying to catch up as he moved through the water, drenching himself in the process. After a while, the suspect realized he had basically no way to escape, so he did the most cowardly thing anyone can imagine- he let the idol loose from his grasp and dived head into the water. Arjun momentarily paused, unsure if he should go after the suspect or the idol. In between the chaos, sometime Sameer and Chotu had ditched their shoes and moved through the water to meet their Boss. The duo went after the thief, catching him by his collar as he dragged him back to shore, as the former vanished under the water for the idol. It was only after the duo along with thief reached the shore and caught his breath they realized Arjun never caught up with them.

Eyes widening in horror, they stared at the ocean, searching for anything which will indicate their Boss is indeed okay and swimming towards them. Moments passed like eternity, and just when the duo was about to move to see what's going on, from the water emerged Arjun, the temple in his hands, the earthy paint draining in the water as the original golden color of the idol shone in the lazy evening glow.

Arjun had just came out of shower adjacent to locker room, washing away the salty ocean water and tiredness of the day, when he noticed the crime journo was standing awkwardly near the door of locker room. Irritated, he turned around, opening the door his locker with force more than necessary.

"Arjun . . . She started, but he cut her off.

"Can we not do this now? I am exhausted."

She nodded timidly and left the room. He wore the same irritated expression as he took out a white shirt and put it on. There was foot steps behind him and he slammed the locker door shut and turned on his heels.

"I said not . . . " His loud voice died down as he noticed it's not Sakshi but Riya, one brow arching as she took in his outburst. He never noticed when the crime journo left the room actually.

"I hope that was not for me." She commented. He shook his head, exhaling.

"No, it was . . . " Stopping himself, he greeted her with a small smile, "Hey."

She nodded at that, "Director's instruction, whole team have to deliver the idol back in temple."

His grin widened as he finished buttoning his shirt and moved toward her, "And you are not interested."

She rolled eyes and started heading outside, him following behind, the grin never leaving his face.

As the evening aarti went on, standing under the roof of temple along with the team, this time Arjun found himself not folding his hands to the God, but lowering head in a respectful approach. He was still not sure if he was in Atheist category or believer one, and standing in middle of overwhelming smell of candlesticks, oil lamps, witnessing the grandeur of puja and the fierce faith on other devotees face, he figured it might be difficult to argue the existence of the Almighty in his own place. The place human created for him. Maybe that argument can take a backseat in the light of case solving and exhaustion.

Looking at the woman beside her, he thought to ask her why she doesn't believe in God.

"God is like Destiny, invisible and supposed to be omnipresent." She said.

"So this what, like a 'Can't see - can't believe' thing?" He inquired, lowering his voice.

"Destiny's supposed to be what's written in our fate, what's already decided, the moment we were born. God is supposed to be the one person who can change the course of our destiny and save us from ourselves." She blinked once, face hardening, "But he doesn't. Hard to find positivity, life lessons and how everything God does is for good and stay optimist when life is basically sh*t." Her voice was barely above a whisper now, "How can I keep my faith on someone who can't save me from the mistakes I committed?"

He had no answer to that. But he is sure they can't negate the existence of God just like that.

"You dived head into the water for a metallic idol which the world calls God." She said after a while, a curious frown between her brows, "You must really have faith in him."

He looked back calmly, "It's not about faith. It's about the work we do."

"For work you are willing to wet yourself." She commented with a playful smirk, which he mimicked.

"Am I going to get lecture for recklessness from you? Talk about pot calling the kettle black." He mocked. She shook her head slowly in reply.

"It was not recklessness." She answered, the smirk fading slowly, "You were brave. Not many people can do what you did."

"That's not true." He replied, "I know plenty of people who can be as brave as me, maybe more." Pausing, he gave her a meaningful look, "Bravery has different definitions to different people. But for me, difference is getting my team, people for whom I care about, and myself, out of any danger and put ourselves back in safety zone. While sacrificing sounds courageous, it's worthless when people are mourning for the very person who saved them. For victory, we need everyone. Otherwise, it's incomplete."

She stared as he finished talking, her eyes unreadable as she took in the words which held as meaning on the surface, as underneath the words. Come to think of, their interactions has always been like that. Guess it's one thing that has not been tainted by her dark confessions.

She was hoping him to elaborate more, don't know why, because he never did, always letting her to interpret things on her own. "You were wrong." He said instead, and she tilted head at him quizzically.

"When you said I should take her side." Even though he didn't mention the name, they both knew about whom he is talking. "It's not about choices. It's about what's right and what's wrong."

"She is your team mate." She replied, "Tension between you two effects everyone. Maybe sometimes it's not so easy to pick sides."

"That doesn't let her get away from everything." He pointed out and she looked away, realizing they can't reach a point of agreement in this matter. He exhaled slowly, and continued, "This is not the first time she did something like this." Tried to hurt you, he wanted to say, but kept quiet.

"And like last time you are standing opposite her." She said.

"That's because she is wrong now, and she was wrong then." He added with a finality, but soften immediately, "Siding with her was never an option, even though Team's balance hangs in the middle."

She frowned, "Why not?"

"Because she was never, and will never be my choice." He stated, eyes never leaving her face. She blinked at the statement and held his gaze, both of them silent. The air went heavy with unsaid things and words which conveyed beyond the context of conversation. Abruptly, she looked away.

"None of my business anyway." She whispered, and he looked away from her face, suddenly frustrated at herself and at him.

The door of the Director's cabin banged open and the woman looked up quizzically. Her face relaxed when she saw it's the ACP, who in turn, looked confused at her own action as she stared at the door.

"Get in." She said, and the former snapped out of her momentarily haze, stepping inside.

"Old habit." She motioned toward the door, and Aisha smiled.

"I am used to it." She put her files away and ushered her in, "You have something to say?"

The ACP took a deep breath before saying, "Is it possible for me to get a transfer in some other branch of ETF? Or any other department?"

Aisha stood up in shock, "What? Transfer?!" She looked appalled, "Why? Did something happen?"

"No." Riya answered calmly, "I am just asking . . . "

"And why the hell you are asking?" Director raised her voice, now glaring at the other woman. She let out another sigh.

"It might be possible me and team can no longer work together." She said quietly. The anger vanished from Aisha's face.

"Did anyone of them say anything?" She asked through gritted teeth, to which Riya gave an annoyed look.

"Really? Such high regards for your team?" She mocked, throwing eyes up on ceiling, while Aisha looked sheepish.

"Sorry, it just came out." Sobering up, she asked with more seriousness, "What happened?"

"Nothing." The ACP replied, "But I think it will be better if I join another department or another branch of ETF."

"Is this about your confession about everything?" Aisha glared, "Da*nit, if you are feeling so remorseful then why you did it?"

The ACP met her eyes, "I feel no remorse whatsoever for anything I said to them. I owed it to them after months of betrayal." She said firmly.

"Then what's this about?" Aisha asked, exasperated. The ACP looked away, choosing words carefully in her mind and saying them after a long time.

"I literally confessed to them that I am a Monster." She met the other woman's eyes, "I confessed to them how far I went in my pursuit for vengeance, how selfish I had become, that I used people, I tortured people and left them to fend for themselves. While I don't expect understanding or forgiveness, I don't want them to be awkward around me. That will damage the foundation of team, something you warned me about when I first kept my feet in this place." She finished.

"You are no Monster." Aisha's reply was instant, "Everything you did, it's because you had a reason. The team won't make judgment about you because they can't. Whatever you endured, none of us can even imagine that."

"I don't want their pity."

"That's called understanding, not pity." Aisha scolded, "It's time you learn the difference between the two. Understanding is knowing everything about someone and standing beside them no matter what, which, from where I am looking at, the team is exactly doing. And it's not the first time. When you confessed to your deeds, that was not the first time they had seen you crossing the line between right and wrong." She carried on, "You used physical violence many times so that guilty fast forward their confessions. You made plans endangering yourself and others countless times and they stick to you. Hell, you were nearly suspended because of the same reason, and I think we both remember how supportive they were to you. They are standing beside you then, they are standing beside you now, so don't give me that crap." Taking a deep breath, she concluded, "If you have any other bullshi* reasons, my door is open. I will sign your transfer orders."

"I just don't want your team to get messed up." Riya said quietly after a long time.

"You won't." Aisha squeezed her arm, "But if you leave, you will clearly mess it up. They are quite fond of you." Some of them more than that. She said in her mind. "And it's Our team."

Taking a deep breath, the ACP nodded once, and looked up, "You sure?"

"Hey, I am the Director." Aisha said in mock stern tone, to which the other's lips twitched upward, "None the wiser but me."

"Okay." She whispered, then looked up to meet the other woman's eyes, "Thank you." Turning on her heels, she headed for the door, leaving the other woman astonished. But the Director recovered quickly and called out for her.

"What?" The ACP frowned, her fingers gripping the handle of the door. Aisha took a few step toward her.

"Are you okay?" The frown deepened at the question so she elaborated, "That man was your first kill."

Riya faced her properly this time, exhaling a breath dramatically as she put her hands inside her jeans pocket, "Another deep talk. Making quite the collection."

Aisha didn't get the comment but stared hard to let the former know she is not moving on this subject before they had this talk. Riya looked right in her eyes.

"It's not the first time I shot someone. The difference was, this time, the person didn't get up and look me in the eye." She paused, now gazing absent mindedly at a plant in the corner, "I didn't know him. I know it doesn't really answer your doubt, but killing him didn't make me any different. I am not mourning or blaming myself." Looking at the Director once again, she said with finality, "Also, there was no choice to make. It was like an instinct."

"But it's something you never did before." Aisha pointed out. The ACP gave a mocking smile.

"Do you think I will go on killing spree to forget the shock over my ex?" She tilted, "Man, never realized I have fallen this far."

The attempt to lighten the moment didn't convince Aisha, "Riya . . . " she said in a warning, but the former was already talking, getting serious.

"Just because I killed someone, doesn't mean a dam has opened and now I will be unstoppable. But that doesn't mean I won't do it again." She stood straight, "If there is any danger near the people around me, I can't promise I won't do everything in my power to eliminate it. Even if I have to take extreme steps." It's time for the short time self-doubt to stop altogether.

The Director took it all silently and nodded after a while, the air heavier than it was moments before. But the statement was not anything the former could not connect with. She would gladly take a bullet to save others. She already did.

"Look at you, being part of team." She said after a while, the same words she said months ago after the ACP had come to her to plead the case of crime journo. The ACP smirked.

"Can you tell me why I have to be the one who always have to save your Man's ass?" She feigned annoyance.

"I don't know." The Director played along, pulling lips downward in an attempt to think, "Don't care, really, as long as it's saved. I kinda like it."

"I need to un-hear that." The ACP put one finger in air as she turned to leave, this time opening and closing the door behind her with minimal sound as Aisha chuckled at their rare theatricality.   

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