I Love You More Than Science...

By keshaswarrioranimal

1.7K 65 60

15 year old science teacher Adam Young is growing tired of the constant disrespect he has to put up with from... More

Author's Note
Ch 1 New Student?!
Ch 2 Who is the new student?
Ch 3 Detention?!
Ch 4 Meet Valerie Slabinsky
Ch 5 Lunch
Ch 7 Echo
Ch 8 The restroom
Ch 9 Detention
Ch 10 After detention
Ch 11 Where's Mr Young?

Ch 6 Fight at lunch?

125 8 3
By keshaswarrioranimal

Before I knew it, I was thrown across one of the lunch tables.

Echo buried her hands in her face.

"That's all you got?" Andrew asked with a scoff.

"I'll show you how it's done."

"And I'll show YOU what a real man is." He added on, looking at Echo as he said it.

I face away from Andrew as he raises his fist.

I open my eyes after a few seconds of nothing but silence, surprised to see that the new student was standing in front of Andrew.

Val's POV

"Don't you think its funny how we call these french fries? They're not even french." Derby said as he held out a french fry.

"What the-?!" I started to say when I looked around the cafeteria and noticed people crowding around Mr. Young and one of the other boys.

"I know right? It's so weird." Derby said, still engrossed in his stupid french fry until I snatch it away from him.

"No, look!" I pointed towards Adam and the guy's direction.

"Oh yeah, that's Adam." Derby grinned.

"Yes, I know that." I rolled my eyes.

"But oh my god look, it looks like he's going to get beat up by that kid!"

"You think that's bad?! Do you know what your brother does to me and other vulnerable kids every lunch- Woah!" Derby exclaimed as Slab lifted him up.

"Bye Valerie- see you after lunch... If I manage to find a way to get out of the trashcan Slab's going to put me in-" Derby whimpers as Slab drags him away.

I get up from my seat, and push my way through the crowd.

"Fight, fight, fight!" The whole cafeteria chanted as Adam rose a fist, throwing a weak punch.

I could tell he didn't fight at all since the kid caught the punch easily.

Just as that guy is about the throw his own punch, I rushed to the scene.

"Hey you!" I yelled to get the guy's attention.

He turned around and looked at me, his fist still clutching onto Adam's shirt.

"Yes, you. Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I questioned, walking closer to him.

"Like who.... you?" He asked mockingly.

It wasn't like I was any bigger than Adam.. I was probably only a few inches taller than Adam.. like 2-3 inches. (Well right now I was almost a head taller but I was also wearing some boots with heels.) But I probably had wayyyy more fighting experience than he did.

"Yeah." I stated confidently.

"Leave him alone or else-" I threatened.

"Or else what? Are you going to hit me with your purse?" The guy laughed.

"Actually no, Adam would probably be more likely to do that." He continued, the whole room filling with loud laughter.

"You're just mad that Mr. Young isn't a douchebag like you." I spat out, the crowd clamoring.

The smirk on the guy's faded.


"You heard me."

I was close enough to him to practically share the same breath as him.

"Mr. Young is obviously better than you, so why don't you go back to your little group of jock friends and stay away from him."

"I mean, he's this kid teacher that probably graduated high school at like 12. You on the other hand? Probably gonna be the same, except maybe with the digits switched." I say, shocking some of the bystanders. A few giggles break the silence.

"What did you say!" He growls, Adam looking concerned.

"Valerie, it's okay I have this under control." I heard Adam call out, trying to walk towards us but one of the kid's friends grabbed him by his shirt, Adam gulping before the dude tosses him towards our direction like a rag doll.

I shove the guy out of my way as I rush towards Adam, catching him in my arms. I could tell it caught him off guard.

"Oh.. uh..thank you." He stammers, clearly not expecting me to have been able to catch him.

"You're.. Strong." He chuckled awkwardly as I carried him like a small child.

"Uh, thanks?"

Am I?

I mean he's kinda light but then again he's also almost the same height as me so I guess I sorta am strong?

I am Slab's sister-

"Echo wait!" Adam shouted as the girl who I recognized as his girlfriend stormed away.

Really? Her boyfriend almost gets beaten up and SHE'S upset?!

I put Adam down and look for the other kid, noticing that Slab had dealt with him.

"Nobody messes with my sister." Slab growled, the guy of course, backing away from him.

I sigh annoyed.

"Slab, I can fight my own battles. I basically saved Mr. Young."

"Adam doesn't count, he's weak." Slab says in the-matter-of-fact like, Adam clearly offended by his statement.

He says nothing though and starts facing away from us.

"Woah, woah, where are you going?" Derby asks.

"I need to find Echo." Adam says.

"I'll come with you." I interject, clearing surprising both Derby and Adam but he doesn't protest as I follow close behind.

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