Ch 9 Detention

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"Where do you think you are going?" The janitor, who I found out was named Dang, asked in a heavy accent.

"Where do you think? Home." I responded.

Dang shakes his hand, before handing me a slip.

Oh right.


I groan as I take the slip from him and start making my way to the class it was being held in.

Apparently Mr. Young's not only a kid that teaches other kids, but he's responsible for detention too!

I step inside the classroom.

There aren't too many people here.

There's one kid that's picking his nose as he reads a comic book that's so badly hidden by his science textbook, a boring couple staring lovingly at each other, and Slab who was busy torturing the poor nerd in front of him. Of course Slab got himself detention.

I look around the room as I walk inside.

Mr. Young is nowhere in sight.

"Where the heck is Mr. Young?" I ask.

"Who cares." The nose-picker responds.

"All that matters is that he's gone."

I almost expect him to be somewhere crying over Echo cus she potentially broke up with him but he walks inside the classroom 3 seconds after I thought that, proving my assumption wrong.

"Hello class, I'm so sorry for the wait. Had to make a quick stop to the restroom."

He pulls out his chair and takes his seat.

"You can do anything you'd like, just make sure it's.."

"Anything?" Slab has a mischievous grin on his face.

He's about to blow one of his famous spitballs on the nerd in front of him until Adam finishes.

".. Classwork."

Slab groans but he puts his straw away.

"That's so lame!"

"Sorry to hear that Slab but at least this will make you reconsider breaking classroom rules." Mr. Young says.

"But if you all want to, we can always play a quick game of Kahoot.."

Everyone cheers.

"..Of the periodic table."

Everyone groans.

"You really need to start finishing your sentences." Slab groans.

"Seriously? Nobody wants to play that kind of Kahoot!"

"Somebody say Kahoot?I want to play Kahoot!" A very familiar voice exclaims excitedly.

"Derby?" I say as Derby walks inside the class, dashing cartoon-ishly fast to his seat.

"Derby." Mr. Young repeats, but not as enthusiastically as me.

"What are you doing here? You don't have detention." Mr. Young eyes him suspiciously.

"I know but I just wanted to give the new student company." Derby gives me a quick wink and I just laugh.

"Are you hitting on my sister?" Slab asks in an intimidating tone as he grabs Derby by his shirt.

"N-no, no!" Derby's hands are raised up.

"Settle down, settle down!" Mr. Young orders as people start circling around Derby and Slab.

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