Ch 4 Meet Valerie Slabinsky

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Great.. Its my first day in this stupid school and I already received my first detention.

My mom's definitely going to kill me when she finds out.

"Soooooo." Mr. Young tried to break the awkward silence that had spread around the classroom after my comment about Principal Tater.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself, Miss Slabinsky?" The teacher finally asked, I still couldn't process the fact this kid was my teacher.

This has to be some sort of joke.

I mean... How the heck?

"There's nothing much to talk about?" I said, resting my feet on the desk, one of the students gave me a look as I did so.

"I'm Slab's sister?"

I mean, it wasn't that hard to tell really.

Slab and I had the same eyes according to many people, as well as hair color.

We both also had what people liked describing as "bushy" eyebrows.

"Slab's sister huh?" The brown haired girl named Echo mumbled.

I nod, Mr. Young smiling.

I look back at Echo.

She looks at the teacher then at me before she starts writing on her notebook.

I have a feeling she's jealous or something.

Was it.. Possibly over the teacher?

No way.

"Echo, let's let the new student talk." The boy named Derby said to the her.

"Thank you..."

The boy grins.

"No problem, m'lady." He winks.

I shook my head with a small smile.

He may be a little weird, but at least he was nice.

"Well.. Uhh.. I'm 17 years old."

"17?" A smile creeps in Echo's face, and it wasn't a nice one. I could sense the judgement in her tone and I didn't like it at all.

"Isn't that a little old to be in 10th grade?" Echo asked with a sly look on her face.

This bit-

"I'm sorry, am I here to introduce myself or to keep getting bashed by you?!" I snapped, slamming my palms on the desk loudly, causing the kid next to me to wake up from his nap.

"Echo, if you could please just let her finish-" Mr. Young requested.

"Oh, okay you're taking sides with the new girl too?" Echo glared.

"No! I'm not doing that at all!"

I stared in disbelief as the two had an argument in the class.

"ANYWAY-" I shouted, to get both of their attention.

"Yes, I'm 17. If anyone has a problem with it, please let me know so I can meet you after school and I can give you a piece of my mind." I waited for anyone to say something. Everyone stood silent.

"I was held back for an year, so I'm stuck with you idiots." I grumbled.

"So...What made you move to this school? Did Slab tell you how amazing this school is?" Derby asked confidently.

Everyone stared at him like he was an idiot, even Mr. Young.

" Slab never even mentioned school at home.. like at all. Except maybe when talking about the nerds he bullies."

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