Monster Hunter Railgun

By Heroman23

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In another world separated from the planet Earth, there lies a planet full of giant monsters. Monsters that w... More

Time For Introductions
Black Diablos Ambush!
Time For Story Telling
The Blade Tail Cutting Wyvern

Training Time

144 3 31
By Heroman23

Last Time on Monster Hunter Railgun..........

"Now you are wondering about my armor right? This armor was crafted after taking down a wild Rathalos and use it to make some armor and a weapon. Sadly the armor that I had original was damaged by a powerful Monster. So until it is fix, I was given this piece of armor to wear until then." Said Winda.

"I see. So how long until your... original armor is fixed?" Asked Mikoto as she takes another bite of her meat piece.

"Who knows. Maybe when I get back to the base." Said Winda.

"I hope it is fix by then Winda." Said Mikoto.

"Thanks Mikoto. But lets get something straight for the moment.... I believe what is ever increasing the monsters population and whatever brought you here might be connected. So in a positive way, you being here might be a good thing. It gives us to look into this." Said Winda before finish eating her piece of meat.

"Us? What do you mean by that?" asked Mikoto.

"Yeah well..... Can't exactly let you go out there on your own. You need someone to protect you girl. Besides, you are on my home planet remember? So I am going to help you and teach you how to defend yourself from other Monsters. Got it?" Asked Winda as she pokes Mikoto forehead.

"I... I... okay." said Mikoto.

"Good. Now, get some sleep. Me and Rathy will keep watch for any danger coming. Tomorrow, we move at first day light." Said Winda before putting out the fire with a wooden bucket full of water.

"I... okay." Said Mikoto before going back to the leather bag she was sleeping on and lay back on it and went to sleep.

As she went to sleep. Winda looks at the sleeping Mikoto. She then turns her direction to Rathy who is laying on the ground on his stomach.

"I worry about her Rathy." Said Winda as she hops on top of Rathy head to look over the horizon. "She is a stranger in a dangerous world. I can see that in her eyes that she wants to get home as soon as possible."

Rathy makes a small roar. He can understand what Winda means. It is like waking up in a different environment and you are scared and don't know what to do.

"Be honest with me Rathy. Do you think we might be able to help her get back home?" Asked Winda. Rathy shakes his head up and down to say that he is saying yes.

Winda lets out a small giggle. "Yeah your right Rathy. Got to keep hope. Okay Rathy. Time to keep watch." Said Winda. She and her friend Rathy begins to look over the horizon to keep an eye out for any danger coming this way.

Mikoto has woken up from that attack the monsters had put on her. She then begins to eat with the person and the creature that has saved her life. She learns that the person that has saved her is a woman. Winda has introduce herself and Rathy to Mikoto and listen to her side of the story of how she got here. Now the group will have to find a way to send Mikoto home and find the reason for the increase of Monsters populations.



The sun light begins to cast over the planet. It was the beginning of a new day. The monsters and small birds on this planet begins to wake up.

Mikoto was still asleep. That is until she felt something slightly tapping her on her sides. She slowly open up her eyes. She sees that it was Winda using her foot to gently poke Mikoto wake her up.

"Hey. It is time to wake up girl." Said Winda.

Mikoto slowly sits straight up. She stretch her arms and lets out a loud yawn. She then slowly stands up.

"Alright alright.... I am up." Said Mikoto.

"Good. Because today, I am going to teach you the basics of combat. I hope you are ready for this Mikoto. Because I am not going to go easy on my teaching." Said Winda.

"OH come on.... it can't be that hard." Said Mikoto.


A few minutes later............

"Ahhh!" Said Mikoto before she was knocked to the ground hard. "Ow..."

Winda stands infront of the downed Mikoto. "I told you to block that swing. But you didn't listen to me." Said Winda.

At the moment, Winda is trying to teach Mikoto how to use a long sword. So she had a spare weapon for Mikoto to had for practice. And at the moment they are training in the jungle area, in a open field area in the jungle environment that is big enough for their training. So far..... This training exercise is not going well so far.

"How do you expect me to block a swing at that speed?" asked Mikoto as she slowly gets back up and gets the weapon back in her hand.

"If you keep complaining like that Mikoto, and by the time you do that...." Said Winda before swinging her sword down on Mikoto and knocking it out of her hand and pointed the tip of the blade at her neck. "The Monsters will have defeated and killed you in a matter of seconds."

Mikoto narrowed her eyes. Her eyes begins to spark and had tons of electricity surrounded her body.

"Yeah. Well then........ I will have to use my powers to scare them off." Said Mikoto with a anger in her voice.

Winda was unfaced by this. She sighed. She then suddenly vanished and reappear behind Mikoto and did a small light chop on the back of her head. That not only stop Mikoto little electricity around her body but it leaves a small bump on her head that will go away in a few seconds.

"Ow! What was that for Winda?" Asked Mikoto as she rubs the area on the back of her head.

"Listen. I don't know how your abilities work or how you got them but you need to listen. This isn't you home land anymore. You are on a planet full of Monsters. So your ways of life and knowledge won't work. You need to take these lessons to heart. These will be the only way to protect yourself. Understand?" asked Winda.

Mikoto was silence for a entire minute. As crazy as it sounds, Winda has a point. She might had to think about it really hard. Her ways to dealing criminals and bad guys back in Academy City might not work here in this strange new planet she is trapped on.

"Your... right." Said Mikoto.

"Good. Now pick your weapon back up." Said Winda before she begins to charge at her.

Mikoto quickly freaked out and dodge the attack. She then quickly got her weapon back up and block one of Winda slashes.

"You didn't give me time to get it!" Said Mikoto.

"The Monsters aren't going to give you the time to pick up your weapon. You have to be quick to react or you lose your life in that fight." said Winda. She then jumped back a little bit away from Mikoto.

Her sword begins to be glowing red. She then slashed downwards. At that time a large fire slash attack was launched towards Mikoto. Mikoto barely dodge it as she jumped to the left.

"What the heck was that Winda!? And how did you do that?!" asked a nervous Mikoto.

"I just used a fire slash attack on you Mikoto. If you wondering how I did it. It is this sword I am holding. Due to it being a fusion of metal and parts of a wild Rathalos, it can use fire attacks." Said Winda. 

"What.... you mean... does my weapon.......?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yes it can. But you are trying to learn how to defend yourself Mikoto. Here comes the next one!" Said Winda as she released another fire slash attack at Mikoto. Mikoto begins to sweat nervously.


About a few minutes later........

Mikoto was laying on her back in total exhaustion. She is breathing really hard at the moment. After experiencing the training session one time, she is just out of energy.

"You were only able to block about five of my fire slash attacks and ten of my regulars swings. Not bad but you need to improve on that Mikoto." Said Winda.

"You.... didn't exactly go easy on me..... Winda...." Said a panting Mikoto.

"I can't exactly take it easy on you Mikoto. When I was taught these, my mentor had to show me how to prepare myself." Said Winda.

Rathy was watching this scene from where he was observing the area on a near by cliff in the jungle. He then saw something that worries him. He sees some tree movement and it tree movement was heading where Winda and Mikoto are.

Rathy spreads his wings out and flies over to the two humans. He landed infront of them and position himself for the upcoming threat.

"Rathy?" asked Mikoto.

"What's wrong boy?" asked Winda. The only reaction Winda was able to get from Rathy is a growl. "Oh no."

"What's wrong?" asked Mikoto.

"Rathy must have spotted something coming here.... at fast speed. Get ready!" Said Winda as she had her weapon in her hands, ready for combat.

Mikoto gulped nervously. She had the spare Long Sword that Winda gave her for training. She only hopes for what is coming, she can at least use it to defend herself.

The tree movements begins to increase more. This indicates that this being is very large. Something then jumps out from the trees and lands infront of the group.

This creature is armed with four powerful legs and two claws, each one tipped with a formidable barbed hook, used for holding prey as well as keeping its grip while scaling walls. It has six blue eyes. It has three large purple crystals on its back. In addition, it possesses a massive pair of retractable jaws which can inflict a poisonous bite. It can produce a strong, sticky webbing that it uses to trap prey and build nests. Nerscylla

"A giant spider!?" asked a nervous Mikoto.

"Nerscylla." Said Winda. "Be careful Mikoto. These things will do more than web you up in their silk attacks."

"Like.... how worse are we talking here?" asked Mikoto.

"It is stinger you had to watch out for. A Nerscylla can have two different kinds of venom. A sleepy venom or a poison venom. But the poison venom is only for Nerscylla that is on a higher rank. And from the looks of this, this Nerscylla is not that one." Said Winda keeping her eyes on the monster before them.

The Nerscylla made a small roar before releasing a large web at the group. The humans had to do a barrel roll to avoid it. Rathy simply breaths a stream of fire on it to burn it away.

But the Nerscylla expected that. It did a few slashes at Rathy before blinding him with some webs at his eyes. Rathy roars in frustration and tries to slam his head against the ground to get the web off his eyes.

The Nerscylla then turns its direction to the nervous Mikoto. It then charges at her. It uses its front limb claws to swipe at her. Mikoto, even still nervous, begins to dodge them with no problem.

"UM... a little help here!" Said Mikoto as she continues to keep dodging them.

"On it!" Said Winda.

Winda sword begins to glow. She then released her fire slash attack on the monster. The attack lands on the monster side. The Nerscylla roars out in pain.

Acting on instinct, Mikoto charges at the monster and slashes at one of its limbs. That slash cuts that one limb off. The Nerscylla roared in anger and in pain.

Mikoto blinks a few times. She moves her eyes sight to her sword and then to the cut off limb. She does this a few times before letting a nervous laugh.

"Um.... sorry?" Asked Mikoto.

The Nerscylla eyes then glowed red. It symbolize that it is angry right now. It begin to try to slash Mikoto into tiny pieces. Mikoto dodge those attacks. At that moment, the same strange instinct from before has kicked within Mikoto again.

Mikoto jump backwards. She then had the sword infront of her to block the slashes. Once the monster was done slashing, Mikoto jump into the air and did a 36o degree spin in the air and slashed at the monsters eyes.

The Nerscylla roared out in pain. With its eyes damaged, it can't see anymore. It begins to blindly slash at everything in all directions but is not hitting its targets.

Mikoto then jumps onto the monsters back. She let out a mighty yell and thrusts the sword into the monsters back. The Nerscylla lets out a roar before going limb and fall onto its stomach. It is killed now.

Mikoto lets out a few tired breaths. She then blinked a few times to see that she killed the monster. She doesn't know what just happened or how this happened.

"Whoa.....what the heck? Did I just....?" asked a confused Mikoto.

"Killed a Nerscylla? Yes you did." Said Winda as she approaches Mikoto. 

Rathy finally gets the webbing off his eyes. He then saws Mikoto standing on the dead Nerscylla. Mikoto pulls out the sword and jumps down from the dead monster. He is amazed that this teenage human is able to take down a Nerscylla.

"I... I don't know what happened. It is like... something within me just... took over and... I .... what happened to me Winda?" Asked Mikoto.

"Its your natural instinct that took over Mikoto. And you should be proud. Only some expert Hunters can take down a Nerscylla all by themselves." Said Winda as she placed her right hand on Mikoto right shoulder.

"So.... does this mean.... I am have learned to defend myself?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. But better than that, you have a natural instinct to take down a monster. You are amazing Mikoto. Keep the sword. As of this moment, Mikoto Misaka, I here by take you as my pupil." Said Winda with a smile.

"Pupil!? Me?!" asked a shocked Mikoto.

"Yes. I never had one before but that changes now. Now, lets go. Hop on Rathy back with me. It is time we head back to base." Said Winda as she puts away her sword and hops on Rathy back.

"Are you sure that is a wise idea?" asked Mikoto.

"Yes. And this way is a lot faster. Now don't worry. Rathy won't hurt or bite you. He knows better." Said Winda with a comforting smile.

Mikoto puts the sword on her back and use her Electromaster powers to keep it on her back. Mikoto nervously walks over to Rathy. She begins to climb on Rathy back. She then sits behind Winda and holds onto her for support.

"Okay..... Ready Winda." Said Mikoto.

"Okay. Rathy. Takes us back to base please." asked Winda.

Rathy nods. He spreads his wings out and begins to flap his wings and to lift him up into the air. He then begins to fly in the sky back to base.

Mikoto had to get her training with Winda today. In the training, Mikoto had to discard her knows of how to fight back from her home and learn how to fight in this world, the Hunter way. In the training process, Winda and Mikoto were ambushed by a Nerscylla. In the battle, Mikoto was able to kill the Nerscylla. Now the group is heading back to base for the Guild.


To Be Continued..............

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