His Possession (kookv)Book 1

By fity24

306K 7.4K 2.8K

"YOU ARE MINE GOT IT, "_Jeongguk said in a low voice Start: November 26, 2019 Ends: January 18, 2021 Sequal "... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (M)
chapter 7
A/N not an update
chapter 8
1k special chapter๐Ÿ”ฅ
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 (M)
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
100k special
100k special pt.2
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40 (M)
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The trailer of "Our Possession(Kookv)" book 2
book2 is out!!

Epilogue: Chapter 60(M)

2.6K 49 32
By fity24

No one P.O.V (6:00 PM)

Jeongguk was planning a little something tonight but first, he gotta get Jeonghyun out of the house. Jeonghyun was playing in his room until he heard the door open which means it was either his mother or father. "Jeonghyun! you are going to grandma and grandpa's house tonight" Jeongguk announce. "But I don't like sleeping at other people's house at night. Plus mommy always sings me to sleep and you always tell me a bedtime story," Jeonghyun said with a pout. 

Jeongguk kneel down to Jeonghyun's level" I know you don't want to leave but you don't want to disappoint papa who wants to hear all the good things you've been doing," Jeongguk said to persuade his son. Jeonghyun smiled as he thought of the idea. "No, I don't want to disappoint grandpa. Now I want to go, let's go!" Jeonghyun said with excitement. Jeongguk was dancing happily in his head. 

"Okay, let me back your bag first then we'll get you ready," Jeongguk said. "Okay, daddy," Jeonghyun said before picks up his toys and put them back where they belong. Jeongguk packs Jeonghyun's clothes, toys, pillow, blankets, and etc everything Jeonghyun needs for the night. After an hour of packing Jeonghyun's bags, he picked up Jeonghyun and changes his diaper and clothes.  

1 hour later

Jeongguk dropped Jeonghyun off at Seungyeon and Seungsik's house. Jeongguk was talking to Seungsik and Seungyeon about what to do and what not to do. "If he starts throwing a tantrum use the Cooky plush to calm him down," Jeongguk instructed holding the Cooky plush. "Why did you bring a crib and bathtub?" Seungyeon asks as she points at the crib and tub. "Because Jeonghyun likes his crib and tub Don't worry his actual crib is at home this is a portable one. It will save you from him screaming in your ears," Jeongguk said. 

"Oh okay, so what was the reason you wanted Jeonghyun to sleep for the night here?" Seungsik asked,

"Because Jeonghyun didn't visit you last week and I want him to get used to sleeping at your house so he doesn't get homesick," Jeongguk answered hoping he would buy his answer. 

"Oh okay, I'm sure Kinkin will have a fun time with us," Seungsik said with a smile watching Jeonghyun doing push-ups but his knees were on the floor. "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten," Jeonghyun counted  before he got up and clapped his hands "Good job!" Jeonghyun said praising himself. 

"Well, I'm gonna go now. Jeonghyun, be a good boy, and don't give your grandma and grandpa any trouble," Jeongguk reminded Jeonghyun. "Okay, dad. Can I call you and mommy to say good night?" Jeonghyun asked. Jeongguk smiled, "Sure you can call me and your mother," Jeongguk said before he left and drove back home.

Jeongguk P.o.v

I looked at the time and it was 7: 30 I went to the living room and saw Taehyung was dancing. He noticed me watching him the whole time and stopped. I walked up to him with a smile on my face, "So did Jeonghyun cry when you left?" Taehyung asked me. "He didn't cry this time, so are you ready to get the tattoo you wanted?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Yeah, but I got one question. How bad does it hurt?" Taehyung asked me. "I'm not sure I never got a tattoo with a needle, I just earn them without feeling any sort of pain. But since you are going to get a tattoo with a needle we'll find out if it hurts or not," I answered as I pat his head. "Oh, well let's hope it doesn't hurt then," Taehyung said hoping he wouldn't feel any pain. 

I picked him up and carried him on my shoulder. "J-Jeongguk! put me down" Taehyung demand as he gives me weak punches. I chuckled, "Sorry but I can't, darling," I said as I walked to a room where all my tattoo supplies are.  I put Taehyung on the chair letting him relax. I closed the door then washed my hands before I put on black gloves. I took out the needle, inks, sketchbook, watercolor pencils, and a thermal copy. 

  When Taehyung saw the needle he got a little bit scared. "Scared huh? Don't worry it won't hurt much if you relax," I said as I skim through my sketchbook. "Also untie your hanfu as well cause I think you should get one on your shoulder," I instructed. 

a few minutes later.

I sat on a chair next to Taehyung with the needles in my hand. "So what do you want your tattoo to be?" I asked.

"um how about your name in script?" Taehyung asked looking at me. I smirked, "Good choice, It would look beautiful on you," I said. I put a bit of numbing cream on his shoulder and rub it around the area. "Ready or you need some time to calm down?" I asked before I give him the tattoo. He nods his head and took a breath. "I'm ready," Taehyung said with confidence. I kissed his forehead then I started tracing my name on his shoulder before I fill it in. After a few minutes, I finished tracing my name I filled it in with red and black. Taehyung didn't wince in pain or anything he just takes it in. "It doesn't hurt?" I asked. he shook his head and smiled. "No, it doesn't hurt at all," he said.

"That's good."

No one p.o.v

When Jeongguk was finished giving Taehyung his tattoo he used a spell to make sure the tattoo doesn't hurt later on. "You're done now. We should take a bath," Jeongguk said as he took off his gloves and threw them in the trash can. Taehyung sat up and tied his hanfu and got up standing next to Jeongguk. "Yeah we should and then we can do something after," Taehyung said.

Jeongguk smirked and thought all of the things he could to Taehyung. The two went to the bathroom and took a hot bath. There were rose petals in the water and candles were lit up leaving a lavender aroma. the two were drinking wine and relaxing without Jeonghyun disturbing them.  

After 15 minutes the two got out of the tub and dried themself. They went back into their bedroom wearing a robe. they sat on the bed talking about Jeonghyun. "I'm not going to lie but I miss that little guy even if he calls me 'meng'. I hope he isn't acting up," Jeongguk said. Taehyung chuckled "I'm pretty sure he is not going to act up," Taehyung said. 

Jeongguk just kissed Taehyung passionately slowly untieing Taehyung's robe. Taehyung grips on Jeonggeok's robe and tugged it. Jeongguk took the robe off of Taehyung and threw it somewhere on the ground. Taehyung felt his back on the bed as Jeongguk pushes him on the bed. Jeongguk broke the kiss to admire Taehyung's face that was bright red. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk with a lustful look. Taehyung unties Jeongguk's robe and tried to take it off but Jeongguk pinned him down. Jeongguk opens the drawer and took out handcuffs, He cuffed Taehyung's wrist on to the headboard.  Jeongguk threw his robe as well. 

Taehyung couldn't help but admire Jeongguk's body to realize Jeongguk caught him staring, "Like what you see?" Jeongguk asked that his voice became husky. Taehyung nodded his head. Jeongguk glared at him. "Y-yes," Taehyung respond. "Yes, who?" Jeongguk asked staring at Taehyung's puppy-like eyes. "Y-yes J-Jeongguk," Taehyung said. Jeongguk just leaned in that his lips were near Taehyung's ear, "That's not it. It's daddy for you, baby," Jeongguk growled before he kissed Taehyungs lips roughly.

Taehyung tried to hold back his moans but he couldn't. Their lips were moving in sync until they had to catch their breath. Jeongguk was looking at Taehyung's body like a predator, his finger began to trace Taehyung's stomach that had a little stitch on it. Jeongguk smiled remembering when Taehyung gave birth. "You still look beautiful even after I got you pregnant," Jeongguk commented before he kisses Taehyung's stomach. "A-ah~" Taehyung moaned.

Jeongguk's lips made their way to Taehyung's neck sucking it which started to form red-purple bruises. Taehyung's moans were getting louder but the good thing is that the room is soundproof. "That's right baby boy.  keep moaning daddy's name," Jeongguk said before he sucked Taehyung's collarbone.

Meanwhile with Jeonghyun.

Jeonghyun was having fun with his grandparents. Jeonghyun was helping Seungyeon make cookies. "So Jeonghyun what are the dry ingredients we need to make the cookies?" Seungyeon asked. Jeonghyun decide to take a guess, "Flour, baking powder, and sugar?" Jeonghyun asked as he looks at his grandma. "You are correct, pumpkin. you are a smart cookie," Seungyeon praised him. Jeonghyun clapped happily. 

Back to Taekook.

"D-Daddy...I-I want you," Taehyung moaned as Jeongguk was sucking his nipple. Jeongguk paused for a moment, "Just wait a bit more, daddy needs to mark you," Jeongguk said then continued to suck Taehyung's nipple swallowing every drop of his breast milk. Taehyung ended up becoming a moaning mess again, his dick was starting to leak out some pre-cum but Jeongguk grabbed his dick to stop it squeezing it harshly. "I didn't tell you to cum, didn't I?" Jeongguk asked.

"N-No, daddy," Tahyung answered.

"Since you came earlier... I need to give you a punishment for it," Jeongguk said. Jeongguk took out a whip looking at Taehyung directly in the eyes. "Don't worry we'll go with 5 since it's your first time, okay?" Jeongguk asked. "O-okay, daddy," Taehyung answered.  Jeongguk flipped Taehyung that he was lying down on his stomach. 

"Count to 5."

Jeongguk whipped him, Taehyung felt a sting bit of pain. 


Jeongguk whipped him again.


Jeongguk whipped him for the third time. Taehyung felt tears running down his face.


Jeongguk whipped him the fourth time.


Jeongguk whipped him one more time.


Jeongguk then flipped Taehyung over to make him face him. Jeongguk wiped Taehyung's tears away and started to leave kisses on his face. "Shh, it's over now. Just relax now," Jeongguk said to comfort Taehyung. 

After 5 minutes Taehyung calmed down. "Wanna continue?" Jeongguk asked. "Yes, please," Taehyung said with a smile.

"If you want to continue you have to...beg for it."

Taehyung pouts, "D-Do I have to?" Taehyung asked. Jeongguk nodded his head, "Yes, you have to unless you don't want me to help you with your problem down there," Jeongguk said as he points at Taehyung's boner.  Taehyung blushed then looked at Jeongguk. "Daddy, please fuck me. I-I like it when your thick dick is inside my ass and thrusting it in and out until I pass out. Please, daddy...I'll do whatever you want," Taehyung begged hoping it worked. Jeongguk smirked but then decides to tease Taehyung a bit.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you can you say that again a bit louder?" Jeongguk asked.


Jeongguk chuckled then flipped Taehyung making him lay down on his stomach. "Sure but before daddy do that he have to stretch that ass of yours." Jeongguk said as he took out a bottle of lube. 

Jeongguk put a bit of lube on his fingers then placed the lube back on the nightstand that was next to the bed. 



Jeongguk stretches Taehyung's butt cheeks and then start thrusting in two fingers. Taehyung was okay with it since he is used to this but sometimes it hurts. "Ah~" Taehyung moaned as he felt Jeonggguk's fingers were getting deeper. Jeongguk's phone rang which means Jeonghyun is calling him. Jeongguk used his powers to pick up the Phone and answer Jeonghyun's call.

"Common Jeonghyun, say good night to your mommy and daddy," Seungyeon said to encourage Jeonghyun.

"Daddy and mommy good n-night," Jeonghyun said before he started crying, Jeongguk could tell Jeonghyun misses him and his mother.

"Good night Jeonghyun, But do you want to talk to mommy first?" Jeongguk asked.

"Y-yes please," Jeonghyun answered. Taehyung took the phone and held it near his ear.

 "Jeonghyun don't cry okay. You'll see mommy and daddy tomorrow. I can sing you a lullaby to put you asleep," Taehyung said.

"Please sing a song mommy," Jeonghyun pleaded.

Taehyung sang Jeonghyun asleep. Taehyung hanged up when he just heard Jeonghyun breathing. Jeongguk took the phone and put it on the nightstand. Jeongguk continued thrusting and stretching Taehyung's butt hole. 

When Jeongguk was done he put on a condom. (Y'all know the reason why.) his hands' grip Taehyung's hips and lined up the tip of his dick against Taehyung's hole. With just one thrust his dick was inside. 

Taehyung started whimpering feeling a sting of pain. Jeongguk began thrusting in and out slowly. "Ah..ah" Taehyung moaned, growling hard.

"S-so big," Taehyung moaned.

Jeongguk speeds up a bit which leads to Taehyung moaning even louder than a few seconds ago. Taehyung's hole kept clenching and unclenching around Jeongguk's dick, "So tight for me baby," Jeongguk said as he kept on thrusting in Taehyung's hole. 

Taehyung felt so much pleasure throughout his body.  Jeongguk drew himself out and slammed himself back in again hitting against Taehyung's prostate. 

"PLEASE DON'T STOP, KEEP ON GOING UNTIL I PASS OUT!"  Taehyung screamed. Jeongguk went faster than a cheetah running. 

"You like it when I fuck the crap out of you, don't you?" 

"Mhm, d-daddy."

The next 2-3 hours (sorry, but I just started getting lazy)

Taehyung got a bit tired and Jeongguk sense that. Jeongguk pulled out and took off the condom that was filled with his cum throwing it in the trash can.  Jeongguk uncuffed Taehyung's wrist putting the cuffs back in the drawer then He laid next to Taehyung and cover both of them with a blanket. Taehyung snuggled against Jeongguk's broad chest. Jeongguk kissed Taehyung's lips then looked at him with a smile.

"I love you," Jeongguk whispered.

"I love you too," Taehyung said with a smile. Jeongguk just fell asleep.





"I'm thankful to be his possession." Taehyung thought before he fell asleep as well.


Welp, it's the end of "His possession(Kookv) But It is not the end. Book two is coming maybe this month or next month. I don't know It depends on how many chapters I'll publish at first. Sorry if the smut wasn't as good as chapter 40, I kinda got lazy while typing.😥

Maybe after the Q&A, I'll put up a trailer for book 2. If you guys want one.


This is the last chance to put up your questions since I already typed half of the questions down.












Fity24 (Author-nim) :

Last meme time


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