By UrbanDynasty089

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"๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ถ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ด" โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข Danielle Johnson other known as Dani Johnson... More



5.1K 157 85
By UrbanDynasty089


I search her eyes seeing that she's hesitant and scared to say it back. To be real I've never actually told nobody I love them besides Kalia & Cash. I've never really put myself out there like that.

It's crazy I can kill, sell drugs and go against anybody in any city but when it comes to putting my heart out there I'm afraid too.

I scratch behind my neck sitting up. "You don't gotta say it back. I understand if you don't." Man I sound like a whole ass bitch right now. That's how I can tell this girl done found a way into my heart.

She sits up too moving close to me. I let her climb onto my lap. Our bare skin against one another. I've never been this close to a female. Me and Onya been friends majority of our lives but after sex we'd go on about our way. I wasn't the cuddling type, the kissing type, I've always been the fucking type but just sex is nothing compared to laying up with somebody or having them be there thru my rough times. And what's so special about Dani and one of the reason why I have these feelings for her is because she'll do for me, be there for me, and help me and not throw it in my face. She doesn't do it to hold it against me she does it because she cares about me.

I just think she's too scared that I'm going to hurt her and that's why she's not letting me completely in.

"Kades you know what we have. It's something I've never had before." She tries to explain.

"I'm listening." I say sitting up I pick her up knowing she's probably sore and carry her to the bathroom. I place her on the toilet so she can pee and while she's doing that I run her some bath water.

"I never really uh..." she trails awkwardly. "I've only ever had sex with one person. And I wouldn't even say we had a connection. But me and you? This connection is so different and I just want to make sure we're moving at a good pace."

I nod understanding. I am shocked that she's only ever been with one other person. I guess I never really knew if she'd ever been with anyone in high school. "I feel you," I give her reassurance. I grab some bubbles pouring it into the hot bath water. "I'm not trippin' I just want you to know where I stand about it. We got our whole lives ahead of us I know you gone tell me eventually."

I lift up leaning down I kiss her on her forehead. "You ready?" I ask.

She nods trying to lift up but winces. The both of us bust out laughing. "Damn you was too rough." She whines but a smiles on her face.

I bow down at her knees lifting my head up I kiss her on the lips. "Imma be more gentle next time baby." I promise her.

She gives me a smile and I can't help but smile back. I lift her up and gently place her in the bathtub, at first she winced a little bit but after a minute I can tell she's comfortable and the bath makes her feel better. I was about to walk out when she called after me. "You wanna get in?" She asks nervousness in her voice.

I was caught off guard. How shy she was being in the bedroom and covering herself I didn't know if she would be okay with that but I definitely don't turn her down. I climb into the tub with her bubbles and soap covering both of our skin. She's laying with her back against my chest and my back is to the tub. "You know what I learned when I was locked up?" She asks her voice low.

I take the luffa that I bought along with some of her other hygiene products she likes. I grab her flowery scented body wash placing it all over the luffa and then I start to wash her up. "What you learn?" I ask leaning down I place a kiss in the crook on her neck. The smell of the body wash good as fuck.

She closes her eyes breathing softly. Her chest rising up and down slowly. "That I can't ever get too comfortable. Not with friends, family, relationships. Somebody could be here one day and gone the next."

"But I won't tho-"

"How do you know that?"

"Because I promise I won't." I raise my voice slightly. "If you noticed ain't nobody really ever stuck around for me either. But you." She sits up so I can wash her back.

Dani looks over her shoulder her brown eyes meeting mine. "Why you lying?" She laughs. "You got all the girls after you and all the niggas wanting to hang with you."

I shrug. "Yeah for money, sex and this drug shit. Hell more people only hang with me because they scared to become my enemy. In reality people don't give a fuck about me though."

She nods understanding. "Yeah me either." She whispers.

She turns around grabbing my men body wash and my wash cloth and does the same thing I'm doing. The both of us cleaning eachother chest and looking eachother in the eyes. "I guess that's what makes us so good together."

"Yeah." She smiles leaning in and kissing me. I love how soft her lips feel against mine.

I pull her close to me kissing down her neck. She moans softly. "I'm gone take care of you no matter what." I vow.

And I plan to do exactly that.


"Baee how much longer?" Kades whines his arms wrapped around my body while I search thru the racks.

"Don't start." I say with a laugh.

He mugs me. "Ain't no don't start. We done been in a hundred different stores and you haven't got one thing." He rants.

I pout turning around so that I'm facing him. His arms still wrapped around me. "It's not my fault that you forcing me to let you buy me shit. All these stores expensive as fuck." I say eyeing the price tags.

"I don't give a fuck." He says with his little mug on his lips. He the only guy I know that can look mean and funny acting but fine as fuck at the same time. "I told you I got something planned."

I roll my eyes. "Okay but I don't want you buying me all this expensive stuff especially when I can buy it myself."

Kades sighs. "Baby you are my lady I don't want you out here buying shit for yourself. Stack yo money up and sit on it. Anything you need I gotchu, besides you know I can buy all these stores and more."

"I hear you." I say trying to move away from his grip but he pulls me closer. He leans down kissing me all over my face and cheeks. I giggle trying to move but he won't let me.

"Girl don't act brand new. I see these niggas in here staring," he looks around frowning. "I'll shoot this bitch up." He threatens and I know he's serious.

"Okay okay if it'll make you happy I'll try to find something in here." I give in. Kades hands move down to my ass cupping it he rubs all on it not caring that we're in a store right now. "Baby stop we in public." I whine.

He smacks his lips letting me go. "Can you just find something baby? We on a time schedule right now."

I nod continuing to look in the racks. "Yes Khalil." I mumble.

He smiles. "Ight thank you. And make sure you find like five outfits."

I eye him suspiciously. He woke me up at nine this morning rushing me out to the mall with him saying I needed to get whatever I needed. And that he has some surprise planned for me but can't tell me what it is. I'm excited but also a little eager to see what it is.

"Be right back I'm going to talk to the sales lady." He gives me a nod and I walk off with some items in my hand going to see if they have these in any other sizes. After talking to her on my way back I see Kades talking to some girl. His back facing me and I'm a further away from them so neither of them know I'm there.

"I ain't never saw you here before. You must not be from the ATL." The girl pokes out her chest eyeing him trying to get his attention and make conversation.

His eyes aren't on her. Instead their on his phone, he's acting like he doesn't even see her. The girl continues awkwardly. "So...can I get your number? If you not from here you might need some friends."

He looks up at her and I can tell he must've gave her his signature death stare because her eyes widen. "I don't need shit from nobody. Especially not a broad when I got my own girl. Thanks though." It wasn't even what he said it was how he said it and he made sure to say it in the meanest way.

The girl frowns. "So what yo girl won't let you have no friends?"

He laughs. "Hell nah," he shakes his head. "You better leave right now cause my girl fight bitches." He warns her.

I smirk listening as he rejects her. I get a incoming text I stare down to see it's from him.

My Baby Khalil~ Bae this bitch over here trynna flirt

I walk up on them stepping in front of him so that I'm face to face with her. "My names Dani, can we help you?" I ask her. I can see the fear in her eyes as she looks at me.

" I was just I-I-" she stutters not knowing exactly what to say.

Me and Kades eye her the both of us amused as fuck. She doesn't stick around instead she just walks her ass off leaving out of the store.

Once she's gone Kades starts laughing. "You is crazy." He tells me.

"Nah I saw that whole shit playing out she weird as fuck." I curse.

"Stop baby you heard what I said to her. Besides you can't be jealousy bitches like what they see. They ain't getting a chance tho." His words cause me to roll my eyes.

As if on cue a tall guy walks past eyeing me up and down not caring that Kades right here. "Fuck he lookin at." Kades says loudly trying to walk up on him. I laugh stepping in front of him.

"Nah nah, remember what you said? You can't be jealous niggas like what they see." I repeat back to him being petty.

He just laughs at me shaking his head. After shopping at a few more places we climb into his truck. Once the car is started and he's driving I can tell we not going to his house or my apartment. "Where we going?" I ask in confusion.

"Your surprise is tomorrow baby," he reminds me. "But I think you should meet Levi girl. We bout to stop by they house for a minute."

I frown. "You know I don't like females." After spending years locked up around some crazy bitches if it's one thing I learned it's that females come with way too much drama.

"Okay I don't care Dani," his words make me pout. "His girl cool peoples, she don't be in no drama and she stay to herself just like you. I want you to have some friends. And you know I wouldn't have you around nobody bad for you."

I nod knowing what he's saying is true. Hopefully whoever Levi girl is does turn out to be cool. I guess it can't hurt to enjoy myself and make some friends.


"Aye bro I'm happy to finally see you again. Runnin shit ain't the same without you." Levi says. We're currently sitting in his man cave in his huge ass basement. Damn near looks like a mini apartment.

We sitting on the couch rolling and smoking blunts while Dani upstairs with his girl Kaylee drinking and getting to know eachother and what not. I nod in agreement. "I promise you."

Over the years Levi decided that staying in Harlem where he knows the streets best at is better than being in the ATL. I respected it and let him do him. We still brothers ain't nothing change about that, and I definitely feel him about shit not being the same. Mari & Cash young and stupid minded. Mari blows his money on bottles and bitches & Cash blows his money on expensive ass houses he don't even need. Not to mention me and Levi grew up together. He been my best friend for as long as I can remember so I trust him. I don't trust Cash ass at all after he tried to kill me. And that's something I'll never forget. And Mari ass ain't to be trusted either. His loyalty lies with Cash and he'll take Cash side every time.

Meaning if shit goes left I'm on my own.

I ain't never been scared of it truth is I could kill both of them if I wanted. I just wouldn't want to hurt Dani like that.

"So what's up with you?" Levi asks passing me the blunt.

I hit it then exhale. "What you mean?"

He shrugs leaning back flipping thru channels on his tv. "I can tell you thinking deep about some." That's why I call L my brother. I can't ever get nothing past him. He knows me well as fuck and knows when something ain't right.

I run a hand down my face sighing. I hit the blunt again before passing it back to Levi. "Man I told Dani I love her." I admit.

His eyes widen and I can tell he's shocked. "You lying."

I shake my head. "Nah I did tell her."

A smile forms on his face. "So she's your first love?"

I shove his ass jokingly. "Don't say it like that." I laugh.

He raises his hands in defense. "Com'on nigga you done had bitches you fuck every now and then yeah. But a actual female? I mean you let this girl stay at yo house, buy her shit, all affectionate and what not. And you told her you loved her? You ain't never tell no female you love them before unless they was family. Face it this girl your first love."

It's like reality hit me in this moment. I'm a thirty eight year old man who's just now having a first love. I mean I done fucked the baddest of bitches but couldn't none of them knock me out of my player street ways. Dani's the only one to change that. "Maybe she is," I smile. "But I want her to be my last love too. Not no temporary shit."

"You saying you wanna marry her?" He asks me curiously.

I nod instantly. "Hell yeah. I mean Dani would be the best wife for me, only chick that can handle me and I just know she'd be a good mom. I gotta put a ring on her."

He smiles giving me a understanding nod. "When you planning on doing it?" He questions.

Now this is when my mood goes down. "If it was up to me I'd do it soon but when I told her I love her she didn't say it back. Was just goin on and on about how people aren't forever and how we have a strong connection but she doesn't want to rush I guess." I explain what she told me.

"Damn," now he sees where I'm coming from. "Don't stress it bro. She still yo girl and you know she does love you she just scared to say it. Dani a good girl she'll come around. You just gotta wait for her."

I nod turning on my phone just to look at the picture of her set as my Lock Screen.

"She is a good girl," I agree. "That's why I ain't doing shit to lose her."

"Shit I felt you bro." He hits his blunt. "I'm happy for you. And if y'all do get married better make me ya best man." He says with a laugh.

I nod. "Hell yeah I will," I lean over dapping him up. "You know wassup."

"Also know yo mean ass ain't got no other friends." We both bust out laughing. After we calm down he continues. "Speaking of friends what went down with Mari & Cash? You know my ass was drunk in the backseat and shit."

I scrunch my face up. "Man that lil nigga gone have the nerve to try & call Dani and check her about her fuckin' wit me. On sum real life disrespectful shit."

He scrunches his face up too matching my mood. "What the fuck? That's the same bitch ass nigga who left his sister here and dipped with they mama right? The same one who let his sister be around all types of dangerous high school niggas? Now he wanna be a big brother?" He snaps.

I nod in agreement. "On God now he wanna act protective. I was the only one bringing D up while she was in there. I made sure she was taken care of in prison and everything. They ain't put shit on her books or even visit her. Ion owe him shit damn sure not no respect. You know how I am L whether it's her brother or not I don't answer to no nigga." I talk my shit.

"Real shit K you know when that shit popped down me and the niggas was the first to slide down here. Then we found out it was Cash." Levi shakes his head thinking about it. "That's sum fucked up shit."

"I mean Danielle had reasoning for trying to kill me, she was goin' thru some really messed up shit at the time and what I said about her and put her thru didn't help at all. Not to mention I knew what happened to her pops. But Cash though? That nigga-"

"Tried to kill you for some pussy." Levi says.

"Sum pussy he ain't even get," I clarify. "And that he ever won't get. I swear to God he was on some jealous ass shit the other night."

"Shit what you trynna do?" He stands up.

"Bro sit the fuck down." I say laughing. Levi been a hot head all our life. Just waiting for the moment to kill somebody especially if it's for me.

"Nah," he sits down but his face is dead serious. "Cash ain't no real ass nigga. Or Mari they sum fuckin' kids who don't know shit about loyalty. And that nigga Cash can't even have that title as yo son no more. I done watched you raise that nigga and care for him whole time that nigga ended up doing you like that. And you know I got love for Cash too his ass like a nephew to me. He used to call me his uncle but now he can step the fuck on."

I nod feeling where he coming from. When I woke up what really saved his ass from dying was the fact that he was in prison. Not that I couldn't get to him in there but that I got love for Davin. But following my promise and taking care of his ass only fucked me over in the end. I been saving my siblings kids majority of my life and in the end I take the blame for shit most of it I can't even control.

I hear the sound of Dani & Kaylee laughing getting near the basement. I immediately try to change my attitude not wanting to ruin her having a good time. "Babe she is the sweetest. Literally this my new best friend." Kaylee says her energy spreading thru the room. She comes over sitting on Levi's lap.

He kisses her on the lips. Pulling back I watch my bro look the happiest than he has in a minute. "Yes finally now you can't stop nagging me." He jokes earning a punch from her.

I look up at Dani who's currently wearing a big smile on her face. She's also wearing some black shorts that reach her thighs and a black t-shirt. Her hair flat ironed and she's wearing a fitted hat. Her outfit matching mine since I'm also wearing some black shorts and a black shirt with a fitted hat. Her name on the side my hat in pink cursive letters Danielle and my name on her hat saying Khalil. She came up with the idea to do it talking about it's a real cute relationship idea and I couldn't tell her no so I did.

"Don't be down talkin my new bestie." Dani tells Levi.

He raises his hands in defense. "My bad my bad." He apologizes amusement in his tone. 

Dani laughs turning her attention towards me. Her face immediately fills with worry. "Baby what's wrong?" She asks stepping in between my legs. My arms wrapped around her waist and I look up at her.

I shake my head. "I'm good D." I lie. I was a little agitated from talking about everything with L. But seeing her makes me feel better.

A pout forms on her lips and she sits on my lap. Caressing my face like I'm a baby or sum. "Levi what you do to my man?" She asks turning her attention to L.

Levi makes a fake shocked expression. "I ain't do shit to him."

She eyes me and I can't stop the smile from forming on my face at her calling me her man.

She sighs laying her head on my chest. "What time we leavin' tomorrow?"

"Our flight at six." I tell her. "Make sure you getchu some sleep tonight."

She rolls her eyes sitting on my lap. "You know what I wanna do tonight." She says. I look over at Levi and we both bust out laughing. She mushes me by the head.

I grab her hand that she hit me with holding it. "I'm sorry for laughin sweetheart. What you wanna do tonight?" I ask a certain look on my face.

She wraps her arms around my neck leaning into my ear. "You know what I wanna do Kades."

I place one of my hands on her thighs rubbing it. "What you wanna do baby? Because if you talkin about that then no." I say with a laugh.

She frowns. "Fuck you mean no?" 

I lean in her ear looking over at Levi to see him and his girl in they own convo. I lean back in gripping her neck I talk into her ear. "Cause when I take you to yo surprise? I'm gone fuck the shit outta you. Let's just wait till then baby."

She crosses her arms over her chest clearly still upset. I laugh liking how much she's in love with my dick. Hell I love her pussy but I know how my sex drive is. After fucking her for the first time I knew I was gone be whipped. Like this girl literally got the best pussy I've ever had. Tight as hell and mad wet. I just don't want her thinking that sex the only thing on my mind. I wanna show her my surprise and how much I appreciate her.

After a minute all of us is in a convo laughing and talking. "Man babe did you see that shit?" Kaylee asks motioning to my tattoo.

Kaylee and Levi been together for like four years now. Kaylee's around the same age as Danielle and is a Indian girl with jet black hair and a little on the thicker side.

Me and Dani look down and I watch a smile form on her face. "Don't start." Levi says eyeing her.

"Nah because Kades got her name tatted. My name would look so cute on you." Kaylee whines.

Levi shoots me a mug making me laugh.

"How'd you get Kades to do it Dani?" Kaylee asks.

I turn to Dani a smirk on my face. Her eyes met mine and we stare at eachother for a few seconds. "It was his idea." She says.

"Even though it was her idea for me to get one in the first place." I say throwing her under the bus.

Dani playfully rolls her eyes. "Barely." She says.

I just laugh at her.

The rest of the day consisted of us chilling with Levi & Kaylee playing drinking games, telling stories and then playing cards.


I just got out the shower feeling so fresh and rejoiced. Currently wearing Kades clothes and in his apartment. All I have on is one of his big t-shirts and no underwear.

I pause at the foot of the bed watching as he keeps on adjusting how he's laying. He looks uncomfortable. "Ya back hurtin' baby?" I ask him taking my hair and placing it in a pony tail.

He pauses looking at me licking his lips. "Yeah D but I'm good tho." I climb onto the bed crawling towards him & between his legs. I peck him on the lips searching his face I can tell his back really is hurting.

"Let me rub it for you." I offer.

"You sure dawlin'? I know we been out all day and you tired." Kades says lowly running his hands up and down my outer thigh.

In this moment one word reminds me of the first day we met nine years ago.

He finally turned his head away from the steering wheel acknowledging my existence. It seemed like his eyes stared at me as a whole not just my face or body. It's like he stared into my soul and I couldn't breathe. "Sorry dawlin' wasn't really watchin where I was going I guess." He spoke in his thick Nola accent.

His voice is so smooth, so deep, so passionate it almost caused my legs to go weak.  But I easily pushed it aside. I placed my hand on my hip and his eyes dropped down to it with a smirk. "Look sir, I know your not from here but when a woman walks across a street you don't almost hit her."

His eyes raked up and down my body before landing on my face. "Well I don't see a woman anywhere around here." He said slyly with a smile. Well isn't he charming.

"Maybe that's because your gay or som-" before I could finish I was snatched back away from the car. I was met with an angry Mari.

"You okay?" Kades asks waving his hand in my face. I shake my head snapping out of the memory.

I smile to myself. Back then I had no idea that all of this would've happened. Not just me going to prison but also me and Khalil. Yeah back then I was attracted to him and did have feelings but they were nothing compared to this. What me and Kades has now feels so real. And just thinking about how young I was and how much I've grown. And how much he's grown? That memory makes me feel like right now is the perfect timing for us.

I nod. "I'm good Com'on lay on ya back so I can massage it for you." He doesn't hesitate standing up he removes his shirt leaving him in some basketball shorts. He lays down on his stomach his head at the foot of the bed and his feet at the head of it. I climb onto him sitting on his lower half making sure not to sit on the part that's hurting.

I reach over grabbing some lotion off the night stand I place some in my hand then rub it all over his back. "So you and Kaylee got along good?" He asks. I look over his shoulders at his face. He looks so good, just his looks alone is enough to get me wet. And even though he's older he looks so young, there's a maturity he gives off. Not to mention he recently just got a fresh cut. Man I will sit on this mans face I promise you.

"Yeah she's really nice. And she gives off good vibes." It's true when I saw her I didn't get vibes like she didn't want to meet me or anything she seemed really happy to meet me. She was telling me about how her and Levi met when he was on campus selling drugs to some people at her college. She's now a certified doctor but at the time she was in med school. She told me how he's the complete opposite from anyone she's ever been with. She knows what he does and that he's killed people but at the end of the day Levi is loving towards those he loves.

And in the end she fell for him.

It makes me happy seeing women out here in love and happy. Locked up I saw way too many women inside of there broken and hurt. Destroyed over men. It's good to know there's hope.

"That's good baby." I smile loving when he calls me that. I lean down placing a kiss on his shoulder, then another and another. Leaving wet kisses all over his scars.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize. Seeing him still hurt after all this time then thinking of how he had to go threw learning how to walk and physical therapy makes me feel bad.

"Babe stop that, Ight? You good D. We been talked about this." He says dismissing it. I just nod continuing to massage his back. While I do it I hear faint little groans leave his mouth. I bite down on my lips wondering if I should follow that rule he gave me earlier or say fuck it.

After about a good minute of rubbing it he's laying still his back moving up and down showing his breathing. "You sleepin?" I whisper.

"Mmm mm." He hums shaking his head. His hands reach behind him tapping my thighs.

I stand up letting him get up. He disappears out of the room probably heading for the kitchen. Coming back with a bottle water in his hand. He takes a sip and meanwhile I'm sitting criss cross watching him thinking of how fine he looks. "Come here." I say biting down on my bottom lip.

He walks over making sure to take his time. He comes to stand by the bed. "Wassup? You want me to cuddle with you?" He asks moving to climb into bed. I place my hand on his stomach gently moving him back.

"Yo back still hurt?" I ask moving to the edge of the side of the bed. Now he's standing between my legs hovering over me.

Kades shakes his head. "Nah it feels better now thank you baby. Plus I just took some pain pills."

I boldly run my hand over his private area seeing it sticking out unintentionally through his shorts. A frustrated sigh leaves his lips. He places his hand over mine. I look up my eyes meeting his. "What I say earlier Dani?"

"We not having sex I just wanna try sum." I try to say it casually. I've never really did this before so I don't know what to do or how to talk about doing it.

He bites down on his lip raising an eyebrow. "What you wanna try?"

I can already see him getting harder. I run my hand across it again this time gripping it. "Can I?" I ask him innocently.

In this moment he goes against what he said earlier and nods. "You need me to coach you into it?" He asks. I can tell he knows this is my first time actually trying this.

I shake my head. "I got it." I think back to all those porn videos I watched.

I pull down his shorts. Since he's not wearing no underwear his dick automatically flings out. I touch it with both of my hands firmly watching as his posture lifts a little bit. I watch him as he watches me. I flick my tongue across the head of his dick twirling it around it. "Fuck." He hisses.

I start off sucking the head. Making sure not to use any teeth and to wrap my lips around it. Judging by the facial expressions he's making and that his eyes are closed I can tell he's liking it. Some of my spit is already covering it. I remove it from my mouth jerking it off with both of my hands. "You want me to stop?" I ask him seductively.

He shakes his head. "Don't fuckin' stop." He demands.

That turns me on even more. I watch as shock washes across his face while I take him back into my mouth deep throating all of it. Since I don't have a gag reflex I easily bobbed my head up and down on it. I glance up watching as his jaw falls and his mouth hangs open. "Shittt fuck Dani." The way he moans my name gives me more confidence. I go faster feeling him grip my hair and push me down onto it.

I smack his thigh letting him know to go faster and he's does just that thrusting into my mouth while I'm bobbing up and down on it. After doing that repeatedly I watch as his eyes roll in the back of his head. "Baby wait!" He calls out trying to push me off of him. But I don't instead I just grip his thighs continuing to suck him off. "I'm finna bust bae wait." He calls again but I don't listen.

"Oh my god!" He can't stop himself from yelling it out. He holds onto the wall to keep himself up as he cums. His legs shaking and he's letting out all types of cuss words.

After he's done he's breathing heavy and his dick is out in the open slanging. He runs a hand over his waves looking surprised more than anything.

I smirk at him wiping the corners of my mouth. "Was that good baby?" I ask. When he responds that gives me my answer.

"Girl I ain't ever letting you leave I swear to God."


We're currently in an expensive restaurant in Virginia. I can't believe I'm even doing shit like this. I mean the stuff that I got planned for her is some cliche movie type of stuff. I done changed completely. The old me wouldn't even buy a bitch a t-shirt let alone take her to Virginia and surprise her with stuff. But I can't help but do this stuff for Dani.

I just want to show her how much I appreciate and care about her.

"You look so good." I compliment her. A smile spreads across her face. She's currently wearing a red tight body dress with some red pumps. Her hair flat ironed and hanging down her back. Small hoops in her ears and her lips glossy. This woman is the definition of beautiful.

"Thank you." She says lowly before looking around. "I can't believe we're here."

I nod in agreement. "Yeah this a first time for both of us." I ain't never been to Virginia before. And the niggas I done worked with from back home would clown me if they knew I was here right now being a simp. I don't care though.

I eye how nicely her body fills out in that dress. Especially her ass and thighs, and her breasts so perky she doesn't even need a bra. Since she's gotten on birth control and I been feeding her all kinds of food not to mention slanging this pipe she's been gaining weight in all the right places. "Gimme a kiss baby." I say leaning back and licking my lips at her.

She adjusts herself in her seat. "Baby it's people around." She whispers.

"I don't give a fuck," I say bluntly. "Come here princess." She bites down on her lip leaning over she kisses me on the lips. I hold her chin tilting her head up I suck on her bottom lip.

"Mmm." She moans trying to move back. I grip her neck giving her one more kiss before pulling away.

She tucks her hair behind her ear. After giving eachother all different types of sexual looks we start talking. Before I know it she's opening up to me about her childhood. "I ain't never really know my dad," she admits. "My mom ain't know who he was and at the time she was messing around with a lot of guys. London was the most constant. I was a like four when I met him. He raised me and took care of me like I was his own."

I give her a small smile nodded understanding. It reassures me that she's starting to let me in more by talking to me about him. A month ago and hell even years ago she wouldn't fully speak about him to me. Her doing it now shows me that she's trusting me more and more. "I feel it. He sounds like a good man."

She nods. "He was," she changes the subject. "So...with parents like that how'd you end up doing what you do? I heard their thug comments." Dani mentions.

I look down at my food which consists of stake and some shrimp Alfredo. I used my fork to mess around with it. I never really talked about that or told nobody about that. Hell even Onya didn't know. As far as she knows about my life is about what happened to Kalia. Only person who knows about how I transferred over to the streets is family family & Levi. But as I look into Danielle's eyes I know that she's the one woman in the world I would want to tell my story to. The only one.

"Well," I start. "For majority of my life my pops would rip and run the streets. For a long time it was just my mom, me, Davin, and Roni. I'm the youngest out of all of us. Growing up my dad was too busy fuckin' anything he can get his hands on. Spending his money on pussy. Cheating on my mom while she was pregnant and shit with me. With the nastiest of bitches tho," I shake my head just thinking about it. "Bills needed to get paid, we were close to being evicted. Even though Roni was the oldest she wasn't helping my mom put food on the table. She was out there with her boyfriend."

"She really chose her boyfriend over yall?" She asks staring at me with sympathy in her eyes.

I nod. "Yep," I say. "Love does some crazy things. Me and Davin tried to protect her but at the time I was only fifteen and Davin was only seventeen. She was fuckin a grown ass nigga. She was gone for years. First it started with the drugs then he started beating her. I ain't have time to worry about that shit. I love my sister to death but me and my family were about to be homeless. Roni chose where she wanted to be. Meanwhile my uncle Clev he's my dads brother was the cruelest in those streets. I mean I've saw him shoot up entire parks filled with kids."

"Kids?" Dani repeats her hand over her chest and her eyes watering.

"Shit happens," I shrug. "My uncle was a fucked up person. And the difference between me & my brother was I knew how to deal with fucked up people. He had too much sympathy and a good ass heart. But me? Shit I was willing to kill whoever and do whatever if it meant my mom would live the life she deserved. My brother couldn't hang. He was too busy chasing after females and my mom was too busy chasing after niggas. My sister was pregnant and I was busy trying to save her. She would be sprung out on a daily, our bills were still fucked up, and my brother was too busy secretly running off places."

Dani raises an eyebrow confused. "What do you mean running off?"

I clear my throat. "Everytime it came time for a sell his ass was no where to be found. Sooner or later Clev ain't want shit to do with him. Kalia was only a few months when I first met her. I ain't want her getting hurt. Living with Roni and that crazy ass nigga wasn't safe for her. So one day I just showed up and took her. Roni was too high to stop me," I shrug. "My mom was hurt an crying over my dad on a daily, Davin was gone every trip and my sister was fucked up. I figured if I got a lot of money as quick as possible then maybe I could move us away and shit would be easier. New environment might change everybody's lives even Roni. Clev put all that shit in my head and sooner or later I turned into a monster. Sixteen out here raising my sisters baby, killing selling. All at a young age. I had beef with so many niggas. One of them caught Davin on his way back from the south. When I rushed to the scene he couldn't say much but he did tell me he had a kid. A three year old son by some girl he met and ended up getting knocked up. I promised him I would raise his son. And that's how I ended up being how I am." I finish.

I watch as her eyes water as she stares at me. "You raised both of them? They were so young. How'd you do it?" She whispers.

I laugh shaking my head. "Truth is I don't even know. I moved Gina down to Harlem so she could be closer. I spent as much time as I could with Cash & covered everything but since he had his mom in his life he didn't need every hour attention like Kalia. Over time I did a lot of fucked up shit baby," I admit. "Trying to take care of both of them not to mention leaving the streets wasn't easy. My family didn't blame me for what happened to Davin mostly because he was older and made his choices. But shit just wasn't the same. So I threw myself into the streets and trying to raise Cash & Kalia the best way I could."

Dani reaches over caressing my face. "You are a good man Khalil. You've done some bad but hearing that all I hear is you were willing to do anything to save your family. The only one trying to save it. Without you who knows would've happened."

I place my hand over hers that's on my cheek and hold it. I shake my head. "You wouldn't say that if you saw the shit I did or knew the shit I did."

"I don't care what you did, okay? That's not going to change anything." She denies.

I try to move away but she grips my face making me look at her. "Khalil it doesn't matter what you did. You hear me? That. Won't. Change. Anything." She says slowly and seriously. And looking into her eyes I could tell she's a rider. She didn't care about my past or about the fact that I still do shit like that. All she cares about is me.

I hold her hand kissing it a couple of times. "That's why you my everything baby."

"Meaning?" Her spoiled self flutters her eye lashes wanting an explanation.

"Meaning," I leave another kiss on her hand. "That you mean everything in the world to me Danielle."

She rolls her eyes. "Dont do that."

"Do what?" I asked confused.

The look in her eyes make me want to drop on my knees and propose right now. The look in her eyes one I've never seen before. "Because the way you talk to me it's" she trails trying to find the words.

"Like I love you? It's because I do." I say honestly.


"I know I know. Just because you won't say it back doesn't mean I'll stop reminding you." I explain. She just gives me the biggest smile and we continue eating. Afterwards going to a slow jam club.


"I swear to God the things I'll do to yo sexy ass." Kades threatens. We're currently in the bathroom of the club. Even though it's a girls bathroom I didn't care I still brought him in here with me. It's cool since nobody else is in here. And I'm buzzing a little so he didn't want me off by myself.

He places kisses on my neck and I stare at him in the huge mirror. Kades looks so good he's wearing some black dress pants, a red button up and some red expensive shoes. Topping it off with a rolex and his signature chain. I turn around gripping his shirt I stick my tongue out licking his lips before kissing him. "You so nasty baby." He says with a laugh but doesn't move away from my kisses.

His hands cups my ass and we start kissing nastily. His hands rub all over my ass and it feels so good I moan into his mouth. "Shit, can I join?" We both jump turning around to see a really attractive girl eyeing us both lustfully

"Nah we good." Kades says making me laugh.

The girl raises her hands in defense walking towards the stalls. "Can't blame me for trying."

"Come on baby." I stand on my tippy toes pecking him on the lips then grab his hand dragging us out of the bathroom.

We hit the club. This being one of them old fashioned clubs. We had to search long and hard to find this one. A club filled with all different types of races, slow dancing and grinding to R&B. Can We Talk blasts throughout the club.

Last night I
I saw you standing
And I started
Started pretending
I knew you and you knew me too
And just like a roni
You were too shy
But you weren't the only
'Cause so was I
And I've dreamed of you ever since
Now I've built up my confidence
Girl next
Next time you come my way
I'll know just what to say

We stand surrounded by couples dancing. He places his head in the crook of my neck. Holding me close his arms wrapped around my body. Sensations running through me as we both rock back and forth. My hands around his neck and he bends down since I'm much shorter than him. "I'm never gone leave you I promise." He whispers into my ear.

I feel so warm inside. The look on my face when we made it to Virginia. Down to the restaurant, buying me all those outfits and then saying he has more planned. Ontop of all the sweet things he's been saying to me makes me feel so appreciated. I've never had somebody do this much for me. The feeling is overwhelming.

Kades places a kiss on my neck. "I'm sorry baby," he apologizes. "I express too much shit when I'm tipsy." His words make both of us laugh.

"You can express everything to me daddy." I say into his ear. Then kiss on his cheek and his neck.

He bites down on his bottom lip staring me up and down. "D you gotta chill." I run my hand down his chest then turn around placing my ass against him. I grind on him my back to his chest and my ass against his lower half.

"Why baby?" I ask holding his cheek my palm against it.

"Because you turnin me on bae." He whines and I can feel him getting hard against me.

"Com'on let's go then." I say turning around.

Kades smirks wrapping his arms around me hovering over me. "After I give you ya surprise."

"I gotta surprise." I say sticking my tongue out.

He smacks me on the ass making it jiggle. "And I can't wait to be all up & in yo surprise." He says seriously.

"Baby I wanna see my surprise right now." I say eager to go. After dancing for a little while longer he gives in and takes me to our hotel we'll be in.


I gasp walking into the hotel room. He removes his hands from my eyes taking me through the master suit. Rose petals yellow & red leading us through the room. Boxes of expensive jewelry leading the way with the petals. We walk past the bathroom and I gasp lit candles decorated throughout the bathroom and bathtub. Then he leads me to the bedroom taking my hand a huge flat screen tv hanging from the ceiling and a California King sized bed, across from that being a huge kitchen. On the bed rose petals spelling something out that I can't see because so many presents is covering the bed.

All types of designer, jewelry and stacks of money. All in pretty bags and put together so beautifully. I can tell he gave everything in this room thought. I place my hand over my mouth. "Oh my god baby! Thank you so much!" I turn around throwing my hands around him.

He laughs. "No problem baby I gotchu." He wraps his arms around my waist. "I got something else for you tho." I eye him.

"Whatchu mean-" I cut myself off my jaw hanging low. I place my hand over my heart watching him take a knee in front of me. I shake my head not believing what's happening.

He opens the box revealing one of the biggest rings I've ever seen. "Is that a promise ring?" I ask making sure.

He shakes his head. "No," my eyes widen. "Sweetheart one day I want you to be my wife. I'm not rushing you. I want you to want to marry me someday. You the only one I want and the only one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. We getting older and I don't want to spend anymore time away from you. I swear on my life I'll never hurt you. And I'm not trying to rush you baby. We can be engaged for years and I'll be happy long as I know we always forever and you gone be mine eventually. I'm not good at this but...whatchu say baby? Will you be my wife...someday."

I let out a shaky breath not believing that he just asked me that. My heart is pounding out of my chest and the only thing that calms me down is him understanding that I'm not trying to rush to be married or say I love him. I mean I do want to be around Kades forever and I do want to get married I just want to take my time. "Y-yes." I say smiling. He places the ring on my finger and it fits perfectly.

He holds my face standing up he gives me one of the most passionate kisses I've ever experienced. "Thank you God." He says aloud to himself. I stand there with my hands together waiting for him to finish clearing my gifts off of the bed. Once he's done I yelp giggling as he picks me up and places me on the bed. Unzipping my dress he pulls it down leaving wet kisses on my shoulders then collar bone. "Dani what the fuck is you doing to me?" His voice sounds so strained.

"I'm taking care of you too baby." I whisper leaning back against the soft bed opening my legs I let him climb in between. The both of us leaving kisses all over eachother.

He hovers over me biting on his lip I stare up at him running my hand down his waves thinking of how fine he looks. "No you stealin' my heart." He whispers.

I never expected Khalil Kades to say something like this to me and just hearing him say that makes me feel even more. "Come here." I tug on his shirt wanting him closest to me. I watch as he removes his shirt. I run my hand down his chest tracing his tattoos. "You so fine baby." I compliment him.

"All yours." Kades reassures me helping me remove my dress. I'm left in some red lace underwear. He runs his hands down my panties running his hand in a circular motion over my clit.

I buck my hips arching my back. "Babyy." I let a shaky breath out.

He places some wet soft kisses in between my thighs.  I let him pull my panties down and after that he lifts my legs into the air. Running his thumb up and down my clit. I bite down on my lip trying to hold back moans. "Pretty ass pussy." He says lowly his voice raspy.

Since I made sure to get a wax before I came my pussy is bare and so soft. I place my hand on the back of his head moving it down. "Damn baby." He mumbles disappearing between my legs. His long tongue darts out immediately devouring my pussy. Sounds of slurping filling the room. I grip his head tossing my head back.

"Ouuu daddyy." I whimper pushing his face deeper.

"Shit baby you gone drown me." He looks up giving me a teethy smile. His lips, chin and beard covered in my juices.

"I'm sor-" he cuts me off sticking his tongue inside of me. Tongue fucking me. "You gone make me cum babyy wait." I call out holding my legs into the air. He licks his tongue all the way from the front to the bottom causing my legs to shake.

He looks up licking his lips look my juices is the more tastiest thing he's ever tasted. "You wanna taste yourself baby?" He asks and I nod immediately.

He climbs up tongue kissing me all in my mouth. I moan unbuttoning his pants and pulling down it along with his underwear. His dick flings out each time I see it making my eyes widen. He removes his pants from around his ankles tossing them to the floor. "Lay on ya back." I say wanting to take control.

He smirks laying on his back watching me as I climb onto him. "Shit." I hiss sitting on it feeling my walls wrap around him and my juices soaking his dick. I sit all the way down on it feeling it hit my g spot.

Kades tosses his head back closing his eyes he lets out a groan. "Fuckkk."

I slowly bounce up and down on it starting a rhythm my ass bouncing as I rotate my hips on it. The sound of my pussy, our skin smacking, and our moans loud inside of the room. He plays with my titties gripping them as I bounce up and down. "Mmmm." I moan running a hand through my hair.

"Yes bae just like that." He coaches his breathing heavy.

We speed up while I'm riding him he's fucking me back. The both of us holding onto eachother, his hand wrapped around my neck while I feel myself getting closer and closer. "I'm finna cum." I cry out feeling my walls latch around his dick.

"Come here." He moans gripping my neck harder and yanking me towards him he tongues me down nastily. "I love you baby girl." He mumbles against my lips.

"I love you so much Khalil." I yell out not being able to control it. I meant every word especially in this moment. I can see the shock on his face and I'm so close to cumming. "Baby I'm finna cum!"

He thrusts into me deeper while I try to bounce on his dick as much as I can even though it's hitting my spot repeatedly. "Shit fuck yo pussy so good Dani." He grunts.

Just as we're both cumming both of our phones start ringing on the night stand. "Ignore that shit we just getting started." Kades talks into my ear flipping us over he puts us in missionary. Thrusting in and out of me.

I grip his waist digging my fingers into his back. "It feels sooo good." I moan out. You can still hear how wet I am. He removes his dick and shoves it back into me. Doing the same thing over and over again on repeat.

Our phones continue to ring. We try our best to ignore it but it continues. Again...and again and again. I let out a sexually frustrated sigh. "Just answer it back." I snap breathing heavily his dick still in me.

"Fuck." He curses leaning over he picks up his phone. Trying his hardest to control his breathing while I rock my hips back and forth meeting his dick. I turn my head muffling my moans into one of the thick pillows. "Fuck you want?" He asks whoever it is.

"Babe." I whine grabbing his waist I push him deeper watching as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

Suddenly he's pulling out and his eyes are widening as he climbs up off of me. "Fuck your mean he's in the hospital? Is he hurt real bad?" He questions.

I jump to my feet covering myself with the sheet. "Who is it?" I asked getting worried. He has this unreadable look on his face.

"Alright we gone be down there as soon as we can." He tells them.

Once he hangs up the next words he says cause my heart to drop.

"Something happened to Mari."

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