Decimation Of Mankind - [Taka...

By Yuuki241

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A normal day at school ends up becoming a total nightmare when suddenly the undead appear out of no where. Ic... More

Act 1: Spring Of The Dead
Act 2: Escape From The Dead
Act 3: Democracy Under The Dead
Act 4: Running In The Dead
Act 6: In The Dead Of The Night
Act 7: Dead Night And The Dead Ruck

Act 5: Streets Of The Dead

402 15 1
By Yuuki241

At the airport two guys within the airplane ready to take whatever passengers they had inside their plane got ready to take flight, none of those in the plane were bitten nor were running fevers so it looked all good to go...

Meanwhile within a military tank a white haired women who just so happened to be Ichika's mother was barking orders to her men who were still within the group alive and well, she stated to them that once they reached outside the city that they were going to be not only searching for their families but her own as well.

"Ma'am are you sure we should be doing this? We're going against orders..." One soilder asked.
"I don't care, I refuse to leave my daughter out there. If your having second thoughts be my guest to get the hell out." Ichika's mother glared at him.
"You shouldn't bother Captain Kobayashi about this...she's clearly a mother before she's a solider so either pipe down or leave." One defended their captain.
"Sorry ma'am..." The guy replied and didn't speak.

Back with the people at the airport two people were there to help deal with whatever zombies roamed the runway, one of them was a nice lady with purple hair and was one hell of a sniper that's for sure.

"How's your friend doing? She's on land right?" The guy asked.
"She decided to ignore orders to go look for her daughter, apparently she was able to get in contact with her and is going to meet up with her." She replied.
"You know the kid?" The guy asked.
"Yup cute girl, smart yet such a strong young lady. She'd put you on your ass if you piss her off enough. Heh, that is my god daughter after all too." The women winks at the man clearly proud of Ichika.

Though she was indeed worried for her friend, sure she knew how to protect herself but it still didn't stop her from worry. Not to mention how Ichika was handling all this, poor girl must be scared despite the fact she knew Ichika would try to put up a brave face.

'I know you'll be able to meet up with your mother soon, just hang in there kiddo...' She thought.

Even though she herself was gonna head back to the city she was gonna meet up with another friend who just so happens to be Miss Shizuka!

                                                     **With Shizuka And The Others**

More nonsense was being talked about in the bus, those who were once with Takashi and Ichika grew bored of this idiots voice and were hoping to get the hell out of there soon but traffic was so held up that there wouldn't be much movement anytime soon.

That's when Takagi began to talk about what they should do or what the military would decide on what to do and how it would effect everyone including them. Though by the end of the conversation she was having with Hirano...both Saeko and Shizuka appeared just as Rei and Hisashi sat up from their seats to look at her as well.

That's when Saeko mentioned that she was growing worried about Takashi and Ichika on how they were doing.

                                                            **With Takashi and Ichika**

Takashi and Ichika stared in horror as some gang members were going nuts on innocent people as well as the zombies around them as they shot bullet after bullet all around them...clearly they lost their minds and without police to stop them they didn't care.

"This is's like a damn war zone." Ichika comments on it.
"And we have front row seats for it." Takashi adds.
"Dangerous place to be, hold on tight babe." Takashi tells her while riving up the bike.
"Right." Ichika nods.

Considering they'd have to drive by both of them hoped they wouldn't get shot at...though that seemed to be a pipe dream considering they'd bring attention to them without a doubt. Taking a breath Takashi drove the bike through it all as Ichika closed her eyes and held onto her boyfriend tightly as screams and gun shots went by them.

"Why the hell are they shooting at us!?" Ichika asked.
"The whole world's gone crazy Ichika...we can't trust anyone." Takashi tells her.
"That's one way to put it..." Ichika mutters.

Just when they were getting close Takashi took a turn and stopped when Ichika questioned him...considering there was loads of people they weren't sure when they'd get out of they'd have to detour around and meet up with the others somewhere else.

That sadly was their only plan left to do in order to get with the others...

                                                                   **With The Others**

Mr.Shito was still going on with his speech and honestly it was getting annoying for the others on the bus who clearly weren't with him. While he was talking like some kind of cult leader, Saeko and Takagi were talking together about how crazy this idiot was and that Ichika had the right idea to leave.

They'd have to leave too but with how the conditions were with leaving they weren't sure if it was a good idea just yet. Later it was talked about where everyone's homes were which most were on the other side of that bridge, Shizuka then asked to tag along with them saying she didn't like Mr.Shido which made Takagi, Saeko, Hirano, Rei and Hisashi laugh at that.

"So what do we do? I'm not very familiar with this area?" Saeko asked.
"We really need to check on that other bridge first." Takagi says.
"Um what's the matter everyone? We need to work together otherwise none of us are-" Mr.Shito started off.
"Thanks for the offer but I'm gonna pass, Mr.Shido. We've got our own plans, and FYI this is no field trip I have no obligation to be with you. I never had any classes with you anyway." Takagi replied.
"I see." Mr.Shido said rather darkly.

The perverted teacher then went on that since he couldn't stop them then she could do whatever she wanted but Miss Shizuka couldn't leave, to lose a doctor would mean they'd die. He even tried to guilt trip her to stay as he walked towards them only for Hirano to shoot a nail near him forcing him to stop approaching.

"You...You shot at me." Mr.Shito said
"I missed you on purpose. You doushbag." Hirano says.
"But your not a violet student!" Mr.Shito says.
"How many of my classmates do you think I killed yesterday? And I can kill you too for all the ways you made fun of me!! Not to mention how you've been sexually harassing Ichika!! Forcing my hand to remain quite about it so you wouldn't lose your job!!" Hirano shouts.

Those who knew Ichika were shocked, wait what!? How the hell did Hirano know that?

"I caught you many times trying to look down her uniform...staring at her ass. Did you also try to feel her up when Hisashi arrived in the classroom you cornered her in!?" Hirano spat.

Hisashi gasped as he remembered that day, during that time he, Rei, Ichika and Takashi were gonna walk home together and he left to see what was taking her so when he spoke up and she suddenly ran out of the classroom hugging him as she trembled...he interrupted THAT?!

Hisashi and Rei along with Saeko and Takagi all glared at Mr.Shito while Miss Shizuka had her hand over her mouth in utter horror. Of course Mr.Shito decided to deny it but honestly Hirano knew what he saw and he felt so guilty each time he saw Ichika in school for not speaking up.

Hirano told the others that now was the time to leave if they wished, he'd make sure the bastard before them wouldn't stop them, the girls were impressed and one by one they began to leave the bus. When everyone was off and the door was shut they rushed away to head towards the other bridge.

                                                              **With Takashi And Ichika**

They were already near the bridge by the time everyone was off but even so it was the same there too. When it was asked about the other bridges it was pretty well known that they would be blocked off as well. Time was running out for them to meet up with the others at the East Police Station...

"Easier said then done!" Ichika sighed.
"Give me a second I'll think of something." Takashi replies.
"I wish there was..." Ichika whispered.
"Well there isn't! So there's no use in bringing it up." Takashi snaps.
"I know..." Ichika mumbled.
"Sorry...I didn't mean to snap at you." Takashi sighed.
"It's fine we're both frustrated right now." Ichika replied.

Next thing they heard was what sounded like a gun shot but was really from a nail gun, looking at one another they both nodded and Takashi quickly got them to speed off on the bike.

                                                                      **With The Others**

They made it on the bridge but suddenly they became surrounded, and as Rei, Hisashi, Saeko and Hirano took care of those around them Takagi and Shizuka were left standing out of the way. Just when a zombie was heading for Takagi and Shizuka used herself to shield her Takashi and Ichika both finally arrived on the bike as they used something to drive up on and get to the bridge.

Quickly Ichika jumped off and killed a few of the zombies there, Takashi on the other hand tossed the gun he used previously to Hirano who caught it and grinned then began to shoot away at the zombies before him. Next Takashi helped Saeko kill a few other zombies after he pretty much hit two that were after Takagi and Shizuka off the bridge.

"Amazing..." Shizuka comments.
"Looks like it's all clear for now." Saeko says.
"They sure were though to beat." Shizuka says.
"Tough for everyone but you apparently." Takagi comments.

When Ichika caught up with everyone else Saeko asked about the other bridge which Takashi confirmed it was also blocked off. Later though Hirano went total fanboy on the gun he was given to use for the time being which made Ichika laugh at that as she walked back to Takashi's side and laced her fingers with his holding his hand.

"We got off the bus because the road was block, but we've haven't been able to cross the river." Saeko explains.
"The water has risen so going up stream won't help I guess." Takagi adds.
"Then what should we do?" Rei asked sitting beside Hisashi.
"I got an idea. It's been such a stressful day why don't we call it quits for the day?" Shizuka asks.
"Call it a day?" Hirano asked.
"Why yes, my friends flat is nearby. It's just a short walk from here." Shizuka says.
"So is my godmothers place..." Ichika commented not realizing they were speaking of the same person.
"Your boyfriends place?" Takagi asked Shizuka.
"Oh no no! It's nothing like that! It's just my girlfriends apartment!" Shizuka explains.

When Shizuka began to explain it Ichika gasped and asked if it was the home of a certain woman named Rika Minami.

"Yes but how do you know her?" Shizuka asked.
"She's my godmother! Her and my mother used to be partners in the force!" Ichika explains.
"Wait is your mother's name Akira Kobayashi?" Shizuka asks.
"Yeah! That's her!" Ichika smiled.
"Oh I can't beleive I've heard so much about you but didn't realize it was actually you." Shizuka says.

Well right there it was decided they'd head towards that place for the night, and when Ichika spoke to Takashi about finally being able to take a shower he smirked and whispered if she'd let him join her which result him getting an elbow to the stomach and a 'no' laughed at him.

Takashi offered to take Shizuka to check the place out and off they went of her hands ended up holding something and Takashi did try to ge her hand off but silently thought that if Ichika ever found out she might just either kill him herself...or feed him to the zombies.

Since things looked goo they returned and everyone quickly left for the house, Ichika smiled when she saw the apartment building of her godmothers place, it had been a lot of years since she last was there so she new this place would for now be a safe haven for them for the night.

"Humvee! It's the military model too!" Hirano shouts when the lights were shined on it.
"Told you it looks like a tank right?" Shizuka smiled.
"Rika loves her toys I'll tell you that." Ichika smiled.
"Exactly what kind of friend or god-mother is she?" Takagi asked.
"She worked in the same force as my mother." Ichika explained.

When they planned to head inside the area it was figured out that even there were some zombies inside as well, without much of a choice they'd have to take care of them first before they could get some moments of whatever peace they were able to have.

"Don't take chances and be sure to cover for each other." Saeko says.
"Let's go!" Takashi said kicking in the gates.

'Looking back it seems that's when we all changed, we weren't just running away anymore. We were attacking first to survive. We didn't question it, it just became instinct. And it became the only thing we knew. It didn't take that long.' Takashi thought.

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