One girl , six friends: A Fre...

Magic_Musician द्वारा

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Fred and Jamie were friends but they wanted more. Jamie had two dreams in life. one to start a band with her... अधिक

About O/C and characters.
Chapter 1 : Start of the Winter holidays.
Chapter 2:First night in the burrow.
Chapter 3: The Joke shop and confession.
Chapter 4 : Back to the burrow
Chapter 5: The Music room
Chapter 6: The question ?
Chapter 7: Christmas day.
Chapter 8: The idea.
Chapter 9: Sleepover.
Chapter 10: Morning after
Chapter 11: New years eve.
Chapter 12: Caught.
Chapter 13: Date
Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.
Chapter 16: Shopping.
Chapter 17: Valentines day.
Chapter 18: Ron's Birthday.
Chapter 19: Holiday Pt.1
Chapter 20: Holiday Pt.2
Chapter 21: Home time.
Chapter 22: Pregnant?
Chapter 23: Big news.
Chapter 24: Family.
Chapter 25: Date night.
Chapter 26: Twins Birthday.
Chapter 27: Girls day.
Chapter 28: Party Time
Chapter 29: Friends
Chapter 30: Rhi's Birthday.
Chapter 31: Trouble in paradise.
Chapter 32: Invite.
Chapter 33: End of a era.
Chapter 34: Reunited.
Chapter 35: Best friends.
Chapter 36: Ginny's Birthday.
Chapter 37: Getting ready.
Chapter 38: The Ball.
Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.
Chapter 40: Fun times.
Chapter 41: The office
Chapter 42: Double date.
Chapter 43: Romeo.
Chapter 44: New addition.
Chapter 45: Rose Weasley.
Chapter 46: Hinny.
Chapter 47: Clubbing.
Chapter 48: A Problem.
Chapter 49: Theme park.
Chapter 50: Jamie's Birthday.
Chapter 51: Winter days at the Burrow.
Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Chapter 53: Beautiful girl.
Chapter 54: New year.
Chapter 55: Family time.
Chapter 56: Marriage.

Chapter 15: Moving day.

34 1 1
Magic_Musician द्वारा

(A/N: warning Spice gonna happen.)

It had been a couple of weeks since Jamie had viewed the flat and all payments had been made since then so the girls could move in. In these weeks nothing special happened the twins and Jamie worked in the shop and Rhiannon occasionally stopped by , her and George were getting close. Today was February six moving day and Arthur's birthday. 

Jamie was packing all her stuff , what wasn't a lot as she only had clothes and some things in the bathroom to pack. Her and Rhiannon had brought stuff for there flat and it was already there same with the things from the music room. This meant that Jamie had her own room at the burrow and this was quiet handy as she would be staying there tonight as it was Arthur's birthday and the family was having a party and also she hadn't got a bed yet.

 The girls had made sure they had the floo network to the twins house and burrow so it was easy to get to and from the places. Jamie used this to her advantage. She needed to take the last two boxes to her's but she wasn't dressed and still in her pyjamas. So taking the floo network was handy. Jamie stepped into the fire place with a handful of powder and shouted her address. Next thing she knew she was at her flat. Rhiannon had gone home to get the rest of her stuff so Jamie would be seeing her tomorrow. Jamie put the boxes in her room and admired the place. She had never thought she would have a place of her own especially when her parents died. She had no money except enough to scrape second hand books for school and some of the money from that was what Molly gave to her. So having a place to live granted that most of it was payed by Rhiannon made her really happy. Jamie was also really excited to live with Rhiannon they always said since they met they would live together when older and now it had come true. After admiring her new home Jamie went back to the twin's to get ready for the day.


Jamie had gotten ready and had some breakfast. She had no clue where Fred was but as she was sat on the couch he came out from the bathroom with his towel hung low showing his v-line. And wow did it made Jamie blush. 

"Like what you see J." Fred giggled.

"Yes , I do Freddie. I think I need a closer inspection." Jamie giggled back as she got of the couch and went into the bed room with Fred. As soon as they entered the room they were on the bed making out with rough kisses. Fred towel was completely gone exposing his erection Jamie took of her clothes with the help of Fred. "You want to do this?" Fred asked, "Yes , you " Jamie replied, "Of course I do ." Fred said placing his tip at her entrance. He pushed into Jamie letting her get used to his length. After a couple of thrust he picked up the pace Jamie's moans suggested she was enjoying her self. Jamie's hand moved to Fred's back scratching him with her nails. The pain made him moan and thrust faster. The sex was rough and both of them liked it. One of Fred's hand moved to Jamie's nipples rubbing them and flicking them making her more stimulated. He started to kiss down her jaw to  her nipple now sucking them bring Jamie to her edge by overstimulating her and she came with a loud moan. Fred came quickly after after thrusting in and out of Jamie.  Fred collapsed next to Jamie bringing her into a hug while they both recovered.

When the pair of them caught their breath they both got changed and made the bed. Jamie no longer needed to cast the birth control charm as she was now on the contraceptive implant which stopped her from pregnancy and getting her period. After the two looked presentable the left the room and headed to the living room. 

"Hi, have fun." George said as we both sat down on the couch.

"What do you mean, I was just getting ready for the day." Jamie said confused to why George had asked that question.

"Next time you two are shagging use a silencing charm please." George said to the couple making them both red in the face.

"Oh shit sorry man." Fred said laughing. It made the other two laugh it was pretty funny. Poor George.

"Sorry George." Jamie said red in the face from embarrassment and laughing.


Everyone was now at the burrow even Ginny had returned from Hogwarts but only for the night. Everyone had been greeted and Jamie was now with Ginny in her room. She was excited that my bed was moved into another room so she had more space as Hermione had a bed in her room but Hermione didn't live at the burrow as she worked part time at Hogwarts in the infirmary or being a supply teacher. 

Jamie went to her 'new room' it was empty but still contained all the books Hermione had at the burrow, It was sort of a library with there being just a bed and book shelves and two bean bags. Jamie was pretty tired as she had gotten up early to pack and move her thing so she though it would be good idea to have a nap. So she got in the bed and drifted of to sleep. Not longer after she had fallen asleep she felt someone get into the bed and the familiar arms wrap round her. It was Fred. Jamie opened her eyes gave him a small smile and fell back to sleep. 

It was a hour before the party began and Hermione had come in to wake Fred and Jamie up. Once they were up they both decided to get dressed into party attire. Jamie put on a plain black party dress and some black heels. She put on simple make up and just brushed her hair and left it down.


The party had begun and Arthur's friends had arrived. Mrs Weasley had a buffet of food and drink. Every one in the group had drunk and they had been thrown outside because they were being to noisy.

"What we going to do now." Harry asked the group.

"Don't know but is freezing." George said shivering.

"It isn't that cold." Hermione said as she was wearing a coat because she took one as the group was being ushered outside by Molly.

"Well we are outside and I see the shed over there so..." Jamie said while Fred interrupted.

"Quidditch ? " 

"No there isn't enough of us but we could piss around on the brooms." Ginny said.

"Sounds good." Ron said.

Everyone walked over to the shed and grabbed a broom stick. Next thing Jamie knew everyone was flying on broomsticks drunk, The cold air felt good on Jamie's skin. When Jamie was at Hogwarts she played quidditch and was the beater for Slytherin. Some of the others were chasing each other around but Jamie was by herself  flying around so the cold air could go on her skin. Jamie was slightly uncomfortable as she was wearing a short dress and it kept riding up, She feared that she would flash the others but with the alcohol in her system Jamie didn't really care. 

All of a sudden Jamie was nearly knocked off by her broom by something flying passed quickly. From the laugh she could tell it was from Fred. As Jamie go back on the broom properly and sorted out her dress as it had ridden up exposing her behind she flew off chasing Fred. He was laughing loud and at every chance he could he would messing with Jamie. 

They both stopped hovering next to each other. Jamie leaned in for a kiss and Fred met her lips half way between the brooms.

"This is fun, but that dress and the broom don't match."Fred said slapping Jamie behind.

"Well I wasn't intending to fly when I was choosing my outfit. I didn't even notice it had ridden up." Jamie said slightly blushing as she pulled back down her dress.

"It's alright wrap this around your waist." Fred took off his shirt handing it to Jamie so she could tie it around her waist to give herself some coverage. Jamie could not peel her eyes from Fred's abs they sparkled in the moon light as he had been sweating.  "It's rude to stare." Fred smiled.

" sorry." Jamie said lost for words as she was caught off guard. "I should be able to look at them , there mine." Jamie giggled.

"Are they now." Fred said raising an eyebrow. "Since when." 

"Since you said yes to being my boyfriend." Jamie giggled, she attempted to knock Fred of the broom and flew away. As she had failed to knock Fred from the broom he was chasing her. 

After about two hours the group were tired so they got of the brooms and put them back in the shed. They all went back into the house quietly and went up to bed except Jamie she had to ask Molly a question.

"Molly how beautiful do you look. I just want to ask you a question." 

"Oh thank you dear go ahead ask." 

"Can me and Fred say in my bed tonight. Last time I was here you did say that I could ask."

"Hmmm." Molly was deciding. " I guess you can my dear but no funny business can go on. You know my rules." 

"Thank you Molly." Jamie hugged Molly gave her a kiss goodnight. She then wished Arthur a happy birthday and went upstairs.

Jamie knocked on the twins room and George opened the door.

"What you want?" He asked.

"Your brother please, so let me in." Jamie said not waiting for a response walking in the room. 

"Freddie , Are you not staying with me tonight." Jamie asked Fred eyes lit up but then he frowned.

"My mum wont let us you know that J." 

"Actually I asked her and she said yes. You know she favourites me." Jamie said to Fred as he got out his bed and pushed Jamie out the door. "Night George." Jamie shouted.

The two were now in Jamie's room and Fred was laying on the bed with a look in his eyes.

"There is one condition to your mum letting us stay together we can only sleep no funny business." Jamie said to Fred making him sulk.

"But.. That's not fair." 

"Yes it is at least she is letting us stay in the same room. She doesn't allow the others. We can still cuddle though." Jamie said as she went to her bag to get out her pj's to notice she forgot to pack them. "shit."

"What wrong babe." Fred asked sounding worried.

"I forgot to pack pyjamas. What an idiot." 

Fred smiled, " You don't need pj's you can keep warm in my arms." 

"I know that babe, this hope your mum doesn't come in here in the morning." Jamie stripped down to her knickers and got into bed with Fred. The two of them got into a spooning position with Jamie's bare back against Fred's bare chest. Jamie was pretty tired and was drifting off to sleep. Fred though Jamie was asleep so decided to let some thing of his chest.

"Because you are asleep I can tell you these things. One I don't mind you moving out I am just going to miss you being in my arms when I sleep. Some how you make me sleep better. Two I wished I told you I had feeling's for you a along time ago. Three I have really fallen for you J and I even think I love you , I hope you feel the same. And Four I can't wait for our future together and I hope nothing will get in the way of it." Fred said all them things to Jamie thinking she was asleep and she heard them all. It made her really happy that he said all those things. Jamie knew she loved Fred and wanted a future with him. With all the happy thoughts Jame fell asleep thinking about Fred.


Fred woke before Jamie and he got out of bed and went to get Jamie some clothes to wear to have breakfast. When he came back into the room Jamie was waking up, he walked over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Morning, sexy." Jamie said as she stretched.

"Morning I got you some clothes. I don't think mum will be happy with you going downstairs dressed like you are now." Fred said making Jamie laugh.

"Yer, I don't think she would approve." Jamie got out of bed and got changed into Fred's clothes. The couple then made their way downstairs to the kitchen to their surprise everyone was already downstairs however it looked like everyone was hung over. 

"Mornin' " Arthur said biting into his pancakes.

"Morning." Fred and Jamie replied a the same time. 

"Sit grab some food." Molly said pointing to the table. "Just wondering what time you guys leaving today."

"Me and Ginny are going back to Hogwarts around mid day." Hermione told Molly.

"I'm going to get going in about hour and a half, two hours I have got a lot to do today." Jamie told Molly.

"I'll go whenever." George said to his mum and Fred nodded in agreement to his brother.


Breakfast was over and had been tidy up. Jamie was ready for the day and had just owled Rhiannon to see if she was ready to meet at the flat. Jamie just sat in Ginny's room talking while she waited for a reply. They were just talking about boys like normal.

"Girl I have something to tell you." Hermione said to the girls.

"What?" Ginny answered back confused.

"Me and Ron do you think it's a good idea." Hermione said sounding uncomfortable.

"Yes, Hermione you should have dated since second year. You are meant to be, like yin and yang. Why what's wrong?" Jamie asked Hermione. 

"Nothing we are in a really good relationship. I am just overthinking." 

"You better you are perfect for my brother. He needs you." Ginny said. Suddenly there was a thud at the window it was Errol. He gave me a letter from Rhiannon saying she going to the flat so meet her when you get the letter.

Jamie said her good byes to the girls. She then went to Ron's room to say goodbye to him and Harry. Finally she went to the twins room she said her goodbyes to the boys and kissed Fred goodbye.  Jamie went downstairs said bye to Molly and Arthur and took the floo system to her new place.


"Hello." Jamie said as she arrived.

"Hi, i'm in my room." Rhiannon shouted. Jamie walked to Rhiannon's room and saw she had a lot of things and had already unpacked a lot.

"Wow you have a lot of stuff. I don't even have a bed." 

"Well we need to go shopping then. You got some money?" Rhiannon asked.

"Yer I got most my money from the bank, let me just change it to British pounds so I can spend it." Jamie changed her wizard money to muggle money and the girl apperated to a furniture and decoration store.

(Word count: 2622 words)

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