Little Snow Princess

By GreenPuggy

30.3K 965 82

Your a princess traveling from a snowy kingdom to Ulstead. Your kingdom is has gotten word of Ulsetad being a... More

Meeting Udo
Getting Settled
The Tundra
I love you
I'm sorry
Your ok
I shall help
Oh no
Don't die
Losing Everything
Let's talk
Scars and Beauty
Elurra visits
Not so easy
Listen and Learn
Time To Go
His Perspective
Calm Before the Storm
The Truth
A/N, but it's Great News
Finally Together
One Year
Deadly Proposal
🍋A/N about Lemons🍋
A Break
Are you ready?

It'll be ok

1K 31 2
By GreenPuggy

Your POV

Feuer and I were sitting next to the fire in Udo's hut. It had to have been at least an hour since Udo had left. I was starting to get worried. I started to get up and was about to leave the hut. Just as I started to crawl out of the hut entrance, I bumped heads with some else. I looked up and saw it was Udo. He seemed a little darker than before. I backed into the hut to let Udo come in. I sat down next to Udo and asked "So what did the others say". Udo said "Borra wanted to kill you". I folded my arms and said sarcastically "What's new". 

Udo continued "There was going to be another vote but Borra stopped it. He challenged me". I asked "What do you mean he challenged you". Udo ran his fingers through his snow white hair as he said "Borra has challenged me to a battle. We will fight one another and if I win, you will stay alive. If Borra wins, he will kill you". I stared at Udo in disbelief, him and Borra are going to fight one another. I asked in almost a whisper "Aren't you and Borra friends". Udo sighed softly and nodded his head 'yes'. I put a hand on Udo's shoulder and said "Udo, I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have told you. Now you have to fight your own friend". Udo looked at me and said "It's fine y/n, as long as your safe I'll be fine". 

Without thinking I brought Udo into a hug and he hugged me back. As we were hugging I heard Udo whisper "Your mine". I quickly let go of Udo and asked "What did you just say". Udo's pale skin turned a slight shade of pink and he turned his head away from me. He said softly "Nothing. I didn't say anything". I protested with a small smile "You said that I am yours". Udo's face turned even pinker. He sighed and said "Y-yes, I said that you are mines". My smile soon faded and I said "Udo, I don't want you to fight your friend. I'll leave then everything can go back to normal". Udo said in an angry tone "Borra wants to kill you yet you saved him from dying. That is unfair. I'm fighting for what is right and what's right is saving your life". Before I could say anything, there was a knock on the side of the hut. 

Shrike poked her head into the hut and said "Oh hi y/n. I just wanted to check on you Udo. You  seemed really upset when you left the meeting". Udo said "I'm fine Shrike". Shrike turned to me and with a small smile she asked "I'm guessing you heard about what happened in the meeting". I said "Yes". Shrike then crawled all the way in the hut and sat next to me. She said shaking her head in disproval "I can't believe Borra would do this. He's had his fair share of moments but this is just mad". I said sadly "If Borra was truly your friend, he wouldn't do this. If he wants me dead so badly why not just kill me when no body is looking". 

Shrike said "He's a chief. If he killed you against the other chiefs wishes he'd be exiled or executed by the others". I begged "Shrike there has to be a way to settle this that doesn't involve Udo having to fight Borra". Shrike said "Y/n, here when chiefs agree to take part in challenges they must honor their words. Udo agreed to Borra's challenge, now they must battle". I put my head in my hands. Udo put his hand on my shoulder and said with a small smile "Y/n it's ok". I said "No it's not. I'm not calling you weak Udo but Borra is a lot taller and is more muscular than you. He could kill you". Udo said "The battle will be stopped before he could kill me". 

I asked "What will happen during the battle". Shrike said "Borra and Udo are going to fight and you are going to be bound in front of the battle so you can't ran. If Udo wins you will unbound and will continue to live here with us. If Borra wins he will most likely kill you in front of everyone". I said to myself "I can't believe I saved Borra and in return he wants to kill me". I looked up and asked "Ok, when will the challenge take place". Shrike said "In 3 days". I took my head out of my hands and asked " What would happen if I left before the challenge". Udo said while staring into the fire "You wouldn't be able to. You would have to stay within the forest region and someone will guard you, to make sure that you don't try and leave". 

Shrike said while petting Feuer's head "Connal will watch you. I know you trust him". I felt tears began to build in my eyes as I said "I'm sorry. Ever since I've arrived here, all I've done is destroy your way of life. I should have left when I had the chance or better yet I should have died on the ship I was on". Udo wrapped her arms around me and brought me into a tight hug and Shrike hugged my back. Shrike said "Y/n please don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault". Udo said "I'm glad you didn't die on the ship you were on, you've honestly brighten this place we call home. Trust me when I say, I won't let Borra kill you". 

Shrike let go of me and said "I have to go now but remember y/n. The fault isn't yours". Then she left, leaving me and Udo. Soon I just broke down hugging Udo tighter. 


It broke my heart to hear y/n cry. 'She is so scared for not only her own life but she's also scared for me. I don't want to fight Borra. He's been my friend ever since we were toddlers. I'm sure if Ini's life was on the line, Borra would go to war for her'. I brought y/n into my lap and rocked her back and forth slowly. After a few minutes of this, her crying turned into sniffles. I looked over my shoulder once her sniffles had stopped and saw y/n had fallen asleep.

I picked up y/n bridal style, walked over to my nest, and laid her down. I pull the light blue covers over her and went back to the fire. Feuer was already awake and walked over to me. He laid his head in my lap, asking to be pet. I gladly pet his head and continued to watch the fire. I occasionally glanced over at y/n. 'It's only been a month since y/n arrived. Every time either I'm around y/n or she's near me, it feels like I'm about fall unconscious. My words almost always get caught in my throat whenever I speak to her. I'll admit, I've caught feelings for y/n but with everything going on I can't possibly tell her. If I tell y/n about my feelings then I lose Borra's challenge, I'll lose her faster than I got her. I could never forgive myself, I don't think I would ever be the same after that'

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