Ch 7 Echo

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Echo's POV

I buried my face in my hands as everyone laughed as the new girl put Adam down.

A lot of the students laughed harder as Andrew was dragged away by Slab.

I noticed my friend Chloe...Or at least.. EX BEST FRIEND give me a disappointed look before walking away with her other friends.

We stopped being friends after I started dating Adam. Sometimes I wonder what it would've been like if we were still friends..

Flashback to months ago

"You're dating Mr. Young?!" Chloe asked in shock.

Her boyfriend Troy, who was with us let out a snort, Chloe smacked his arm.

"Ow.." He rubbed his arm, the smug on his face gone.

"Are you sure you want to waste a your pretty face like yours with a guy like Adam? Sure.. he's a teacher and you'll probably get good grades- WAIT, are you doing it for the grades?!" She whisper shouted.

"Wait... If you're dating him for the grades.. Don't tell me you're also-" Troy trailed off with a smirk.

I knew what he was thinking and quickly debunked any of those ideas.

"No, NO!!! I'm not sleeping with him nor am I doing it for the grades!! You guys are so weird.. "

"I just realized that.. We're in love." I say with a smile on my face.

I glanced back at Troy and Chloe, they looked at me as if I completely lost my mind.

"I know.. He may not be the strongest or the handsomest, but he's one of the sweetest guys ever."

"Yeah, and he also happens to be a teacher." Troy interjected.

"Does Tater know about this?"

I nodded.

"As long as we don't make it too obvious while we're in.. You know, class, he figured its fine since we're the same age and all." I explained, since I remembered  Adam explaining to me how when we were in class he would have to treat me the same as his other students.

Troy looked like he was going to say something, but his phone rang.

"Gotta answer this real quick." He told Chloe before he walked away. Chloe gave him a peck on the lips, smiling but she looked back at me a few seconds later.

"Echo!!! Are you crazy?!"

"Adam may be nice and all, but come on, wouldn't you rather be with a guy like Troy, or Andrew? Someone that you can actually brag about? No offense, but I doubt Adam is wanted by anyone but you. I mean face it, nobody wants to date a science nerd."

I sighed.

"I appreciate your 'concern', but I'm happy with Adam. He might not be like past guys I've dated but he's great either way." I smiled as I thought about him.

Chloe sighed.

"Look.. I don't think we can hang out anymore."

I stared at her in shock.

"What?! Why?!"

"Look, all of our friends have really hot and popular boyfriends. You won't fit well with us if you're dating.... That." She gestured towards Adam, who was giving Derby a science lesson like he usually did as they ate lunch, but Derby had fallen asleep.

"FINE!" I snapped.

"If you're going to stop being my friend over something as stupid as this, then you were never a real friend in the first place." I stormed away.

Chloe simply clicks her tongue, shaking her head.

"Oh Echo, one day you'll realize how right I was. And when you do, you can always come back to me because I'm super sure you guys aren't going to last." Chloe called out as I walked away.

I could feel my blood boil, but I chose to be the bigger person and not respond.

End of flashback

"Echo, wait! Come back!" I heard Adam say as I walked out of the cafeteria, I stopped walking when my arm was grabbed.

"What?" I said.

"I know what happened back there.."

"Made you look like a fool?" I asked, he just nodded with an awkward chuckle.

"Yeah... but.."

"You shouldn't let kids push you around like that." I said as I sighed.

"Yeah I know.." Adam said sadly.

"But what can I do? Those kids just don't listen."

I realized Chloe had passed by, along with her friends.

Valerie's pov

I watch at a distance as Adam and Echo have their discussion, hardly being able to make out anything they were saying except "be right back" as Echo looks at a group of girls passing by them.

Adam nodded, he leaned in and parted his lips but Echo had already rushed out of there as soon as possible, chasing after those girls, I'm assuming they were some friends.

I couldn't help but feel somewhat bad for Adam as he sits on one of the nearby tables, resting his hands on his face as he waited gloomily.

"Hey Adam-Erm- Mr. Young?"

It was impressive how quickly Adam had switched from his depressed state to happy as he notices me.

"Oh, hey! You have any questions regarding to your detention or my classroom?" He asked as got up from the table.

"Uh no.. just wanted to ask if you're okay. You seem a bit sad." I replied as I sat across from him.

"Sad? No, I'm alright but I appreciate your concern." Adam said as he got up, walking up to one of the vending machines as he poked on the numbers and got one of the granola bars.

"Hmm. I love granola." I mumbled as I sniffed the granola's scent as it was unwrapped.

"You want some?" Adam asked.

"I can split it in half."

"Oh no, no its fine. I already ate lunch." I said, the nerd I stole the lunch from suddenly passing by us and staring at me.

What perfect timing.

"Hey guys, what are you up to?" Some blonde girl had asked as she walked up to us.

Adam opened his mouth to respond but she shut him up by speaking first.

"Actually I don't care I'm just looking for Slab."

"Of course.. You must be his girlfriend." I remember Slab mentioning some girlfriend he had, pretty sure this was her.

She nodded with a pretty dumb looking smile.

"And you must be Valerie. Nice to meet you I've heard so much about you! I'm Ivy, also known as.."

"Adam's hot sister." Derby had said dreamily.

I jumped a bit as I looked his way.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

I scoff lightly as I took a banana peel dangling from his shoulders off.

"Ew, Slab put you in a really dirty trash." I scrunch my nose as Derby wipes the extra banana slime off his clothes.

"Have you seen Echo?" Adam asked Ivy.

"I think I saw her in the restroom."

"Speaking of the restoom, I have to go as well." I say as I get up.

"Be right back." I tell everyone before heading to the girl's restroom.

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