All Because of Willow | A Lum...


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Amity Blight, known as the top student at Hexside, finally works up the courage to ask out her human crush Lu... More

Chapter 1: Awkward
Chapter 2: Secrets
Chapter 3: Ready
Chapter 4: Game
Chapter 5: Plans
Chapter 6: Greenhouse
Chapter 8: Practice
Chapter 9: Lie
Chapter 10: Truth
Chapter 11: Goodbye...
Chapter 12: Tricks
Final Authors Note~

Chapter 7: Books

648 28 33

POV: Amity

I sunk to the floor, my sleeves wet from tears. Why didn't I realize it sooner? I was the problem. It was my fault. All of this happened because I was too weak to stand up to my freaking parents. It was all my fault. I tried to calm myself down but whenever I did I felt a wave of tears flooding back, that is until my watch went off. My eyes widened as I stared at my wrist, my tears coming to a halt. I have to leave in five minutes. I stood up, probably red faced, and ran to my locker. I lightly punched my locker, making it open immediately. I grabbed my things and ran to the front of the school. The creature was just about to leave when I made it to the door.

"Late I see, Miss Blight." The driver said as I stepped up the stairs, eyeing me up and down.

"Don't get used to it." I said sharply, catching him off guard. I couldn't help but notice a vaguely familiar brown haired boy, which was strange since I was usually the only one at Hexside who was apart of the Emperors Coven.

I sat in the front row, staring at the outside. I decided to distract myself from... earlier... I would try to think of a plan to get that book from Lilith's office without being caught. I could summon an abomination, but they are pretty loud and big so it wouldn't be hard to notice one walking around.

"Hey Blight!" I heard the boy yell, standing up in his seat.

"Yes?" I asked plainly, hiding my annoyance. He walked over to the seat across from me.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Mattholomule." He held out his hand, I glared at it before looking back at him.

"And I know you from where?"

"We're in school together? Ex-President of the Human Appreciation Society? We spent some of the coven camp together? You seriously don't know me?" He took his hand away.

"Oh... eh kinda." I turned back to look outside, I could hear him groan.

"Can you show me around or something? I don't exactly know this place well."

"You'll be fine, Kikimora will help you." I kept my eyes fixed on the view, until my eyes widened, a plan starting to form. I looked back at him with a mischievous smirk on my face, "Hey, how about I give you a tour, but you have to do something for me."

"And that is...?"

"You have to guard a room for me while I look for a book."

"What? Are you crazy?!"

"It's really important, plus no ones even gonna care. It's in Lilith's office."

"I'm not doing your dirty work, ask another person, Blight."

"Well then I guess you will have to be late for work since you're so lost in that humungous castle! Guess you'll just be fired like I'm guessing you were from that little club of yours." I smiled. He seemed to be thinking about his options before glaring at me.

"A deals a deal. As long as you stop talking about that H.A.S. thing. That wasn't my fault."



"Are you sure about this?" Matt whispered before I walked through the door.

"Yes I'm sure. It'll take like, two seconds! Just make sure no one comes in." I said annoyed, walking into the Lilith's office. The room was surprisingly large, but empty. She has a desk with a few picture frames and stationary on top, with a book shelf with a wide selection of books, and a few file cabinets. I probably should have asked Lilith for the specific location of this book...

I figured I'd start at her desk. I couldn't help but notice the picture of her and the owl lady from when they were kids. They seemed close. It was strange seeing them get along. I started to look in the drawers but couldn't find any books. I quietly opened the what now were empty file cabinets. I'm sure there were important documents there before Lilith left.

Which left the bookshelf.

The bookshelf that had what looked like could be more then hundreds of books.

But that wasn't going to stop me.

Knowing Lilith, she probably organized the books in some way. It obviously wasn't in color or alphabetically, so I decided to read the titles. As predicted they are in order by what they're about. So first was potions, going into history, then abominations, relics, and then spells! Just what I was looking for... and of course it was on the top. I went over to Lilith's desk and grabbed her chair, placing it near the shelf.

I scanned through the books, until I found a few possible books that could be what Lilith was thinking of. I took my backpack off and stuffed the books inside, thankful I forgot all my schoolbooks in my locker. I carefully moved the chair back to it's original place before creeping my head outside.

"Ready for that tour now?" I asked Matt, he jumped slightly before folding his arms.

"You said this wouldn't take long but it took you 20 minutes."

"Want the tour or not? Come on."


Not going to lie, Mattholomule wasn't as bad as I thought he was. He's kinda funny even though he's really pushy. I feel like he's the only one who gets me in this whole coven situation, so I decided to tell him about Luz and I's plan. He seemed to think it was cool we were doing it, but was worried about us at the same time.

I invited him to visit the owl house with me while I visited Luz. Maybe if it comes to it, he may have to learn a spell to destroy the portal. When I got past all the plantation, I saw Luz and Eda practicing glyphs again while King sat on Lilith's lap. Hooty was up in Lilith's face, leaving her with an annoyed expression.

"Hey guys! I got the books!" I smiled, everyone looking over to me.

"Ooo a visitor HOOT HOOT." Hooty came over to Matt, his face getting red.

"Hooty, leave him alone." I glared, making him retract again.

"What is he doing here?" Luz asked, crossing her arms. I felt my stomach drop, what did I mess up now?

"He um... so uh- back up plan?" I shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Lilith asked.

"Well... what if something happens? I doubt it will, but we should teach someone else from the Emperors Coven the spell to destroy the portal."

"He's apart of that coven? Ha! Belos must be getting pretty desperate." Eda joked, making Matt's face fall a deeper shade of red. He opened his mouth like he was about to speak but didn't.

"Amity... you do realize he got me caught by principal Bump... the second time."

"Oh..." I looked back over at Matt who was glaring at Luz, so I elbowed his ribs, making him wince.

"What was I supposed to do? I deserved that spot as President."

"Listen here Mattholomule." I said to him sharply, his eyes going wide, "You are going to put your silly hatred with Luz aside if you want to be part of this mission, got it?" He nodded. I then walked over to Lilith. I could see Luz glare at Matt before following me as well. I grabbed my bag and emptied it out.

After about an hour or two of finding the right spell and practicing it, Luz suggested we took a break.

"Take a break?" I asked, "Listen, Luz I get we still need to stay hydrated or whatever, but if I don't get this spell, the plan will fail all because of me. I can't live with that."

"But Amity, you need to-"

"I can't hurt you again Luz. I've done that enough."

"Amity you haven't hurt me." She started to walk closer to me as everyone else watched.

"Yeah... I did. Luz I can never forgive myself as it is, how can I-"

"AMITY!" Luz yelled at me, "Snap out of it!"

"Snap out of what?"

"Whatever this is! You're acting like everything that's happened is your fault!"

"But it is... I'll just take the break. I don't want to get you mad again." I frowned. Great going Am! Now she hates you for sure. I had to make an argument out of something as small as a water break. What is wrong with me.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit rushed or wasn't as good. My friend has been really into this story lately and I don't want to let her down which I think I did- anyway... TOP 50 IN TOH TAG?!? This is crazy! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support, I couldn't thank you enough.

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